Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Sep 1919, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE BRITISH WHIG STH YEAR Published Daily snd Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING J. . Elliot Leman A. Guild . . : President . . Editor and Mansging- Director TELEPHONES SUBSCRIPTION RATES {1 ly Edition) delivered In oily paid in advance . year, if not paid in wdvance §! year, to United States .. .. 3 § Six a s pro rata NTATIVES Montreal en Bldg New York y + ARO publis a are Y uctual name The circulation or THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Chicalations. » AA mi W. F. Nickle's new position: a honorary secretary of the Patric Fund should keep him busy. giroblems of post-war relief are no means light ones palities inAOntario are ! ending daylight saving earlier than anticipated. As this probably be its last 'year, they evidently nigh wish to prolong tts death agomen- will do Flour is the nextharticle on which too high a profit is said to be made. The wheat retail price of eleven dollars a barrel instead 'of twelve should make little difference to the price. board's declaration of a a i bi Wé wonder what the labor who are agitating for an eight-hour The z a NG not sufll is FREE BOOKS FOR SCHOOL CHIL. : DREN, not a great fd relief it poor cir dren cl be adeq T'h school supplie as én being as lever child < Tr to go still r edueatior bo tmstances ipon those who wepe in poor cir ble every child to he I"¢hance' + educ At at y, and atter; is mak- matter of country can wheén the whole whole world Afr that 1 steps in the 4 edu thé motion {Godwin is tipnely one, | meet with the hearty of every and it s IY 1d ananimous men | support nber Board of Edueation, day would do if their wives or house- | also demanded the concession! . They might then have tb come home and get their own sup- per ready. keepers Australia' and New Zealand are fig- uring on what they are going to do | with their indemnity money. Would "it not be better to wait and sed if it | 4s coming? It never was a good "poiicy to count one's chicketis before they are hatched. While not wishing to unduly eri- "Helse anything the Prifica of Wales - might do during his visit to Canada, unwise of those who are in charge of Ris tour to allow him to gamble with fdodstuffs on the Winnipeg Stock Exchange. General Sir Arthur Currie, while a strong believer in the back-to-the- land poliey for returned veterans, also believes that assistance should be given to those living in cities. It certainly hardly seems right that one class should be favored and anothet loft to look after itself. The cabinet has announced that 'it is not in favor of the $2000 gra- tuity demand. Very few people be- lieved that they would act 'otherwise, but still there is much that they might do in the way of facilitating re- ~ éstablishiment of the veterans in se- curity and happiness. The retailers and dealers who be- lieved that sugar was to reach twenty Lents a pound and who bought a large quantity at a4 high figure, are ndw feeling'pretty sore. That Shows that it is not always wise to believe ; Yumors of advancing prices; they ara generally spread abroad for a pur- pose. Queen's wants the Prince to kick! Off at their football game, while the Veterans ask him to do the same for them. As the Prince. has-expressed A special desire to meet all the vet- erans possible, it only seems reason. able that sonie place in the pro- Eramme should be made for him to Attend their football match, even if only for a few moments. Len a -- ---------------- Canada's estimated fire Joss for August was $1,374,495. As this is & loss which could be largely avoid- €d by the exercise of a little care and common seuse, it is very unfortunate that dt should be so great. An ex- tensive fire prevention cantpaign might be a very useful belp towawds making it much smaller, LACK OF CIVIC UNITY. # The Board of Works and the Util ities Commission are Just like the Entente Allics before they decided to Sppoint a comuviander- same, in-chiet.