TUESDAY, SEFTEMEER 16 1919. , PAGE SiX THE BRITISH WHIG[*" STH YEAR . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG {| weustay, sureemie you yet this poverty-stricken condi-| . El a i a a a tion does not prevent the expenditure : CanadaEast and West | of Other money on matters which are not at all necessary, or at least which could be done with a| | greal deal less trouble and exepense. | | Take for example the trouble and | : expense of preparing voters' lists for | ' {the referendum and the provincial | elections, and for the dominion elec- : tions. ' This was a task, which en- * 1 talled a tremendous amount of werk. First of all the Ontario provincial { government ordered a new list to be | vat sor dominion Happenings Days. ft titttptae THE KINGSTON VETERANS' DE- CISION. HATS HATS THE SIEGE OF QUE When Generals Wolfe and calm fell in the battle of gf Abraham on S i { njdllions of . { the two ar . Gener Te 5 of the British force; the French had a division regarding its ip. Vaudreuil, it is claimed, isted upon commanding the French in the emergency. : Ome of his first acts was to order the headlong flight to Jacques Cartier. But in the City of | Quebee, into which the remmant of | the proud armies of France had re- treated, the commander was General Ramesay. He was in a terrible plight Only recently had he left a sick-bed, but his heart was as stout.as his body was weak. So while others were talk- ing of surrender on the three days fol- Jowing the battle, he-prepared-for the siege of Quebec. He knew it would | be the next enterprise the British would undertake, H had little food, | the people were panic-stricken, Que- bec was crowded with refugees and his arms 1 equipment were poor at prev the Great War Vet This week we are featuring the New Fall Suit and Overcoat, very special prices. on Saturday ever tion whic | tuitg of $2,000 for the war. The resoln {a fashion at a cast of hundreds of ** | thousands of dollars to the province. Heo {And ®t was not done efficiently. In 7 | London over two thousand, names v and { were left off the list. In Kingstonj "330 | we were mere fortunate, only, be- {tween four and five hundred names The | being omitted. But this shows the pe | fallacy of having this work doné by 3 10) reen hande. * Now the provincial list is practical- ly ready, when an order comes from { Ottawa to prepare.a dominion voters' {list, This will be done by registra- tion. - Tremendous expense will be incurred, and in doing work which is simply 'a duplication of the work { that has just been completed. The 3 | whole business is simply shameiess | waste. Why cannot these voters' lists be kept ready from year to year as the municipal voters' lists are prepared? this | The work coula be done by the Same lofficials, are men situated in municipality and who i know the persons who are entitled to vote and who are not. They could easily keep up the provincial and ithe lanous compre passed at the Dom of the G.W. VLA. at fit provides for the bonuses to men who requir ance Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by PHE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | CO, LIMITED | J. G. Elliott ent Leman A. Guild and . ector re-establish the curely and happily in elvil di veterans of Kingston themselves to be wise and sane { with nd desire to impose any demands to ... Presi Edit, sing>D TELEPHONES: Business Office Doms rar sens :333 {upon the coun ~ CStCREFHR RATES |b be consider (Daily Edttion) 3600 | ® 1 Snes Jean oy advance 7 .35l90 |ally comes in for a large ameunt One year, by mall to rural offices date | Croat for the ns, Te Weenly Edi handled a very difficult situation, Oba oa na pd, in advanc The resolution passell, while i go A Rg Bag ing for (further financial i 2 ee VES for the returned men, did not TOWN RBPRESENTATIVIED, the mistake by veterans, in that it did not stipulate any sum to be. demanded from tae government. 'I'he { rice Owen, 22iSt. John St, i .M. 'Thompson, 402 Lumsden Bldg. of decision was shown the state- ment made by the 1 r of jus- Toronto. PR Northrup. 