a + i' - ~ | 129 Brock Street WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMNER 24, 1910 Drink Charm Black Tea Sald in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited ¥ eon ct eA at AA = c : Boyd's Garage We have several. five passenger Tour- ing Cars, from $250.00 up. Don't go home without seeing our new Reo Six. Boyd's Garage, Phone 201 ---- ms ~ If Your "Victory Bonds" . Were Burnt or Stolen They might prove a total loss. So with Stock Certificates Promissory Notes and other Negotiable Securities. Do not leave Valuable Papers at home or at the office, where there is always danger of fire or theft. Keep them ina Safety Deposit Box in the vaults of this Bank. The highest measure of security and protection against loss is afforded, at a small annual tental, THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, Kingston Branch, « - - . H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. Verona Branch, . - » J-W, MoCLYMONT, Manager, Safety Deposit Boxes to Rest at Kingston Branch. PN tt 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CANADA'S LARGEST * ENGINEERING PROJECT Your Savings Mean Much To You They are as import- ant to you gs his mil- hops to the millionaire perhaps more so. They mean the be ginning of your inde- pendence, the found- ing of your fortune. Hydro-Electric Power Commission Carrying onl Wonderful Power Development Work at Nia-| gara Falls --A Second Panama Canal, largest s i King t Then entrust them to a Bank with a repu- tation for 87 years - of reliable and court- eous service. We accept depos * from a dollar up, and pay 37. compounded half-yearly. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A. N LYSTER Manager Kingston Brane ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT & WORK AT || NIAGARA 4 = ; A Fox h Story. och is have hi | is relaxed s lariti for lunch, but Mme. Mars = AN cr at ( All classes of high yield investments -- * Corporation, Governm nt and Municipal. Private wires--New = York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto. STOCKS----GRAIN----COTTON BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. 487 Bagot St. Phone 1728. H. J. Bongard, Manage, TRY OUR KIND OF SCHOOL SHOES » - OUR $4.00 1 TO 5 SCHOOL SHOE IS A RECORD BREAKER, It's the best $4.00 School Shoe for boys on earth. Best School Shoe for the money that ever will be made. btner people who Ror have seen this School Shoe are speechless. There is really nothing to equal it. - Bee this shoe--it talks for itself. Sizes 1 to 3, n-------- LH. Sutherland &Bro "HOME OF GOOD SHOES" i, In the middle ot prolonged { With the allied represent Foc h ent a message to s rchale would aw: still less portant but ECONSTRUC- TION is the order of the 'day. If | you have formed the Sav. 13 Ar enennnnnnnn~nn | I0gS habit you are prepared to meet its opportunities; if | Steam in the not, reconstruct your methods | rock deposit and begin today. We have a *hy dle ol Bt a Savings Department atvevery | huge claminell swung frou Branch. = { ial cableway, dreps into the THE : | then emse bringing wi erous bit from 2 rive which are deposited OF CANADA KINGSTON BRANCH' JF, ROWLAND - d by air, 1e river tower from ts the acti- Deposits of bank wher earth @ of the f. th of 1 amis} ie ciamsaell ion of the development mission fgpm crushec moved fromm its right of way, 1} gs the activities of huge electric shovels, | electric trains and gangs of men pre- sent a striking picture, The weary householder painfully eset BOSON BOOT furnace, shoyel by shovel, | ton or two of coal, i ply, will marvel a the electric si ) + &/ life it 70 feet inte ¢ air and deposit it into waiting cars, all within the short space of 40 seconds Trains, hauled by electric loc tives, convey the mud and cla ithe dump at St. David's. The be ders and rock from the canal r orne-away to the stone crusher on | the cliff above Queenston, and con- i verted into materiai for roadways, railroad roadbed and riprap whieh | i will line the shores of the canal. The | stone crusher, which has a-ca rof 4000 cubic yards, is well wo { visit. The rocks from tha excava | are cast into a trough open | gigantic steel jaws which gr | sm "Prince Georg Hotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN PLAN BOOOONONOoRN * PAGE FIVE JOR JCC JC JS JC J CC DC DD J A Short Route to Increased Production Efficiency of equipment is the shortest route through which you can increase pro- duction, and offset the high cost of mater- ialand fabor. ? Your first consideration should be to get the most out of the power that you are paying for, Dominion Friction Surface Belting will transmit as near one hundred 'per ~ cent. of each power unit as can be trans. mitted by a belt. : During more than fifty years of experi- encein belt building for power transmission, we have perfected a special friction coin. pound that acts not only as a water-proof- ing, as a vulcanizer to the fabric plies of the belt, but .enables Dominion Friction Surface Belting to take a grip on the pul- leys that practically eliminates all power waste. Our engineers will be glad to show you, without ¢harge, how Dominion Friction Surface Belting shortens the route to in- creased production, thereby lowering your. manufacturing cost." Their 'services are available through -our nearest Service Branch. Service Branches * Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Fort William, Winnipeg, Drandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Montreal, Ottawa, J J J J WJ J J J J J JJ JC JC JC J JJ JC J J JCJ 5 CJ RE Toronto, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, North Bay, Calgary, Lethbridge, Vancouver, Victoria. Makers of ion Hose, Packing and 1 trial Rubber Goods and Dominion Tires, the GOOD Tires for every purpose. 57 FC JSC J J J" J JCC Mennen's . Talcum for Men. A real shaving companion i= Mennen's Talcum for Men. Most men like to UR bread 'is on the pure O food level. It's a 'stan- dard article of food in thig town. Every day more folks are learning about its nutri- tious goodness and about the cleanly care used in its manu- facture. Eating our bread is a health habit. Get the habit show and is antiseptic and protective, distinct in character and package: retaining all the qualities of Mennen pro- ducts. [LACKIES BAKERY HOME MADE ve DR. THEO. SOARES { Professor of Religious BEduestis [ University of Chivago. whe ie tp de i or an address on "The Schoo! and | Development of Moral Purpoce" be i the National Eduestional Conference { be held In Winnipeg October 20th, 21st | | and 32nd . i / . The neighbors ex-fand Mrs ois their ihe and friends of Mr. gathered oyden, on Sept. 1st, and present am with a purse 1 its fof money, and mother, Mrs. ich | McKeown, with a Bibl , before t departure fq their new home Centreville. Stanley M¢Keown at ( mmm, [| =H s \ fy I) ( BRR Ld ¥ . You will never know the differ- ence in shaving soaps 'till you use MENNENS SHAVING CREAM u Not just anothor soap--but a shaving cream that takes most of the sting, inconvenience and fret out of shaving. That's a fact. Put half an inch on your brush! Use hot, cold, hard or soft water. Work the lather up into your beard. Don't use your Now shave. Isn't that surprisingly smooth and sayy? Isn't that some- thing like a shave? Your beard isn't as tough after ail. Your face doesn't smart after all. : That's because MENNEN'S SHAVING CREAM actually softens tough hairs and your razor cuts them off without the drag you've come 10 expect. Your face doesn't smart because MENNEN'S is soothing, ° That's why millions of reach so eagerly for their tube of MENNEN'S SHAVING CREAM each morning. The Complete Mennen Line-- fingers--use your brush, Crea Talcam m Mennen's Baby Soap Kors-Konia ! THE MENNEN COMPANY, Factory: MONTREAL 3 Sales Office: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Limited, TORONTO