THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | - - : - - s : is money will ve GOOD MOVEMENT * The public is buying quite freely ll aed LL a a fo | d th are no | " : a OF DRY GOODS | 0 ie of tackoof activity at ~ a : Deliveries From Mills Not Sa olésalors report that there have | ~ * s that mever dn! Heavy Enough to Satisfy heen more sustomers seeking fall or-| __ PAGE SIX. THE BRITISH WHIG) 85TH YEAR THURSDAY, AUGUST 34, 1919. A > Pr -- Hope much « available for the yember, An exchange st the history of Ca: sorts: has there beer of patrons and never iigh. The lack of | . cles is moving 'in caused Kingston}: ceasl 8 lan summer re- | Wholesale Trade. ders during the last couple of Weeks | jg -- ; Bags Bags n such an influx | than has beemnthe case for this sea- was the price of| Toronto Globe. lL son in past years. The genéral ex- - ¥ Ei Kingston's One Price Store Men's And Boys' Wear seasdn, . {weeks mark the beginning of dctive Abi fashion enquiries from. out-of-town visitors for goods fpr fall and winter trade. The -indications thus far are that there will be a satisfactory trade' movement fron all standpoints dur ing the coming months, except inso- far as sales are gestricted by the scarcity or non-availability of sup- plies of commoditics, + ) & fair amount urist trade, but {of staple goods, in which théy save bor®s. hoping for better things in|Tun out of stock. This type. of the Biedr future. business is contributing largely to (fu mre. - the trade that is Weing experienced by the wholesalg houses. . The prin- cipal feautre of the situation is the Shonage 4 Amo | all Qeseriptions of EoqQds, e deliveries woollens : for fall trade promise to consider~| Gents furnishings aYe reported to ably behind time or insufficient in {De Scarce, Wholesalers" buyers quantity to meet all requirements. Who have made visits to mahufactur- Suitings, both of domestic manufac--jing centres rocently find that season ture and also imported goods, are |able lines will®not be produced in stated to be imadeguate to meet the jauantities sufficient to met ths ordi autumn trade demands. Deliveries [Rary requirements of the trade. Tra- from the Canadian-mills are behind |Yellers are for the most part bff the Schedule. While the principal de. {fod until after the Exhibition sea- mand centres inthe tweeds of fine [800 IS over. 24 quality, thers is a general scarcity YOUNG MA N FR ; J o fall sorts of eloth, and manufactur- ers are compelled to limit the quan- No Evid That He' Cansed Death Of Girl. Cazenovia, N.Y, Aug. 21.--Donald tity of material to.a: fraction of the original order. 'Thus the wholesal- W. Fether of Los Angeles, Calif., the young Cornell sophomore who has ers are receiving most of their con- signments by express, since only a been under arrest sigce last Thurs- day in connection with the death of As the Canadian railways adopt ed the daylight time this year solely 'on account of tiie United States' ac- tion along that line, it follows that the daylight saving will not be ef- fective in Canada next summer, as the U.S. parliaments have abolished | ft at the démand-of the farmers. The | president is to be commended for his staunch defence of a time that was + {eminently desired by the great body of dwellers in 'elties tnd towns. Dry goods trade in wholesale ciy- [perience has been that Exhibition $ Young Men's Style Headquarters This week we are featuring a as of splendidly tailored Suits in the newest de- signs and colorings at. Form Fit models. ------Waist Seam models. ----LConservative Three-Button models. Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by BRITS 'HIG PUBLISHING me Co, hfTeD J. 6 Elliott ..... Keman A. Guild THE WORLD'S DISTRESS. Britain to-day is staggering under a debt of almost $40,000,000,000 (£7,800,000,000); she faces an ad- verse trade balance of $4,000,000,- 000 (£800,000,000); her internation al commerce 1s in grave danger; her consumption - is rapidly increasing while her production is on the wane; her people are spending more and earning less. Nor is this position of financial gravity cBifned to Britain alone. It is the common lot of prac- tically every mation in Europe. .The only remedy--and it is bound to be a slow one--lies in harder work, in thrift and economy, public 'and pri vate, in decreased consumption and increased production. Thé peoples of > > the world must get down to hard-pan NM athueh YRINeS au The circulation of THE BRITISH || before restoration and prosperity -be- when the ¥ Ar fasuer, than WHIG is authentionted by the || gins. : : Ps : s » oO re wr Audit Bureau of, Circulations. . The ex-kaiser is said to be lard up: Well, he ought to be! . SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Bdition) 4.004 year, delivered nO we 35.00 n nea BD a Joan: by. me ta rural offioss p One year to United States ........%% {Bemi-Wadkly Edition) $1.00 ar, mail, cask vee Ss ar 4 not paid in advance 3100 One year, to United States $1. Six and three months pro rata, [OUT-OF-TOWN BE Top Bones few pleces are despatched at a time, find speed in delivery is an important Hazel Crance, an 18-year-old Ithaca reconsideration for the wholesale and Jobbing distributing houses. chainmaker with whdm. he went out on Cayuga lake for a canoe trip one month ago, was discharged from cus- tody by order of Justice Michael H, Kiley. Justice Kiley held that not only does the avallable evidence fail to prove that a crime was committed, but that "not a shadow of evidence" has been offered to indicate that Fet- her Bad committed a crime, The young student left to greet his mo- ther at Ithaca. The fact that many of the Cana dian textile manufacturing establigh- ments are-operating partially on ex- port business is naturally limiting the, amount that can be contributed £6r home needs, In addition; there is a noticeable absence of the large quantities of imported 'goods |, that found their, way to . the Cafddian market in formal times. The shelves of the wholesalers tell a story that is in accord with their "explanations. Stocks are generally appreciably Highter than under ordinary eldeum- stances, although the values involved Bruce Owen, 32 St, John Montreal * M. Thompson, 402 en. Bldg. ¥.R.Northrup, 3 F.RNorthrup, 1510 to the Editor are on o ctual nam one of the best job Canada. 