2 Fifth Ave, New York 2. up, tice that the government would not 1530 'Ass'n Bldg. Chicago rs to the Editor are published' be intimidated by the veterans' de- mands for $2,000. The policy adopt- over .the @ctuml name of the »d by an almost unanimo , {dominion lists uy adding the names . k ft uanar ol of . ; the Kingston GW.V.A. leaves their |° f those entitled to vite in these elec- 8 »W.V.A, leave e . : : interests in the hands of their own tions only to the municipal voters ~ BLS ae & 8 4] i Lo elected dominion executive {list. Such a scheme would do away have = oe an 's resources "Which ------ & rpaperity, and and : But he was ready to ; of France. He had great hopes, or, of being able to. hold out until a tance would ar- rive from Montreal, and so with a brave heart--at least outwardly, with a heroic spirit---he prepared for the fight with the victors of the Plains. That was his work on September 16. of | 1» which he t the ener assis made the Toronto | wisdom who hv o i their own in in a is of the best Job one offices In Canada. THE BEVERLEY OVER- COAT -- $25.00, $32.50, $35.00. THE BUD SUIT -- $25.00, $27.50, $32.50, $35.00, $37 2 <4 vote all of | whom are strong men of a type who A drop Of from; dour to six-cents _ {per pound in the price of bacon is 'Teorecasted for thevoming week. The Commarce om work of the Board. of seems to-be havingssomeseffect Porices. » The other cities. which are being vigited by the Prince of Wales are 'proclaiming a generalvholiday for the day of his visit. Even although i {s on a Saturday, the~same should.be done when he visits Kingston. The Australian government. ha fixed the price for wheat in tha country at $1.25 a bushel. At tha will not -permit of any falling down of the government: on the subject of proper re-establishment of every man who muds the sacrifice en i by donning the khaki garb of the arty and giving up his civilian career, Tne people of Canada ara behind tasm in this, * There is not a citi needle bed rvice and .the reparat to de t I imited only by the abil- overseas, made will tion. well the line their action will bringrout once m s t t zen who | would wish to have these men suffer ity lof the country to make repara- | The Kingsten veterans cheso | they will adopt, and | the fact that they are a body of sol- | with the necessity of having to en- gage a large and costly staff of enu- merators every.time a new list is de- I sired. At a time when the govern- | meng, is complaining that it cannot { lit seems to us that this is one direc- { tion in which they can save money. 1 1 i t { [4 vr ---------- Conditional Piety. n er Post) The Leesville Bible class meets ev- (Correspondence, Denv re is 1 b ' d show in towh. rd to give relief to our veterans, | Boéks Son's Bod 18 Ma Ye 1 Easy S ENA NE SENENENAE EREE T AN ENE EER ANNE oe Men's Underwear - Men's Wool Shawl collar, V necks, etc.-- greys, brown, cardinals, combination styles; all sizes; fall weights; extra special value $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 {er Wednesday night unless the price it would be cheaper to imperg) Australian wheat into Canada than to use the home product, which has a RT ak ag diers who are still fighting that the | best interests of Canada might be | n upheld. per suit--natural wool, Mer- inos, and elastic ribbed. ted the/B ? & Se a son, who v greens, etc.--extra special : 82.98 value $2.98. Public Confidence, {London "Free Preéss) dy of gust, 1914 ~ 2 fixed price of a dollar more. The Board of Commeerce proposes to bring dewn prices "'inch by inch.' As they are away up in the air = present, the raté of redaction mus be faster tham that if* they dre to " gome down to a reasdmable figure, during the present géneiation. Every Allied general has so far given all the credit for the victory to They realize that their plins would have been useless but for the splendid heroism and initiative of the men who carried the men In the ranks. tham to a successful condlusion. The attendance at the New York A GREAT ORGANIZATION, The presence in our city during the week-end of a visiting deputation z ti British and Foreign Bible Society ing facts concerning that greatest of all Christian organizations. Estab- lished In thé year 1804, i{# founders the stupendous task of giving td every man a copy of the Christian task involves not only the translation and frequent revision of the Bible, languages to writing before transla- from the Canadian Auxiliary of tha | brings to our attention some interest- | and promoters set before