SOFT LUMBER FOR INTERIOR FINISH ur finish 1 t vie ) its goftnes t for the Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street Phone 1042 - - . - Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO: ROBERTSON & SQN, Limited ' "ex tat a eA PAP i, a THE SMILE OF ANTICIPATION 1evitably irradiate nance when the is placed before you grow into a broader one isfaction after ed your » "and test for yourself 7. want to, re will you meal the You'll peat the sat nee Grand Cafe 242 Princess street, Twe Deurs » Above Uperan House a. Peter Lee. Trop TT TT TT TY eT TT eT YT TYE Te UST T YT TTT TERY EYE | STEAMER BRITANNIC | i» p r E AND KINGSTON; Al WAYS ON ERY WEEK I'TNME SHIP YOUR EIGHT BY THIS RE LIABLE ROUTE TELEPHONE 2193 FOR INFORMATION. AASassLsNLALALLLRLAARAALLLALABADLLLLLN - nr A oA rt ar : PURE ICE CREAM SERVE IT FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS Most modern machinery used in making onr Ice Cream -- the ingredients are the best--nothing but pure cream used, Prompt delivery to all parts of the city Superior Ice Cream Parlor 204 Princess St. Phone 648 ae on J) Al NS itt McLaughlin's Old Stand would THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG --- i '| THE OLDEST, { LETTERS T0 [HE EDITOR || rie sivPLEST, TTTIIeIT THE SAYEST u In Sweden, AND '| THE BEST REMEDY a FoR Morbu Sea-Rickness Cholera ovements of the DR.FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY has been on t 74 ome ave many berry compounds and these have heen § that so-called manufactur- in many Dr. Powler's." name may alth Ger a the test remedy stood of time, one rufactured only Milburn Co, Limited oronto : Penn ou le "il 58 | are no outstanding lidenses, a "QV. le imagination can m {ive vote on this que mandate permit liquor over the bar rs truly, ERNEST i on's HEATON! Annua Appointment By Promotion. ngston, lep 28 (To th have mentic Varden paper 3 n his pres is credited with be », and has on many bey in dif promotion ic and a to have vears' inion of the nent soint elt RADY ternative p re us. Here f the cons r it 1¢ vendor only of the prol with sp actical woul -M. ALLISON "A Pook Worth Reading. Kingsion, Sept. 25. tori: I trust you will ps presumption in asking a sm in your extensively read on 3 oting "Yes pa ATe you in the Ontario T people this vote 1e well as others) to a book, now in our public library, entitled nationalities by Wm 1 do this beeanse I know that thousands of our Ontario peo- wou i DAr as t previon i 1 'n Ontar This a false cry plainly invented to drive people to vote for the presguat act 'against their convietions It n a brief and most {interes , In regard to our relutior '. with oar Freach f or 'many veays Now Is The Time to have your Furnace and Stoves looked after. We have only experienced me- chanics and if you require any work in this line we can give you satisfaction. Agents for the celebrated Hecla Hot Air Furnace. Lemmon&Sons PHONE 840 187 Princess Street Now, if your auto's feelin 8. sick, you then should bring it to us quick. When your car starts to groan or there's something the matter with it inside. If you don't understand auto-lingo you had better have us diagnose the case correctly. We can tell whether it needs a little oil tonic or if an operation is necessary. We render a pain- less hill. squeak i i | i } i Hart-Bell Carbon Removers installed; while the supply lasts, at $6.00 each, or will be given away free with any automobile account amounting to $60.00. Oxy-Acetylene Carbon Burning :-- *. 4 cylinders carves va 32.50 6 cylinders Perversion 33.50 8 cylinders . . 84.50 =] 2 cylinders . iy ne 30.00 Davis Dry Dock Company mies a vw nm oan Aeroplane picnic parlies ar e he Tates! thrill Photograph shows lady passen gers about h : to start on an sero- ane picnic. : Se ----------. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All w Ns ithout the "Bayer Cross" For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural | necks ls Toot. 5 Banca, Ne for | rec Ruma tn Sciaticn, N ake Aupiria , New- | with "the | ; OF You are not taking' Fears. { Handy tin boxes lata ont but a few 2180 sell larger "Bayer" packages. "Bayer"--You must say "Bayer" In Canad Wolke v8 will w hat Ne smathyr do v INGE Aspivis mens Bayer Tablets of Bayer Company - tae Years, and its ases represented to be just as good Don't experiment be dangerous to do with not be jus of the offi- De- > ¢ A 11 t as been near- i er paar : - aie é size those officers as war- (To the Edi- ny all space per to Ww the attention of our citizens (as "The Clash." » need the information given there. ow advocated and preach. i0 4a in England. si was made yesterday and came 2s a PAGE FIVE -- 2 BIG BARGAINS Red goodly Kingston Cement Products Factory 8 of Damp- Bricks, Drain' Tile, T0c. Rose Tea | 25¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c¢ 8 of Ornamental Bon Marche Grocery ter. King asd Earl License No. $-27140 Phone 1544, GORE Disagreeable At The ape ingstog -{To A Streets tor ' of Charles and ck streets > PHONE 730W v Mgr, H. ¥. NORMAN 'ta from exp FOR SALE OVERLAND CAR (3 Passenger) ln Good Condition ROBINSON & WILTSHIRE GARAGE 239% Bagot St. Funone No. 17% ' Canad Star Fruit § Candy Store If you want te have a good time on picniex