WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 10 -- ee -- PAGE EIGHT > ___ THE'DAILY BRITISH WHIG - Wor In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features ONLY MEDICINE [The Luck of Geraldine Laird 8 287 = re | Bl P-- i. fing George V, i | | - . BY KA PHLEEN NORRIS, ; | probably leave N w Ye t A y ~ PREPARED COFFEE | Autlior™"gt<=The Story Julia Page," "Heart of Racael," tenth of Janus for On, From W ar fo Peace | "Sisters," etc, made in the cup at the table. g t i > Tom 1 : All size cans in stock. Extraordinar SUCCESS Which |, One hot June day. wanderingiast Sear of the old cent 3, when! bil. the fello:'who has been sha The war restrictions on the . Prompt Delivery. J | through Easthampton with the lit-}the war was done ad ¢ Hh 8 year, is Hos 2 : ¢ f : og . c i 1 {tle girls, a real sense of =: action] thing to win, and ev aw he HE Jie BERIN. J am a > Ta avs Fruif-a-tives Has Achieved came to her when she reali id that pledging hersel Fe an are dee priting, although aid -- shipment O Biscuits hay ng D. COUPER One reason why "Frult-a-tives" |she was unhappy. It was a fact win it. } ribbon 8 ih i s Bu ry | «3 Princeas t. Phome 7& why - be faced: she was lonely, unloved,| "At Christmas time sh as in San | Pretty well discqurages been remov ed fai. Pim ire Is so extraordinarily successful ia baad he, If. No} Pranciseo and wh rr, an | 1 would like to see ; i giving relief to those suffering with pac hia p! her thoughts, horito New York i Sin in | {and see the little ¢ by . Consaipation, Forged Los Zdirer | man pick ' Sb oukdks ef and the trees w St '| your anger would net er . " H tl & P ] tion, Chronic Headaches, Neuralgia, |essential lack. erumpled finger-tip: en. BE er foul know how 5 of 0 ni Don't un / Cc y a mers Kidney and Bladder Troubles, | the abruptly-terminated tupiis bloomed in Ma SUuare, TE fia id i yihing is ehanged . ye . i Quality' counts when you are Rheumatism, Pain in the Back, ship with Roger had left a strange ang the giris--taller V | and by my own hand. ke v 5 -- iia Th Luying food supplies more than £Lezema and otlier Skin Affections. | che in her heart, 1k had re minded ner leaping intos their: m . > Row. | YOu were always. gene tome; - 0 1ISCUits x IF IH any other article. Our stores i 1 , | poignantly pf what she was 0SINg. 1 Were as sweet and pe al Ly be generous now. Let me come - are stockéd with the best that 18, because it is the only medicing of what married companionship and . 2 be gonere th » sake of the old . . can be bought. Call and see or the world made from fruit s. {the oneness of interest lends to both 3 5 es See you, 307 Ye ir tebrt. . . . (i ~ It is composed of the" medicinal || ometimes e Seliberately re: : 18g Sung. oq bor : ei Sond nei ere fil S0 hab are once again being sent to Phone 530 : vi all the dteps that had led to loc , her . hair, - : principles found in apples, oranges, | Yiewec a. the i tep 1 | herself Li Geraldine pressed the letter over . . y Tha. : figs and prunes, together with the hersel TRU Jom Daun, 1 remind was enjoying a cup of t ' heart as if there was a burning all parts of the Ww orld. I hey The Unique Grocery nerve i ¢ tisepti 'Helrlasxnpas © » matter | mountain of mail, as they ts ain there, and rose blindl; . . v . ar ae aia and antiseptics of { helplessness in the matte: lopn tai « 1 : y race] In'a great surge of feeling are of the same standard of and Meat Market 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. It was the first knitting S rand her heart thumped ean's hand- | that almos sickened or with ita vio T . eT 490 to 492 Princess Street At all dealers or sent postpaid ae country was slowly but . ; dng : : } 1 : £11 Cons hie he had ".r ®) TOKERING, Prop Peolt cot iwakening to the thought of war. | white envelop, from Dean. She 1 | the m y of the times when he hac nriva c 1 C. H. PICK NG, . by I rult4 tives Limited, Ottawa, | When th