7 the a Attached is Printing offices in to. A New York Did Chicago published eo of the Major-General Nathaniel Walter Barnardiston, - commander , of the North China forces, dled on Monday at Felixstowe Eng. fad ~p A GREATER FRANCE: v The old saying. that the future of | 4 - > 1 Le Rippling Rhymes -- a; France lies in africa has, since the war, taken on a new meaning. It im- ples not only that French com- merce is to reach out across the Mediterranean in ever ingreasing vol- ume, not only that France is to draw greater and greater wealth and power from her African provinces, but that France itself is ex- panded to absorb her colonies. As With the youthtul socal set. Glimpse Boys' Norfolk: bt them off Macdonald Park. Does the date on the label on your mewspaper remind you of anything? Act promptly: EMPTINESS: The things I yearned for in 'my youth have'come te me, they all are mine; more than I hoped I've won, in truth, and still I languish and pine; I yearned for fame like other skates, and Ba nown his come to dhe; my name is known in fhirtden states--but T've Ld W. FF. 0'Connor; K.C., is in Wash. ington to learn how to catch the pro- fiteor. But will fie. get the secret Canada: pushed westward, forever extending 'her frontier§ and adding tb herself new districts and popula~ rheumatics in my knee. My picture oftentimes aps , beara in daily prints and magazines: but I look back, through mists of tears, to when I barely earned my Suits Bloomer Pants with patent fasteners at knee; splendid shade of gray; sizes 27 to 32. Bibbys special at 3 : bpans; my laurel wreaths seem 'wreaths of crape, they do not spothe my jaded saul: my teeth are in stich beastly shape I have to bolt my victuals whole, I have tions, so France is te push her bor- * |ders southward to absorb the bound- Aloe Blanche Cook in a thought- | less reaches of her African domains] ful moment said: Right is and | = The beginding Is-with Algeria. She thers * £0) o Tt was likely only exercise that the British navy indulged in when it put the Bolshevik fleet out of business in Gulf of Finland... pe rs op Ra --------c Ry 3 Britain is girding on her armor to meet thc trade war that is fm- pending. The old Briton has been thought the conflict before. Ht misfit bint. The charge is made that "the pub- lie ds intoxicated with extravagance." is causes the H.O. of L. to efijoy Mls. But wait for the dftermath! *. "Britain will rebuild her old pre wir volunteer army, recruitig by _ «which has alteady reached 250,000. ~Oanada, * 14 , a stately Himousime, upholstered ips green yelvet-plush; : therein I ride, with bompous mien, while toMfing \Wrong is wrong; and judgment does| proposes to essimilate this province, | § snap, a stretch of roses and of wine; they look to Gad belong. ¢ to incorporate .it aboslutely with gly map, and wish they had such rh on ~ > : : ts' and privi ¥ the mumble leek; If t3r-an hour of pie I browse. he » ; pints aud privileges ot, * *. = dyapepsii for mweek. The pai ON eave Headquarters for Men's Hosiery and Un i do 1pake of Algeria Jot &{ of 014 naveheen fulflied in every we ; bue I don't valus ; 1] Ta IES: on sends ah y iy; but I t § hold, tes. sf erwear an ROW Fy : i Ho Neat sna gray. Bit benkatirthe sb wis Tig sim |: . . HEIL. This having been accomplish- | the Mivn; ; ed, she would expand across the a 2 a . : WALT MASON, |B' | bodys. will conquer the desert wastes, by : . oe % RA N, 28 . F EE . 2 means of her railways she will con- i . --_-- ay arias oy] jons round me rush. No doubt they think my life's France; to bestow upon' its people B. 4 Bul I-mast eas the food of cows. the tasteless prune, new France, but a part of France it~ ow J of we, ( the Jism; ofio thing alone looks good ta, the, And {hat iseyouth, and it is, "= Union Made Opveralls--Carhartts and Pea- Sahara. By means of irrigation she ' ao quer its vast distances, and. when the Sahara fies been made to bloom she will work down into Sendgal and Dahmey and tive Congo, to bind thém alsa to herself, to make them parts of a new greater France, | There is Something superb, some- thing inspiring, in the great plan. To a country Mke Germany, od in 4s it is on all sides by foreigm popu~ lations, it would be an impossibility. Tremendous Reduction in Price : of Prime Western Beef But France has only to reach across ; . I the Mediterrinean and the opportun- "ca Fhahay i 3 SENT ETT Porter Mouse ¥ BIBBY'S i . Jon, i = ¥ SE ) Ch Ya Steaks IDEAS AND IDEALS,» | wid A few days ago that eminent Ca- nadfan, "Sir Wiltlam Osler, regius professor of medicine at the Univer, Sirloin ' : sity of Qxford, celebrated his 'séven- : : S y 1 o » tieth birthday. In" honor of the * LOWE BROS, ERNICOL" « ------Floor and Varnish stain. She ----For woodwork, floors or furniture. : a ~----made in'eight colors, oi: 1arge octovo volumes gf essays, Son<| . f. o tributed to by more than a hundred ® and Bfty different writers, his pupils, event he was presented with fo | er Ig