Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1919, p. 2

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SNSNNRENEERNEREEEEE 5 AGEL vw J = 5 i" A A A se A AAA rr AANA mememumeiane | the British Navy, wr There are numerous advantages to be derived by placing your order now, particu- rly because of the attractive prices McKay is able to offer by reason of large early pur- chases of Raw Furs at considerably less than present-day prices. Beautiful Furs and Fus Coats--of style and quality, ready for inspection. John McKay, Limited "THE FUR HOUSE' His Master's Voice NENEEENNCEEEEENNENES NER EERE EE REE HURSDAY NIGHT, | The Kingston Brigade to Be Given a Trip On the Training Schooner Pinta On Saturday The Army and Navy club was al scene ©f a pleasing event en Thurs- Gay evening when the Hamilton and Toronto officers and cadsts of the na- val training schooner Pinta were the guests of the Army and Navy Veter- ans Association. At 7.30 p.m. they paraded from the LaSalle causeway, where the vessel is moored, to the club rooms, headed by the R.C.H.A. band; and Princess street was throng | ed to the lads, who will be future! man-o-warsimen, pass. i The boys looked well in their uni form. In the hall they were lined up and inspected by Brig.-Gen. Wil- liams, G.0.C., M.D. No .3, Newman, ex-mayor F. J. Hoag and | others. Here a splendid supper was! served, and at the conclusion, Brig.- Gen. Williams gave an address in "wich ie expressed Hi§ EreAl pleas | ure to be present and 'meet the offi-| cers and cadets. He endorsed the good work and expressed himself as! being most anxious to render all as! sistance he could. Mayor Newman and ex-mayor F. J. Hoag also spoke. During the evening a musical pro-| gramme was rendered and refresh. ments were served consisting of ice cream and soft ' drinks. Messr Campbell, Grinham and Secker took? part in the programme. i An interesting veteran present was Mr. Layzell who served many years in and was on the guard of Monor to the late Queen Vietoria on H.M.8, Hector and also on the guard of hohor to the late King Edward during his trip to In- dia. Mr. Layzell wears the Egyptian Star and the Queen's medal of 1882 On Friday the cadets will be taken sightseeing about the city, and in the Mayor |, as THE DAILY BRITICd VHIG TL ENTERTAIN NAVAL CADETS! INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. W. Swaine, plane tuner. orders at McAuley's, or "phone 564w 88. Brockville will make last t of season to Alexandria Bay Saturday and Sunday, Remember that Saturday, 13th, is Tag Day for the Hospital, Even the young man who is able! to held his own may prefer to hold | the hand of some pretty girl. In November the Christian Guar- dian, the Methodist organ, will cele- brate its ninetieth anniversary. The heavy rains on Thursday night prevented any scheduled ' bowling games being played at the green. Kenneth F. Cooke, C.P.R., chief telegraph "operator, has returned from a trip to Toronto and Niagara. ack MacCaul returped this week got. General | The College Book Store Harold Bell Wright's Book--reg. $ 1.50; special RR Six Saturday Specials At SALSBURY'S ORCHESTRA -- In all the latest Popular Music and Dance Music. cx ras. 31.35 *rsssssminsnassses I'wo for a Quarter Dance-Songs Music ........ . «++ +» . Three "for a Dollar Popular Copyrights Special 65c. each (reg. 75¢.) Popular Music "eos a0in nun to Rochester, N.Y. after visiting h's mother and sister, Mrs. Bruce Moore, Ottawa, i The weather on Thursday showed | these ranges of temperature: Kings- ton 80; Toronto, 75; Ottawa, 68; Montreal, 686. The steamers Riverside and Island | Belle will go into winter quarters at! Alexandria Bay next week after a| successful season. | Now 1s the time to have your plano tuned. We garry two expert tuners and will assure entire' satis- faction. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. Hanlon Carroll and sister, Mrs. Baxiter Reddon, Harrowsmith, Ont. are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Alice Carroll, and cousins in Toronto. Peaches. were in great abundance The College Book Store OCTOBER COSMOPOLITAN .........ON SALE SATURDAY _ Over 4,000 people in Kingston regularly read the Cosmopoli- tan. More than any other five Fiction Magazines combined. Get your copy Saturday at-- Telephone 919 Open Evenings in- the city this week and prices were fairly reasonable though not nearly as cheap as they "are in Tor- onto. We will rent you a pfano, and st {end of six months if Jou joul ike ke & ri : purchasing instrument wé will allow Jaken 3 Joon showing the naval the six months' rental on purchase On Saturday the Pinta will take Price, and arrange easy terms on bal- | the boys of the Kingston brigade|ance. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, | numbering abont thirty, on board and |, The store clerks who have been en- leave on a cruise to the Bay of Quinte | JOYing five o'clock closings are, hop- and around Amherst Island, return-|l0€ the merchants will not change {ing on Monday. The Kingston brig- their minds and adopt the old time. Recorded In Canada boon ving Instruction y want the early closing perman- | : | under A. S. B. Grinham, of the ord-| ently. 0Ca ance stores, wi was a life-long! il in the navy. : The lads nave CO-OPERATIVE FEED STORE Victrola No. 11, $174.00 . | nearly, all got unforms. When the | WILL BE OPENED SOON Prince of Wales visits Kingston the brigade will number fifty and will United Farmers of' Ontario to farm a guard of honor They ex- Take Over the Business of J. A. McFarlane. evening will form a theatre party at the S¢rand Theatre where the man- ager, Mr, Wilson, will show a film BONNER EERE NER ENANR ERNE REEER Saturday Specials 5 dozen new model CORSETS --with 4 Hose Supporters. Sizes 19 to 26. Regular $1.25 Corset. Saturday just 27c. less, or Freres Vase ses SRG WeHave | In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup » Distributors for Red Rose Tea--tiw Good Ten 1 Victory Bonds are the popula thing. Buy them! A 3 has 235001 $1.50 2365000 3 Thora (with Orchestra)--John Steel Nervana (with Orchestra)--John Steel "Some Day 1T'll Come Back to You--John Steel doses--John Steel ' A $1.50 Let the Great Big World Keep Turning 216049 They'll be Mighty Proud in Dixie of their Old Black Joe .90 Micky--Henry Burr 216040 My Ain Folk--Allen Turner . 90 God Send You Back to Me--Henry Burr : 216034 Hello Central! Qive Me No Man's Land ..., : 99 Honey, Will You Miss Me--Lieut. Gitz Rice 216018 Take Me Back to the Land of Promise----Lieut. Gita Rice. . 90 Hindustan---Henry Burr + 2160561 Kisses--Henry Burr rid . aa 50 tpect to have thelr own bugle band.| partmdme. of naval service is| sed that Kingston has taken! -- & up, and the schooner | Another co-operative commercial rest is to be assigned to the! venture is scheduled to begin in a gaton station this season and will] week or ten days when farmers in be the training ship here. She will| the district who are members of the be used as the boys' club in winter, | United Farmers of Ontario will take { me over the flour and feed business now { conducted by J. A. McFarlane, Brock |GOLF FEATURE ON | street. Sufficient capital in small sha- | THE LOCAL LINKS res has been subseribed by the farm- { | ers to purchase the business, The! Kingston Players to Play-Off | Profits of the organization will ae | | crue to the farmers holding stock and | | Tie With Champion Pro- | .° lo the farmers i MAHOOD BRO - Hi on arm _.