- There] {THE ONTARIO { MUST STAND. One of the most striking and most | effective. reasons put forward for | the carryigg on of 2» present liquor legislation, which is to be before the tbar of public opinion October 20th, was given in 4 recent advertise | ment circulated throughout the prove ines of Ontario by the Ontario MNefer- endum Committee. Thiz particular | advertisement carried in it an appeal which cannot be oyarlogked. It stage 18d that since the pissing of the On- | tario Temperance Act the on {than one third. | Jail for drunkenness alone decreased {from 6,330 815, the year before the 'passing of the act, to 2,505 in 11918. The number of commitments | for drunkenness for 1918 was the lowest in seventeen years, although {In that tine the population of bh in 1 1 the | twenty-seven pér cent. Drunkenness {has decreased under the Ontario { Temperance Act to We point where {a drunken man on the street has be- | come a very rare sight indeed. {| And these statements nof {made without official proof. Figures {are quoteql from the annual reports jof the I tor of Prisons, 1915- [1918, gfd from the report of the of License Commissioners for Ontario for the year 1818, These figures are authentic, and show thst the passing of the Ontario Temper- ance Act has been a great boon to the province. The punishments pro- ®ided for under the act are undoubt- edly severe, but in that lies the Bi Gacy of the legislation. For the ecrease in crime alone, if for noth- ing else, the Ontario Temperance | Act deserves to he kept in farce, and {the people should make sure when the referendum is taken that there | can be no mistake about this: No one wants a return to the condition of open bars, with their attendant crowds of drunken mem which was a Teature of Ontario life in the years before the act was 'passed. The vot. Ing on this point should be undivided. The prohdition forces have proved were Most. rabid oppgnents that the On- tario Temperance Act has been a good measure for the province, that it has been legislation of a progres sive and beneficfal type, and it should be allowed fo continue. its gogd work. The full benefits of the prohibition laws may not be apparent to the prés- ent generation, but for future genera. tions, who grow up without know. ledge of intoxicating Hquars, who grow up without the temptations cf Lthe open bar and its allied curses of | misery and shams, the Onfario Tem- i * fullest, {highest and; best In civilization ever | grentost steps towards the commits } Wwe niust confess that it was rather | ments to jhil for all kinds of crimes | {and offences has decreased by more] ~ 8 : The commitments to | the | { provincé has increased by 550,000 or to the satisfaction of all except tha! ie Eavors The | entering a ball fil would lay no | Trustee | August last ye or e¥areh, I'wWar account amounts to $131,487.- of ° the | 189 TENPERANCE ACT | was i. i stand, and it ers on October 20th i3 the duty b LO ensure that the will be of Ontario's prohibitic er a | peal egisiation -------------- PAs | | PUBLIC OPINION De Valora's Title. (New Orleans States) There seems to be some doubt as! to the exact status of Eami lera, but just now he see President of the Irish Reput United States. de Va lie of the er s----. An Unjustificd Rejection. shdon, Advertiser) 2 The communists in session at Chi- cago have decreed that lawyers, doc- tors and editors will not be permitiad to take: part in "their revolution." Wo don't know what they bave agin us, Llose-Fimted, World) Those who think being a Prince of Wales is some job ought to make an attempt to ghike hands straight through eight million pecple. It can't be done witho an , eight-ounce glove or steel gauntléts. The Prince tried to do it palm to palm, and they had to X-ray him. He is recoveting from the cordiality of the grips he 4 (CanadaEast and West 'Dominion Happeai gs of Other Dafys, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG _ | in the world. EEN ENEREEA EERE NEE Neng QUEBEC SURRENDERS, On the Sev a i S miral Saunders.adde final capital Quebec into which | French army had retreated decisive fight on the Plains o ham Mastin, pilot, of Quebeé. The ex- { haustedy army 'of France, watching | constantly for the renewal of hostili- 1 ties, saw on the afternoon of the 17th twelve British warships closesin, At onee they started the Poms rdmeht of the city; or, rather, tu be more aceur- ate, they trained their guns on the city. At the same time the cannon ihe £ Ab ed in petting infe position were ready With the two forces lined up to crush the ¢ity and bring death. to many, the French Commander Ramesay had no alternativesbut te run up the white flag anil ask for a parley. This he did, He proposed to the British that he should march out with all the hons ors of war and go to the camp of Vaudreuil. He did . everything he could to prolong the negotiations, hop- ing probably that something would happen soon to relieve him of the ne- cossity of making a surrender. But nothing occurred and so at eleven that General Townsend had succeed! to belch forth death and destruction. '. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1019 FENED NFEENRDNEENER HATS BIBBY'S HATS [% MEN"S -- B A ND Have You I Seen It's well worth a bit of your time OYS' WEAR ' ("you're welcome to ours") to see the new Suits; lively fitted models with new lapel, novel pockets, for 8 received, and will never compliin o'clock at night on Sept. 17, 1759, the he meets a close-fisted community. | & F h General agreed to surrender - the City of Quebee, E ker Nooded, | fk } It was certain to come, thefefore it has, the verb "té6 nut™. Thus, one who is to entertain a small company with parlor tricks would say to an ingtiir f, "Oh, I'm going t6 nat" an Violators, thier, explaining to a curl | Prescott, Sept.' 17.---The Prescott would say, 'He's | police have been kept busy rounding fun; he's not reall {up violators of the Ontario Temper ed Ww Ruben Rubinsky, of Mont- preface h ught transporting seven- Ma » gallons of alcohol in a truck r for Toronto, and he paid a ine $900, and Fred Bar- ton, a local man, found with a quan city of whiskey in his possession, was fined $200 and costs, and John John- ston for a similar offence, went to ¥ | Brockville jail for six momths in de: z {fault of a fine of $318. Not Nut Crac (New Sun SMUGGLERS ARE FINED. young men; splendid conservative types for older men: abrics; rich browns; navys, nobby Suits: beautifully tailored by the;best experts in the land. Ses ONE: we : YOUNG MBEN'S SUITS "The Keane," form fitting style, $22.50: Atting, $28.60: "The Haig," Waist Seam, $32.50: "Tha Aca" Stanton," $37.50: "The Bud," $35.00; 'The Earl," $37.50; cd Prescott Police Busy Rounding Up or wonderful soft f greys, greens, Scotch Cheviots; real {th "The Rugby," torm h Waist Seam, $35.00: "The "The Bingo," $35.00, More Conservative Models The Milton," $27.50, $32.50, $35.00; "The Standard," $85.00, 3358.00, $40.00; "The Roland," 0, $40.00, $42.50. ° as 0, $35.5 NOBBY RAINCOATS GOOD RAIN OR SHINE New convertible two-way Collar, Belted or full-back styles; rich color- ings in Waterproofed Tweeds. Ex- tra special values at $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00. The Boys' Store, 84 Princess St. We'll modestly assert that we are showing the best and largest display of Boys' finely tail- ored Suits and Overcoats to be seen anywhere in Canada, at pleasing prices. stare might y asking of Costs Too Busy For Justice. (Brantf £) rd Exposit three negro wn ; lodge r ches ¢ have been b mob i ALA tS tr A i Si :- Advice to Dyspeptics = ] m - = | ol . | boar Well Worth Following = Wav K¥penditare Of Cnaas. ton the vaseot dyspepsia; the appe- Ottawa, Sept. 16'~'The war expen | tite 18 Yasinhie, SoMa niés it is Fav. Cay 4 TT a 'pen. | hous, again is often véry poo ada, Saclusly gh ty [Por this condition thers is biit one still totals proximately 4 rt a Bh 500000 a day. For the month of {sure remedy--Dr. Hamilton's Pills dmust HW wag $14.087 000 ¢ rediios \whieh cure quickly and thoroughly. August, it was 311,087,000, a redlioy bq, 4, are find marked benefit in'a tion of $4,500,000 as compared with day, and as time goes. on improve- Since the end of ment continues. No other medicine the beg ng of the present | ..;j 'ot engthen the stomach and ai- financial year, capital expenditure on | gestive organs lke Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They supply the materials and assistance necessary to corvert {everything eaten into nourishment, . {ito muscle; fibre, and energy with Sinday's storm at Houston, Tex. | which to build up the run-down sys- the, Worst in tha history of | tem. Texas. Wreckage of all kinds was| Why not cure your dyspepsia now? carried in some cases