THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1919. TO START Girls with from ore to two years' experience in working on men's 'will be paid this salary with quick advances as they gain ex- perience in operating on Woman's Cloth coats. No pressing. Apply JOHN NORTHWAY & SON #1 Wellington St. West, Toronto Batescourt SCHOOL Will Re-open Sept. 8th 1919 Pupils received in all grades, including primary and colle- glate classes. For terms, ete, apply to Ada. J. Bates, 85 Wellington street. x Por C.dlendar apply to the Bursar, School re-opens Sept. 17th for Boarders; Sept. 18th - for Day Pupils. New Boarders enter Sept. 16th. GANANOQUE (From Our Own Correspondent.) | Aug. 23. Under the auspices of} Protection Lodge No. 51, L.O.L, the 4 Newest Notes Of Science A bicycle tire invented in Europe {is made of closely 'coiled steel wire. Four pins attached to the rim of IS A SERIOUS BOWEL TROUBLE Very few people escape an attack Summer Complaint. | Summer Complaint | |of It may be steamer America took out @ large ex-|% eW platter hold meat nrmiy for |slight, or it may be severe, but near- cursion party to Alexandria Bay on Thursday evening for a moonlight t rip. Mre. Willlam Tomkins, King street, met with a severe mishap by falling in front of her residence and against the window of the adjoining building, cutting her arm and hand quite seri- ously, Pte, James Drummond, who went overseas with the 3rd Battery of the ls4 Brigade in the fall of 1914, end saw service during -the entire war, has returned to town. Prof, John H. Loud, of Boston, Mass., gave an excellerit free organ recital in St. Andrew's church on Thursday evening, when E. O. Emer. son, also of Boston, rendered a num- ber of excellent vocal selections. The Hitle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Appleby had the mis- fortutie-to hreak her arm recently by a. fall on the new cement sidewalk on Charles street north. William Forster of Kingston, fac- tory inspector for this district, was in town this week. Excursion To Brockville Fair. Per str. America, Tuesday, Aug. 26th, 8 a.m, Al afternoon in Brock- ville. 756c. return. For use at sea a Scotchman has in- vented a gyroscope mounting for a telescope and a chair for its user, which is ciuimed to keep the glass rointed at an object irrespective of the motion of a vessel carrying it. Two British inventors have design- ed an automobile that is run by gas manufactured by a producer carried on the rear of the vehicle. mn | ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE ITEY, ONT A FEW ADVANTAGES A City Country School. a8 miles from Toronta, > Gymnasium, Swimming Pool and FOR SALE Lots 50 ft. by 120 ft. to 15 ft. long. overlooking - rence on Kensington Place; paved street: Doalevard. heen Buy quick, as these lots and location can J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Kingston services established. never be duplicated. - Apply to: Telephone 703 i | a century ago. fll | sourian claims to li process for extracting potash from | | cottonseed hulls. carving. i British scientists ' have "detected traces of light more than 300 feet un- der water, Billboards on which figures are made to move by electric motors have been patented. Electricity is replacing all other forms of power in Bombay's exten- sive cotton mills. Malt extracts have been found valu- able for laundries in removing starch from clothing, Successful experiments in growing peanuts have been conducted in Meso- potamia by Englishmen. To afford a stronger grip on wires new pliers have handles that are shaped like a pistol stock. An Englishman has invented appa- ratus to electrolyze sea water on ship- board to form 'a disinfectant. A vocational school for its employ- ees has been established in an ldaho mine 14,000 feet underground. Natal is expected to break its sugar producing record this year with an output exceeding 140,000 tons. + The sides of a new vacuum washer for laundry purpuses are corrugated so it can be used as a wash board. The Union of South Africa is pro- ducing 19,500,000 pounds of butter a year and 4,266,000 pounds of cheese. |, Its inventor has patented a pneu- matic helmet composed of inflatable rubber tubing to protect babies' heads, With a view to increasing its ag- ricultural production Italy will estal lish an experiment station in Tripoli. Novel snowplows of recent inven- tion for automobiles are carried on sled runners in front of the forward wk.eels, According to a Roumanian scientist, old age is due solely to a decrease in the amount of water in the human system. ; A Texan is the patentee of a new hamess to hold a rod for a fisherman and leave his hands free for other pur- poses, \ Guatemala's salt industry, which began soon after the Spanish con- quest, now produces nearly 2,000,000 pounds a year. Experts have estimated that 20,- 000,000 tons of paper pulp can be pro- duced each year from India's bam; boos and grasses. A recently invented folding porch grate for the protection of children can be folded out of sight into a pil- lar when idle. New Zealand is reforeésting with larch trees an extensive area that was devastated by a volcano a quarter of After years of experimenting a Mis- ave perfected a To enable one-armed persons to eat ergs an Englishman has invented a wooden cup with rubber feet that pre- il| vent its slipping. After studying thousands of cases i a South Dakota scientist decided that four per cent. of human beings are il born left-handed. Since the 'United States assumed ll | control of the Philippine islands the number of lighthouses has been in- creased from 29 to 151. : A new electrical call bell for hos- tients' use gives a continuous ditions. vent! 3 around. est wages ull 'We can also ployment. {deal conditions, In Toronto at present you may obtain work at your own trade, under the most desirable con- Our ry is oné of the most modern; best and comfortably conducted plants in Canada. Work is available in it all the year Experienced ® can make the high- the year around. ey use beginners and will ood . 'wages to them and assure them SAY on So, if you would like to wark in Toronto, under call and see our Mr, H. M. Niven, at the Randolph Hotel any time between 2 p.m. and 8 pu, Tuesday, August 20th, and from 9 a.m. 2 pm. Wednesday, August 1 i ¥ pital p signal until a person answering it shuts off the current. So that a bicyclist can use his ma- chine for gunning a Frenchman has invented a Support to hold it still while he is firing his gun. . 