SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1019, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE THREE The heat of Sunburn is quick- ly taken out by an application BEST'S BALM The effect js simply marvel us--the heat and pain disap- r at once and leave the skin cool and comfortable, Large Jars 25 cents. The Popular Drug Store Open Sundays At Best's Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. Those peo they are many) he S nd hey Siveal of an vA fend the On are agre aston- i ished to find rgd as made us, it causes no pain, mfort, or ineonven« And We Use Neo Drugs, Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 Princess Street When Commander Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army addres- sed the Grand Lodge of Elks, at an executive session in Atlantic City, she achieved the distinction of being the first woman ever accorded the honor. We have recently received from New York manufacturers, an assortment of very high grade 'Desk Sets --and--- Photo Frames These are of an altogether new type and are designed, some in BROCADED SILK; others in BRASS, SILVER and BRONZE. Wedding Rings--Marriage Licenses SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Established 1840 King Street : Kingston od AG wOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street ATR Te Saturday Specials McKelvey & Birch Ltd., Brock St. There has been a lot of seriolis, hard driving to supply the splendid values we are offering which have come to us. in two shipments of Sponges, Large Sheeps Wool Bath Sponges; Say soft; splendid value 85c; Saturday Large, round, Washing Sponges; good shapes; good value 50¢; Baturday ........ es ¥ a ol of wi To oll the N. X. Off; regular ES Machine or reser savans Now is the time to freshen up the Doors and Windows. Saturday, we will offer your choice, 12 shades . Thistle Beand House Paint, 75¢ qt. can. pint ean; 25¢. 14 pint can Your ¢thoice ¢ shades green, 3 shades red, & other nice shades, 40c. For the Man Who Shaves Himself Saturday, we are mak- ing this special offer -- Wade & Butcher English Razors, fine hollow ground; regular price $2.50; Saturday ...$1.75 Sr apawriter.=intg® 8 us. bottle Now is the Time to Have the Furnace Overhauled { { 1] Sask, Told In Twilight (Notice-- Hereafter, the Whig, In {common with other papers all over | Canada, will make a charge of 50c. for inserting an engagement, mar: | riage ar reception announcement. * * Mrs. Thomas James, 92° Victoria street, gave a childrens' party on Thursday afternoon from four to six in honor of her small daughter. Miss Leishman. Kingston, spent the {past week with her aunt, Mrs. 'S. Brien, Camden East. Mrs. John Joyve, Bethany, has re- turned home, after spending a couple of weeks with her brother in King- ston. Mrs. H. Pratt, Kingston, with her small son and daughter, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Amos Rawlinson, Dorland. Miss Zeta Kenyon, Kingston, visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. Robert Fennell, Norwood. Mrs. BE. J. ¥. Williams, Brockville, is with her parents, Col. and Mrs. C. N. Spooner, Frontenac street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Spooner, West- mount, Que., spent a few days with Col. and Mrs. C. N. Spooner, Front- enac street, on their way to Kenne- bunk Beach, Me. ® * s Archdeacon Beamish, Belleville, and Rev. J. W. Jones, Kingston, are spending the week at "The Grove," Trenton. Miss M. Granger, Kingston, has res turned after spending the past week with her 'niece, Mrs. R. F. Smith, Odessa. Miss Lilljan Rawlinson, Dorland, visiting Mrs, Pearn, Kingston, for the past two weeks, has returned home. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. 8. J. Shorey, of Napanee, are in Picton for a few days. Their daughters, Misses Gussie and Mary, have been spending a few weeks there at = "Thornhill," the beautiful bayside residence of Mr. and Mrs.'J. W. Hawley. Miss Florence Doller, Kingston, has spent the past two weeks visiting her uncle, Arthur Van Slyck, Mor- ven, and Miss Mary VanSlyck, of Napanea. