Le gE PS 2 Pd om I. cs PAGE TEN Don't Grope In The Dark Get an "Eveready Daylo" Flashlight 5 Per Cent Off This Week The light thal says FALSE STEP here, or o vrong turn there, rads impossible even on ithe blackest of nights, by an Eveready DAYLO. It points the way --Surely and Safely. Don't ask for a flashlight get an Eveready DAYLO «. ALL YEAR ROUND Massey Bicycle $55 for $542.00. San A --- # MASSEY 25% off all Baseball Goods, Bicycle Lamps Treadgold Sporting Goods Compan, A tr Ps At Ai, pt SATISF ACTION GUARANTEED /& repair work of maguetos of all kinds, including marin. stationary and motor cars, lighting, starting and gemeratin, systems of all makes, and storage batteries. Inquire about the mew t bone dry battery before purchasing. 2 . : -_...WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock St. I. LESSES, Prop. "Phone 1340 | "tee, | and sportsmanship-- {ly another name for chivalry. nn THE DAILY BRITISH mA IR GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN ATHLETES TO BE BARRED FROM OLYMPIC GANS pes German and Austrian athletes have have been barred from the Olympic | games in 1920, and may be perpet- ually disfranchised from tion in an international sports. This announcement was made at a! dinner at the University club, New | York, by Elwood S. Johnson, director | of Y. athletics in the A.EF., who! | has just returned from a conference | commit- | By mutual agreement the ene-| 'with' the Belgian Olympic mies of the allies will be denied ad- mission next year; and France and Belgium propose to make the in- eligibility perpetual, Johnson said. "THé games will b8 held hext year in an immense stadium outside of Antwerp that was built by the Ger- mans during their occupation, and { 'used for training soldiers and their "turnvereins Col. W. Johnson, chief athletic of- ficér of the A.E.F., apd chairman of the inter-allied games told how the big mieet was put | across. DEATH ROLL OF SPORT participa- | committee, | | | Picked to Win Latonia Derby if | World of Sport | "So the list of University Blues," { he says, "with which our catalogue { bogins, must not be taken as a | either in Oxford or Cambr Eton, Harrow, Winchester, or . resided the sole mainspring a courage. that showed widespread as the furthest limits of our race and flag. In the intense physical test of | modern warfare the sport of England | more than justified itself; for it was seen to be ro monopoly of a trained or aristocratic minority, but the heri- tage of the race; and by its gifts ana ail that they impled we were enabl- ed to overcome the mightiest mani- festation of mechanical man-killing {| the world has ever seen". In the lists are scores of the most famous names in modern British sport--names of men who distin- LUELLA SAY /- HEAPS OF FOLKS GET BY IN THIS WORLTA BY KEEPIN THEIR MOUTHS SHUT AN NOT LETTIN ON HOW LI THEY wNow! ------------------ Suished-themselves-in-athieties; box} ing and fencing, cricket, foothall, | 8oif, hockey, lacrosse, | and racquets, racing; | polo, rowing, winter and | yachting. sports, ------ | WAR PENNANT IS FAVORED Colt Owned by Commander Ross Kentucky horsemen are inclined to make Commander J. K. L. Ross's | War Pennant the favorite to win the English Sport's Last Post Contains! $59,000, Intonia Championship Sta- 4,000 Names. > In commemoration of the famous British athletes who fought and died in the great war, The Field, of Lon- | dom, has published a most intersting special supplement under the title of 'The Last Post: The Death Roll of Sport." It contains the names and biographical sketches of 4,000 great athletes, and also contains many pho- tographs. The lists are arranged al- phabetically in tw [orms--accord- is ing to names and according to sports. Sir Theodore Cook has written an introduction, in which he points out that sport has proved one of the greatest military assets a nation: can have. It is a training, he remarks, in daring and endurance and discipline the latter mere- Sir Theodore points out that as the love of sport is universal in Britain, so the virtues that arise therefrom pene- | trate and inspire the whole people. - q PICARDY A NEW MODEL IN~ TOOKE COLLARS TOOKE DROS unis nonmrea, "MU wnonrec [EASTERN HATS & CAPS sor DAD and £is LAD "The National Stoke' a Back of every successful product stands the policy of the house. The Bachelor cigar is backed by a policy of greatest possible value for the money. IPE IRES * Anorew WiLs EERE ry JEFF PUT THE ISSUE TO A TEST oI CALL ME SKEPTICAL JeFr" WHEN 1 TEL Him WHY I BoauGHuT THIS RAVEN! Po: wRer ™ AIN'T A CROW, MUTT, THIS IS THE BIRD EDGAR ALLER IT'S A RAveN kes. The installation of War Pennant { 4s the favorite was occasioned by his | showing in the Trvers Stakes at Sara- toga, when he finished second to Ha- | nnibal in the $12,500 event. In that | race the mile and a quarter route ! was covered in 2:02 4-5. War Pen- nant carried 120 pounds then, which is within two pounds of what he will be asked to pack' in the Latonia Championship Stakes. Four -candidates-fer the Latonia competed in the Travers-- War Pen- ant, War Zone, War Rocket, and Cir- rus. It was this showing that has led Kentucky followers of the