Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1919, p. 11

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| a 3 i a - . I PRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1019, . Purdy spent Wednesday in the city; ae | From the Countrysiae \ er * leased with harvest dinner; | was $249.50. Many intend taking in the Sharbot Lake on the ng Workers held their fi gat Mrs. L. Bain's on Thursday sitors: Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Trenton, with his par- ents; Mrs. A Quinn, Fermoy, at her honie here; Miss Mae Erwin, Perth, at Joseph McEwen's 11 .Bchool falr 10th BUNKERS' Sept. 10 The «¢ was held in the ¥ church last Saturday and Bunda; The preacher was Harry Pe ry gam. Newmarket. | Mr. J son from V 1a and some { persons from Wellington also took part. Allan Snider and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Vealey; Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are visiting at Sanford Leeman's. Some persons have their potatoes dug but they are not a very good crop this year in some places, son has returned to Buffalo, N.Y. HILL. y meeting ron Sept. 9.--The recent rain in this vicinity has been very beneficial to the country. The farmers have fin- ished thelr harvesting and report good crops. Rev. H. L. Clarke has returned after spending a few weeks with friends in Orillia and Toronto. A number from here attended the! exhibitions at Toronto and Perth. K MelLeod reopened school, with a large attendance, Douglas Strong motor- ed to the High Falls, Sunday, accom- panied by his mother and two sis- ters. T. Buchanan and family are visiting friends in Maberly. LAKE OPINICON. Sept. 8.--The farmers are finish- ing harvesting. J. McLean has . a number of men engaghd repairing the | road below Chiftey's Lock. A num-| ber from here attenddd the funeral} of "Mrs. K. Freeman," Wilmer, and] Mr® W. Guthrie of Perth Road. Miss Eliza Smith is spending a month at her home here. Miss I. Good has. retunred to resume her duties as teacher ih the public school fog the 'eoming year. F. Smith and F. Best made a business trip to Murvale on Monday last. Manford Kerr, who has recently returned from overseas | was avisitor at Mrs. A. Darling's, Sunday. J. Randall who was attend- | ing Toronto Exhibition has returned | home. ! Sl : LELAND, : Sept. 8.--S8chool has re-opened with Miss Balls, Sunbury, as teach- er, The harvest is completed and cori cutting will soon be the order of the day. There was quite a heavy frost one night last week. J. Banks is putting up an addition to. his house. C. Alton, Wilton, made & business trip here last week. A num- ber from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. Guthrie, Maple Leaf or Thursday last. Miss Mary Kellar has returned after spending a week with Miss Marion Lindsay, In- verary. Mr. and Mrs. J. Young at T. Young's. 8. Youngs, Inverary, spent Sunday at J. Young's; Mr. and Mrs, W. Lucy, Battersea, at J. Cumpson's, ' MURVALE, Sept. 6... A number of the young people motored to the city Monday night to see the play. Ger- ald Walker, Harrowsmith, and Miss Pearl Cousins of this place were quietly married in the city by Rew. Mr. Waddell. They went to Toronto on their wedding trip. - On their re- turn they intend living in William Botting's house and work Max Pur- dy's farm on shares. The young lad- jes' sewing class met at Mrs. B. Purdy's Friday afternoon. The young people are practicing for a concert. School has opened again under the able management of Miss Mildred Orser of Glenvale, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Gandier, Newburg, at 'B. Purdy's; Mr, and Mrs, F. Vanluv- en spent Sunday at Tichhourne; Mr. and Mrs. M. Vanluven at Sydenham on Monday; Mrs. Smeddly at William Botting's; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown at Enterprise; Mr. and Mrs. Maz Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Walker, aYrker, at Max Purdy's; Mr. andl Mrs. Chas. Bllerbeck at William Botting's; Mrs, George Irwin spent a day in the sity recently. : : -- -------- INVERARY. Sept. 6.