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pullen, King- ston, were Ingersoll visitors on Wed- nesday. * * w Miss Bessie Morton, Kingston, spent a few days the guest of Miss Gladys Sword, Gananoque. John C. Dunlop, B{A., Kingston, and his sicter, Miss Jessie May, nurse. in-training, Watertown, N.Y., are spending their vacation with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dunlop, Wil- liamstown. Mr. and Mrs. John-Dower, George street, have gone up to Toronto to #pend some time with friends. F. Orr Lewis, Montreal, and form- erly' of Kingston, entertained at luncheon at the Ritz-Carlton, follow- ing the launching at Vickers last Saturday, of the "Canadian Miller." His guests included Sir Montague Allan, Rene Redmond, and the }| Hon. Mrs. Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norcross and Miss Nercross, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen White and Mr, Blackwell. . Miss Jean McCallum, Saskatoon, is spending the week-end with her sister, Mrs. A. G. Simmons, at 11} | their summer home onthe St. Law- rence, ' Miss Violet Welbanks, Picton, has returned from 'a pleasant visit with | Hi relatives in Toronto and Kingston, Miss Sadie McClelland, Kingston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bee 8S. Welsh, Picton. Her cousin, Miss Ella Welsh, gave a theatre party for her on Friday evening last. Mrs, A. Adams and Mrs. (Dr.) H. Mabee, Odessa, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Case, Picton. . Mise 1sabe¥sard, Deseronto, is vis- iting friends in Kingston. Mrs. James A. Ringer and two | daughters, Picton, have been visiting i}! Mr. Ringer's parents and relatives at Smith's Falls and Kingston. Dr. W..G. Augiin, Wits Island, is Sujoving a holiday in the' Adiron- acks Miss Hazel Carey, Toronto, is the 'guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Gorrie, Earl street. Miss Creighton, Portsmouth, Miss Ada Bates, Wellington street, spent a few days at Bostwick Island this week, Mr. and Mrs. John Aird, nurse and and , have Jeturtied, 'and been at "the. Outro" Unadella, N.Y., for the past two weeks are now the guests of Mrs. Broadwell, at Sea- bright, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Hodgson and little daughters, Babe and Peggy, motored from Ottawa and spent the week-end with the Misses Elliott, Di- vision street. + . * 'Mr. McKee, Kingscton, also Mr. McConnell and Stuart Beaubien, Deseronto, are cuests of Mr. and Mrs, Alexander McKee, Port Miltord. Recent. departures from Hillerest summer. resort, Melville, were Mys. Hanlan and the Misses Hanlan from Kingston, whe spent a long pleasant holiday at this resort. - One of the jolljest parties at Chris- tie's Lake this season. occupied White's cottage and consisted of A. W. Gannon and son, Francis, Misses Marion Gourdier and Kathryn Oldfin, Messrs. Fred.McGall, Bert Barry, V. M. Oldfin, Lieut, Leo Oldfin, all of Kingston; G. A. McNamee, Regina, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Gour- der, New York. A iss Duffy, Kingston has been vis- itifg Mr, and Mrs. F. Lally, Corn- wall. » * . Jack Marsh, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. -W. T. Minnes, at "Hill- croft," left yesterday for Montreal. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Sydenham street, are delighted to hear that their plans are changed, and they intend remaining in Kingston. Mr. Ritchie, who has. been spend- ing some time In the: city, left, on Friday, for Ottawa where in future he will reside. Miss Wilhelmina Gordon, Univer- sity avenue, has as her guest Miss Violet Burton, ¢ of England. