Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1919, p. 13

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1910 THE MARKET REPORTS | LIVE STOCK MARKETS, s Toronto. loront Je } Export cattle choice, $13 5; do, medium, 312 to $1 0; « bulls, $10 to $10.50: butche ttle, chalice, $11.50 to 81 3; do, medium $10 to $10.75; dc ommon, $8 tp $8; but- cher cows, choice, $10 to $11; do, | medinm, $9 to $10; do. canners, $5 to $5.50; butcher bulls, $8.50 te $9.50; feeding steers, $10 to 0.50: stockers, choice, $8 to $9; do, light, $7 to $8; milkers, choice, $50 to $145; springers, choice $100 to $155; sheep, ewes, $8 to $9.50; bucks and cu $.7 to $8.25; lambs, $12.50 to 13.50, hogs, fed and watered, $17.25 to 8 ; hogs, f.o.b., $18.25 ) $16.75; calves, $19 10 $20. | Buffalo. Buffalo, Sept. 30 attle, prime Steers, $17 to $47.25; shipy ing steers $16 to $16.50; butchers, $9.75 to $15.50; yearlings, $14 to 316: heif- ers, $6.50 to $12.50; cows, | to $11; bulls, $6 to $10.50: and feeders, $6 to cows and springers $170. . Calves, steady, $7 to $23.50. ! Hogs, heavy, $18.26 to $18.50: mixed and yorkers, $18.50; light do $17.75 to $18; pigs, $12.50 to $18: roughs, $14.50 to $15; stags, $10 to $13 Lambs, $8 to. $16; yearlings, $7 to $10.50; wethers, '§ to $9; ewe 3 to $7.50; mixed sl $8.50 Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 30 to $17.35: medium 16.50 $17.60; light, $16.50 to $17 50; lights, $16 to $17.40; heavy pad Sows, smooth, $15.50 to $16: ing sows, roughs, $15 10 $156.50; pig $15.26 te $16.25 Beef steers, medium and weights, choice and prime, $16 $18; medium: and good, $11.25 $16.25; common, $8.50 to $11.25; light weights, good ' and cholce, $14.60 to $17.75; common and med- ium, $8 to $14.25: butcher cattle, $14 to $14.75, cows $6.50 aU; canners and cutters, $5.50 alves, $20 to $21.25. Feeder steers, $7 to $12.50 Stocker steers, $6.23 to $10. West- ern rtange steers, $90 to $15: cows and heifers, $6.50 to $13. Lambs, $12.75 to $15.50; and common, $8.50 to ewes, medium, good and RS to $7.26; eulls and common. | % to $5.75; breeding $7 to $13.25 Winnipeg. Winuipeg, Sep a0 Butcher slears, $46 to '$11; heifers, $5.75 to $9.50; cows, $3.50 to $v; oulis $4.50 10 $6; oxen, $5 to $8.50; Stocke + $9 0 $10.60; sheep, $56 to $10: calves $0 to $10.50; lambs, $8.50 to $12.50; hogs, selects, $17; heavies, 314 wo $10; 80Ws, $11.60 t0 PAS; slags, $3 Lo $10; lights, $16 to $17 New York. New York, Sept. 30 Beeves----Re- Ceipts, o,Z30 pead; market firm, syeers, $10 to $16; oulls, $7 to 3; cows, $5.75 to $0.50. Calves-- Receipts, 2,770 head; market rm; veais, $s to $25; culls $13 10 317.50; skim mNk and teea calves, $10.50 to $14; grassers, $3 to $10; yearlings, $6 to of bi; Wes terns, $».50 to $13 t Sheep andsLambs--Receipts, 11 520 head; market steady; sneep $4 oth to $8; culls, $3 to 34; lambs, $3 10-317; culls, 39 to $12.50 Hogs Receipts, 3,900 head; mar ket steady at $18 to $18.25; pigs, $17 10 $17.50; roughs, §15. Montreal. Montreal, Sept, 30,--Cholce steers, jer 100 pounds, $12 to $12.50: good gers $11 to $12; medium steers, 10 to $10.50; light steers, $ to $9.- 0; common, $7.50 to $8.50. Cows, choice, $10 to $10.50; ood. $9 to $9.50; medium, $8 to $3.50; plain, $7 to $7.50; common, $6 to $6.50; canners, $4.50 to $5. Bulls, choice, '$9 to $8.60; goad, $8 to $8.50; fair, $7 to $7.50; med- lam, §6 to $6.50; common, $56 to $.50. < Sheep and lambs, Ontario lambs, | $11.50 to $12; Quebec lambs, $10.1 50 to $11; culls, $9.50 to $10; On- | tario sheep, $7.50 toa $8; Quebec sheep, $6 to $7. Hogs, selects, $17.50 to $18; mix- | ed lots $15.50 to $16; sows, $12.50 | to $13; stags, $10.50 to $11. