Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Sep 1919, p. 1

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i ' 16 PAGES ) = YEAR 86: No. 208 SHALL OR BIG NAVY 1S ISSUE Fears of a Lively Fight Immincat Over ¢t This Matter. BARONFISHER'S STATEMENT HE GOES IN FOR VIRTUAL '} SCRAPPING OF THE NAVY, he Campaign for Administrative Ec- onomy - Is Gaining Momentum - in 'Britain---Thé Cabinet Is Called-- What to Do With the Navy. A Nad 8 pa i Landon. for admin gaming w Bonar Law ender th Gommons A Chamberlain, chance f ex chequer, came to 'London wes pecially to hold a meeti f the cabinet. which Lurzon, pre stre rm n ( Earl er in the House of Lords George Nicoll without portfolio. It Ytood that the discussgon centred around nation I ance, being particularly ed to the question he would be safe to redu timates for the vices, The demand o Kkilverstone lord. for the of the already ground that a required now has been d printed in all has caused a Naval experts, n consulted, considered that Baron Fisher's proposal much too drastic and fears a expressed that there is immin ent a great fight between the advocates of a small and bi navy. Jarnes, un sie una ce the es- lofans Baron Fishe former. first s dint tual half of scrapm navy, which 18 in the navy not Germany has. bee: papers ahsolete big that ated he 0 ef great sat who have be a NEW YORK WOMEN New . thousand women, membe eight community banded together campaign for fair 1 will inquire neighborhood groe any of them are exceed council to-day into 'fair price list the women will re- part them to the food adminis- tratér. . The women also aim buy caraf and avold ing in small quantities. chasing cheaper instead of dema er articles, they i another blow to hoard- By pur grades of d ¥ » choi tend to st the -------------------- at Freight Wreck On CO - Brockville, Sept -Ear morning at a point three m Portland, a serious wreck occurred, when fourteen cars of a west-bound heavy C.N.R. freight train left the 'rafts and piled up in the diteh on both sides of the track. An auxiliary crew was sent from Trenton, and it required about twenty-eight ho ars of hard labor before the track "was cleared of the debris "N.R. --y Rev. Peter'J. MacLaren, Russell, Ont., was chosen as moderator the Ottawa Presbytery. € ot ¢ included ident of the council, and fe of Lor lead and IN I | 1 A A RNS | The. Prince Talks With Officers of the Guards at Toronto. je Daily 10 SB AN AMERICAN rar it T0 Bucharest to lust Upon Immediate ° Reply to Supreme Council's Notes. MAF St An Amer pean Outs as no d WOULD INVITE KING 'TO LABOR CONGRESS! Personal Appeal from His Maj- = DIFFICULTY _ ENCOUNTERED RING SELECTION ITABLE DIPLOMAT QF ican, It Is Felt by the Euro- Members, Would Be Too ken. Jespiatoh) } nity encountered by th in finding a satis® who he task esire togs was willing Appare: nission, as are said ly prove esty Might induc: Workers to Make Special Effort. 0 rich he known.: prior, will espa ) 2 Fhe "Trades 1. will assemble tember §th, prom- t ever held Already made that Balmoral, ad the opens bor leaders peal fror the to make a nal interest Int AS pure the cl 3 begin opera € Button the Co., buil®ing n factory, Arn- tions shortly. @ AA A tim i | would t is! i glad 4 it KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1919. - Distant Places. TIDINGS FOR OUR READERS { * POSSIBLE FORM. The .Whig's Dally - Condensation of the News of tho World From Teles graphic Service and Newspaper Exchange. Tre Great War Veterans of Can- jada and their comrades in the United | States have linked up toge ; The Fiume prublem wiil agreement that the "\ity buffer state, with dinterland. retained his ti champion of Great Brit- ing out Eddie McGoorty the seventeenth round John Ussher, an operatur, dropped 1 while ng his pipe and talk fe employees at the an will a ex- an KAISER'S NAME MEANS fii 8.0.8. FOR CARBOLIC| Disinfectant Needed When Ex- ile is Mentioned, Says Billy Sunday. in With Hydro sub on Govern from the « Toronto, Sept /~In referring t e war, Rev Bill 8 g in the Arena yesterc ated that the atrocities ¢ y the Germans would the name "German" a stench the memory of man. The the traffic . were Karl Radek, one 1 the Spartacan risi return to Russia Thelma ram, fifteen years of age, was killed by a fall a horse al Midland during the ci ception to soldjers lors on Lat Das 8 apply i 3; r American manufacturers 1 be allowed under [a ruling announced by the U. S. War Trade "Board Talk about possible third topic of lively ton as a result tour of the west An Americ rigade the Lithuanian army rmed, according to the fon of the I the peace ference. Jack Kearns, manager Jack Dempsey, announced that he would jaccept a guarantee of $175,000 eof- fered to Dempsey tobox Georges Car- pentier 1 Germany, t u as ior Kaiser {wo su Fh liqu oe President Wilson .as a term cand is a intern in Washing- of forthcoming te ris for has been military ithuanian delegation i ee years you and the An iples for whicha¥ » "United States into ot service ir Rit to Wein the game or shut our he declared $ could the world would be spluttering, mut ing idipts and fools, "If Germany had wone the rather sleep in a graveyard under the British flag than ride in a Pierce-Arrow under the German flag," declared Billy. 'This vice promoter, Sabbath-brea- | honor-wrecker--this blue-faced | ck of the liquor business I am stood wo for have | 1 ot ering, {outs of railroad employes and thus iprotect the public from transporta- or Robinson, Democrat of Arkansas Two American aviation officers, {on border patrol duty, were fired up- 1 a jon by a group of Mexicans while fly- A come to Canada to fight," he | ine yp the Rio Grande near Laredo, said, adding: You wouldn't surren- ¢Texas, and one of the officers was der to Germany. You are 1 | wounded in the head. drop your flag to the liquo Before leaving Washington to- "Germany lost {night on- his speech-making tour of from Jesus Ch |the country, President Wilson wih church will issue invitations to labor leaders, fin- Christ to the brewer lose if 0 d a +. (10 @ttend a conference early in Octo- "ber for consideration of the problems THE PEACE TREATY of 1aD0F and of Bos Whe dice CABLED IN COMMONS Cr ; A Cable Received from the , President of the Republic or, of Poland. ' -------------------- PACKERS FINED FOR HOARDING Ottawa, Sept. 3.--The peace trea- | t¥, whieh through a ministerial mis- | understanding did not reach the ta- | ble of the Commons yesterday, was! tabled yesterday afternoon by Sir Robert Borden. All these documents were tabled in English and French, The Eng- lish set was procured from the Gov- ernment of .the United Kingdom, the French from the Government of] France. The English version will be 1% distributed to the members and Se- nators, the supply of the French ver- wion being strictly limited. At the opening of the Honse the Speaker read a cable from Jan Pad- erewski, President of the republic of Poland, a document showing how the | prestige of Canada has spréad since the war begin, In this President Pa- derewski sent a message of congra- tulation on the laying of the corner- stone o fthe new Victory Tower of Parliament, expressing the hope that "the bonds of amity formed by Can- adian and Polish soldiers on the bat- tlefleld would be continued and; strengthened." Milwaukee, Wis, Sept. 3. -- Cudahy Brothers Compaay, packers, to-day pleaded euilty in the District Court to twenty. three violations of the coid storage law and was fined the maximum amount on each chee totalling $2,300. REOPENING TRADE gard to Dealing With Cen= tral Powers. curiosity is being evinced by British public regarding the effe. tral European powers. soma time that Ge been sending &irculars to ---- Lord Fisher, forme gfirst sea lord, declares that the Brit sh navy is al- ready obsolete and appeals emphati- cally for retrenchmer Secretary of the Ug. Navy Daniels has accepted an Inytation to visit Vancouver and Vietrida with a por- tion of the Pacific flcet, b The Commons did 'not Wednesday. resumption of business relations with the Central powers. cilities it will be virtually impos- sible' for any considerable consign- iments of imports to reach Great | Britain for poms time to come. | . RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIKI ARE SEEKING PEACE TERMS (Canadian Press Despatch) e, fept. 3.--The Russian Bolsheviki golations following the rout of their forces which are , according to official announcement received here. going despatch, while it does not refer to any par. pel in Russia, probably has reference to Lithuania olshevik were said, on Tuesday; to be sure and to be offering to make peace, 5 : Sunded meet on Bern Wa have proposed Wace ne KINGSTON INDUSTRIAL FAIR SUBSCRIPTION LIST. -$2,347.00]A. B. Cunnityham Li "a 15.00] A Torther list will | = sree dase AN AMAGS AMARECIUSL | A law to prohibit strikes or lock-! {anclers, manufacturers and farmers! WITH GERMAN PEOPLE| Hesitancy Still Exists With Re-|favors the selection of London, Sept. 3.