turf to Le- lieve that' War Pennant has the best chance to win the fifty-thousand-dol- iar purse. War Pennant was nominated for the rich purse by A. K. Macomber, and it was the fact that he had been aominated for the Latonia Champion ship Stakes as much as anything else | that made Commander Ross go after the thoroughbred. The former Ma- somber colt 15 Well bred and should ave plenty of staying quaiities, be- ng a son of Jim Gaffney-Maltha, and 1e.als0 has a lot of speed and game- 188s thrown in with his ability to go 2 route, It is for this race that ' Trainer 3edwel]l has been pointing War _Pen aant. Bedwell has worked hard to get he colt in shape so that he coul lave plenty of time to put him thru be hard paces necessary to fit him t leng race of a mile and three ters. MICHIGAN-ONTARIO BALL. 'ne Year Was Enough--Michigan Towns Ready to Quit One year of the Michigan towns nd of the Michigan-Ontario Bases 'all League seems to have been nough for the Michigan towns, and nuch more than enough for, the On- tario cities, who have been carrying the league along. The Michiganers are ready to pull away, and a circular recently sent out by Sdginaw shows the direction of the wind and the strength thereof. They offer some players for sale, making the explana- tion that as there will be changes in the circuit next year and as these men are:-good Class B. players, they will be too high-salaried to carry in a lower classification next year. If the Saginaw team---leading the league--finds the grade too heavy. Flint, Battle Creek and Bay City are certainly over their heads--and the Ontario towns know it to their cost. The movement now is evidently to £0 back to the Canadian League cir- cuit, taking in Montreal, which with Ottawa in the east, would make a strong end down there. At any rate, the Michigan-Ontario seems to have come to the end of its tether. ---- Canadian Crews For Olympiad. The Canadian Association of Ama- teur Oarsmen will be represented at 'I the A.A.U. annual this month at Ot- tawa, and will recommend the pur- use of Canadian crews, and also that Canada be represented at the Olympic regatta -at Antwerp, "Belgium, next year. 'They will also advise the ap pointment of a coach. The committee appointed by the C. A.A.0. at the recent Royal Canadian Henley at St. Catharines to select crews for the Olympiad will likely be cajled together during the conven: tion at Ottawa when it is the inten. tion to discuss the whole matter. The association is desirous of securing information and advice from the Montreal, Brockville, Ottawa and sther clubs. : nn. lawn tennis | hunting ang | chase of an eight and a four for .th+ * MOONING AND SPOOING A full moon is romantic But, sweethearts, be on guard its glow is apt to show The hammock in the yard. SOME ARE Marie's beauty is only skin | deep. | Yes, but she's awfully thick skinned. THE HAPPIER LOT | watch the glad vacationists Pack up and start to roam As they depart, I'm glad at heart That } can stay at home, CLEVER I know a min- ister who al ways has men In his congrega- tion. How does he manage it? He built a small church at the eighteenth hole, and they attend after the THE FEATHERED JOKEK Papa Bird: « Well, | guess this will fill the bill, eh?" There is plenty of room at the top, but as soon as a man gets there he tries his best to occupy it all, * But few girls would refuse to share | a young man's lot if he happened to | be worth $1000 a front foot. Well UNIVERSAL pipe The Wellington is the most popular Pipe ia the world. And no wonder! With a Wellington you never tire of . Pipe smoking. The well catches ail the moisture and keeps the smoke clean, dry and cool. There's no bub. bling. The top opening in the bit carries the smoke up--away from Your tongue. Good dealers have Wellington pipes in all shapes and sizes, $1.00 and up. See that the pipe you buy bears the WD C triangle trade-mark. Jt means genuine French briar, seasoned by our own special process and guar. anteed against cracking or burning 5 - through. meg erp : rerio WM. DEMUTH. & CO. New York Go Carts and Baby Carriages 1 * Large stock and low prices-- High Chairs, Kiddie Koops and Cribs. R. J. Reid LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 577 Pine Mouldings DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, TRY -- ~ Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street - - = Phone 1042 CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS St. Lawrence Ale & Porter Also manufacture all kinds of soft drinks. We deliver to all parts of the city, = 2 Special attention given lawn socials and picnics. "A Tyo, 478 Princess Street Phome 848 Love realizes its blindness shortly after the marriage ceremony. : Ministers preach and physician practise. > age of a woman. A wise woman newer questions the | RAILWAY ACRE bi se ae = a 2 adhe TRL ¢ AGENCY. ARE You GOMNAY DO WITH A € ABOUT. WHAT (0 THE wold I READ In THE ZF PAPER LAST NIGHT THAT A WAVED HAS BEEN KNOWN TO LIVE 300 YEARS, AND ~~ AL I'm FROM MISIOUR\ I'M GONNA PUT | IT To THE TesT! FOR ALL For information and' rates apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. & TA., GT. Ry. Kingston, Ont. We have a supply of