"FIRST COMES QUALITY THEN COMES STYLE You don't have to trouble about quahty when buying Livingston's Good Clothes. There's no worry about style either. You're sure of the latest models. Here our guar- antee takes care of everything quality, style, fit. ' You don't need to fook further. The best clothes values in town are sold at this store. You know if you have ever worn them that any clothes sold by Livingston at a fair rice are low priced. No matter what you pay for them in our store you get a lot of value for your money. $25,00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00, $45.00 and prices between. Livingstons "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" We close at 5 p.m. Saturdays 9 p.m. A Ee Special Values In All Wool Navy Blue Serges FOR DRESSES, SUITS, SKIRTS AND ¥ An immense variety of this popular ma- terial in all the wanted styles of Twills from the finest to the very heaviest; all the best EE -------------- Branford Dyes; guaranteed, and priced | much below present market prices. From $2.25 to $7.50 Per Yard. - pi ---------------- RL nd Ja Grand Hyland, = { was seen By i POLICEPATROL BROKEDOWN _- AND AS RESULT POLICE OCONSTA- BLES MISSED THE TRAIN. Six Drunks Had Through Polite Taxi. "Six drunks ¢ from Montreal. Have men station to get them to. Be to Belleville--Kingston Had Quite a Time With a atl This was the message received at |; police headquarters early Wednes- day morning, a t time before the arrival of the train from Montreal There was hustle and bustle around the 'lock-up' and in order to get to the station quickly and not mise their quarry, a call was put in for a taxi. The tax! man was wide awake, even though it was close on to four o'clock in the morning, and was soon on the job. Four husky bluecoats jumped into the car. : "Te" the outer station, quick," cried the constable in charge of the night raid. The car was off like a shot, full, speed ahead, but alas! the police a trol did not get very f Whe reached the corner of Princess oo .Bagot streets, it came toa full stop Out jumped the taxi man and he his best to start the oar, but there was nothing doing. Then it, bu was no use f the car to be on its wa One he train would with the six 8 it ¢ owid the to go, but ed at this time of two of - 'an idea they the job and refused absolut another car," suggested one of the panty. "If 1 only had my bi- cycle I could get t e allright," iid another me However, not g single car within hailing distance, and to cut long story short, the constables miss ed the train and the six drunks; a result -the rai carried the men Be llevill e where they were put in the ) K- up." So, instead of havir n Kingston, the vi tario Temperance in Belleville This incident shows the need of a police patrol for the local poli that they would have it on hand at all times, to respond to calls. The board of police commissioners de- cided some time ago to b police auto, but evidently ther ment to cut down expe lice department, all the police car has not yet chased ' was a to Act 3 SO is a in the po- time, been move- as the pur- Theatrical At The Grand. A splendid entertainment was of- | fered to the large crowd at_ the Opera 'House last evening. the pretty Fox star, in a five-reel feature, "Caught in the Act," a delightful live | story of adventure and intrigue,with {the inimitable Miss Hyland in the leading role and supported by | all-star cast. Harry Carey, the fear- less Universal star, was seen in a six- reel feature film, "The Riders of i Vengeance,!' a play of the t West, full of thrills and beautiful i scenes of the plains and hills. Other reels shown were a Mutt & Jeff car- toon, "Bullying the Bullsheviki," and the Universal Screen Maga ine No. 33. The vaudeville was of the amusing variety, and consisted of ! Butler and Scott, in a singing and dancing act that won instant acknow- ledgement of approval. This bill will be repeated te-night for the last time.--Advt. =rommse i The Great Blackstone. The great Blackstone, man and Houdini, will appear at the Thursday, Sept. 4th. He is different | from any other magician. tnat ever isited Kingston, eliminating all re- to business, conducting the audience through. an exhibition: of magic sleight of hand, mystery, spiritualis- tic seance, mental telepathy and aer- jal disappearance that is not and can erformer. His feature of human reation where no humans seemingly xist, of making bodies disappear i right under the eyes of spectators, | are marvelious in the extreme. | Advt. L | P {ec e TO FIX "SUGAR PRI GAR PRICES | Wholesalers To Be Limited to 1135 | Cents a Pound. (Canadian Press Despatch) Montreal, Sept. | Commerce will probably fix a maxi- | mum price for sugar for both whole- | | saler and retailer within the-next day or two, in order to mitigate the ef- | fects of the alarmist statements that were sent out from the wholesalers' convention lately that sugar would | g6"to eighteen cents of more. The | probability is that the maximum for. i wholesalers will be 11% centsa pound and that the retatlers will be allowed, t0 charge one cent a pound more than the wholesalers, plus | freight charges. | ~ "4 - Admiral Cowan, commdnder of the British squadron in the Baltic, has arrived at Helsingfors, Finland, in connection," it is understood, with reparations for an attack on Petro- 3383 The Prince of Wales was given a reat reception and demomstration he coaxed | constables ordered the | but still the car | e- flies, and the | and y authorities | tried | an | Great | { admission-- ithe only | magician who frivals Kennar, Herr-| Grand for three nights, commencing | Y ference to himself he gets right down | ot be duplicated by any other living | 3.