{ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1919 ret ok A al E . Hickey's Speedy ir a am . magle b beauty of a fine Get these very necessary pre- parations to-day--25 cents. At Best's|l! Diamond fia A ogi. cs nth arms OPEN SURDAYE * "hone 59. Branch 2018 2 Lelland. Their partners were Cadets ) | Our stock. of these Craine, Kirkpatrick, Dunbar, Ruddy, ROBINSON & { 4 , ever been so exten- §| On Monday afternoon a bright lit- WILTSHIRE i$ 0 ee day afteragoa a Beught J GARAGE sive as at present and § | Miss Anita King, New York. . The All 'kinds of cars repaired promptly; cars washed; gaso- we know that the set were Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick. Miss line, oil, tires and automobile accessories, 1 Motoréycle and Sideca, quality and prices Miss E th Cunningham and Mrs. For Sale 239% Bagot St. Phone No. 177 wv Ae mr An AN PA : were three tables in play and Miss SMITH BRO Gwendolyn Folger carried off the pretty prize, DR. A. W. WINNE1 ] * }i ---------- Ee ------------------------ DENTAL SURGEON JEWEAEKS was Established 1840 Heégs to announce that he y King Street : Kingston Tre a has resumed his practice, corner Johnson and W elling. ton Streets, Kingston. Tea. phone 363. ANN Mrs. -------- Stock Prin "Choice Dairy Butter," 1,000, $2 10, $13.00; 10,000, $23.00, Specially inted with your own copy, Shipping charges paid on 5,000 and over. . BRITISH WHIG PUBLISH.NG CO, Lengths KINGSTON The convention for the Aoine vil * Phone 133 legislature has been ' precious stones has iris, McLeod, McDougall and Evans. * - - are 'the very best." BUTTER "2% PAPER] Re Tt a Rare, of Par eo Told in Twilight Peed ARERR Hereafter, the Whig, in other papers all over li make a charge of 50c. t J . a, tb Years will not dim for ng an engagement, mar: riage or reception announcement. - the brilliance and Miss Gwyneth Carr-Harris was the hostess of a very jolly tea donsant at the Country Club on Saturday afer- when Miss Kathleen n, ro, Egypt, was the raison d'etre iss Margarite Carr-Harris presided L the tea table, and after partaking of the cup that cheers and the delic- ndah claimed the attention of the Katie Bermingham, Miss Bennet (Port Hope), Helen and Doris Me- Kay, Marion Ogilvey pnd Doris Mec- Robertson, Hutson, Ross, Carr-Har- tle tea was given by Mrs. Hubert Ry 1d street, for her - sister jguests who were all of the younger Helen McKay, iss Nora Martin, Louis Dunbar Stevenson, who poured tea, » ® . Miss Katie Bermingham entertain- ed at bridge yesterday . afternoon when the guest of honor was Miss Margery Bennett of Port Hope. There Dr. C. K. Clarke gave a luncheon { at the York Club, Toronto, on Tues- I day, in honor. of Miss M. Susan L. | » Sang, a very brilliant Chinese {lady who is a graduate of McGill, Miss Yip Sang 1s on her way to C 'ol- Tombla- Unive Feit Major and NES, Garnett Greer have moved from. their home . on Clergy street and are with Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Garrett, Johnson street. » * . Phillip Huycke, Clergy street, Tevens of Hastings; * . - refreshments, dancing on the | , among whom were the Misses | Janor . Lymans Kitty. Torrance" gla Gilchrist who were Miss onday for their homes in Mr. and Mrs. Ross Liv } Windsor, 'returned to-day after a "| pleasant visit with Mrs. Cooke and the Rev. A. O. Cagke, the rectory, Barriefield. Miss Killogg is the guest of the i Rev. J. O, Crisp and Mrs. Crisp, St John's rectory, Portsmouth. | Van Lesslie and Harold Brownfield | Frederick Carson and liftfe sons. * . - 3% left on Saturday for the Maritime Provinces, where his marriage took place on Moirday. He will bring his bride here to reside early in October. Mrs. J. A. Tremblay, Quebec, is vis iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.