--A number of the young people attended the 1 at eg burnie on Friday night. The people of Inverary welcomed home to-day Ernest Bartels, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bartels after an ab- sence of about two years spent over- g8as. After a vacation and reat he will resume his former work in the bank at Copper CHff. Miss Alga Ar- thur is spending her holidays at Ath- ens. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Lindsay and Marian spent a few days at Lake Eloida Camp Meeting, Athens. Mrs. Rodgers and son are visiting at Jas. Shephard's. Congratulations to Miss Margaret Arthur, who was sue- cessful in obtaining her normal en- trance with honors. Mr. and Mrs, Spafford Counter and Gladys are re- newing acquaintances here. Miss Mamie 'Dobbs, Sunbury, spent the week-and with her sister Miss Ethel h A. E Fr cot~ ; rl Fuller, Laura Holmes and Freda Arthur have re- ¢ ee eet rb isiting friends at Bay. There was| Methodist church mm, Rev, A. E. Olt on his holidays. | lark | FALLBROOK. | A demonstrated lecture foo® values and cooking n Campbell's hall for the Miss Williams, =a luate, was sent by the | departme f agriculture to take charge the course. This was a real tre to the institute members and others A. Weatherhead, of Westport, has-been visiting friends in this plac The Misses Common | Qf Almonte, have taken chasge «f |. the school he Miss Evelyn Me- Kerracher, Miss Hattie = Cammeron and Miss Marjory Ennis, also Wilmer Willis have left to ' attend ~ High| School. A ber, from* here at-| tended the the giving ser. | vice at Bal 1 on Tuesday. Ern- est Walrot on Tuesday to re-| sume his st e val College of Dental Sur Toronto. ! Miss Maggie s visiting | friends in Montrea Mrs. Carins and | family ha r rned home to Mont- | real after fr is here. Miss | Mary Phillips, of Ottawa, is renew-| ing acquaintances around Balderson | and Fallbrook. i Prince Edward | PICTON. | Sept. 8 Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil-] lHamson, of Moose Jaw, Sask., are| again visiting in their native county | MP. Willlamson was formerly in the | coal business in Picton. Miss M. Jef-| jors has returned home after visiting in Hamilton. P. Clark and daughter | Thelma have been visiting in Toron- | to and Niagara. ¥. Newman has] "been attending the Hydro-Radial As-| sociation meeting in Toronto. Frank | and Fred Vangesen have geen visit-| IAg at E. McCaw's. Mr. and Mrs. C. | G. Fox have returned to '"Maple/ Dell" after visiting at C. Wannamak- er's,. Ameliasburg township The sad deaths of K. Mcintosh and C.| York occurred on the 31st and 30th ult. Both young men were twenty- | three years of age and had returned | from overseas. | ome after n and See past household vo ROBLIN. | Sept. 4. --TThe farmers around here] have their grain all in and stly all thrashed. The potatoe corn| around are plentiful, but g and hay are quite scarce. Hogs are sell- ing at $19.60 per ewt. John Cook shipped a fine load of Berkshires to! Fred Wilson, Napanee Saturday for| $30 a cwt. Good veal calves are from 12 to 16 cts. a pound, Mr. and! Mrs. Daniel Richmond are spending Ithis week 4n Toronto attending the exhibition. James Richmond, road) enginegr; has his gang Working in| Forest Mills and is certainly mak- ing improvements on the road. The half holidays are over now. There was a large crowd out to Methodist rayer meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.' Mr. Everson, Yarker, former pastor of Roblin, "wll preach to the Forest Mills L.O.L., No. 1244 Sun- day afternoon, Sept. 7th. E. J. Har- rison's sale was well attended Wed- nesday afternoon as also was Anson McKéwon's on Thursday. The cows and horses sold very high and also the farm implements. . BLOOMFIELD, Sept. 8.--Many from here have been at Toronto attending the fair. Anrong those who went: Mr. and Mrs. Caniff Haight, Wilfrid Haight and wife, Frank and Ruth Haight, Gerald . Talcott and wile, Freeman Talcoft and wite, Clayton Burr and wife, Grant Thompson and wife, Pe- ter Cave and wife, Willlam Christy and. wife, Philip Talcott and wife, Webster Talcott and wife, Homer White and wife, John Ostrander and wite, Howard Leavens, Hubert Me- Donald and Curtis Stanton," Miss F, Stiles and R. Nawth, of Toronto, are visiting A. H. 'Baylor. and other friends. Wilson Philipps and wife and family, of Toronto, spent Sun- day at Adam H. Saylor's. Death camo sudden?