Vo SA PATRI TT A LE I I TH Ae me Ses RR Ro a AN a 4 a PACE TWELVE THE DAIL Y BR ITIS H Ww H Ic ! : FRIDSY, SEPTRMGER 30, Tue . Ey. be -------------- ee i Ppt § WORK WANTED. | [-- = | "COME IN AND SAVE MONEY" | By H. F. GADSBY. -. iH f i i + * By MH. F. Gadsby. The average mem! J has not becn enjoying week- . ews wi ' . The - some pith ei sl LC pe HE GL lothes for less than $10.00 SF ranty-ave hundred dollars ment gazes back rather wi t clothes for less than 10.00 Of course there is a good answer-- | jon. e' debate ws: not: namely "that there are five hun ly | thtee things an admirable Phillippi : b k d { thousand returned solders and or 'Yiby that Ma ih ences Ernest | more come ac an get three hundred and thirty-one me | Lepointe of Kamowaska, a quibbling | bers of parliament which makes con [aa to the jury by vton Wes- | ; your money. siderable difference in the bill- but {ley Rowell, and as charac- | the returned soldier does not wait to | terization of the said Newton Wesley | 7 ! listen to the argument. He is satis- {by Mr. Fielding, who hit off Mr. Row- fied to let the jibe go as it stands. {ell's tea-meeting fluency w th the I understand that Roche Lanclot | phrase "a hogshead of lathe M.P. who doesn't care a hoot about | ounce of soap." . Cl money is prepared to make matters Opposition's hands-off *home-r worse and cover Parliament with | claration was the pest. kept secret shame by introducing a motion to the | that ever sane mit af. ihe Sheng} effect that the members give up their | Toom, i; b a i eT an Thong sessional indemnity to a selected four |2 Word about i un 1 ¥as 3p E : {in the House. It was a complete sur- hundred and thirteen: returned sol ise, The: resolution ddnonstrated "diers, and settle the problem as far | vo things--that the Opposition is |= as a million dollars will go. Of course | =o to benefitted by Mr. Fielding's the million is a mere drop in the bue- | 4 ose and that it can keep its own ket of the returned soldiers' Wants | .ounsel. | o to but every little helps and what Roche, Parliament looks forward to the forme Lancelot desires to encourage is that | oo tuity question as a fertile topic. epirit of sacrifice which Parliament It has already resulted in a parlia- prates about but never applies to 1S | mentary committee which certainly own pocket, | cannot get through its woik in less A rumor is flying alout that Par- | than three weeks and give the matter liament is to have its face saved from | its proper importance. The commit- the coarse remarks of the returned | toe will, of course, report 'and the soldier by giving it enough work to | report will probably-be followed by | do to carn the money. It.would really | [oud noises in the House which should look too crude to sit thirty-one day | last another two weeks, especially if ~--Saturdayvs and Sunday excluded-- {any legislation comes out of it. Of and then light out the thirty-second { course Colonel Jack Currie could not I- day with the loot. From this scandal | pe prevented from starting some- some of the older heads would save | thing, Col. John says he represents Parliament by lengthening this Ses- | the returned soldier but other col- | sion and shortening the next one, thus | onels, captains, majors and generals preserving a good average and avoid- {'in the House and out of it say he does | Ing a sweltering season in the SUm- | not, There is some confusion as to mer. At present Parliament has its | what the returned soldier really | nights free for fear of running out wants. The statement is made that, + of material for debate, but this Pan-1 outside the extremists of the gratu- | tity of subjects to talk about can | ity League, very few of the men ex- sasily be changed to abundance if the pect to get the two thousand dollar Government so wills. | gratuity although they would take it, The peace debate, chopped off after | of course, if it was handed to them. a --~ ] But what they do expect from the | Parliamentary inquiry is an uncover- ing of the chair warmers in the Mili- Fat That Shows | tia Department and elsewhere, who | Soon Disappears |r holding down jobs which might | aE thal comes ox eh filled by the men who have proved h comes and | 2, . iy "ick roug Jecp 2 it 1% Bot heedet bur- | their quality on the field of battle. re it is not needed is a bu ag qui fi 2 i: & hindrance to activity, a curb | Viewed in this light, the request p upon Fleamure. You Hake, Sfutiti the veterans for an investigation | . fat where ®t sl OWs: by taking: affer reas ug i al- each meal and at bediime, ons May. | l00ks reasonable enough. Incidental | mola Prescription Tablet, These 1ittin ly, I heard one member of Parliament | ' tabletsa re as effective and harmless | throw doubt on the bona fide of some | As the famous prescription from which they take their name. Buy and tenn |9f the agitators for the two-thousapd | ari bosday, Your druggist sells them | dollar hand-out. "It looks like Ger- 81 $1.00 or if you prefer you may write | man propaganda to me," he remark- | direc Ave Murmols_Co., 364 oud Lai, "this asking for sums that would | rnd rH gn dieting, exetcise |Win Canada for years to come" 1} and fat. quote his remark merely to show that| * the agitation is viewed from several | angles, : The Industrial Conferences is an] Catarrhal Deafness other matter which may provide work . for Parliament if it is necessary to and Head Noises trail along for two months or even . t hree. The conference will present ¥ > - a+ | its findings and the findings should be TELLS SAFE AND SIMPLE WAY fruitful of debate and perhaps of leg- TO TREAT AND RELIEVE ; | islation. Personally, 1 do not take AT HOME. much stock in the speeches, written ---- and spoken, with which: the confer- If you have catarrh, catarrhal | onee bristles. As Hamlet says-- deafness or head noises caused by ca- words, words, words. But there is tarrh, or if phlegm drops in YOUr | pag) hope in the fact that the Con- throat and has caiised catarrh of the | ference may result in another Royal stomach or bowels you will be glad { Commission. In that respect it is to know that these distressing symp- | miles 'ahead of Mr. Rowell's famous toms may. be entirely overcome in labor conference with the ladies who ® : many instances by the following | solved the problem by storing their Y treatment' which you can easily pre- Jewelry and limousines for the period . ® pare in yoyr own home at little cost. of the war. This ig a real confer- ee Secure from your druggist 1 ounce ence and .the Qtta orrespondent of Parmint (Double Strength). Take |is fond of describing it as the four ho ome and add to it 3% Int of |clements of Macksone ui iow] ila ; : have over? 0.000 customers hot ater oq 2 itl i ranulated Sapitel, Jabor, Management nd the ! HE article herewith re- I which er No one quarter of sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one ommunity, Giving the conference a . 1 tablespoonful four times a day. An |the once over I can see Capital, Labor, |. 2 produced appeared im the ' . b . improvement is sometimes noted af: and Management all right but I miss ¢ w 1 D it S +" £ the total men s clothing uyers in ter the first day's treatment. Breath. the od ve eight nized VV. . : Ing should become easy, while the | millions "ho make 2 Te Cae Montrea aiy tar 0 Canada, and this wonderful clientele distressing head noises, headaches, ity. They are probably too busy pay- * dullness, cloudy thinking, ete., ling for Capital and Labor's quarrels September 19th, 1919. | has been gained only through the hould dually di der the | t, to Otta to talk about it. | vo . y "bn tion of te trvuimont Loss Seeing that a Royal Commission it . as knowledge that every Robinson 8 gar- t 1, taste, defective hearing an sure sult f t dustri : : : .q ay dropping I the back of the Canter ts I Soman Ta a F 1 1i d ment carries with 'it RELIABILITY, throat are other symptoms which made that there. is a real job before / I EEL great y comp imernte therefore, CONFIDENCE. Suggest the presence of catarrh and |the Trades and Labor peuple in or- b hi £ fid which may often be overcoms by this ganizing the One Really Big Union to Tr 1 0 coniidence efficacious treatment. It is said that be made up of all the Royal Commis- . y this expression nearly ninety per cent. of all ear | sions, past and present, who have aL > troubles are caused by catarrh and | been appointed by the Borden Gov- coming from the Vosberg Company, th ust, therefore, be many peo- ernment since 1911, There must : a * Phe whens hoes rb restored by several thousand of Sem by hs as 1t 1s through such expressions of this simple, harmless, home treat. time, and they are thoroughly . . Spe ; i i iL ood will as this~--from manufacturer " " ae ment, seized of the basic principle of Li g ily less than any ground floor' clothier's as they can for it. They ought ty to consumer-~that I have built the pices. "There's a Verdict that is a .