Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1919, p. 1

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Bt Sy 16 PAGES eB Br Pde Ge eee $ + $ { » t + . COAL STEAMER IS THOUGHT TO BE LOST Wreckage. And Life Preservers Found on Beach Near 0s. ~" wego, N.Y.-Enroute to Kingston---Owned By James Swift & Co.--Comimanded By Capt. Charles Beaupre. A ¢lud Wan Uswego till We had | Ca steamer cago, wit} yYator on seen Main that Waffle The W the coal< "first on the small type of boat, capaci f about two Capt. Beaupre has bee her for the past two vy Capt. Beaupre resid sity avenue, is between La, WHAT HEARST PROMISES">2 with a carr 3 LOOKS FOR ELECTION Issues - ia) Empire Hears. The Ontario Province His | pl oo "Platform and Promises to Make | Ontario @ Better Place; (Canadian Press D Toronto, Sept. 24 I upon which Sir William ask the people ef Ontario judgment Oct. under the following he 1. The greatest po tance to agriculture. 3 The 1: ul enforcement t people's verdict on the liquor ques: tion. 3. Vigorous support of the hydro- alectriq development and cheap light and power for our farmers. 4. Conversion of certain lines into hydro-electric 5. Good roads reaching every part of Ontario. - ' i. A pension fund for mothers. representation abinet 8. Establishment of a minimum ; wage i 9. Unification of the labot Canada on a just and equi 10. Such further labor zis with provincial jurisdiction as arise out of the findin of the tional industrial conference and international labor confere: ce 11. Housing EY Hears kis indidate € F Cc mmoggat r election™¥ Kin represented for a on ot | be rms | From 1896 t Sn nn railway lines. may accommogation industrial workers. 12. Special consideration turned soldiers, with cabinet entation. 13. A new era for education, pro viling technical and agricultural in< structions throughout the province 14. Improvement of transporta- Ron facilities an Sorthera Onl Ante. who had been Kingston's mem : onservatic > - the Ontario Legi g dgemer in yiRes % urges apd encouragement to min Hon, William Har ng. \ ¢ : sentative of the x n sures edute e high i eta 13, i casures to redute the hig re-elected in 1917 by cost of living. y rOSiE RE x 17. Protection of the public health, 3 a He resigned on 2 2 - fective ash. generous care of mental defectives "It is expected that SinHenr or ton will be elect substantial majority on Oct 2 deed it is said to be a possibilit he will no be opposed." SIR HENRY DRAYTON A it, suet as federal ly a few To Opén Up Quarry. ! Alexandria Bay, N. Y., Sept. 24. Frederic Conde, of New York. and Alexandria Bay, owner of the Oswe- 80 Knitting Mills, Oswego {has added another phase to his busi bss activi- ties. ¢ He recently purchased the Jack- son farm, lying along the river be- tween Edgewood Park: and Point Vivian, and he now plans to develop an extensive quarry on the ground. No Balloon Ascension, On_ account of a high wind and variable air-currents the balloon as- cent and drop from a parachute by Capt. Farley of New York, at the Fair Grounds yesterday, had to be put off, much to the disappointment of the visitors. However, an aero- plane gave a very interesting display of mid-air fighting tacties. The above déspateh is very esting to Kingstonians, but no len has yet been reac Sir Henry. The un tes Is tp meet early next week Marine Notes, : 3 { The steamer John Randall was in port on Weddesday morning on her way to Oswego. The steamer Jex has gone into the "Kingston Shipbuilding Company's {#® dry dock for some slight repairs. © Steamer Belleville arrived down with freight. Appointed Superintendent. J. Walter Hazlett, of Kingston, has heen appointed superintendent of the passenger service of the Canada "Steamship lines, with his headquart- : x Soll 'ers at Montreal. x ES 'he os and at Iaol Johie, " aged eighteen years, Actonvale, Que., and Ligornie Tur, geom, of the same age, Rock Forest, Que, working on the G.T.R. at Lyn "were instantly killed on Tuesday 'whet run down by express No. § A general railway strike in\Enag- dand is again a possibility. S. Erie las and Premier Lloyd George are in conferende ' "Four Italian warships lave named as 'units of the Fium "by D'Andunzio. . ment at Lindsay Fair. Lindsay, Sept. 24 the balloon man, dent here on the met with an been fan navy could get ou 106 feet, t his parachute. but bevond being unconscions, was unharmed.' i ed by Liberals. In 1011 W. F® N wom £. She OF SIR HENRY DRAYTON | for Kingston-- What the Tor>nto Mail- Bs n by Sir John Macdon 0 1911 it was répres Adin. ickle, ber in eeded vepre- Mr. Nickle was a majority of 4.