--The Board ot] x STOCK 'MARKETS. tations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co.,"' 237 Bagot Street, New York Stocks. Carried 2! +» . : 1 on board G.T.R. train N outer | 0° Union Pacific Am. Loe. Anaconda : Bethlehem, §S Int. Nickle .. Rep. Steel 2 UNS. Steel .... 'Oanadian Stocks, Brazilian .. 30 68% Can. Cement Can. Steamship . . i Cons. Smelters .. . iDom. Steel .. | Maple Leaf .. 693, 83% 30 68% B six 198 sas POPCORN VENDOR SEVERELY BURNED; GASOLINE EXPLODED n his gasoline tank, which he s nuts and pop- is serious The Greek peanut vendor was at the Montreal streat entrance to Pap- pas' pool parlors when the explosion { occurred He was busily engaged in ing popcorn at ti time. His wrecked, and the steps ol re were badly scorched. A call was sent the firemen, and they made a quick 150 and ex- tinguished the hich had started on the a fire ex- | tinguisher GASOLINE SUPPLY ASSURED. Danger of Famine is Overcome Co-operation, o danger By is n of a. gasoline n is the cheering statement of one of the motor industry represen- tatives who took part in a recent conference with representatives the oil. industry. 'There is going to be gasoline," h now of olen nt Ay ! refiners are able to give motor can, industry in tion as to the grade of ga which wil be furnished and e engine-builders can plan the cars accordingly so that the carburetors used will be those best adapted to to the i [the grade of fuel that they are to op- erate on." There was no hope held out by the | refiners that the country is going Ito see such high grade gasoline 'as {was on sale genegally before the war as the usual 'grade. Instead, the héavier grades will be produced and designers of cars can base their plans on this advance information, carburetion being figured on the basis of consumption of this kind of fuel "The Terror Of The Range." A great smashing Western serial seven weekly episodes. Betty Compson, sweet, sympathetic hero- ine, ag the lovely daughter of the blind rancher. George Larkin hand- {some athletic hero, as the Secret Ser- vice operative sent to hunt down the "Terror" and his 'gang of masked riders. Thrills, punches, stunts in every episode. Commencing to-night at the King Edward Theatre. Usual ~Advt. in Testing New {Gas Tank. The Davis and Farnham Company have completed the work on, the steel i lining to the new gas holder, and on {| Wednesday turned on the water in order to test it Hor leaks. If it proves tight, all th#t will have to be done to it will be ine placing the overhéad stays and painting the iron work. The new holder has a ca- pacity of 300,000 cubic feet of gas, which is just double that of the old holder. : The Indians of 5 Saute Ste. Ma- rie reserves are preparing a big de monstration as a feature of the pro- gramme when the Prince of Wales | arrives on Thursday. Dollar Day, Thursday, Sept. Allan M. Reid Shoe Store. dows for bargains. | Sweet potatoes a Carnovsky's. | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR * PRINTING 5nd: -- A | 20 Market Street 3 DAILY ME#OBANDUM. See top of pa,= three, right band | | corner, for probabilities. BORIx. KNOX--At Kingston, on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, 50 Stanley street, a daughter (Geraldine Frances). . DIED. CUNNINGHAM --In Kingston, on Sep 2nd, 1919, Gordon James, only so of Mr. and Mrs. rge Cunnin ham, aged ¢ mo s and 23 days, Funeral rivet, a nuraday morning, St. Mary's Cathedral. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254: and 856 PRINCESS STREET - Phone 147 for Ambulance. '~ ROBERT J. REID i The Leading Undertaker. Phone 577. 7280 Princess 8 8 om f loyalty at North Bay on Wed ay." He left about noon for Sudbury nd the Soo. gh dows for bargains. Many a man who knows his - own mind Bond] a somewhat limited ac. huni atanes. | skets $1 to $1.50, at Carmowiys | Dollar Day, Thursday, Sept. 4th. lo Allan M: Reid Shoe Store. See win-| This week for Bartlett pears, big | 4th. | See win- | -------- I THE DAY LY BRITISH WHIG De ----------------------------------_----) A AAA AN. A A A TS RI 'The New Autumn Frocks You Will See This Fall WILL BE The Rustle of Taf- feta. The Satin. of Whisper de Chene Crepe with all its charms. Fine Wool Serges, so serviceable 'far street wear and yet so. wonderfully smart " ad -- and beautiful filmy Georgette Crepes. Every Frock has a style of its own, shown exelusively by us, and in- cluding all of the modes in making, and fashions in fabric that are recognized as distinctive designs for Fall. Priced at $20,00, $25.00, $30.00, $35. 00 and | $50.00. --_SEE THESE TO-MORROW. __NOW READY | The New Butterick Style Book FOR AUTUMN, WITH THE LATEST FALL PAT- TERNS, IS NOW READY AT THE PATTERN COUNTER : A John Laidlaw & Son Limited > - dre paying particular attention to Children's School Shoe both for boys and girls. We believe in selling only good hoes and we do not kno wingly sell anything but lea- ther. Any boots we sell you for your boy or girl will give . good §ervice. Try these: . Boys'IKip Lace Boots, size | to 5 Girls' Dingols Lace Boots, size 11 to 2. Staller sizes cheaper. Lockett's -- il pT ------ ee 3 5 Es 5 s Ss = = E