4 - =" » = wm wm = 5 mm - HE 5 x i 1] » u | -- bie = m z wm = =" i wm W wm n = mo » = = = Be ou : = a = =u = ha p § RS worms moarnty swra-- PAGE FOURTEEN INNER NRE ENEEEEENEEENEEEN Ar 27K - Lott fe Lolds more 357577 7es of Progress... 2Zaxn A ary Olleer- Corzzarrer ever | hei CosLratted f ©sn D. C. Spears The History of Civilization Shows That the Properly Clothed Man Has Always Led The Parade. The history of the clothing business of this town is being powerfully influenced by our campaign for honest clothing values. You Know You'll Be Satisfied When You = . u Come Here for a Suit! . = =u » uo THE ! VETERANS =m ® CLOTHING COMPANY 5 -A Square Deal to Every Man CENNENNARENNNNEEENNEESNNNRRENANS PHONE 2050 we will go after that old Caglng that needs will ast out the season. BARGAINS IN NEW © ASINGS AND TURES, STANDARD VULCANIZING SHOP 284 ONTARIO 8 T., COR. QUEEN A. NEAL, MGR, reps iving--it i 1 nnd fa i 8 No confirmation can be had of De- sale of wmewsprint troit, Mich., of the statement that throughdut Canada is to rema Henry Ford is contemplating a line! $89 per ton for the month of of steamers to Ireland. ber. ; BPA eR eA Pr i in J OO Arn inn, LMITED +h EpoSIT ACT NOW | pAYMENT Only a Limited Number of Machines Will Be Sold on This Plan A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE : "WHITE" NOw The White Progressive which you can become the chine on very easy payments and h upon small initial paynient, an ting substantial cash refunds by pr EVERY "WHITE" IS GUARA ery final payment made in advance of the day it is due. Fresh i | Ferma, palms, funeral des'gus, floral PNA tenon [vprays, wedding bouquets » ade to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. i , Loss : paper | Heart, Falling MonerZs P in at | for $s One will please, six will cure. d ist Octo- rugs ee, MEDIC Als Nee te AANA iin ps | SALE OPENED MONDAY T0 RUN ALL Wepx Club is a simple, scientific, elastic plan, by proud owner of a "White" Sewing Ma- ve same delivered to your home a the added privilege of get- epaying final payments. NTEED THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, OCTOBER ?, 1910. en a UNIONIST MASS MEETING a Fe, ST " In the Interests of Sir Henry Drayton, Unionist Candidate in Kingston CITY HALL 'TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14 . At'8 O'clock Addresses by Sir H. L. Drayton, Minister of Finance Hon. Arthar Meighen, Minister of the Interior Senator Robertson, Minister of Labor And others. All are welcome Seats reserved for ladies A rete -~ ---- Ee Auction Sale i / 124 QUEEN" STREET * Friday, Oct. 10th, 10 a.m. Of household urniture, consisting of parlor, dining and bedroom furniture, Mortoise combination cook stove and heat- 2 extension tales: Edison Phonograph, cylinder, 30 re. ors; cords; Crockery, CO iinaware, Kitchen utensils, and other arti. cles toe numerous to mention PALMIST MADAME ALICE Famous Scotch Palmint Wil give readings every day to the 11th October, from 10 to 10 ANGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL HR nm int lowers NIT; 115 Broek St, Phone 228 { Bedford, The Auctioneer re ser The Great lish Remedy Tones and Snvigotatos the 3 Sis Vous syste makes new Blooe ol Voraan Cures Ne ou and Brain Worry, Lespon v Peinitation of bh per box, gis | Sold by New perp iet mdi d Ses, THE Wolo ew pom ph let mailed ANE CO, TORONTO, ONT. (Fats Ses) rice a NOTICE TO ELECTORS. Sm OE ---- 5 pg . . 4 On and after Friday, October 10, Unionist Central Campaign = Head- quarters will be established at-- THE DAILY STANDARD OFFICE BE THRIFTY JOIN THE CLUB TODAY You Will Be Saving While Sewing with a room upstairs especially . re- served for ladies. : : rea a ---- All voters desiring information as to registration, voting, etc., are cordial- ly invited to make use of these rooms. Secretaries will be in attendance to give any desired information. GENERAL PHONE 410 LADIES' PHONE 417 THAT NEW IR RENNER NENENENEEENEEE HAIR MH shih A 18 Sl i i I I { i $10 Hi! Hizeth il, # {iasen § $130 pr A Pmest 51.60 | | Sth paym'yi Sen paymetiTots mth padi il Sar { A 10th pay [lien pafemsy 12th paym'tiisth ym'til4th 2 par par g i {15th peym'tiITth parm titeth PayYm'tils 'ti : i ean ey BL - i a - 8. {20th paym'ti21at mti32nd paym'tizica 3 { f a aN i are ul Choice Fresh Fish Pym ti1th mt ff fee | oe ! My th pen BVM UITER paym' ii 4 Lake Fish 20¢ 5 a PB i a } rea hee en lee N00 bog Ontaria White 2We a 16 29th PAYMUSOth paym tisie ym't il Te re rom oa iT 1Z3%e un Wb. Lake Ontario Trout .. .20¢ a is. Te Kippered Horrings ih } ediay i205 te 1901 Pein batman ry Norrinar. : ZHI ----------------= | | 5 000 Hil SE ---- HEALTHY, PURE, AERATED WATERS Made from Pare Sugar and Imported Syrups. Ale, English Giwger Beer, COLA CHAMPAGNE $1.25 Per Case APPLE CIDER. 50c. Per Gallon Agents for Dows Xle and Porter and Dominion White bel Ale . - $1.75 per Case Dublin Ginger ing Thompson Wholesale Toba: onists. 292 Princess St, : Ti White Pine 'and Spruce = Balsam. Sold only at DRUG STORE Cor. Princess ang Montreal Sts. Telephone 41 THE ONLY FOOD THAT HAS NOT ADVANCED IN TWO YEARS EAT MORE TOYES BREAD | J The cheapest bread in Kingston. hone 467 and our salesman wit call; DO YOU RLQUIRE A LAMP TO STUDY BY AT NIGHT? IF YOU DO, CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF PORTABLE AND DESK LAMPS. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. 167 PRINCESS ST. TELEPHONE 441 Eh RT | | i of ~ Sonora And Getting It At Lindsay's you will receive a double insurance of satis- faction. First, because the Sonora isan Al product--the phonograph which is invari- ably chosen by all who will have none but the best. Secondly, if LINDSAY'S sell it, it MUST BE good or they would not handle the line. Sonoras of various styles range in price from $74 up to $675. Shiai itiiiaticbiiiid COMPLETE LINEOF COLUMBIA oti gimme 1 Th] VR Vad TTT res saees WL LINDSAY Ling TES - 121 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. Montreal, Ottawa, Quebea, Brockville, Belleville and Three Rivers A So Spal gn Mrs. McDonald, wife of Captain 3] It &s easy 10 doderstand why a lib H. McDenald, RCHA., 1x in the tie learnieg i= a dangerous | oa Dieu where she will underze | when you mes' » man ng wha thinks he 23 operalion ler apoendicitis. : Enews it adi ¢