litt] ly w back to]it to her eyes Yo study the [ beer . : on ua { y = nn my | { town it | find W December. It had bee BE, ) ripple }1 for & thar m | weaken hin e he as in the past, and to prevent : . of pink. Irom the Plasa far down to-| Until thi n 1 ha the Jmpussille inl disappointment the public should ST m------ ] an VL [e Nfs e Soyers of the hor thinking of him, or howe mich a ro-| on and logle, forgive him. Trem place their orders at once with A GREY / WILSON'S jails, an ach othe t]of hemrte Teigsneant in hor heal phone. NEE hae their usual suppliers, = | . blue-jackets were where, > eld 1 Sh 1 Mr. Laird had given up hi 5 i A 2]. DS oe hed. ted and [fo fh. 1%. hok had he" new lenunt = he 0 Hngton HUNTLEY & PALMERS, LTD. | Photographer watched; 1 e Wa elf that she r could. | » apartmen old her, ad ° | | ' 1 I hit ' slay--his address was Biscuit Manufacturers I wishes to announce that he Lda | Ing lor spaper y And 1 1 P 3 MW re 'd 2¥---his a tt & ibe | : | ' ] he Photogra n LEILA LH er soul growing so rapidly t! ¢|lurked a fierce and almost = orade. Or a letter might READING & LONDON Business of W, 1, Ricaaiteo - db | process hurt her. » stopped it ec n- that } 0, | be fo le Stockham, New ENGLAND | > 151 Wellington street, and 1s | X self art b n and set apart hy ' ; 8 rk : i : DALE t class J i dolor all Fr 4 "ring reatment } als ay A le unted, Geraldine tried ¥ now prepared to do firs EX AC AAP | eeist Bi y om th t of an x ; a fires e x ha ad y rving re 3 rr =: : " at work in this line, : | eatial ar he | h } ht thai but she t reconeils "herself to it. Ea - | Workmanship guaranteed. Fo y 5 were n¢ Toh; x wht Wri : h 4 and now, in ho: yr ry | eleomed her eager . | PHONE 1788. 4 Na imply 7 0 her; 'be 1 | hou f her ival, she received the always-e pected and a B.. AB Mrs. Thomas Lindsay, a former A quiet marriage took plate in An AAA Adviih Best of all Fly Killers 10¢ he begah to sce the vo. i a8 ¢ r long set her heart to! well known res ent -at Bancroft, | Morrigburg, on 23nd; when} acca, KA de A per Packet at all Druggists, | of ngton and the 1 eau- me 2s of hi really par- singing fter a. Ah letter, | died on Monda General Hospital, | Miss Luella, ds T the late Geo J. A. Hutchinson, K.( " Brockville, Grocers and General Stores tty of Lincoln's homely face prayers. On grin ) to her. | poronto. Dece: & year ago in- | E. and Mrs. Myers, } isburg, was|has been appointed as crown prose: = 2 Arar iinorra | on ietly dying on the slope of » ly engraved the 'erso nkn as penciled more | jured 1 an autombbile accident and | married to F ; t, son g¥ Mr. |cutor for the eriminal charges in the { x ker Hill, boys of sixteen at G hington Square address, i as | thar once + the 'different ad-|, r recoy : J ind Mrs. W. W. Garrett, Tweed {Ontario supreme court session. y her boys ould | the lotter Geraldine iad | dresses wilt re er i AA A meme Aneto ter perreemen vns these co e in the'a moment's vision of rs f Joh To, be - continued) A remember See Our Exhibit | £4 v Vv Vv wry ; | Sr TP -At-The Fair | 4 1. i Told in GER | TWAT OR || Told in And Satisfy yourself about v/ : p With Loma Moon--- {i+ . & } 4 od | ¥ 8 3 . 3 J | FALE EIAPIIBBIRI SL BID | Mattresses made 'in Kingston. 4 Addie A RES \ | " "z (Continued From Page 3) LITER 4 Remember Your First | Ee BAY al Wain] Kingston Mattress \ fr Tall] | Rg ' Sweetheart | » to-day after a very delight t Wri ) Do you ever recall your fir go . at the Res of ge ald Jars. 7b re {| Sweetheart? ; FRO td TOL R. air and Mr. and Mrs. John Company 4 iy HT £3) 'a A ) Wweetheart? . Of cou you do, yi ufos "Tt ov Wore a rorpaniod by ABETE ; May forget the third, the fifth and | Baxter. aey were accompani y 558 Princess street. Phone 03wy, th < nh in time you may forget the last, hut | their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ON 23 THE PR : never while spring comes round ana [2nd Mrs. Harold F. Smith, Cam- "Lid