| make a strong union. vi . . . ; - STOMACH TROUBLES ARE randerstand that the Civil Service largest clothing business in Canada in guarantee to you that this statement Reclassification bill may also be used . : . as a time destroyer. The reclassifica. . 1 six short years. 1s true. DUE 10 ACIDITY tion, which was perpetrated by a 7 ' THIS confidence has been gained through the fact that I have always sold only reliable clothes at Yankee firm of efficiency experts, Tells Safe, Certain. Speedy, Reller | Auditor-Generate mene oir 20 the § CAN YOU AFFORD TO BUY YOUR FALL CLOTHES ELSEWHERE p ( For Acid Indigestion by the Civil Service, to be the great- { est work of humor since Don Quixote, So called stomach troubles, such ------ x ! a3 indigestion, gas, sourness, stom- | . ! Ach-ache and inability to retain food | DOMINION CANNERS ' A are in probably nine cases out of ten, PEND 1 : simply evidence that excessive secre- Tos D A miLLION . | 0 tion of acid is taking place in the | . } : ! Bly Stomach causing the formation of Big Concerh Will Erect Huge, ; i | . > 1 i rr '£as and acid indigestion. Plant in Hamilton; $25,000 . 5 rt Gas distends the stomach ana for Brass Kettles. | i 8 causes that full oppressive burning - -------- h S | J TS V RC J J - COA AY feeling sometimes known as heart. Hamilton, Sept. 25.--Tha Domine i : kd dt g burn, while the acid irritates and in- ion Canners will erect a $1,000,000 the delicate lining of the stom- ty { es, Tat L0 : : - inh, Behe The trons Ta kt he stom Chace a six-acte site hr ene hoe Lo The Largest Exclusive : Clothiers in Canada excessive development or secretion of industrial section, near the new seid. at plant of the Hamilton Bridge Com- To stop or prevent this sonring of pany. According to the present plans tha food contents of the stomach (o? the company, a first class athletic and to neutralize the acid, and make field will be included, in whieh pro- "it bland and harmless, a teaspoonful | vision will he made for a baseball of bisurated magnesia, a good and diamond, tennis courts, ete. The effective corrector of acid stomach, [plant will be moder Should be taken in a quarter of a spect. © A contract glass of hot or cold water after eat- $25,000 for brass preserving kettles, : i Ing or whenever pas, SOUTNess or | with a luminous Huing, ] x -- = acidity is felt. ' This Sweetens the ---------------------------- ig - Ktomach and neutralizes the acidity News From Oconto, In a few moments and fs a perfectly Oconto, Sept. 23.--School is pro-| | harmless and inexpensive remedy to| grossing very favorably with Miss S. use. Strong as teacher again. A number An antlacid, such as bisurated from here attended Sharbot Lake Juagnesia' which can be obtained school fair. St. George's Lake (No. 5 from any druggist in either pawder! Oso) won the first prize for parade. OF tablet form enables the stomachi A number of pupils who took first! * to do its work properly without the | prize on exhibits were Austin Tryon, | . - Rid of artificial digestents. Magnesia Jennie Davison, Douglas Hawley, M. y PE : fo : 1d McGinnis » Somes in several forms, so de certain| Dusharm, Percy McGinnis, H. Gowdy, | atlons appears the name of Oconta's Smith. The evening was spent in mu- | Strong, an officer for North Fronte-! his farewell sermon, Sunday. R. Good | dax at Arnold » Hnni's, ask for and take o Bisurated p. Young and B. Antoine. Among the | teacher, A kitchen shower was given sid, ete, aftor which a delicions | nae teachers' association, aitended!| erich, accompanied by Misses Ball ---- -- - Magnesia, which is especially pre- list in Toronto papers of successful | at Miles Asseitine's, Friday evening lunch was served. "The couple receiv- | the meeting at Mountain Grove re- and Hunter and Mrs. Nicholson, mag. Seasons come and seasons go, bul bared for the above purpose. candidates that passed model examio-| ln honor of Mr. "and Mrs. Nelten ed 2 goodly number of presents. Miss cenlly. Rev. Mr. Plerce will preach! tored from Kingston and spent Sun- the gas meter goes on forever. ; 2 . ko Zi pt a : .