| it is anticipated that it will be quite. S. |i ii W.R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543 Sa sunt nee 10 dozey] new model CORSETS -- in medium, low or high bust -- extra well made. Sizes 19 to 30. Reg. $1.50 Corset. On sale Saturday, special ....... $1.23. . : HEAR THESE RECORDS AT-- REAL ESTATE 5 de 2350---Double Frame dwell- ing on Johyison street (near Division). : | successful, | . | A decidedly interesting golf match | Wwglll be the feature for next week, at | the Expected. In Ottawa, Colonel the Rey. Alex. Gordon, for- Cataraqui Golf Club's links. | merly minister of St. Andrew's Pres- | There is an interesting story associat- | byterian Chureh, who, since retyrn-| A ed with the contest. In the summer} ing from overseas several weeks ago 1011918, Messrs. C. Bermingham and | has been visiting relatives in King- AEAMRANRErDORNER A. B. Cunningham went to Ottawa, | 8ton, is expected in Cttawa at the jand a match was arranged hetween end of the week. says. the Citizen. RT : { David Black, who this year. became | For two Sundays he will occupy the \/ | the champion professional of Canada, | pulpit of St, Andrew's Church. {and Mr. Bermingham, against BE. L. | : Newman, the Kingston professional, and Mr..Cunningham. The mateh oceurred on the Rivermeade links, and two days were spent in play, the result being a tle. Mr. Blaek inti- Piles of dainty Comforters . . $3.95 up. wm > {if $2100---Double frame dwelling iH on Montreal street, Colored Aprons -- made with band. Regular 50c. line. Saturday .......39c. $4500--Double brick dwelling oh University Avenue, : = $845 0-<Detached dwellnig on HOME" BARGAINS Collingwood street. $3000 -- BARRIE STREBT, frame; 7 rooms; B. and C.; lot 66 ft. front; early posses- sion. + §8950--BROCK 8T., Brick; 7 rooms; furnace, Cash $500. $2,700-~RAGLAN ROAD, near Rideau; double frame, 6 rooms each; W. C.; ales tricity and gas. Rental $384. $2900 -- TORONTO STREET; detached brick; 7 rooms; B. and C. Barn. Lot 150 x 120. Immediate possession. §1900--PINE STREET, frame, 6 rooms; B & C. $3800 -- Collingwood Street; stone; 7 rooms; furnace; oak floors; lot 66x182. Pos- session Nov. 1st. McCann's Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock St. Thone 326 or 621 UNDERSKIRTS--with floral designs; $2.50 and $2.95 each; Saturday special. . Tra 38 $1350---Detached dwelling on Cherry street. . $3850--- Detached brick on Beverly street. . Fire Insurance, Money to loan. E. W. Mullin & Son Cor, Johnston and Di =n Sta, Phones 330W. and a 'oung Ladies' Meeting. i The Young Ladies' Club of Brock | Strest. Mathodist Chiireh was held] last eveilng. Thats was a splendid | attendance and several new members | {mated that he intended visiting! were received. Plans were made) | Kingston next week,and it was deeid- | 7 | for the year's work, Light refresh- | | @d that the matehiwould be continu- | ments were served at the close of the | H ed, and, accordingly, an Sept. 20th | meeting. the former contestants will again re re------ seek for honors on the links here. All the good poets dre dead. This | As the professionals are eminent in| should be a solemn warning to the! the successful. handling of their | word rhymers of today who have as- sticks, it is expected that it will be! pirations. a rare treat for the golfers of Kings- | ton to enjoy, and it is expected that | there will be a large attendance of those interested in this delight | "THE HAT STORE" outdoor sport. 1 ee J 5 . D 0 S | THE GAME ON SATURDAY. Fall Hats For 1 | Me Asselstine, . ® | Havana Bed Sox and Athletics Meet Is the subject of our call. Eyesight Specialist Pinay 2% the Cricket Field. $42 Kin ton, O inal arrangements have been We hat everyhody----Men. = 8 St. Kingsto at. made for the baseball game at the 'es oy Girls, = Lad. show 'the biggest variety in i Cricket Field on Saturday aft NEEEANNEENRENDER | Athletics are scheduled to meet Kingston. A clearance in WHITE SILK BLOUSES --large sizes only, 40-42." Regular $4.50: Jor cuvesveeiiil is cre, 32.85 The eyes need to enable you Vi to see clearly, for everything which can possibly contribute to the comfort of Eyeglass or Spectacle wearers. For Eye helps, from expert examinations, to the smallest part necessary. .for repairs--de- pend upon Newman & Shaw = The Always Busy Store SN eee BUILDERS SUPPLIES ae HI ray This is a good time to;lay in a supply of dry kindling, fall and winter. for { " a ------ i . EAS crt Freer ct TS REX { ----r---------- | A NEW CLEANSER. wd ANDERSON BROS. ° LTD. Phone 458--459. EVERY HOME-KEEPER should take advantage of our Special Offer- ings for Saturday: PORK-- 'Roasts ............