er holidays get sour fresh wtasonable Friit wud Candy from Sar Fruit and Cauu Store, ¥-8ix years. the line in ina without a bit ¢ Kingston and v then on Se drd 1 d to Water town mare relatives When I ) pe Vincent, the immigra tion officer very" disagreeable with me, and every 'other person on the boat that day. . He asked for a birth certificate (which I have), said I should know than travel without it: harging 1 to . pt to G8 Princess Streer. hone 2TH no-rephitation : : 1 a ¥ d LORY didn't Candy. better talked later doense; Li-4i0. of ------ * head tax, Kept but is 1 TE WS Beware of gum teric Compan EE | We Want To Call Your | Attention of Pyorrhea. r'o OUR AUTOMATIC over forty have Pj i SLEIGH COUPLING der forty also. Y 1 indi : s the only Coupling that lets cate Prorrhea i d bub work "all right all . +} : late BOB See will Bobs have 'them ying They | MNAMEE & SLACK the € sy or tonsis- § mmediate and 60¢ FORHAN'S, LT G. WASHINGTON PREFARED COFFER All Druggists, Montreal e in the cup at the table. ans in stock. Prompt Delivery. D. COUPER SH1-% Princess stret. Phone 76 trndar a lastin { beer FOR THE GUMS ct so i GOOD VA {OICE SELECTION O H 3 I atable not point on by even LUES AND 1 sed has been caused by BE IRK AMB Ontario that has dem hile not an the hibition measure h great benefit, and we would be deeply grieved to think that our bovs Brow- ing up should ever bh exposed to tl menace of unrestricted liquor x If Mr. Swain f Was necessary 1 suggest and, and n her BEEF Round Steak Sirloin Steak Porterhouse Steak Chuck Roasts Sirivin Roasts LAMB roms Hind Quarters Lamb Siew Frankforts Head Cheese ALSO HOOD'S MEAT M COR. EARL AND BARRIE STREETS. A NICE CHICKEN ARKET PHONE 4107 fic feels as to his welfa that he, too, ret wallow Canada ignorance ~MRS A. NEAL reatment. (To t Ungenerous Kingston, Sept May 1 ask for a 1j paper to ask Kingston, if it is to t axnspeaple that dhe room to returned soldiers? facts are us tollowsT In over from Scotland to who, having been thr tor) your Established 1870 TWEDDELL'S 'For all new style, good wearing Suits $20 up to $45 All Prices Between and been wounded, on his return to Canada re-enlisted I took an un- § furnished. flat and proceeded with my son and one of his friends another returned man, to set up house. A little later wé were joined by another lad; also wearing the "dishonored" uniform. 1 was then requested by the™ landlady remove, "didn't ! like soldiers in her howse." Now 1 ask you, is this the treatment due to our lads who fought and fered? I, a Scotchman, am oughiy disgustad at it and feel had a few of the actual facts of 'come & Mtthe nearer tc L might have aWtere people somewhat { odal worker in Edin a little and h dT | strong and tall our lads w f dare hardly think what Yours traly N. BLULIOTT CRICHTON 230 Barrie street | | I A Voice From Manitoulin Island. Providence Bay, Ont {To the Editor): Will fparc me space in your paper to make an appeal to the voters of Ontario ou the coming referendum 7 i do not | think any fair-minded man or wo- man can say and speak the truth ! jbut what Ontario has been heiped es {by the O.T.A. 1 know that there are those who will get the drink some -- way, but there are young men com- ing up who will not have the tempia- oF to as she At Nf, estat ( A AANA AA st ANN tl. ANN SN SANGIN, - suf- thor- that All classes of high yield investments -- Corporation, Governt:. 'ot and Municipal. York, Chicago, o Private wires-- Nex, Montreal, Toronto. STOCKS---GRAIN----COTTON es BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. 487 Bagot St. Phone 17%. f. J. Bongard, Manages J a rt set, Sats tion of the open bar; men and women "of Ontario who would say, "My son: goes not drink, my husband has not | the drink habit." Think of the moth- ers. wives and sisters who will be harmed. ; Ta. And you returned men, I hope and pray that you will mark your ballot in favor of the act and help to put | the temptation away from your younger brothers: Let us all unite | and work and pray as never before to | i keep this great evil from this fair land of ours, and may we gain a vie- | j tory. i § For Laundering Purposes, Removing Stains from any 'Washable Material, Cleaning Floors, Woodwork, Windows, S8il- verware, Dishes, etc. Washbowls, Sinks, Toilet Utensils, Bath Tubs, Enamelledware, Kitchen and Dairy Utensils. Will remove Oil and Grease Spots from Wood and Metal Surfaces; Varnish and Paint Spots from articles of Cloth or ! ; ' Woodwork. | Red Cross Homance; 10 Marriage. | The wonderful saver of soap { Holyoke, Sept. 36.---A romance | your grocer. Full instructions ow. i that started during the last Red: d : Cross drive in this city, culminated in} the marriage of Miss Clementine! Briggs of Smiths Ferry and Joseph E. | Doran; secretary to Mayox John D.! j Ryan, at the "Little Church Around | the Coraer." in New York City, Sept. | { 13th. Announcement of the marriage | --MRS. F. M. HUFF. It may be obtained from ontainer. Price $1.00 Per Gallon, Container WORLD WIDE MANUFACTURING COMP R. FP. HOLLAND, DISTRIBUTOR Cor. Ularence & Ontario Streets, Kingston, Opt. six ok a surprise, as Mr. Doran has long been { = bachelor. \ The wan who boasts of being 'a | hic @s nol very dangerous. iy fey i