Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Sep 1919, p. 14

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Np i PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG * ® J . - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1019. SALE OF SURPLUS | MILITARY MOTOR | VEHICLES | From the Countryside | a. EA a u + daughter's, Mrs. Richard 'Wilson's. | Mrs. T, Leeman at Sanford Leeman's, T. Babeock #8 putting up Frontenac ¢ fencing er « A 18 PA r Ambulance a . SYDENHAM. } gor Oars, assembled at 1 » | . SANGSTER J Aug ~The lecture wlich was and Ottawa 1 I held ir % i given by Rev R. Reynold aid of . a » | the league was a decided = ess. The y 6 | Bldg r ot | lawn social which was held in Charles ner Wellington sires I Qang- | Truscott's groveun aid of the library tawa, from Mon Le "Ch funds was a failure. The rain put a Monday, Sepbemb - nt y | damper on the sports and in tead of t ats hon ¥ 10 'om Goulden and | am | giving meals on tha grounds as in- plies And Transpo Milita lv, Mrs. Tim O'Neil and family _ | tended they wera given in the town | London on the amo dat , Falls! N.Y. at James O'Connors; {hall and also thé programme for the er RecA Monday, Rep tem : @ : y i Jennings; Miss | @vening which was provided by the noon O'Connor and Miss Bertha orchestra of Napanee Excellent Forms of tender may at J. Cot ne's. | Music was given. Some of the eiti- | r, visited from either of ¢ oY Toronto Director of Cor ; 1 Militda ®nd : Ottawa. Tender must be made on the f supplied end forwarded me | 7608 are attending the Toronto fair. | A great many of the summer Vv isitors | have retur®ed to their homes. There | has been an abundance of rain in our vicinity puller ar Defence, BU NKE R'S HILL. lope marked "Tender fou yrospecting a RR Se places for folds. PERTH ROAD. dt Ge ei "8 ow in, the walls | Sept. 2 The harvesting through- " > or . green since the [out the neighbourhood has been com-| . -At Pembroke, 3 Babcock of Smith's | pleted. Maple Leaf. school opened | iwelve years of age of ¢ Harvey | 1018 wéek with Miss J. Clough as! , Ont, had his foot so 'ba rrowsmith | teacher, and. Pert' Road school with | by the wheels of a tzer's. Bir- | Miss MM Raymond as teacher. H. have to be lave to be amputs E Millines Our first s 2» at their | McCadden took a trip to Ottawa re. - men i cemtly Aired Babcock: of Copen- |hagen is visiting his parents. Miss | Myrtle' Raymond spent a few da) of last week with friends at Moun-| tain Grove. Miss Blanche Redmond at: ing Sydsuhaih High School. Mrs Watertown, Stokes. Geo. Opening howing of Fall Millinery en tn of lay is assisting James Mid- : 3 he cheese factory. Mrs. H THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th "Shales and Miss WW. H. Watiaos| y : h Nine. T xt tion. and following days. Rov Bagwell er fr ers nd at Maple Leaf last week MISSES GRA AM & BUTLER > --e 370 Princess Street. OPEN ™Y RSDA EVENINGS { Leeds a -- - - - ~~. I ~ CHARLESTON. | Sept. 1.--Pte. John B. Ward arriv- od in Charleston on Friday from ov- - FOR SALE Lots 50 ft. by 120 ft. to rence-on Kensiagton-Place services established Bu never be duplicated | peated thelr performance on the ver- latidah of Foster's hotel on-Saturday- | evening. Mrs. Charles Slack and Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh attended the funeral Apply t fof their brother-in-law &nd uncle, the | {late Michael Slack of Wilstead, at : TT | St. Patrick's church, Lansdowne, on Telephone 703 J. 0. HU ON | Friday. Many from here attended the wre social at Oak Leaf on Tuesday even- 67 Clarence Street, Kingston [in in aid of Trinity church. Rev. y | Mr. Baiton of Camp Veda has been conducting. the services in Trinity church while Rev. Mr. 16 ft. lox ; paved lek the St. law- garden; all location can so Great War Veterans' Association I PeaceDrive STARTS TO-DAY | | FOR 5,000 SUBSCRIBERS TO "THE. VETERAN" IN | . KINGSTON AND'DISTRICT ! ~~ The object of the Drive is to provide Fands for the Kingston Branch. The annual subscription for "The Veteran' is Two Dollars. The Commission usually paid to outside canvassers will be paid into the funds of the Branch. The workers™are all voluntary and carry credentials on the inside of Receipt Books. . pT Subscribers should preserve their receipts. Each receipt is numbered. wa f VICTORY BOND PRIZES. A big draw will take place at the end of the Drive of all the numbers of the re- eeipts issued during the Drive, and if our objective has beeh reached, two $100 dol- lar Victory Ponds itil be given as prizes; one to each of the subscribers whose num- bered receipt ¢ ponds with the two numbers drawn first out of the "Box." i 1f our objective is not attained, the prizes will be given on a' percentage basis, , if 30 per cent. successful, the prizes will be halved. : | We would point out fo our friends that some of our | invalids; therefore, in order to leasen the work and Con is | 1 | | Sr can do so to send elr subscription; 32.00, by mail to SECRETARY-TREASURER, E. WARBURTON, l 'G.W.V.A., 67 Princess Street. Be - Etre some wire lately | ill continues in poor health. | |erseas. The camp Veda minstrels re- | Code was tak- | fm GENERAL SIR ARTHUR CURRIE. From photograph taken of him upon occasion of his visit | to Toronto on August 20th. BO ae ing his 'holidays. 