-C. Pelletier, Brock street. Mrs. Williapm Nicholls, Clarence street, has returned home after a short visit with Mrs. W. H. Moutray, Stella. Mrs. Victor Rivers and her son, Chales Rivers, have returned to Ot- tawa from Mrs. Rivers' country home at Brockville, having spent the sum- mer there. ' * - Mrs. Edmund Reynolds, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. D Calvin, Garden Island, returned to Brockville on Monday Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Calvin, Garden Island; left for Quebec vesterday to meet Lieut. Collamer Calvin, at the Naval Patrol, who is returning from service overseas, Major Frank Smythe, C.E.F., re- turned on Tuesday, after several years' service overseas and is with his brother, George Smythe and ° Miss Smythe, West stréet. Miss Katie Berminghaw, Kensing- ton Place, has as her guest Miss Mar- gery Bennett, Port Hope. 4 - » = R. N. Crystal, Ottawa, spent a delightful 'week-end in Kingston and returned on Tuesday. While in town | he was at 1650 King street. | Arthuz Hora, Miss Hora, Mgg Travers Hora dnd little daughter; Mary, left on Tuesday to take the trip down the Sagiendy. There is to be a dance at the Yacht Club this evening for members and 1,000, $1.50; 5,000, $15.00; 10,000, $25.00. - . ont of town guests Special prices on larger quantities, Sawed m Stove - « Mrs. Alexander McPhail has gone to California to visit her sister, Miss BOUIN & CO. Mildred Macmorine. Mrs. H. A. Tofield, Barrie street, went up to Toronto with her daugh- Revilla . ~ ter, Miss Helen, who enters Havergal | Pro Erol a cahdidate for Foot West Street College. Mrs. Tofield will return at called for 23rd inst. PET TAH IHP| the end of the week. INNEANEENANENNENANNRERENERANARREE Frontenac sired, have gous ona trip { | a at a IS. ---------- A A A Ai AAA AAA PANS | Winter's Demands These chilly mornings make us think of Jack Frost's coming. The popular Heating Stoves 'for home use are--- Quebec, with grates. No. 4 is a good size Dandy Oak Burns either wood or coal. Come in and see our display. A splendid chill-chaser is a Perfection Oil Stove, Japanned finish Can be carried from room to room. Your Furnace or Cooking Range will need repairing. We can promptly supply the men to give it expert attention: (Do it now). TO BUILDERS--We have a good stock of Portland Cement at our warehouse, foot of Princess Street. McKelvey & Birch Ltd., Brock St. --PHONE 257 ere Donald McIntyre, K.C., Toronto, spent the week-end in Kingston with his sisters. Miss Ruth Doyle is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. A. Fitzgibbons, Watertown, N.Y. * 8 Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, "'Hazeldell", | went down to Moutres) on Monday, Mrs .J. S8.. R. McCann, Wellington street, spent a few days in Peter- bero-with-the Rev. James and Mye: Rollins, and has returned, Archdeacon Dobbs, King $trest, left on Monday for Ottawa. : Mrs. John Caldback, Brock street, has returned home. after a three weeks' visit to relatives in Toronto, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Water- town. []e | Mrs. William Cochrane, Frontenac street, and James B. Cochrane, post office department, returned from Tor- past two weeks, "Major A. B. Gillies arrived on Mon- day, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, Wellington street. - » - to see her sister, Mrs, Jack Mollett Mr. and Mrs. Berngrd Harrigan, {off for England. While in Montreal she is the guest of Mr. dnd Mrs. R. Maitland Hannaford. After a very pleasant visit renew- ing old friendships: Mrs. W. Marsh and her daughter, Miss Kathleen, and the Misses Lily and Conpie Nor- ton-Taylor, returned to Brockville on Monday. : Mrs. J. D, Calvin, and small son, who spent the summer at Garden Is- | land, left on Moaday for Brockville. They will spend a couple of weeks with the former's parents, Judge and Mrs. Reynolds, before ' leaving for Montreal to join Mr, Calvin, and re- side there for the Jinter. . * Miss Clara Farrell, who spent the holidays with her father, J..M. Far- rell, Barrie street, left on Monday for Toronto, to resume her studies at Branksome Hall. Miss Hilda Hague, University ave- nue, left yesterday for Northampton, | Mass., where she will continue her | secretarial work at Smith College. Capt. C. B.