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. i Toronto, Sept. 30.--Mauitoba wheat--No. 1 northern, $2.30; No. 2 northern, $2.27; No. 8 northern, | $2.25; No. 4 wheat, not quoted. | Manitoba oats--No. 2. CW. 84%e¢; | No. 3, 83%ec; extra No. 1 feed 8834 ¢; No. 1 feed, 82%¢; No. 2 teed, ! 823 ¢; in store, Fort William, ! American eorn--No. 4 yellow, nominal. - : Canadian corn--Feed, nominal. - "5 | Manitoba barley, in store, Fort William--No. 3 CW, $1.35%; Ne. | 4, CW, $1.23; rejects, $1.11; | feed, $1.11. ! Ontario wheat--No. 1, $2 to $2.06; No. 2, $1.97 to $2.03. fob. shipping points, according to freight; No. 3. $1.93 to $1.99; No. 1 spring, $2.02 to $2.08; No. 2, $1.99 to $2.05; No. 3, $1.95 to $2.01. ! Ontario oats---No. , 2 white, not | quoted; No. 3, 87¢ to 90¢, according | For every car; for every F you want absolutely the best tires that can be made--the most perfect in construction-- the most satisfactory on the road--the most economical in mileage and gasoline -- get DOMINION "ROYAL CORD" or DOMINION "NOBBY TREAD?" They are the princely members of the tire nobility. HOWEVER, you may feel that a less expensive tire will be satisfactory for your purpose. Very good. THE Dominion Rubber System offers you three other distinctive treads from which to DOMINION TIRES and ACCESSORIES are distributed through DOMINION RUBBER SYSTEM BRANCHES and sold by the Best and "GROOVED?", Dealers throughout Canada. or every road; purpose. choose--"DOMIN ION", "CHAIN" IF you find Plain Treads suit your purpose, you can get minion quality, Dominion rvice and Dominion mileage in DOMINION "PLAIN TREAD" ; TIRES. VVHICHEVER Dominion Tire you choose, you get depend- able quality and workmanship which will ensure you absolute satisfaction no matter where you go. : You can also have any or all of these DOMINION TIRES fitted with DOMINION INNER TUBES, that insure perfectly balanced tires. to freight outside. arley---Malting, $1.27 to $1.30. | Rye Flour-- Market steady; fair, Buckwheat--Nominal. Rye---No. 2, nominal. { taney, 8.55 1087.75. Manitoba flour----Government stan- | White Corn Flour-- Market dull at dard, $11, Toronto, [$4 to $4.25. Ontario flour--Government stan. | Cornmeal Market! dull; yellow , Toronto, Montreal, $9.40 to j and white granulated, $4.05 to $4.20, $9.69, in jute bags. |. Rye-- Market steadier: No. 2 Wes- Militeed -- Carloads, delivered, | tru. $1.56, copt and freight New Montreal; shorts, $55; bran, $45; | York. ? feed flour, not quoted: middungs, | Barley-- Market steady; feeding, not quoted; good feed flour, per bag, | 31-35. ea malting, $1.41, cost and $0.80. ; i relent Rew } nhs rk dy: N - Hay--Baled, track, .Torpnto, car | en oPOt mar ef .steady; No. lots, No. 1, $54 10 3.6; No. 2 mived | 2 red. $2.35, track New York ex. $18 to $20 per ton; straw, car lots, | pans arrive. vil to $11. i 4 { yellow ang No. 2 white, $1.59, cost j and' freight New York. New York, | Corn--=Spot SN New York, Sept. 30. --Flour--Mar- | white 0% to as fasy Ne. 1. Ket firm; spring patents. $11.60 to haan Ja sieats, 39 6 $10; winter | 4 y ay, 0310.40; Kansas! Mog }, do, $11.75 to $11.13. RIT Montreal, 1 feed, 95c; four, new standard ° to good, $7.25 to $7.5¢; choice told, -Or--Spot market steady: No. 9 Sept. 30.