AENEAN NNN EEE EERE = . a -------- ------ a PAGE TWO | Victrolas His Master's Voice Vietrola XI. $225.00 Dinorah Ombra-léggierei (Shadow Song) Italian 74532 lakme Bell Song Italian .. Laughing Bong (from Marton Lescant) French. Lucia--Mad Scere (Flute Obb. by Baroni) Italian 11--Italian Capinerel (The Wren), Flute Obb.--Ltaittan Lucila Sextette, Act. Twillght--French Puritani, Qui La Voice (In sweetest Accents) Proch's Afr and Variations (Flute Obb.) All the popular Vocal and Dance Records in stock. MAHOOD BROS. "Real Estate $8600 COLLINGWOOD 8T.; stone; 7 © rooms; ~furhace; electricity; oak floors. Lot 66 x 120. $4600 JOHNBON BTRERT; brick; 9 rooms; hardwood floors; hot® water heating; electricity; possession May 1st. $3000--PLUM STREET, cor- Barrie; frame; 7 rooms; lot 64 tt. front. : $2850 ~~ RAGLAN ROAD -- double frame; 6 rooms each; rent $384. | $3800--PINE STREET---Groe- ery store and dwelling; 7 rooms; furnace; electricity; good barn. . McCann's Real Estate and Insurance 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 621 a ------------ STILL LOWER PRICES ||' Saturday ANDERSON'S "QUALITY" THOUGH MAINTAINED, IN ALL Ae SUPPLIES. WHITE COBBLER POTATOES Clean skinned, perfect table sizes. ' Selling at a very reasonable price, per peck or bag. Slash BEEF-- RIB ROASTS LAMB Furs Of Distinction Exclusive models and an _immense variety of novel styles. Write for catalogue and full information. "John McKay, Limited "THE FUR HOUSE' 149-157 Brock Street. oo EERNREDENEE EEE EEE RR EE ND ANA PA NA PAN AN AA, on Galli Curci THE WOMAN WITH THE WONDER VOICE BONELESS ROLLED HOA © 350 Ibs. fresh cut HAMBURG STEAK .. ||. KINGSTON SA NN tests rs ama---- and Records $2.00 74511 $2.00 vis dA $2.00 .64669---31.25 74509--32.00 $2.00 $1.25 64807--$1.25 LT4568=§3.00 74557-+$3.00 510 Italian. | AAA im aren 4 EENRNANNEEERA EER School Children yp. l | { | | ] | | With hours of study daily, should not! be handicapped with poor eyesight. | It takes but a few minutes for me | in examining a child's eves to KNOW | whetlier or not their eyes focus prop- erly. Why not make sure on this to-day? Consult: J. S. Asselstine; D.0S. Eyesight Specialist 342 King gre Kingston, Ont. A A Pl Al nit . = point i i | { {MY SOLDIER GIRL," dancing and with { Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules guilty of harboring sheep belonging to A. BE. Weller, and called upon Mr. Thorogood to pay the loss sustained by Mr. Weller, amotint- ing to $220. 'oose). 15e, 25¢ and 48¢c. None gen {nine without the stenature on the red] THE DAILY BRITISH WHI Gy. £ THE HARROWSHITH FAR ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON DREW A LARGE CROWD Eighty-five Was Present and Will Try and Attend Hingston Fair Next Week. Although the weath ening most of the day, a large was present at the Hawrrowsmi fa on Friday afternoon. From two until four o'clock the judges were busy ex- | there were not nearly is many cattle lexhibited as on former occasions those shown were real good stock. The ladies who attendeduibe show spent most of their time examining the display of fancy work. Probably the oldest man who at- tended the exhib n was Michael Vanluven of Murvale. Mr. Vanluven although eighty-five years of age is still' very active. When speaking to the Whig, he stated that he, felt fit | {and hoped to be spared to see many { moré exhibitions his year, on ac- count of his son being overseas, and being unable zet any help, Mr. Vanluven put all of the ¢rop in with- any as tance. He states that all will visit Kingston, fair to out During the afternoon ix number of » young people who vere present icipated in the spore ng is the ist of those £ Harrov t; Edward Whitly, R.R Harrowsmith, lst vice-pre . Bradshaw, Hafrowsmith, 2nd Gallagher, Harrow- y treasurer M."B. Traves, Latimer; Hicks, Harrowsmith; Jas Brady, "Harrowsmith; Wm. Lee, Har- rowsmith; Geo. Leatherland, R.R. | No. 2; Kingston; Arsh. Asselstine, Moscow; Thos, W. Kerr, Harrow- | 8 h; Cliff lutledge, Sydenham; | Byron Gordon, Westbrooke. | "Committes of Fair: Palace, John Stewart: horses, John D. Shibley; cattle. Thos, W. Kerr; sheep, Chas Hickss grain, Geo. E. Leatherland; [ poultry, James Brady; pigs, W. A: Potter. = rt DELIGHTED BIG AUDIENCE A SPLEN- DID MUSICAL COMEDY. Production Made a Big Hit Friday 1 C amining the horses anl éattie. Altho INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to Readers of the Whigy no ge he Police © Was hor /. Swaine, plane tuner, brders at Auley's, or 'plicae 564w. M llum, who has been vikit- ing in Chicago, returned home Fri- , i . The fine warm weather of Saturday morning was appreciated after the storm of Friday. Hotel Dien Tag Day Sept. 24th, in ald of Home. Be genercus. A tree at the foot of William street was blown down during the storm on Kriday night . Lhe Hotel Dieu Nurses are without a home. 