' YEAR Be «TRADES UNIONS AGAIN RESTLESS Following the Refusal of Lioyt-George 10 Nationalize the Mines. kA STERN FIGHT 1S AHEAD -- NO STRIKE BILL AFTER g | 1 | \ THE A i | in THE 22ND OCTOBER. When the Committee Will Report to Trades Union Congress--Private Ownership System Claimed Unjust to Miners, (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Oct. 10. ~--Miners and oth €r trades unionists in all parts of t} country are very fc lowing t Lloyd-George terday that the nationalization mites would not he « onsidered by the Government, will be no strike Oct? 22nd, report to the Trades Union Congre in Glasgow, It appears to be that if extreme action is necessary to restless to-day definite declarati to he a commiitee ¢ of 1ght however, till a when the committee wiil the impression enforce the demand. It will not only be miners who will strike, but trade urndonists generally. It ing increasingly evident that apart fro the arguments claiming that nation alization would to community, there is a strong fe« among workers that the present tem of private ownership carries defensible injustice to the miners This feeling clearly in the minds of the workers It 1s not concealed, moreover, that the present agitation, if it secures immediate aim, will not stop at mines The pationalization mines" says the Herald, organ, "is the question immediat y at issue, but is, of course precursory to. a complete policy of nationaliza tion of industry. Here is the battle joined." L.. On neither side is there any doubt that the fight will be stern, is becomi be beneficial in rankles of the labor ly WORLD'S TITLE | GOES TO CINCINNATI Bis ni | Hod" Eller Pitches Reds to| Victory in the Deciding | Game. Chicago, Oct. 10.--The world ser- {es baseball championship pennant | for 1919 will iy from Redland Field, | Cincinnati, next season, Pat Moran's| athletes invaded hostile territory, yesterday and .anuexed the eighth and deciding game against the Chi- cago Sox by a score of 10 to 5. ; The Reds, after dropping two games of their own grounds, permit ting the Sox to get back in the run- ning for the big emblem, started af- ter the deciding game at the outset. They descended on Claude Williams left-handed offerings with a deter- mination which sent him into secu- lusion before the third man was out, | and Bill James, who hurls from the other side, was trotted out Three runs 'were scored off Williams and | one off James, It was the Jatter's first | appedrance in the series, and he led | a terrible life until the sixth, when with two men on the sacks, he was| given the beckoning finger by Glea- son, and Roy Wilkinson, also a right-| | hander, came forth * to remain through the holocaust. | | The invaders eontinued their on slaugh and sent three runs across the rubber, In the seventh the rangy! hurler was somewhat wildgend walk- | €d two men, but no runs were scored by the leg-weary champions-to-bhe. In| the eighth they annexed another, and let it go at that, Their position was 80 secure that they appeared Indif- "ferent, even bored, at the Sox rally, | which had the effect, largely, of me- | rely stretching the contest out into| the longest of the series; namely, 2! hours and 27 minutes. The remarkably good weather of the series was again in evidence, and | 22,930 persons pald to see the mas-! sacre of the local idols. The attend- | ance for the series was 236,928, and | the receipts, exclusive of war tax, EF $722,414. Of this the players receiv- ed $260,349.70 of the amount taken uring the first five games. @ winners' share is $117,157.68 which will give $5,207.01 to the par- F tipating athletes. This is more than | the salaries of most of them, it is| said. The Sox players will distribute! 24 shares of $3,254.30 each. { Yesterday's summary: EL R.H. E. Dincinnati (N) 410013010--10 16 2 L Chicago (A) ..001000040-- 5 10 1 1! § 1 United Inns Company. | i Montreal, Oct, 10.--A strong and! 'influential circle of Montreal business! 'men have succeeded in organizing a! . tompany to be known 'as the United Inns of Canada, with a capital of a TRAVELLING ROAD TO FINANCIAL RUIN ress Despatch) 9.