- weeks ¥ Dray in Kingston by a i. Ins ¥ that inter- deg. hed regarding ion party commit- | EV. JOUN 5. ROBERTSON r . College, Toranta £ operation. | est a woupled | the | Hemlletics. FALLS 100 FEET, UNHURT. Balloon Explodes and Causes Excite A ~C. C. Bonnette, acci- last day of the fair, when pis balloon exploded before he | He fell | on rendered ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1919 MEMBERS MAY FIGHT lttempt to Prohibition Legisiation Through, arce 0 PROMINENT MEN AT THE CONVE y ; AT TORONTO. rominent wh ire atten tir Ihe above are'p national Asse left rt Vd eo weration of Indus Kingston, | Will J p ONTARIO ELECTIONS + ON OCTOBER 20th. teh) ate} Beth of Them Were' Endorsed By France And Great Britain. US. WAVALAUTHORITES Sir Or DECLINE TO TAKE ANY ACTION AGAINST D'AMUNZIO S---- 1 ' It Is Not Believed That the Italian Would Be 'Satisfied Wit Inte rationalizing Flame. People 'orth Huro tional commiss by league of nations, The tter project would rtually the ® as advocated by Tardieu s months ags In either case. wrt of | would } lized schemes people, It is understood that naval authorities trol the have decline ever pending th Washington or in Paris in 1 x forces from F op ( the ance whats nal decision fr peace D'Annunzio's delzgates 1 fon: O HOPE FOR SETTLEMENT London, On ¢ ers opposed to dry riven recently branch Ye lOt Steel Strike Through U.S. Senate Al gue enterpr Prominent people who wish the ba of ti lers do not abound, such persons were low their names to the pre-election campaign men of influence. Now the Liber that they have work in a "quiet wa) lest it should be felt:by the electorate that they had the®interests of the maker of | booze at heart. | Gave Work To 268,710 Men. i | New York, Sept. 34.--The United | States Steel Corporation at the begin- | ning of this year had on its pay roll {268,710 employes, and the total of salaries and wages paid during 1918 amounted to $452.663,524. The ave. rage daily wage of ali employes, ex- clusive of the general administrative and selling force, was $5.3 strike hoped to between Cor steel strike as the firs industrial warfare, po prelude to the long talke between capital and many have predict would com | the read justy from war to peace tties about a and inclined bring employers Tess is be are not ty Leggue announce fo do their ed 4 CHARGED WITH BANK ROBBERY {Three Men Airested In Chicago for! i Theft of $415,000. °° i Chicago, Sept. 24. --Thrde men, 1 clerk in the Is said to e robbery and two ibrathers named Phillips were ar- {rested here yesterday charged with {Stealing $24,000 of a shipment of {$415,000 last Thursday from the {Federal Reserve Bank here to the | Standarg Oil Company of Indiana at { Whiting, Ind. Of the stolen funds, {$393,620 was recovered. The - re- | mainder, according 10 an alleged {confession of two of the men, was {abandoned at the outskirts of Chicago, when the automobile, in witich they were returning from Whiting broke down. 3 ------ i- P. MacDonald Fraser, Toronto, an- | notinces the engagement of his young est daughter, Winifred, to James Ar. nold, Brockville, Ont., son of Profes- Sor and Mrs. J. Porteous Arnold, Montreal. The marriage will take Place quietly early in October. At the A. Barton Hepburn Hespi- | {tal. Ogdensburz, N.Y. on Monday, | | the death occurréd of one of the old- jone of them John Wejda, { Chicago post-office, who 5.33 {have planned The number of plants under the centrol of the Corporation and thru its subsidigries is 145. The Carnegie Steel Company, with 32 works; the American Steel and Wire Company, with 35 works the American Bridge Company, with 14, and the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company, with §, are among the largest units of the Corporation. Will Likely Be Adopted. Ottawa, Sept 24 Much is to be | said in favoriof Mr. Mowat's bill for | the electrocution, rather than the | hanging of condemned murderers He talked to the house on Monday night of the Rbumanity of the pres. ent system and he Proposes that all these fatal fanctions be carried out, not in the! back yard of jails, but in the penitentiaries duly equipped to accomplish the despatch business withoat the hofrors of the scaffold. {The sense of .the honse seemed | favorable to the bill but Andrews Me- nd most highly respected resi- | Master, who has inherited the mantle {dents of Morristown. N.Y. Mrs. | of Robert Bickerdike in that regard, { Bridget Farrell, formerly of Mait- | came out flat foated to abolish capi- { land. Ont. tal punishment whether by the rope , Secretary Poster, of the ar the electric current, Progress | Workers National Committee, stated | was reported. There i a good chance | al Pittsburg Tuesday afternoon, that } of the bili carrying. : according to his reports 327.000 men | ---- } {are participating it the strike. i - | All steel, plants at Youngstown, | The German troops in the Baltic i 8ix in num 39.- region intend ta remain in Letvia all | 000 men out of employment. : wintad, making their headquarters at The death oteurred §t Brockville | Mitan. Tuesday of a highly respected re-} The Bolshaviki have made all pre. sident for over fifty ves=g ia the per-! parations for Re evacuation of Pet. i son of Pdul Yeance. rograd. ber, are shut down, NTON OF ACCIDENT BOARDS AN the Annual OMINiIsSs) THE LATES D COMMISSIONS ] Yor {er the Ir FP rom A, Me = OF THE WORLD #9 and Not Admitted to Bentnic k Castle, Despatches That Come From Near Distant Places. 5 ithin TIDINGS FOR OUR READERS = = PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFE & FOSSIBLE FORM: = ever The the. Whig's Daily Condensation of News of the World From Tele- graphic Services and Newspaper Exchange, CAMPAIGN AT BROCKVILLE Both Parties Active, as Well as Teme perance Forces, > Sept. 24 ' forty-three ta pe te for the next el- f ex-Mayor John re, is spoken of Cd late Famous I CHL Frad Parfs of formerly a lake captain, n the C.P.R. track anda Iready in mn. » @ young James near Parry ound, was wounded by his bra. r't know it was load- wr' tell of ds Headquarters patch from the recor shot and fat ther, Wire reports heviki plot throughout R led to the capture and ex IX men cha who ** less ¥, my right excel- ft Shediac land at & am are entertained ite department at Washing- lies the report that passports have been denied those who wish to £0 'to Europe to participate in the world-wide prohibition meeting. attle Tip one of the ption VE cents for its daily edition and from Seven to ten cents for its Sunday paper 5 the West price WILSON'S ROYAL GIFTS Brought Back Over Worth, Penrose Washington, Sept, Pegrose, Republican, vania, declared in the Senate that President Wilssm and his party brought back from the Paris Peace Conference jewels and other gifts from "crowned heads," which he had been told were worth more than one million dollars. . Interdupting a speec Ashurst, Democrat, said that in 181 posed to prohibit $1,000,000 Says. ios 24 Senator [* ofl - Pennsyl- | LIEUTR J. ©. sCoTT Toronto affices accidentally killed hy } exply n of a German army ver in his own NI re- h by Senator! Arizona, who f it had been pro- Roceptance of gifts from foreign rulers by the President. Senator Penrose asked if the Arizona Senator had in mind gifts made to President Wilson while in Europe. which' M "I know nothing of that," Senator | was the 'Ashupst replied, "but if any Demo- erat accepted such gifts he would re. celve my condemnation as quickly as it he were a Republican." x "1 have been told that the Presi. dent and his party came back over- burdened with presents from crown- ed heads a foreign: governments," Senator Penrose said. b FELL DOWNSTAIRS, And Died Soon After the Melancholy Accident. Tweed, 23. ing fatal Roben Sept. ~A very distress. occurred at the home of Sullivan, on Saturday, in rs. Sullivan lost her life It 8 breakfast hour aad {Sullivan was soon to leave for his work at Tweed. Mrs Sullivan was putting away some eream at the ihead of the cellar stairs when sha [quddenty plunged forward, falling eadfirst down the stairway. She struck the last two steps with such {force that they were broken in two "There was The fall resulted in a severe fracture jewellery valued at hundreds ,of [of the base of the skull. Sh lived thousands, and I was told that cus- [about {wo hours. during w : time toms anthorities valued - the gifts at (there were periods of consciousness. more than one million ;dollars " i - tn eaten $3300 1m OTA Pines. Brockville, Sept 24 -- Three Ital! fans arrested lust week at Prescott | by Chief of Police Jackson for boot- | legging have paid their fines were released from custody, MAN OUTBURST. | Milwaukee Mayor Refuses H ity to Royalty, Milwaukee, Sept. 24 the man who works. and | the kings!" They | This quotation closes a letter to A contributed 'the sum of $1,900. T. 'Van ASeoy, president of the Mil the past week fines totalling $3100 | watkee® Asst n of Commerce have been: paid into Pr scott police'! from Mayor Hoan, in which the lat court for violation of the Ontario | ter refused to invite King Albert ang Temperance Act. | Queen Elizabeth delgium to visit 3 | Milwaukee The mayor offers, how. ospital- "1 stand for "To hell with n of Marmors village fax te has been | ever, to Yorward such an invitation fixed at forty-five mills this year. | presented by any group of citizens A ' | pendent, frankly denouncing Mr. Bs fle bo | LAST EDITION. WILL BECK DROP * HEARST PARTY Aud Run AS An Independant in the Forth- GOnigg Election ? TWILL SURPRISE Ho ON UP LONDON WAY Ip THAT. BECK DID Sir Adam Has Desired Th dro-Electrie at the Hy. Commission ment Should. Be tics. Depart: Kept Out of Poli per- ed nor de- while * Hydro-rad- the igns during years, Governigent no on the occasion the Min- ever no fas tump with 'him. -- Dragged Into Politics. 13 bl ownership Untario have > past few weeks them to be laim. cred- support- been to ring the enter cipalities by palities, wit "but under the Adam, had rout ¥ other recent mee i out on a week ring, b from municipalities the Toronto and Raste again developed serted that on two 1nke Hydro a de; ant of the rent had been under serious government consideration. speak elegates eresto the Gave No Assistance. * fact that rwembers of the Rovernment are unable to show one ca which they have given any istance in campaigns behalf the Mumici Radial Railway Association's campaighs in 'the 'past three or four years must have made an impression on Sir a | prominent public owners sup- porter declared "It will surprise no one if he is the field in London as an inde- Prem- | ler Hearst's Government In faet, | the surprise will be if he follows any { other course. Mr. Lucas, in his re. { ply to Col. Praft, shifted ground to { evade the point He was not asked { about the leadership of the United | Parmers. . He was asked about Sir { Adam Beck and his own constitu- ency." Prominent Conservatives are non- communicative on the subject. Neo | convention has been called, and ft {Is believed probable that none will { be t is regarded as certain that they could find no man to oppose Beck, even in a strictly partisan convention he on al ip { In i | news mn BULLETIN. + | was badly Congress i The One Big Union jdea hit by the Dominion Trades | at Hamilton. It is thought that tha Unionist caucus will leave prohibition legis lation to the provinces tader the Do herty Act. . The Italian Government will sup- ply Flume' with foodstulls through the 'Red Cross. to prevent suffering there. ep pntsstmhoeesa Brantford's Growth, Brantford, Sept 24. The Assess Department will this week pre- he revised assessment and po- y fignres. The torecasts indi. cate that though the foreign popula- tion fallen by some £00, who turned to 'their ola homes, there is a net increase, whi 2% made to a the wholes ie coi, 80 pleased has the King bee the splendid reception aceorde Prince of Wales in Canada thas message of appreciation wi warded th ial at the ing with ths

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