themselves | Scriptures in his mother tongue. This but very frequently the reducing of! The returned goldiers' butten stamps the wearer as one in whim | {his fellow-citizens have confidence. | That is a fact that the wearer must {not lose sight of. * Clubs, (New York Life) Sweet Young Thing--Why do men { join clubs? | Sour Old Dub--Well, some join be- {cause they have ne other hames and {some because they have. { Quality Better Than Size. (Toronto Star) Toronto's population is within a few hundred of $00,000. A decade ago it, was only 250,000, a quarter cen- tury ago, 168,000; a half century ago, 50,000. = Nevertheless, "How much better is Toronto?" is a more import- , in the He dennes ? Marshal Foch has religiously re- {trained from mentioning his lost son, and few knew that the younger Foch was killed early in the war. Lg = \ b) BSN Wh 7 ay 4 shea HESEEERNANARARANNENEIENNEAAEENNENANRN NERA EARN EEN RENE : a A Ai ms A CRA ------ ne. - MEN'S TWEED RAINCOATS dels--extra special values $15, $18.50, $20, $22.50 BIBBY'S Men's and Boys' Stores 78, 80, 82, 84 Princess St » Newest mo J) UO J ve vr EW NES SY SHOES SHOES LLLLLALLE | ant question than "How much bigger o off State fair at Syracuse has broken all records. "As this seams 10 be 4 re cord-bregking year, it is hoped that Kingston's fair will also go to the limit and add one more tosthe list of 'wew records. ERENEENEEET ENE RENEE EEE EERE EE - nang) tion can be undertaken. For this the | js Toronto?" \ ? society has secured the ripest scholar- - ) pO i ship, with the result that in many It's easy to find fault where it tongues the purest form of literature | S24 is that contained in the translations of the Scriptures. The enormity of the completed task on such transia- tion and revision may/be realized by noting that the ordinary English Bible covers from 1,000 to 1,200 pages of closely written matter, and that already the whele Bible has been translated into 134 languages or dialects, the New Testament into 110 |, additional and some portion of the Word into 517 tongues, It issues over 9,000,000 copies of the Scripture | each year. i ~The society i source of suppiv! from which almost all of the great! missionary societies draw their edi-. tions of the Scriptures, and i en- | deavors to relieve the missionary so- | cleties of ail financial responsibility | for the production and distribution ! of the same. It further aims at sell- COMBINATION RANGE MADE BY McCLARY'S. Direct ' Importations goods from the old The first to arrive is: SIMPLEX receiving ¢ Latest and simplest Range out. country, It is only matural ¢hat Britein should demand the lion's share of the German ships to be given up to "the Allies, Her losses in shippihg| would not be half made good even it she were to receive all the sur rendered merchant vessels. Rippling Rhymes USELESS NOISE The prices still are soaring, but noise won't bring One turn of a damper changes oven for gas or coal. BUNT'S HARDWARE On sale at-- KIELLER'S 4 1b. tins 7 Ib. tins . MARMALADE them down; not all our frenzied roaring will theapen | things in town. So let us get together, renouncing | t tactics vain, and ask our neighbors whether we can't! do something sane, The prices have been speeded un- | til our hearts are sore; and sanity is peeded more | now than eer before. We must be sane and thought- | u ve would lay. it's clear our vengeful hands and swatful upon the profiteer. No vain and vapid rant-| ing, no anarchistic wheeze, will bring the robbers | panting upon their stallfed knees. We must be calm | and sober, an earnest, quiet troop, or long before October we'll all be in the soup. = While we remain | excited the profiteers will say, "These delegates be- nighted are easy marks to flay. While they are rals- ing thunder, and standing things on end, We have a chance to plunder that quiet wouldn't lend." The ror SY pirates profiteering will hear their passing knell ing the Scriptures at such a price that | _ "ooo jone careering and. raising merry Halifax. So et . hen the very poorest can buy, with the | 35g cease our riots vain, and ask our neighbors whether we can't do some- result that sales only cover about | thing sane. --WALT MASON. Phone 388 The member of parliament for Qu*Appelle wishes to put restrictions on the lengt¥ of