a ------------ E ---- A WALES MADE STONEY INDIANS CHIEF AT BANFF (1) Stony Indian Chief, Banff. : The Prince Receives His Indian Chief's Outfit, Stony Indian Camp, Banff. ; Indian Ceremonial Dance Making Prince a Chief. Row of Indian Chiefs at Banff fon the Ceremony. At the Indian Dance. . The Prince Receives an Address From the Mayor of High River. The Princé as an Indian Chief Making a Speech at Banff. The Ceremonial Dance. (10) Indian Squaw Races Assembled at Banff for the ceremony, (11) Stony Indian Camp, where the Prince was Named "Chief Morning Star." (12) The Prince talks with Shuswap Indians at Kamloops PRINCE ELECTED CHIEF It was at Banff that the Prince of Wales was made Chief Morning Star with the right lofwear the shining buckskin robe with a bite beit of beads and a head dress of bright and nodding featbers of a chief of the Stoney Tribe. hen the Prince-stepped off the train amid the high peaks and exquisite spruce clad valleys of Banff he found himself among Indian braves clad in all the vivid colors of the spectrum, feathered and beaded from crest to mocassins and mounted on their small swift horses, At each branch road. a fresh body of Indians, a fresh splash of vermilion 'and yellow and cherry and blue and green moved out from amid trees and fell in behind the escort, so that as it went the cavalcade became a ngoving tra'n of shifting color. The procession went until it reached a big open race course where Indian tepees, red starred on white, and gay with flags, were set and where the ceremony Was 10 be held. As the Prince came on to the grounds, braves whirled their ponies about and raced through veils of dust 'n a ride of welcome, while-the low throbbing of tom-toms joined itself to the high, thin whoop of the Indian welcome, On a dals and in the centre of a circle of braves, some with skins painted crome yellow so that they looked like masks of death; some daubed with red, some barred with blue, some w'th yellow paint on sleek hair, the Prince recelyed the welcome of Young Thunder, the chief. He was a big roughly carved Indian clad in white, hairy chaps and cowboy shirt, and as he read his address in sing- song Cree, his body was curved back as though he still sat on a pulling horse. \ He read first in his olden tongue and then in Engl'sh of the honor the Prince Was paving to them, and of their enduring loyalty to him and to his father. and be asked the Prince "to accept from us this Indian suit, the best we have, emblem- atic of the clothes we wore in happy da 5 "We bi 1 to allow us to elect you as our chief and to give you the name of Chief Morn'ng Star." he said. Then he handed the Prince a magnificent head- dress of feathers and beads and fine duck skin robes. he Prince. putting on the head-dress. spoke to the circle of braves of the honor he felt they had done him. When he finished tom-toms were logsed again, and the high, thin whoop rose up from the ring which almost at once Began to circle arouad in a dance, { It was a wonderful scene, this mass of Indians 'n the deep cup rimmed by steep and white crags and not the least picturesque of attractions there were the bead and leather garbed babies, who grubbed about on the earth.