'When not in use a new erib for in- fonts can be folded and slid between the springs and frame of an adults' bed to save space in a room. For the use of convalescents an Englishman has invented a cane from one end of which can be unfolded a projection to rest its user's feet. Invented by a New York man, a t permits up to camera af eight different photographs being ta- ken on the same film without inter | ference. Italy has one-third as many tele- phones in proportion to population as France and only elightly more than one-sixth as many as Great Bri: {ly everyone is liable to it. | You can't tell, when it seizes on i you, how it may end. Allow the profuse diarrhoea, the i vomiting and purging to continue for {a day or two and you will become {weak and prostrated. |, i Just as soon as the bowels become loosened up, get a bottle of Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and check these unnatural! movements, and thus prevent the system from becoming weakened. Mrs. L. J. Alteen, wife of the well known wholesale and retail Fish Dealer, 44 Hill St., Amherst, N.S. writes: --*'1 have four children, the oldest being eight years old. Every summer, they were troubled with Summeg Complaint. Doctors' pre- scriptions did not sem to help them any. One day a friend asked me to use Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. 1 at once got a bottle, and to my surprise and wonder, I soon saw a change in them. I now keep a bottle of it in the house all the time, and will recommend it to any mother." "Dr. Fowler's" is 35¢. a botle. Get the original which has been put up for the past 74 years by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. To protect the eyes from an electric light without interfering with the il- lumination in other directions, a metal shade to be attached to a lamp with a wire spring has been patented. A Brazilian engineer has invented a process for casting 1ron pipe by cen trifugal.force, which distributes the molten metal within revolving cylin-; drical molds that are water-cooled. To economize in the use of gas a cover for gas ran has been pat- ented in which the heat of each burn- sr can be confined to an opening above it or divided among two or more open- ings. Two French scientists contend that 10 per cent. of the chickens in that country have tuberculosis and that the disease runs as high as 28 per cent. among poultry in some other countries, A recently invented watch, in addi- tion to the time, shows the day of the week, day of the month, and the moon's phases automatically, while {he names of the months are changed by Hand. A company has been formed in Den- mark to manufacture a fuel briquet, patented "in several countries . and which is composed of peat dust and brown coal, from which the water has been evaporated. Each baffle plate in a new auto- mobile muffler is flanged and overlaps the next section, forming a part of the outer casting, which its inventor and rattling. , In a new rear signal for automo- biles pressing a button on the steering wheel lights a red light and lifts a semaphore, which is pped and the light changed to green when the but- ton is pressed a second time. Utilizing a eter, a French scientist has inven paratus. for measuring 8 invented of human bones and tissues with which, among other things, he reads a perscls pulse more accurately than by x A recently patented rifle ta is cumposed of agers which absorb the energy the bullets and drop them into & rece a the fame time registerin place of x ime v indicator at a distance, pact om an a el ry 'A. GREY PHONE 1788. | claims, prevents its becoming loose | BOUGHT OUT MEAT BUSINESS I wish to announce that I have bought out the meat busi. ness of Mrs. W. G. Ainslie, corner of Princess and Clergy Streets, and I will continue the same as an up-to-date MEAT SHOP, carrying a choice stock of all kinds of Cooked and Smoked Meats. Choice Western Beef » Specialty. Your patronage solicited. H. 0. FISHER PHONE 158. Arh National Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H., THE PRINCE OF WALES EXHIBITION British Grenadier Guards Band 'War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare-captured b, Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's Flying Circus Cols. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in surrendered German planes. WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph The Most Stirring of all Grand Stand Spectacles Last Week to Get Cheap Tea I will sell the balance of my stock of 60c. and 70c. Teas for this week at .....50c per lb. This in face of two advances in wholesale prices. The Thompson Bottling Co. GEO. THOMPSON . Phone 8304 on i 809 Princess Street Palm Olive Soap Three Cakes For 29 Cents SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41 Cor, Princess and Montreal Sts, Canadian operations SYerseaty y Is uniform day after day, has the flavor that pleases; sends the kiddies off to school satisfied, anad hurries them home again for more. 11 Centsa 1 1-2 Ib. Loaf. Phone 467 and our salesman will call. The surrender of the German Fleet SEE verte: Custie-- Victory Arch. Allenby's, entry into Jerausalem. benim m------------ And a score of other extraordinary foay pare Le ar te --- TS a fact that purity: and 1 cleanliness are the watch- words of this up-to-date baking establishment. Purity . of ingredients----personal clean- liuess of employees--scientific sanitation of our workshops and machinery are guaranteed to the public whose pure food appetites has popularized our output. So 3 WE WANT TO BUY 25 Used Upright Pianos !! WILL YOU SELL US YOURS? 'We will pay cash for it at a reasonable valuation, based upon the date of its manufacture and upon the condition it is in. Or If you prefer, you may accept the figure das so much cash to apply towards the purchase of a Player-Piano, a high-grade Phonograph or another Piano, Grand'or Upright. Fill in the coupon and mail to us. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED ©. W. LINDSAY, Limited, gun | COUPON 21 Princess Street, vid 4 wie» wee ave PIANO 1 KINGSTON. "Send your representa Gentlemen :-- TDHRAVe & ... cn: oiiivesinvius which I would like to dispose of. tive to see it. NAME . "een. «ew