addresses in the "who are very seldom able 10 catch - the speaker's eye, and wants to have . a chance to get a word im ame -- DAVID SCOTT . Plumber hing and Gas Work a special a pedi guaranteed. Address 145 Frontenac sireet. Phone 1277. In his speech at Winnipeg, the . Prigee of Wales said that all classes . mand parties must stand together for ~ the .great work of upbuilding Can- { ada. If he goes on making speeches Mike this, it would be a good plan te Invite him to join the Canadian cab- inet as Minister of Recomstruction. A tS Chestnut Coke The ideal fuel for housshold purposes. It is coal with all the smoke and gas producing substances removed ~~leaving pure carbon---no dust, no seot, little gsh-----Ilots of heat. thirty-two per cent. of the cost'of pro- : ' duction, To supply missionary bodies pa with the Scriptures they need makes large demands upon the Bible So- cidty.: Last year China alongs de- manded three million copies and In- dia a milion and a quarter. For this the church needs to contribute ten por cent. of the amount asked for missions to guarantee through the society this supply. It will be of interest to the people of Kingston to know that the first translation of the Scripture fsswt by the society was that of the Mohawk, made by the Rey.John Stuart, whose remains lie in St. Paul's churchyard, and to whose memory there is a tablet in St. George's cathedral. 'We bespeak for the work of this grand organization the liberal support.of all the church people of Kingston. ow vans The statement made by R. J. Mac- Millan, the U.F.0. orator of Seaforth, that the payrolls of the Canadian + Overseas Fo had been padded to "the extent of thirty millon dollars . 'must be either substantiated or re- tracted. These are the things which @0 a, great deal to cause unrest and _ dissatisfaction throughout the coun- try. [ WORLD WIDE CLEANSING Wesip vr 0s For Laundering Purposes, Removing Stains from any Washable Material, Cleaning Floors, Woodwork, Windows, Sil- verware, Dishes, etc., Washbowls, Sinks, Toilet Utensils, Bath Tubs, Enamelledware, Kitchen and Dairy Utensils. 3 Will remove Oil and Greases Spots from Wood and Metal 'Surfaces; Varnish and Paint Spots from articles Le flee or : The wonderful saver of soap. It may be obtained from your grocer. Full instructions on container. Brice $1.00 Per Gallon, Container Included INFORMATION You will experience less gdif- ficulty and greater satisfaction in doing up your Fruit this year if you use our Spices, Preserv. wder, Rubber Jar Rings quality) Oorks, 19397 24,000 Real Estate and Insurance Phone 1035W. or 17974, We cin also give you some splendid values in SOAPS, in- cluding the "famous deal In PALMOLIVE, viz, 8 cakes for 20c. Dr. A. P. CHOWN a A We do not clarm this the best fuel because we ie it; on the contrary, we handle it Because it is the best. Crawford #A delegate to the national conven- tion of retail clothiers tn the United States said, "Lower prices are on the way, and we clothiers will sing the loudest when the change comes." We are ready to bat that the man who has not been misled into buring large stocks of clothing by the talk of rising prices will crow the loudest of all. EE hr : Manufactured by-- UNNECESSARY EXPENDITURE. During the Just week much has(f] WORLD WIDE MANUFACTURING COMP been heard as to the ability of the * - KINGSTON, ONTARIO. country to pay any further dodus or t HOLLAND, DISTRIBYTOR gratuity to the veterans of the war. : « Can a] & Ontario 8¢ The plea has been put forward that : ' Kingston, Ont. the country cannot afford to do so. - - The wedding of Miss Florencs Al Derta Taylor, daughter of Mr. and iff Mrs. Charles Taylor. and Arthur |i Vincent Sessler, took place at the church of the Redeemer, New Haven, Conn: The bride's parents were for- i merly of Picton, and she is a grand- daughter of Mrs. Rabert Reid, Plc ton, , -- i¥ The principal reason for the high cost of living at present, secording © to varios authorities, is the high cost of labour. Every time trades- men of any kind get an increase in Wages, up goes the price of his pro- H. A. Palrman, Foxboro, who he of Thurlow's well-known elt zens, was, on Tharsday, the vietin of a paralytic stroke, ; Mrs. G. H. Berry has sold her resi-| o dence on Church street, Westport, to Dr. W. D. Stevens. 5