you are here to see its coming wi bridge, Mass., who left a few days you forget® your first sweetheart | &BO to attend the Muriel-Lamont gr ~-- | wedding" in Toronto, where Mr. | Nothing (Smith was best man. He is the son! 5 a E 4 t of the late Judge. Smith, Montana, | -- ead Bd as poignant lang a graduate of Harvard Univer- | Use Less ow der hs \ § sweetness of that | git and started on Sept. 14th with | Get Better Baking i Ni first devolon; it 18 | prasident Lowell 'of "Harvard and comes after ever a blind worship in | @itiot Wadsworth, who' was chatr-| § Which there man of the Internatiwnal Red Cross thought. of self, a tour of the western states in With 'each 2 the. Interest of the Howard endow | Athat follows, 2 | ment fund. | look more and! more" for reward | >> 0 . for our devotion; | Mr. and Mrs. J. Millar, Kingston, we seek to be ad-| are spending the week with Mrs. | ored, rather than! Pottinger, Wenfrew. | to adore. | Mrs. C. C. Hodgins, Kingston, is| My heart wag'| the guest of her daughter, Mrs. | broken when | was fourteen. ©h, George Otton, Woodstock. - | - # : yes, the whole family laughed and Mr. Qgden, Kingston, is spending | \ thought it was a great joke I can a few 'days at the home of Mr. and | laugh at is now, but nothing has Myps. David Olmstead, Mis issippi. 9 9 ever hurt me as that did He was E. Bradley, Kingston, is spending | It N tu 1 I $ t It c the senior school master, 1 was only|a few days with his parents, Mr. and S a ra 9 Sn 9 ol 1 Cm imi 1 anad ten at this time and too young for| Mrs. A. C. Bradley, Westport | \ Egg-0 Baking Po: 'ar Co., Limited, Hamilton, . a his class; but I had been sent to him Mr. and Mrs. H. Pound, Kingston, | that he should have eyes only for his sweetheart on the shore ? 35 to 'be punished for a misdeed. that spent the week-end with Mr. and | y 29g 3 could only be atoned for by a stick|{ Mrs. J. H Stoness, Westport And it's Just as natyral that he should not worry because in the hands of the senior. During Mrs. F. Healy, who was in King- x ------ a leston I*had reached up and Jerk-{ ston with her husband for some ed the teacher's wig over one ear: months, has left for Hamilton to re- ® and so, with an explanation of my | side. crime in writing, I was sent to see o wits e al O Mr. Robinson. Mis : ¥ .s i "Why did you do it?" he asked Mrs. W J Chapman, Garrett as he stood, cane in hand in the | Street, has returned from Ottawa aft-| * - punishment room. er having a pleasant visit with Mr. | ni h Im "I just HAD to," I confided. "I've}8nd Mrs. Peaker. a: always wanted to knbw if it was Albert E. Dowdall, Kingston, spent oe % real' the reel ond In i i { : ; : 2 . Sips s ars e vilize SE. ve] Dr.J. Howard Box and wife reach- S th t f th C Blue-jay was invented by a scientist of distinction. Bart tL You. tually aan ner 6d Yancouver on Monday on their wee ear O e orn By a man whose lifetime has been spent in the study much," he said severely. * [return from China, They had a pleas-| . of surgical dressings. "I'm sorry, but my hand "worked ant passage znd will reach Kingston sa . - : before I knew it. 'I was wondering about Sept. 30th, | This is a master's method -- correct, complete and about the wig, and then in a minute] Mrs. James Stafford and Mrs, | He knows that the delicately toasted, thin golden flakes are efficient. And the millions of people who know it, I had pulled it." I explained. Florence Bearkley, Watertown, N.Y.