'Help to build them one by the Nurses' ibuying a tag on Wednesday. DALY'S BLACK TEA, DALY'S JAPAN TEA: the best-value obtain able, At MAHOOD'S DRUG BTORE, Kingston. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. The expenses in con tion with tha Kingston fair are $15,000. That amount has to be taken in at the rgt. Hartland and Gunner Porter University avenue) on men ft which he Polley, 1 mother old girk Liverpool Ol who arrived Remember Fock St go sale to be hold Saturday ¢ 7th. Children's clothes gnen were called out on two during Friday night to re- which had been shattered in the stom and were in a dangerous position The flgs on the city buildings are flyigg haif-m out of r ct to the memory of the late Dr: Had + - who Sydenham ward in the { me ¥ t wee on the Prince reception met on Frida® t was, decided to hold the the city hall, and a Tor: er will likely be engaged. ight a wild nigl a regular . hurri veni banquet i onto cacer Friday wind blew Night, and Will be Attraction Again ! To-night--Brimful of Catchy Songs and Some Fine Features. Brimful of catchy i a tone Fh 15 nw entert r Girl" made its 1 al appear: at the Grand en Friday night, { made a big hit b¥fore a capacity ise, The audience was delighted the production, and manifested | faction throughout eral applause. cast and the play is that has the proper swing to it from beginning | the two The one acis is rique was charming in "My Soldier Girl," and | 5 d with applause in her} varios songs. Maud Baxter, as her chum, was most captivating in songs. She pdssesses: a clear, voi Te Ker | rich warm is car- Jasper as Rie- and her selections were ly received. The comedy work ried on by Billy Maore, Pebbles, and Billy as Murphy, { ketts from Nowhere, and the tv.o Bills - =p oe ipreved-to be pasthmsters wt/HE bust ness, for they had the audience in| roars of latighter all the time Jasper | got off a number of local hits to good] advantage. Ricketts had a line of] Jokes and' poetry that rang the bell! every time, and Jasper brought down | the house when he sang "Room 202." Ricketts made a big hit with his song, | "1 Saved Up for a Dry Day." He! carried a bottle of "wet goods," and! it the song He told how the majority | of people had saved up for a rainy day, while he had prepared for the! "dry" days. Jasper and Ricketts put! the necessary "pep" into. all their| work, and they are given plenty of it| to do. Words of praise are due to the! girls in the chorus. They sing well, and can dance well too. As a special feature, the manage- ment had a running-board out from the stage as far as the wide aisle, and their love songs at.short range with the audience made a big hit. The production is very prettily staged, and with the pretty costumes of the girls in the chorus made a fine effect. A male quartétte is also a special {&ature and the singing provided a fine treat. x te are a score or more song hits in the production, asd all took well A few of the favorites included, "My Soldier Girl," "Sugar Baby." "Hitchie 00," "Just for g 11," "Broadway," "Won't You Be My Beau." Miss Garrique had one song which calls for special mention, 'that of "Wrap Me Up In a Bundle of Love," in which the chorus assisted, while Miss * Baxter's voice was perhaps heard to the best advantage in "The My Heart" The comedy quartette, composed of Ricketts, Jasper and the boys, was another big feature, Ther are several dancing specialties. Mish Garrique and Lesslie Jones were very clever in their turn. Jasper also did some clever dancing. "My Soldier Girl" is one of the bes musical comedies seen at the G in many a day. It will be the attrac- tion at the Grand again to-night. Sheep Kil Cése, ; Justices of the Hunter and Allison found Chester Thoros that killed i iat ---- A Cockroach In the Ki : Where's the KEATING'S? cockroach label round each cirton. 4 wt te i sili Marine Notes, 8 ed the Ontario Temperance Act; was fined $14 and costs when arraigned before Justice of the Peace George Hunter on Saturday. : We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase iprice, aud arrange easy terms on bal. ance. C. W. Lindsay. Limited. The polite have been informed of an attempt to blackmail two Mon- treal street ladies. Ou Friday night there was a racket outside their home to frighten them. Letter writ- ing forms part of the scheme. Neigh: bors are suspected. The funeral of the late Pte. Alfred Trout took place from James Reid's undertaking parlors to the G.T.R. station at 2.30 p.m. Saturday with ful military henors. The R.C.H.A. band was in attendance and the R.C.A. provided the escort, Teething Troubl laby's teathing time is a time of worry for . most mothers, Baby's little gums become swoollen and tender; his bowels get out of order and stipation, colic or even diarrhoea sets in. "To make the teething period easy Baby's Own Tablets should be given the little one. They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels and | keep baby good natured. Concern-; ing them Mrs. lLlarcel 'D. LeBlanc, | Memramecock, West, N.B., writes: "I| have used Baby's Own Tablets for the | past six vears and have found them | indispensable. To my mind nothing can equal them in allaying the fever | accompanying teething. I would nof | be without them and can strongly re-| commend them to other mothers." | -The* Tablets are sold by medicine | dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box | from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EN "The Hat Store™ Choote Your New Hat To-night New Derbies.. $8.50 to 837.50 New Velour Hats, $5 to $7.50 BUY TO-NIGHT "Headquarters for 'Headwear George Mills & Co. = Yea) ed A Wednesday, | | i their 44, - a p , Ae REGULAR PRICE 81.50 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919: Hear These Big Musical Numbers Yogiland, Honeymoon Waltz, Carolina Sunsh ine, Don't You Remember the Time, On Miami Shore, You Can't Drive My Dreams Away, I Never Knew That I Loved You, Tell Me, Golden Gate, Dreamy Alabama, etc., played by Seven-Piece Orchestra at the Strand Theatre Friday and Saturday Also by SALSBURY'S ""PREMIE NORCHESTRA at this store Satu The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open' Evenings rday evening. TWO FOR A QUARTER THREE FOR A DOLLAR SPECIAL 65¢. REATION OF BRIAN KENT" SPECIAL 81.85 TET TM. ATR pp SENERGEAREARRNNNSNARARRRARANANSY Silk Plush For Suits and Coats "-- Taupe 5 and Nigger very fashionable as well as set- 3 viceable--50 inches wide. yard ...... Brown shades-- Per Vaid sen oer: 31.50 tation. SALTS SEAL PLUSH -- the Plush with a world-wide repu- We sell it at . . $10.00 Ji mn on 4 In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomats Sowp Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's, Vegetable Soup Distributors for Red Rose Tea--tiie Good Tea Victory Bonds are the populae thing. Buy them! W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 8-543, The Coats that we sell are pretty, perfect- fitting, popular priced. we i "The Always Busy Store" FENNENRNEPNSNREERNERNCNNANN ANNES Saturday's Market Prices. The market on Saturday morning | wag one of the biggest of the season. | Supplies were abundant. Prices were Nttle changed from those of last week, Butter sold at 60 to 65 cents a pound, and eggs at the old price of 60 cents a dozen. Fowl were .searce, and prices ranging from $1.76 a pair to $1.50 each, were asked | and paid. There was a good supply of lamb, which sold at 23 to 25 cents a pound for forequarters, and 28 cents a pound for hindquarters. To- matoes were especially plentiful and sold at moderate rates. Apples rang- ed from 25 to 50 cents a peck. a -------- Warmly Welcomed at MarTbank. Corporal and Mrs. Ambrose Swit- zer returned to Marlbank from over- seas a few days ago, and were giv- en a very enthusiastic welcome by Corporal Switzer's many friends. Mrs Switzer, who was formerly Miss Webb, of Plumstead, England, was da, having he was on service overseas. de Hghtad with the hearty reception ten- dered, and also with the many gifts showered upon her by her husband's friends and relatives. The happy couple are anxious to express their gratitude for the fine reception they Delay on Barrieficld Road. There has been considerable de lay in the building of the péw road at Barriefield in front of the Barrie- fisld hutments. Anthony Rankin, M, P. P., when asked by the Whig on Friday, stated that he expected the road would be finished very soon. The delay hés besn caused by the county authorities waiting for the ise of the steam and equip- ment belonging to the city. Jt was expected that ihe road would be finished in time for the fair. It is satd thet some milk vendors raiged the price of their milk to consumers. I so they are Hable to prosecution. 240 pairs new Model Corsets at 27 cents off the price. Sizes 19 to 30. $1.50 for ...:..$1.23 Newman & Shaw Bl | i 3 FRIENDSHIP'S FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT --CHOICE APPLES, --TOMATOES / ~--POTATOES ==AND CORN, 216 DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 { ON PINE STREET--a detach. | ed dwelling; hardwood | floors; B. and C., tor $1900. ON ELM STREBT--A detached frame dwelling, with large garden, for $2200, Posses- sion October 1. ON WILLIAM STREET - A semi-detached dwelling, with furnace; gad; B. and ©; tor | $3400 Immedtate posses- sion. ON BARRIE STREET - A building lot, 62 feet front. age, with .sewer and water Iaid in; for $478. Fire Insurance. Mpney to loan. E. W. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnston snd Division Sts, Phones 530W, and 5300. BUILDERY SUPPLIES spp Hard Coal The best SCRANTON COAL in all sizes---Egg, Btove, Chest- ------ | S---- nut and Pea. fe? 5. ANGLIN & 0. Woodworking Factory Lamber Yards . WEEK-END CHOCOLATES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 39%. LB. - A. - 3 £ ¥ 4 § y WeHave |