~ oteaks ........... .. 2 : SAUSAGE Oxford ..... Windsor . ... New England Little Pig . . . Stews... a 18. Fronts ................. v.28 loins .............. . «306, + 400 Ibs. fresh cut Hamburg Steak . 20c. Ib. A nice pai ir of Spring Chickens; Young 5 FOR SUNDAY DINNER Yearling Fowl. {Havana Red Sox. The latter have al. greatly improved team and it is ex- pected that thera will be a hard fight for the honours. Tha Athletics are {in good trim and should give a good {aveount of themselves. With good weather the management of the City League is hopeful that there will be a large number of spectators out to see the fixtures. IN MARINE IRCLES. Movements of Vessels In and About Kingston Harbor. The steamer City of Ottawa down from Toronto and Hamilton to Montreal at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday. . The steamer Tonic arrived from Port| Colborne at 2.10 aw and Cleared for Montreal at 3.10 a.m. on Friday,| The steamer Kingston down and up on Friday, The steamer Jex arrived at Rock- {wood Hospital with a cargo of ¢oal from the port of Rochester, 'Bes: IMuc Serge Suits. Prevost, Brock street, has received a case of the above suits made by the best manufacturer's guar.utee. Just {as well made as order woik. Anyone in nesd of a blue Forge suit would do well to see them. We will guaranties both celor and workmanship, A Moscow Event, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin, Mos cow, will celebrate the thirtisth an- niversary of their marriage and be at home to their many friends Wednes- day, Sept. 24th, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leonard Martin, After Joan 2.30 to § p.m.; evening 7.30 te pm. Bach month read the Cosmopoli- | tan. Greater then any other four magazines sold in this city. Secure sour copy at the College Book Store. | Open nights, It Can' Bo' Used With Splendid Re- sults. As will be observed from the ad- | vertising columns of the Whig, an | entirely new article is being placed ion the market by a 1 firm which has just commenced ations, This | article is known as'efe "World Wide | Cleansing Fluid," and it is manufac- {tured in Kingston by the World-Wide { Manufacturing Company. The dis- | tribution of this preparation is in the { hands of R. F. Holland, whose office | 18 at the corner of Clarence and On- | tario streets. It is something entire- {ly new in the way of a cleanser, and it | can ba used with splendid results for | laundering purposes, for removing | stains from any kind of washable ma- i terial, for cleaning floors, woodwork, | windows, silverware, dishes, wash- { bowls, sinks, and all kinds of enamel- led ware. It is also useful for Ye- moving oil and greese spots from woodwork and metal surfaces, and varnish or paint spots from articles of cloth or NUGAwOrE. = sompany wh is producing it is composed o ----, men, and they are confident of a widespread demand for their pfo- duct once it becomes known to the public. ----- ---- - Woman's Home Companion, Photo- play, Classic, nger Jar, Vogue, Good Housekeeping, Adventure, Biue Book, Parisienne, Breezy, Snappy. Smith's, etc, at the College Book Store. Open nights. . Kingston Men On Adriatic. Two Kingston men came over an fax Friday mornlog. They are Pte. J. HB. Gowsell, 52 Divisior. street, and Pte. C. E. Conway. : x DE i Many a girl's distabt manner may ibe traced © the fact that she had | onlons for dinner. the 88. Adriatie, which reached Hali- | TOMATOES ® 'can suppl ou wi - miatues by the he ie Spiess and Jibeaar. a BhINg for the Catsup season, Get our prices defors buying. FRIENDSHIPS : 210 DIVISION STREET \ 5. ANGLIN & C0. Woodworking Factory Lamber Yards Bay & Wellington Streets KINGSTON, ONT. Office Phone os Factory Phone 1413 sas Lumber, Opal and Wood 'SPECIAL for 3%. Ib. Friday and Saturday Only. 5

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