--A great deal of 'Although it has been known for man firms have British | business houses offering articles for | sale, it was generally believed some | hesitancy still existed among com-| méarcial houses with regard to the! Owing to the lack of shipping fa-! of i Prince Visits St. Andrew's Hospital, To rn a INDIAN REFORM | + I§ CONSIDERED A Jomt Select Committes Is To Make Recommendations. i w WITNESSES RON OI = DAILY PUBLICATION OF . CREATED INTEREST. A Large Body of Indian Opinion Fav: ors the Selection VIEWS Provincial Men In of | = Governors From Public England. fideo on f the daily pub- before the id [ the Lords ate scheme propounded by State for India, Sir and Lord tary Chelmsford, the Viceroy, {which fhe Commons gave second i reading conditionally on the appoint- ment of the joint committee before- mentioned. which was to obtain views of the v opinion, the committee's the bill - Numerous dist arious classes of Indian t of recommenddtions in with the idea inserting inguished witnesses, and deputations representi | inturnational interests, reli | political bodies, officials and com- ious and {mercial men, both European and In-| dian,' came especially from India to give evidence Their opinions fered considerably, but they general- ly agreed that some measure of re- form was necessary The Indians have been endeavor- ing to impress the committee with the necessity of liberalizing the cen- jtral Government more than the bill! proposes. Objection. was raised Zo {retention of full control over fiscal policy by the Government in London {Indian opinion, backed by eminent { white educationists, does not see eye to eye with the Government. India's desire is that secondary and higher {education should comé within province of the latter, instead of be- ing controlled by the provincial le- gislatures. A large body of Indian - opinion provincial {governors from . prominent public {men in England ang it is understood {that Indians regard the prospect of { liberalization of the bill mo jably than wher the ¢pmmittee began the [its labors. ct of | the reopening of trade with the Cenm- MORRISBURG GIVES SOLDIERS WELCOME Each Returned Man Presented With $25--Day's Receipts For Memorial. Morrisburg, Sept. 3.-The citizens Morrisburg held a grand welcome {home for her soldiers Monday. The {town was gaily decorated, the local ibranch of the Women's Institute having charge of the welcome. The returned men were entertained with aquatic sports on the beautiful St. 'Lawrence in the morning, horse rac. ing, games, etc., on the Fair grounds in the afternoon, and werp given a banquet at the St. Lawrence Hall at night. Each soldier, about sixty in { number, received a donation from the | citizens of $25. The receipts for the | day amounted to about $2,000, which | together with $7.500 previously sub- scribed for the purpose, will be used for a memorial for Morrisburg men who were killed in action in France. 1 i : Vi : Hands, London, Sept. 3. --A War Office communique says: "Fighting on the Archangel-Volog~ da Railway continued all day Satur- day, August 30, for the possession of | the village of Emptaa, which changed {hands several times. No British | troops were engaged in this fghting. { Our airmen bombed Plesotska beav- { ily. Russian troops attacked and cap- tured Madish fifteen "miles east of Emptza, on Friday, August 20th, tak. ing ninety prisoners and one gun." 4 i MANITOBA AHEAD ithe | g varied dif- | the | re favor-| ction, ronto, Officers' Se WITH HER HARVEST heat Grades Not Highs Late Barley Reported Disappointing. Wi Sent Tt pg Th A ah Depart vie dwin Montagu job {tion tie-ups, is advocated by Semat-|was recently. embodied in a bill to MACKENZIE KING ' AY RUN IN P.E.L |Convention Likely to Offer Him { Nomination in Prince tietown L., Mac 2 be the Liberal car ce County in the by-¢ held Oct. 2 It is i {that he will accept a unanimous { mination { A convention is t mergide next Th ered the nomina | legates from Prince Count tawa convention just after {ected Liberal leader. A. A {wil be Mr. King's opponent unless {he is appointed lieutenant-governor, { his name beink prominently mention- ed in connection with this position. Communistic Battalion Disbanded. Vienna, Sept. 3 th hi 3.