-Oats, extra A Nr Mums i ans er rn rf grade. $11 to $11.40: rolled: oats, ;13; Sept. $4.44 asked: Oct. $1. ask- ag 90 lbs, $4.90 to §5; bran, $45; fed: Nov. $4.07 asked: Dec. $4: May, shorts, $65; hay, No. 2, per ton, car | $3.61. ; lots, $22 to $23. -- ---- GENERAL TRADE. : Winnipeg. on Winnipeg. Sept. 30.--Cash prices I. Oats, No. 2 CW. 84% ¢; No. 3, C: Montreal, 30.--Cheese-- Finest x. file; extra No. 1 feed, 83% c; easterns, 25. Ja No. eed, 82% ¢; No. 2 feed, R1Y¢. Butter--Choieest cream Sde Bade. No. FCW. 31.26%: No jto stg. ul 4 CW, $1.23; rejecter and feed, Eggs----Fresh, 65: selected, 64c; $1.11% No. 1 sto®k, 67¢; No. 2 stock. 52¢ to Flax, No. 1 NW.C.. $4.35: No. 2j8 4c. : 2 CW. $4.10: No. 3 CW 33 85° Potatoes --Per bag, ear lots, $1.50 to $1.60. Ls * . Minneapolis. Dressed hogs-- Abattoir killed, Bennneapolis. Sept. 30.----Flour un- {$26.50 to $37 5a changed. Barley, 95c to $1.26. Rye, Lard--Pure, wood No. 2731.39% to $1.40%. Bran, $38 net, 313ge do 33%¢c. Flax, $4.11 to $4.18 ' ---------- -------- Toronto. » Duluth, Toronto, Sept. 30. -- Butter. choice Duluth, Sept. 30 --Libsded. on dairy 55 to §0c: do. creamery. 60 to track, $4.13 to $4.15; to rorive, $4,- [68c. me sarine, 1b. 37 to 4c; eggs. pails, 20 les Ny A ------ new laid. doz. 60 to 65¢; cheese, 1b. 85 to T0c; fowl, ib. 30 to 35¢; chick- €us, roasting 35 to 4c 35 to 40¢: apples, b § 'antaloupes, bkt. 8 84th 10 to 15e¢: or y to $1; grapes, bkt. 40 to 60¢; péars, bt. 75¢ to $1: peaches, bki. $bc to $1.75; ofanges, dos. 35 to 80c; lem- ons, doz. 30 to fe: plums, bkt. $1 to $2.25; beans' bkt. 60 to Tbe; Beets, bit. s carrots, bkt. 40 to 50e: cabbage. each 10 to 15e: cauliflower, cach 10 to 30c; cucum- bers, bkt. 40 to 50c; gherkins, bkt., 75¢ to $1.50; celery, head 5 to 10c: cord, doz. 20 tg 30¢; dggplant, each 18 to 15c; dill; bunen 10 to 16e; Lettuce, buneh 3 to 10¢: onions. bkt. $80 to 31: do. pickling, bit. $1 to $2.25; peppers, doz. 20 to 30c; rha- barb, bunch, 5c; radishes. 3 hunches 10¢; sage, bunch 5 to 10c: squash, Atiended Kingston fai? on Saturday. jeach 13 to 25¢; savory, bunch § to ea at ttt "4 hem ) 10¢; tomatoes, bkt. 30 to 40c; vege-sSlack and children' Delta were re- table marrow, each 10c. tent visitors here. Mrs. M. J. Kavan- ens nn agh and children spent Sunday at Busy Time At Charleston. D. Heffernans', Glen Morris. Charleston, Sept. 29.--T. Foster, On Thursday. last in Holy Trinity P. J. Shea snd D. Leeder, Brockville, Church, Pembroke, Fred Turner mar- were Sunday visitors here. Mr. and ried Miss Flossie Hart, only deughter Mrs. H, J. Shaw 1eft for their home bor John Hart in New York on Fiiday after spend- A. 3. Bissell, Algonguin, has a stalk ing a month at the lake. The season of corn on his farm which measures which is rapidly coming to a close fifteen feet and three inches ig has been the busiest Charieston has hedght, i Hake seen for many years. The cottages A eo A tly were filled and sometimes the hotels were. taxed for accommodation, The fishing too has been excellent. \W. R. CAS i 0 R 1A Green, C. L. Slack, R. J. Ferguson -- 2 : and J. Davis were among those who For Infants and Children Silo filing is the order of the day in in Use For Ovar 30 Years this section. Miss Glenn, Wesport, fs 5 Visiting Miss Florence Heffernan. Alvar Mrs. Thos. Kelsey has recovered from Signsse of her recent illness. Mr. ahd Mrs. A \ i HAE A sce ir id i

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