¥ to Smith Pearsall, of this village. He went to Toronto on Tuesday last and died on Wednes- day from heart trouble, of which he had suffered for a number of years. The remains arrived home on Thurs- day and the funeral was held oh Fri- day. Interment took place in Glén- wood cemetery, Picton. Mr. Pear- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG™ i ments. . show an eq er ratio of reduction. | 1 of Ontario Temperance Act ual, if not great- Barrie Belleville Brantford Brampton Brockville 11 Goderich... ., | Guelph. . . itchener enora. . . London... . Lindsay. . L'Orignal Byng Inlet. | Cobalt... Mine Cent: Jail Commitments Before and After Passage of the ct All Crimes Drunkenness 9 @ pbs © BE ho Po 2 Eauli8 RUNCORN OSO~EA INO NA RO - NAD the oy Totals 20,337 From Awnual Re, ond Report o; Jor ts of Inspector of Prisons 1915-1918, Board of License Commissioners the Omario Jor the Year 1918. Ontario Refe oh Lon creased durin pearly 550,000, or over 27 per. cent. ville ~ NTARIO'S experience with prohibition .under the Ontario Temperance Act since September 16,1916, has been all the argument any fair. minded man or woman wants, to prove that the Act should neither be repealed nor weakened by Amend- Total Jail Commitments for crimes and offences of all kinds have decreased more than one-third since 1915. : Jail Commitments for drunkenness alone decreased from 6,235 in 1915, the year preceding the Act, to 2,593 in 1918. It is believed the present year will Best Record AIL Commitments for drunkenness 1918 decreased by 3,640 in compared to . And unlike "former laws, this makes drunkenness in public places a "prima facie" offence, punishable by fine or' imprisonment, whether accom- panied by "disorderliness" or not. And further the Ontario Temperance Act is more strictly enforced than was the Ontario License Act, and arrests for drunkenness are therefore proportionately greater in comparison. The number of commitments for drunkenness in Ontario in 1918 was the lowest in seventeen years, although rovince in- population of the thre Some jails, including those of Brace- bridge, Cayuga, Napanee and Orange- received no drunkards in 1918 at all. Others show well nigh unbeliev- ble decreases since 1915, notably in the cities and larger towns. you mark your ballot with an X after each or your vote will be lost to Temperance, D. A. DUNLAP, Treasurer same period Emptying the Jails Actual Experience Shows Value Ontarid Temperance yet, Act become a rare sight. g , tions. beer of 2.519, alcohol by in 17 Years Drunkenness has decreased nder the Act to the poini where a drunken man on the street has Crime in general has decreased as shown by record of jail commitments. Do you want to see the taste for alcoholic beverages revived, and the population of Ontario's' prisons, jails and lock-ups restored? ' You are asked to vote on four ques- Two of these questions refer to by weight, equal to 5.46%, proof spirits, more than double the strength at present permitted by the Ontario Temperance Act. mistake the meaning of these questions: The beer of the ballot is intoxicating. If you are convinced that drunkenness is undesirable in this province mark X under the heading "No" after each ques- 'tion-- "No" to the Repeal, "No" to Do not each of the suggested Amendments.. "No!"=four times--"No T should be expressly noted that each and every one of the four questions on the ballot paper in this Referendum must be answered or your ballot is counted *'spoiled." Be sure * question under the heading *"No," rendum Committee Fi ice-Chasrian and Secretary (1001 Excelsior Life Bldg.. Toronto) sall was in his seventy-seventh year and leaves a wife and grown-up fam- lly. The evaporator has started on aples. . Leeds CHARLESTON, : Sept. 8---Charleston had many visitors on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. 8S... W. Kelsey and daughter, Miss Cora, went to Keelerville on Sunday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Card, who passed away after some months' illness. Duck hunting has been the order of the ddy for the past weak, Miss Julia Hudson was a re- : 8 visitor at fer home here. On } Went spent Mrs. &rd Alguirs return to Maseena, N.Y., she was life Hudson. . - WESTPORT. y Sept. 8§--H." W. Lockwood loft on Tuesday for the west. Mr. and Mrs. T° A. Jescle of Cobalt former's mother, Mrs. G. Jeacle Misses Estella and Kathleen Hutoh- ings spent the week-end town. the week-end with her mother, daughter Mary, undergoing treat. 