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lee anjl small daughter, Vada, North Bay, are vi- siting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lee, Earl street. Rev. Cecil Whalley, King street, is in Toronto, and will be away till the end of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, Wolfe Island, left yesterday for a trip to Winnipeg: Miss Gladys Beatty, Ottawa, is the guest of Capt. and Mrs. Peterson, Brock street. Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Martin re- turned to Toronto on Thursday, af- ter a delightful holiday 'in Beacons- field, Que. ER Miss Blanche Ként, Montreal, has gone out to Point Claire to spend some time with Miss Mollie McBride. Mr. and Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie street, returned on 'Thursday from Ottawa, where they spent a few days. Masters Jack and Joe Wright, twin sons of the Rev, J. de P. and Mrs. Wright, Albert street, are guests this week at St. Mark's rectory, De- seronto. Col. Victor Anderson, who has been overseas for the past three years is expected back in Ottawa this yo Col. Anderson is accompanied by Mrs. Anderson and their children and will remain for a few weeks with his parents, Col. and Mrs. W. P, An- derson. ae Nursing Sister Rhoda Wurtele on the staff of the Military Hospital, Kingston, since her return from ov- erseas, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. Wolfred Wurtelg, Ottawa. Mra, eh ; Tre ' ting Mrs er, bin R. Hodgson, Toronto, is visiting the tisecs -ElHott, Division street. Mr. { Mrs. 8. Thompson, Brook- iyn, N.Y., left on Thursday for To- ronto, after a few days' visit with or. -and Mrs, J. C. Bennett, of this cit; Nr. and Mrs. W. H. Wormwith; Earl street, have returned from a stay at the Sandbanks. (Gontinued on: Pages 3 } on, Pages 8 and' 16.) THE MAN WHO WINS Is Always Fall of Ld of Life and Energy Fallin Ate Weak and Bloodless. Some men seem to have all the luck. If there are any good things going these men seem to get They make other people do thei ~--they are leaders. If they ness men they are Suéteistul; if they are workmen they get the foreman's Job. They ave the power of influ encing people. baby; who have been in England tor health. PROBS: --Sunday, showers; mostly fair and warm O-NIGHT AT STEACY'S Scores of attractive bargains are offered for thrifty shoppers. The vast majority of bargain-wise people take advantage of these Saturday night sales at Steacys. QUALITY SERVICE VALUE value in every case. LISLE HOSE LISLE SOCKS "es sea. a HOSIERY FOR ALL THE FAMILY Each article mentioned i is exceptional COLORED LISLE HOSE 160 pairs, Ladies' Colored Lisle Hose, | in all sizes, and colors are taupe, smoke, pear], tan, brown and clay; new fall price $1.00apair.............To-night, 75¢c. 100 pairs only, Black and White Lisle Hose; in all sizes . . . . To-night, 3 for $1.00 CHILDREN'S HOSE 100 pair Children's Black one in one ribb, School Stockings; sizes 51 to 74; worth 60c. a pair .......To-night, 45¢c. 50 pairs only, Men's Black Lisle Socks; sizes 10, 104, and | |; worth 45¢c a pair . . veers sesses To-night, 3 for $1.00 ity, variety, style and value. NEW FALL WEAR An assemblage in New Coats, Suits, Dresses and Waists that will gratify the most fastidious wearer from standpo of qual- "MILL ENDS" DRILL A small balance of 100 yds. of Drill, in a variety of colors; 27 inches wide; worth 40c. a yd. .. | rh iseaai assis Tonight, 27¢. LADIES' VESTS 60 only, Ladies' weight Vests; fine Swiss ribb; worth 60c. each ..To-night, 45c¢. medium HUCK TOWELS 15 dozen large size, Cotton Huck Towels; good value at 45¢. each . ....To-night, 3 for $1.00 MEN'S SHIRTS 50 Men's Negligee Shirts, in a variety of patterns; sizes 14} to 16. . +ivivenan.... Tonight, $1.50 ¥ A SWEATER SALE Our whole stock of Ladies' Silk Knit Sweaters--about 25 "in all--offered at a great reduction for a quick clearance. Priced $13500mup one Tonight Less 20% TABLE RUNNERS Battenburg Table Runners, 25 only; large size/18 x 54; worth as" eerie Ge Tonight, Te V a EF : good width: finished 'with red yd Tonight, Sle