twenty miles | Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day, 256. inland by water. _gber box at all dealers. en | Rippling Rhymes yr almost double' what it was for the same period last year. st I n ¥ Sizes 29 to 35 See our Waist Seam models. --$18.00, $20.00, $22.50. BIBBY'S 3 SHOES TURBULENT TIMES Unele Samiis feebly swearing; as he.never did he- | [HR fore, and his wintry. locks he's tearing, and we see | - ---- = ' LLL ebro ide leben him walk the floor; for the country's all excited, and | ~~ TT WERES-------- - SIMPLEX COMBINATION RANGE should be righted come a-rapping st his door. Every | "man has got a MAmmer, and we all rear up and; MADE BY McCLARY'S, Latest and simplest Range out, . Er Direct Importations | goods from the old The first to arrive is: knock, and we yawp around and iyammer, and wel heave the brick and rock; and we strike and quit our | labors, and go rioting with neighbors, till the soldiers | with their sabres drive us homeward in a flock. Wa are full'of pep and mettled, and we stamp old wys-| tems flat, for the country is unsettled, and we don't | know where we're at; profiteers are driving shoppers | to the refuge of the paupers, and we Whip the village | coppers, and knock off the statesman's hat. All re-| spect for law and order we have lost and care no hoot, | and we're drifting to the Worder of black /chsos and its | loot; but we'll stop: before arriving, and our Uncle, still surviving, will behold us nobly striving to o'er- +» Whelm that chaos brute. I"or a time we've lost our senses, after all the wartime strain, and we're tearing down the fences | but we'll put them up again; for-we all are too blamed clever to keep up this lick forever, and we soon will make endeavor. to convince yun that | were sane. WALT N. receiving | country, * One turn of a damper changes oven for gas or coal. BUNT'S HARDWARE Oh ules at KIELLER'S MARMALADE 4 1b. tins vere 81:40 por tin 288 7 1b. tins Plumbing and Gas Work a special 1% AM work ranteed. Address 148 Frontenne street. Phone 1277. DOMINION ELECTIONS acr. INFORMATION You will expericlice less 3if- ficulty and greater satisfaction in doing up your Fruit this year if you usé our Preserv ing \ r Jar Rings Corks, Es, St, ui Conte. We ean also give you some » did values in PS, in- g the famous deal in PALMOLIVE, viz, 8 cakes for SEs RF Era A ts r tases 19-397 T.J. Lockhart, _ Real Estate and I GE ~ Phone 1085W. or 1797J. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF KINGSTON ; PUBLIC NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN: (1) -That the undersigned has besn appointed Registrar to the list of Voters for every polling division in the above-mentionéd elec- toral district that 1s wholly or partly contained within the City of King- ston. : (2) That Registration SittingswQall be Wald from the Fiftesnth day of Septetaber, 1919, until the TwéntietR\day of September, 1819" both in. clusive, between the hours of nine o'clyck in the forenoon atid afpe o'- Clock In the afternoon, with intsrmissiond from one o'clock to two o'tlock and from six o'clock to seven o'clock. z (3). That all persons desiring and requiring to be registered as voters must apply personally at laces hereinafter stated, to wi Stdenham Ward 1 andl 2, Court House: Frontenac Wafd, 11, 13, 17, 14, 15, ati Army Citadel; Ontario Ward, 3 snd 4, City Buildings: Rien pith 17, 18, oh 20, 21, Cogrt House; St. Lawrences Ward, § » ¥ Dulldings; Victoria Ward, 22, 23, 24, 25, Court House; Renominaje BE, A. Dunlop. Eataragut W ard 7, 8, 8, 10, City Bufidings. . : ig Pemitoks, Sept. -17.--E. A. Dan- 2 ork will be necessary for, ALL PERSONS, MALE AND FE 10D. M.P.P., wis renominated as MALE, IN THE OITY OF KINGSTON, TO REGISTER. The Voters' List| pled for in, OF standard bearer for North Renfrew com r the Tem ; 7 | Conservatives in thé comi rovin- pending Dominion mri Neisandun WILL NOT BE VED for the og 1 of Riugates.. Eighteen men of the British steam: ' Boston firemen od up at " Thirey oy oe cial elections at a convention of 'the . T.M. ASSELSTINE, ° 1 in the legisia- Tuesday they assocletion. Mr. Dunlop Bas served Registrar for the City five successive terms - ture a { 3 { B i 5 5 7 3 --.----_--------

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