'in the General Brockville: -D. P, Alguire How: loft this week on a tip to Calgary. J. I. Beadle of Kingston a few davs in town Miss - Is spending accompanied by her sister; Miss Nel-| are .the guests of thei in June! Miss Grace McEwen, Ottawa,| E. McEwen. Mrs. E. Curry and | era] {Nettie Toggart has returned to her school at Milbrook. Misses Selina McCann and Blanche Blair are vis- iting friends in Perth. W. G. Scott was a Kingston visitor last week. Miss Pritchard of Kin toh, is the guest of Miss Jennie Blair. CAINTOWN. . Sept 6.--Schpol reopened on Tuesday, Septehiber 2nd, with Miss Florence: Dickey as teacher. Gladys Brown has returned to hef school near Gananoque. Master Stew- -art Tennant left on Monday to at tend the high school at Athens. Miss Alice Tennant spent a week in Athens, the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. H. Knowlton. Mrs. Ralph Tricky, of Alexandria Bay, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James IL. Scot { town, were Mis. a i, relatives and friends here recently, Mrs. E. Webster, of Lynhurst, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Powell spent Sunday with friends at Avondale farm. Mrs. Jas. L. Scott spent a day last week with Mrs. Rosmond Hall, Junetown. Mrs. T. Gummer and baby Gummer were recent visit- ors at Mr. James Pottinger's. Mr. and Mrs. Astor Earl of Temperance Lake, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Kincaid on Sunday last. EN Hayes spent a few days in Brockville last Mrs. Sanford Darling and little son 3 Live tras sane, w. Dickey's. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Tennant have returned home after a trip to Toronto and other western points, the tp by motor car. Mr. Arthar Kelly, on Sun their new home in Newburgh. An old treville died here last Thursday, in the person of Mrs. Samuel Long. She will be greatiy missed by her many friends. Miss Josephine Law- lor left on Saturday to enter the Notre Dame Convent, Kingston. Bv- eryone is looking forward to the fair on Sept. 20th, ** \ A -- MILLHAVEN, Sept. 8.--8chool has re-opened, with Miss Beatrice Burleigh, of Bath, @s teacher. Quite a number from H " hi ere attended Toronto exhibition. SAA A At wr Rena $C. V. Asselstine, Miss | Mr. and Mrs. Howls, of Sandhurst, and much respected resident of Cen- | spent Sunday at A. C. Clement's; Mr. | and Mrs. Arthur Laughlin, at Charles Collins'. Mrs. Charles Fleming is | visiting friends at Amherst Island. | Miss Emma Henderson is very {ll Mrs. Fred Wemp has returned home from Kingston General Hospital WILTON. Sept. 9.--8chool opened on Sept. 2nd, with Miss Darling as teacher. Eldrigde Babcock lost a fine horse last week. Several of the farmers have finished harvesting. The Ladies' Ald met at the parsonage on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lapum and daugh- ters, Lowville, N.Y., spent a day re- cently at the home of James Lewis Miss Margaret Greenfield, Buffalo, N.Y, \with Mrs. Brwell Miller. Mrs. Mordy Storms and Doris and Lois, Kingston, with Mrs. Sperry Shibiey. Mrs. Chester Peters and Mrs. Nich- olas Simmons are visiting friends in Syracuse, N.Y. and attending the fair there. Miss Effie Clow, Mrs. John Clow, Mrs. A. W. Stewart and Miss |. WMuriel and Miss Ruth Stewart, Barrowsmith, were callers at the home of James Lewis on Labor Day. | Those who attended Toronto fair were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Perry, Mrs. Leila Sim- mons, Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Shibley, Damon Mabcock, Clark Walker, Ross Peters tand daughter Luella, James Davy, Mrs. Charles'Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Tor-| rance Babcock, Henry d daha Blewart 'BUI the scknowledged leader. "There's a Reason : Ask us to show you belore buying. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Tel 819 41 Clarence Se. ~~ It takes a lot of philosophy to en- able a man to admire a woman after he discovers that she has eo ao sarchly

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