--The famous 41st Ba supposed to be the most Coémmunistic jand radical of the National has been disbanded at the instance of ithe Soldiers' and Workmen's Coun- cil. The better elements will be ab- sorbed into other units. Newspap- ers, in commenting on this step, say that this: '"'purifies'" the National | Guard, | | l. t VIBCOUNTESS RHONNDA ' Britain's busiest woman and her hus- band, Sir Humphrey Mackwerth, have réached Canada on a vigit to the Peace River country and' id on Lefurgey | ttalion of the new Austrian army, | Guard | .j of the British commonwealth. EDITION, WILSON'S TOUR WITHOUT EQUAL | Importance of Questions Which Hang in | Balance Unprecedented. T0 AFFECT WORD PEACE | TO DEAL WITH -LIVING COSTS 'AND-WAGES OF WORKERS: > He Will Not Cover As Much Ground As Other Presidents- But His Ap pals Will Be of Vaster Imports ance Than Ever Before Presented. Washington 3 The specoh- making tour of the country' which 'President Wilson start to-day will be the greatest ng of its kind ayer underiaken. by a" Presillion of Sept will th Presi« Wash~ twenty-five odd or so that from cover nearly so as President McKinley S-country tour in 1901, Roosevelt 1503 1911 in or ft in Bu questions whi depending 1 t the immense importance of the hang in the balance, n the acceptance or re J 4 appeals President Wil- son' will make to tha people in his speeches-- dealing with the peace jtreaty and league of riations, the high 05k of living .and the general strike sitnation--have po equal in history Upe a ction of ti ) 1 the series of speeches Presi- son will make from coast to t'may depend the future peace of whole world and the future do- fc welfare of the people of the United States as directly A ted by lal nat ire { the i the péacea purpose be to ob the people for € league of nations whipping the Is certain he will touch 'very Vv upon the other two burning 3 before the American peopia tha high of living ana wages of workers ¥ The President is expeacied to; forre me some solid arguments teering in foodstuffs have a poticeable moral { stemming the rise in food pricas to place the national economics ation before the people in such way as to halt temporarily at least the clamor on all sides for fhereased wages or strikes + t cost . NEWS IN BULLETIN. : . Rumania will not sign the peace treaty with Austria because of clauses introduced by American delegates Germany will deliver all Zeppelins to the Allies that were made before the year 1919. ~ The miners have decided to accept no compromise from the British Gov~ ernment on the guestion of the ns-. | tionalization of mines. Work on all airships has been ordered stopped by the British Gov- ernment, throwing five hundred men out of employment. The British cableship Colonia has finished laying the cable from Great Britain to Brasil. . Former Emperor Charles of Aus | tria-Hungary will leave Switzerland, {but his destination is unkapwn ARR ATTITUDE OF PRINCE IN CANADA Daily. New Favorable Also in | ment on Premier's | Ottawa Speech. | London, Sept. 3.--The newspapers | give prominence to the speeches of | Sir Robert Borden and the Prince of [Wales at Ottawa. The Dai News, {referring to the Premier's speech at | Friday's luncheon says he defined { with perfect clarity the relationship, | of the several members of the family The News proceeds to point out that the very fact that the union of empire expresses itself through the symbol of the throne impels all who care for Empire unity to rate the symbol pro- portionally high. ~ "And it is due here to recognize the good feeling, freedom and can- der with which the Prince is discharg Ing bis embmasy," continues News. "He has appreciated the {tations as -well-as the responsivi pa and privileges of his office, and in a field where deviation to the right or left would be easy, he has kept with sure and unfaltering Instinct 16 the middie course." LAUDS i Bill For By-Elections. BU 4 pige Sept. 3.--8. W. Jacobs, mem or George Etienne Cartier (Montreal), proposes again to pre sent his bill to require the holding of by-elections within sixty days of a constituency becoming vecant. The bill is based on legislation in fores in the United Kingdom. It was pres. ented last year, but was still © ho. order paper at jrorogation, i Six hundred shopm York¥Central falo on Tuesday The strike 1s union, --

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