¥F. Jones spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, K. L. Jones, King street, and left for Toronto, where he is relieving at the Dufferin and Bloor street Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerre. - - - » Miss Jean Craig returned on Sat- urday from Ottawa where she spent | her holidays with Mrs. E. Adams. | Mr. and Mrs, Adrian Maddonald, who were summering here, returned | to their home in Péterboro, on Mon- | day. Miss Lois Saunders, Farl street, Eom} loft on Tuesday for the Isle of Or- -------- i {cans where she will Ye the guest of ¢ | BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN BED ROOM E AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE ! i A LP A A pi You have never hat a better choice before. Our prices are very reasonable. New designs in Walnut and Mahogany. Rugs and Mats to match. Oriental designs in old blue, ferra cutta and tans. Victrolas and Victor Records A complete assortment always on ~---- Mr. and Mrs. Porteous. | Misses Haze! and Mabel Kennedy, to Buffalo and Fort William on the : steamer Midland King. a Capt. and Mrs. George Bawden re- turned on Tuesday from Lethbridge, | Alta, where they have heen visiting » the former's relations for some time. Mrs. Edwin McLelland, and her daughter, Miss Marjorie, left for To- | ronto yesterday where the latter will | resume. ber-studies at Havergal lg lege, for another year. Misses Dorothy and Edna Chowan, nu - "Sunnyside," left yesterday for a vi- | sit in Toronto, Harrowsmith, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Loretta, to John [Ferguson Baker, | Blossvale, N.Y. son of Mr. and Mrs. | Francis Baker, McConnelsville, N.Y, | the marriage to take place quietly | the latter part of September. (Continued on page 8.) IN MARINE CIRCLES, the Waterfront. The steamer Jex cleared for 0s-| wego on Tuesday night, Oswego with a coal cargo. The steamer Holcomb is at Rieh- | ardson's elevator, loading corn for | { Cardinal. The steamer Cadillac passed down; | on her way to Montreal on Tuesday. The steamer Sarnor passed up on| Wednesday morning. The steamer Belleville down on Wednesday. Supreme Grand Master. At the meeting of the Sovereign | Grand Prior Knights Templars of Canada, held at St. John, N.B., Ab- taham Shaw, of this city, was clected supreme grand master. The new steel-conerete bridge over the Mississippi river at Ferguson Falls, which has just been completed, replacing the old woodeh 'structure; was formally spened o on Thursday. Jack Johnston's s Shoe Store Mrs. Frederick ~ Brownfield, Mrs. | went down to Montreal early in the | week to bid "bon voyage" to Mrs, | | rorrie ent the week-end with {Mrs Gorrie, Earl street. { Mrs. H. F. Mooers and Miss Isa- | bel Mooérs left for Toronto early this week where Miss Isabel will attend Bishop Strachan's School. Baufleur Moor, Bank of Montreal, ~ Dr. W. McKay, Mowat Sanitarium, ! onto at the week-end, where they §i have been; visiting friends for the Ji Movements of Vessels Reported Along | | The steamer Jeska arrived trom | | 70 Brock Street. EE ---- er -------- Pe BR is iin ri EA AE A Bi PROBS: Fair, quite cool tonight and Thursday. PAGE THREE New Winter Coats 0 : ' Our showing of new Winter Coats for the coming season surpasses any collection heretofore shown by this irm--=in quantity, quality and value. In this magnificent dioviliie ure embrac- ed every late style feature from Paris and New York--developed in such smart mater- ials as Silvertone, Pussy Velour, Duvetyn, Wool Velour, Pom-Pom and , English Fries: Priced from $29.50 to $75 and up. We would solicit your early attention; as an early choice is always wise. THENEW. SEASON' Millinery 'Introduces many lovely modes for the Matron and Miss--the color- ings are in keeping with Autumn, rich and soft in tone--while the shapes are most varied and picturesque, and are smartly trimmed with the latest novelty trimmings. The prices are most attractive and are sure to make instant appeal. CHARMING New York Dresses FOR EVERY OCCASION! Our assortment of new Fall Dresses is the larg-. est and best we have ever shown--styles suitable for every occasion are represented in this wonder collection--from the simple little morning dress of Serge or Poplin, on to the smartly tailored street frock of Serge or Wool Jersey, the tea dress of Satin Charmeuse or Tricollette, ending up with the exquisite creation for dinner and evening wear, A collection of Dresses that really must be seen to be appreciated. Prices from $16.50 on up to $100.00. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT In this space to-mor row. Watch for it! - * FE ----,