'W. Wright, cheese maker, Athens, was through here on Saturday in the interests of the Nes- | tiles. Food company of Morristown. | The farmers are unable to finish their harvest on account of so much rain. LYNDHURST, Sept. 1 The farmers are rejoic- ing over the rain which will help the potatoes and vegetables. Grain in ge- neral is a poor crop. Mrs. J. Kirkland had a stroke and she is very poorly. ,R. G. Harvey went to the Brockville fair. He had a stroke in town and is in the General hospital. Miss Jessie Blackman of Watertown, N.Y., and Mra. W. O'Brien and little son of FHlnt, Michigan, are visiting Mrs. Tate: Miss Anna Harvey of Wiston Ontario, is spending her holidays [with her sister, Mrs. C. Sheffield: Miss C. Harvey of Ottawa is at her | sister's, Mra, C. Sheffields'. LOMBARDY. Sept. 1.--Lombardy fair is to be held on Baturday, 13th inst. Mr, and Mrs. John Ryan, Brooklyn, N.Y., are visiting friends here, Mrs. Elizabeth Balfe, Detroit, Mich., is spending a short vacation with relatives here. Extehsive repairs have been-meade on the roads in this vicinity. Mrs. W. | Reynolds and little son returned" to | their home in Frankville after spend- ling the past few weeks with/ the | former's parents. School opens | Tuesday, 2nd inst, with the former teacher, Miss M. H. Gleeson, Almonte, in charge Mrs. Frank Covell is.a patient in St. Francis hospital, {Smith's Falls. Misses Margaret {O'Mara and Annie O'Mara, Toronto, are visiting at their home here. Miss | Kathleen Kelly returned to Lanark { last week after spending a few weeks at her home hére. Quite a number | trom this vicinity left for Toronto to- day to attend the exhibition. Robert Marks; Tincap, spént last week with | friends here. Mrs. E. Cottrell, New | York, caled on friends in this vicin- | ity last week. Mrs. Kelly, accom- | panied by her daughter Phyllis, "re- turned to Watertown, N.Y. on Sat- urday. 4 | Lennox and Addington ODESSA. Sept. 1.--Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mec- Guire, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs Fred Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, | Denyes, Rochester, with Mr. and Mrs. | Harvey Denyes. Clarence Lapin, Wa- | tertown at the Dominion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurley, Walla Halla, yNorth Dakota; with Mr. 'and Mrs, John Schermerhorn, Mr. and Mrs. | Charles Gordon, Beston, with Mrs. | A. Gordon.. Mf. and Mrs. Clarence Lee who recently returned from ov- | erseas with relatives. Mrs. Will Hinch land son Ogden Hinch, spent last Sun- | day with friends. Among those who | are attending the Toronto. exhibi- {tion are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | Sharpe, Miss Nellie Clyde of the Ro- 'yal Bank and Miss Florence Clyde, Kingston, visiting, their. brother Courtland Clyde, ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Hamm, Alfred Babcock, Earl Silver and Mrs. O. D. Lewis. ' Mrs. Ralph Benjamin and Miss Verna Benjamin have returned from spend- ing the past two weeks with rela- tives in Watertown. Mrs. B. J. Os- wald and daughter Mary, returned from visiting friends in Kingston. Miss Mary Millsay, returned from visiting relatives in Murvale. Miss Zita Kenyan returned from spending her vacation in Millbrook and Nor- wood. Miss Beroyl Jones, returned from visiting relatives in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Ashford Bell, who have been the guests of Mrs. N. T. Snider and 'Mrs. Ferguson and children who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Schermerhorn, have returned to their home in Kingston. Miss Ethel Fraser has been engeged as teacher at King- ston juncticn. Miss Jola Heath is at Bedford Mills. James Denyes, Violet has purchased the Albert Snider pro- perty on Ferguson avenue. Miss Mar- jorie Munroe, who bas been spending the p two months agcompanied her grahdparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho- mas Sharge to her home in Toronter fn i LAVANT STATION. Sept. 1 --Schoo! upened Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, with Miss Agnes Lett, Snow Road, as teacher. Jack Gray spent the week-end at his home in Clyde Forks. Mr. and - Mrs. John Flake are spending a few days at To- ronto exhibition. Mrs. James Arden, Kingston, spent Sunday at 8S. B. Jacob's. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Browning and family spent Sunday at A. Bingley's, nd. Bert Bing- ley, Poland, - viSiting friends here. Diss A. Watt Merrickvills, is spend- AAA AAA eA A A ing some time with Mr: and Mrs. Wil- ltam Thomas, 'Hillview Farm." Mr. and Mrs. George Sproule and baby spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horne, Jodore. 1) Harrowsmich Happenings. Harrowsmith, Sept. 2.--Miss Mur- fel Stewart has returned home from Battersea, where she spent the past two weeks¥with the Misses Ormsbee. B. G. May has purchased a new Chevrolet car, Mr. and Mrs. Lean- der Baker of Shannonville, .amd Arch. Forsyth of Toronto, were am- ong the week-end visitors. Miss E. 'M. Clow, Mre. J. Ciow, Mrs. A. W. Stewart and Miss Muriel Stewart motored to Wiltoh on Monday after. noon and called on friends.. Barney Day and party motored to Varty. Lake on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Galbraith. | Mr. and Mrs: J. Clow-and Miss Effte | Clow' are spending to-day with Dr.| A. H. and Mrs. Leonard of Mitchell- | ville, Iowa, at Byron Gordon's, Glen- vale. Public school re-opened to-day. | Miss Alice Garner of Kingstodi 1s spending a few days with her par- ents. She will enter Rockwood hos- pital next week as a nuree-in- -train- | tng, Miss-Dorothy-Garner is-attend- | ing Sydenham high school. Mrs, Lit He Cole and Miss Ada Botting have | returned after spending their holi- days in Kingston. ee st-- TWO-CENT POSTAGE SUBJECT FOR DEBATE Ottawa, Sept. 3.--Hon. Rod- olphe Lemioux, once postmast- er-general in the Laurier gov- ronment, thinks Canada should go, back to the two-cent postage. The United States has done 89. To have a debate on the point he has moved a' resolution stating that 'the time has come when a cheaper rate of postage and of cable communi- cations should be adopted." STILL ANOTHER BIG GOLD STRIKE MADE IN WEST (Canadian Press Despatch) 'Winnipeg, Sept. 3-=--=News of another sensational gold strike, this time in the Contract Bay district, feventy miles from ---- I will sell the balance of my stock of 60c. and 70c. Teas for this week at 50c per lb. This in face of two advances in wholesale prices. The Them pson Bottling Co. GRO. psn f Prop. 209 Princess Street Phone 304 it i Last Week to Get Cheap Tea | Palm Olive Soap Three - Cakes E or 29 Cents SARGENTS DRUG STORE a ------------------------ FURS-- Everything in Furs obtained of us will be found of the high- est quality, perfect in fit and right up to date. Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET. Kenora, was brought here fo- day by Robert Wachman, Chica- | go salesman, who claims to have | made the find. The strike is a | pay streak, says Wachman, | containing two hundred thous- | and dollars to the tom; sur- i rounded by other ore that will' | mill one hundred thousand dol- | lars to the ton. i Coates-Fraser Wedding. ! A. pretty wedding was solemnized | at the home of the bride's mother,| Mrs. R. A. Fraser, Aberdeen avenue, | on September 1st, when Evelyn Ell-| zabeth was united. in marriage to' John McNab officiated. Frank Willis Coates. Capt. the Rev. | The bride, | who was given away hy ber uncle! Cyrus B. Huffman, was unattended! and looked charming in travelling suit of toupe silk and hat to match. | She carried a bouquet of yellow! chrysanthemums. A buffet luncheon | was served after which the happy, couple left on the steamer Toronto for western points and Muskoka! lakes. | { i Married In Ottawa. i k place on Thurs- | the Blessed Sac- | The marriage { day, August 28th, rament Church, Margaret (Lena), the late Mr. and i formerly of Kingstbn, to James Fran- | cis, son of James Khaw, of Halifax, | N.S:, both of Ottawa' The Laurentide C fits for the year of compared with $2.95 a TOYE'S BREA Is uniform day after day, has the flavor that pleases; sends the kiddies off to school satisfied, anad hurries them home again for more. 11 Cents al 1-2lb. Loaf. Phone 467 and our salesman will call. THE CHOICE OF A PIANO Great care should be exercised in the choice of a plano nowadays; many are the claims put forth by numerous makers and to the lay mind' these many claims may seem perplexing. When investigating these claims one should look for several things first. The tone, the appearance, the workmanship, the name and its reputation, and last, the method of selling. On all these points. the Lindsay Piano - eclipses all other makes in its price class. If you hage in mind thé purchase of a piano do not fail to see, hear and try the LINDSAY before fixing your choice, i Sold on the LINDSAY Easy-Fayment Plan One Price Only--The Lower , for Cash . i 121 PRINCESS STREET, RINGITON t A --------------

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