| full tected h ' ' never think of enduring'a corn, "I gee," he looked me in the eyes|are to visit friends in Kingston, Na ully protec by the i » . for the first time as he said this, I panee and Kingsten. i ; : : 1 there a Twinkle 8 his. Bb Mrs. W. St. Plerre Hughes, Otta- | 3 'Don't you want to?" I said sens-|Wa. is on a ten days visit to her | ing that he wasn't very angry with |daughter, Mrs. John Gzowsk!, Drum-| : me." mond street, 'Montreal, : } "1 don't, but I 'MUST." Miss Melita Elliott, Kingston, is! "Don't bother," 1 sald comforting-| visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. J. Robert-| s WwW , . : ly. "I ean cry just as well #f you son, Cornwall. . oii] Moisture Proof rapper All in One | jdom't* and without heading his! Mrs. W. K. McCaw and Mrs. Car- | . a on eoping loudly ta my [enter Tweed. ire visiting Bath and| Campers, Summer Hotels, Folks ai Home, save themselves par 3s wep done by re ipplication, protecting every. Pe maivom followed hy the mast KigEston Empson, Belleville is vis | worry and ensure having their Corn Flakes as fresh and crisp as moving all pressure -- by the oad y this Bluejay in {[ [orld Ho kept our secret atthougn ting friends in Kingston. She was © When they left the ovens in our Toronto Kitchens by insisting ing ri it 8 3 he scélded me about it afterwards. , i . I 0 soft protecting ring marked A. a jiffy. Ta corn pain stops After that for four years I brought : rr." : on having their grocer supply them with The next step is to gently at once. The wra ping is him a flower every day for his but-| Miss Nan Skinner spent the past | : ! cause the corn to disappear. comfortable and Yaron ie ton-hole. I decided to marry him. Week with Mr. and Mrs, Francis Maec- on Kello 's This is_done by the re. In two days you remove it 1 adored him. In the summer [nee St. Lawrence Cottage, and left J £8 5 {on Monday for Ottawa where she will! t 1 markable B & B x, i th i would get up early to search for a 1 i no corn can Tesist, | which o Oaly are ri pred | jrare wild flower for his coat and |be the guest of Miss Eygns. i T Corn E lakes applicati fsitin ! in the has fallen into the water. Ly . it in water to the school.| Miss Doris McClel a, Clergy This bit of wax -- marked | Second oR ! Xould carry N 1 ned the garden-|street, is in Ottawa v Major | B --is centered on the corn. This is the scientific way,' er for a treasure from the hot-|and Mrs. G. I Campbell. ; It cannot spread. So, unlike the easy, sure and right way house! but I never failed to bring! Prof. and Mrs, P. G. C. Camp- { : __ WAXTITE Wrapper o old-time methods; it acts on to end corns. You will never him a daily offering. bell and sons, Masters Charlie and! C is rubber-coated adhe. WHER you try a Blue-jay once. chucked me under the chin when he Fines wand Island have ey} ! MADE IN TORONTO : - . % 4 o { 3 sive. This snugly wraps the. Try it tonight. / told me about it! But my heartispeat the e nti e of . by : o ; 3 tn FN oon - " J . = . @ bud in hjs coat, and my poor Prof. and Mrs. J. PF. Macdonald, | ! : , 5 . : Blue a Title flower laf unioticed on the Stoars rat are thending the. week | : . % =] y desk. a nee : mp, } Ss . 8. | = ! = : Re The Scientific Corn Ender The marriage of Frances Tupper, | ; : store, soda fountain and restaurant,Guy Kirkpatrick, DSO. eer | A : Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co. 250 --At Druggists owned by C. Bokas. The gasoline! 73nd Seaforths, has been arranged | Makers of Sterile Surgical Dressings snd Allied Products tains and woodwork. Little damage. | ver. B.C. : nk : ime) Entecprise is a sprout that is prun- | <The man who fs long on words is the corn alone. return to any wrong method Then, he got married. And he(lan, returned on Monday from! try reak I be at The Resid didn't b until he returned to|this week they will | : Sage after his honeymoon wearing | dence, Barl street. ! At Alexandria Bay, N.Y. a small| daughter of Sir Charles Hibber? Tup- | i Cereal Co. Stops Pain Instantly = Ends Corns Completely fire occurred Sunday at a eandy|per, Bart. and Lady Tupper to Col | : used in a perocolator caught fire fo take place oh Sept. 34th vary Ye Battle Creek, Mich.--Toronto, Can. BAUER & BLACK, LIMITED Chicage, Toronto, New York and spread to thé decorations, cur-| gufetly at St. Paul's Church, Vaneou- | y 8h ed by experience. - apt lo be short on deeds.