--Forecast- ritish loan 8 floating debit editor of the Mail the opinion of busi- Britain road to re- Great is the to on without form the I extrava- in _ EARLY SOLUTION OF FIUME AFFAIR {Canadian Trieste Oct rmer Deapatch) 10 General commander at his way Grazilie, fo Italian garrison left Fiume governmer Trieste on where he was s appeared ful and Fi ached said an the Fe PROUDFOOT IS GIVEN . CONSERVATIVE HELP The Government Forces Won Put a Candidate In His Riding. > 10At 4 Eg ) Huron Cons it was decided not to place a candidate in the field again m Proudfoot, the }ate member and leader » Opposition felt that recognition Mr "in view meeting of MT tives here, Delegates some was due Proudfoot the way he joined hands with Ww in the extension of the ture till after the war, and he assisted greatly in formation of Union Government" the wording of the resolution sald Mr. Proudfoot declares that he will be in the field as an Ir ependent, but has yet be nominate of Sir ? st fe of beecause the as to CANNOT STAY POISO! 5S WORK Leukart Children In Detroit at Point of Death. Detroit, Mich., Oet. 10 Two chil dish voices, one a trifle stronge than the other, but both pathetjcally weak, joined in a simple prayer in little white-tiled room in Provi dence Hospital. It was the prayer of the two Leu- kart children; Shirley and Edna; aged eight and six, doomed to die by slow Poisoning by the act of their mother. Shirley, the eldest girl, sank into a semi-como. Her death may come at any moment, say the doctors; Edna, the younger, for whom the physicians had at first held out a slender thread of hope, also was weaker and no lon- ger asked for her tin soldiers, and her pretty story-book with the color- ed pictures. ' Dr. H. W. Yates, the attendi physician, statefl that nothing in me dical science could stay the progress of the poison, corrosive.sublimate of mercury. Neither can it be counter- acted, because it already has been absorbed in the system. The symp- toms are swelling of eve-lids and domen, while a general lassitude comes over the patient. The poison goes through a process of degener ation, killing the tissues and destroy- ing the kidneys and intestines. It is } ab- { only a question of days before the da- mage is accomplished The mind re- mains clear until the end, : Roy Lgukart, thé father, sat ail { last night and all day to-day between the two little cots, keeping his death vigil KILLED AT SAN FRANCISCO. Nelson Dunning, Formerly of Otta- wa, Meets Tragic Death. Ottawa, Oct. 10.--To 'survive the shot and shell on the battle-fislds of France and then die from a bullet wound while engaged in civil pur- suits, was the sad fate that befell a former well-known and popular Young Ottawa man, Nelson W. Dunn- ing, who had entered upon a promis- ing business career in San Francisco. Nelson Dunning met his death at the hands of unknown assailants while returning home in an auto- mobile with his brother, William D. Dunning, manager of the Little Riy- er Redwood Company, of San Fran- cisco. It appears that the shooting was a direct result of a longshoremen's strike in San Francisco. . Nelson W. Dunning, who was for- | ty-three years of age, was a few short | Member of the {years ago one of thé capital's most | fo the appointm | prominent football and hockey play: | Youched for his ers, ---------------------- CAPITAL'S OBJECTIONS 0 Sympathetic Strikes and Boycotts. {Canadian Press Despatch.) Washington, Oct. 10.--Opposition to collective bargaining and closed shops w al principles outlined by a group re- presenting capital and presented to- day to the National Industrial con- ference here. Sympathetic strikes, \ Blacklists ere among twelve fundament- | KINGSTON, OCTOBER 10 ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FIRST ONTARIO GOVERNMENT H OUSE WEDDING | , 1919. N 44 YEARS. te TO FOAM PROVINCIAL 1 FEDERATION OF LABOR Legislation Demanded In Sas- xatchewan Includes Four Chief Items. Regina, Sask mation of a Provi Laber for S the Saskatchewan Trades and templated, i executive for this purpose n Regina next s; The demands of replace yeste A, convention bably be held v pr ng skatchewa --rbor--fortegisiation ar the approaca- | FLLS WHY WINE WAS PORTE )..D. Flavelle, of License Commission Board, Makes An Explanation. Lae ---- ABOUT TORY ATTEMPT TO CAP- TURE JEWISH VOTE. If There Was Any Irregularity Chairman Flavellé Says That the Guilty Parties-Can Be Dealt Wit! In with the H. Dewart, at his nomi: in Toronto, to effect that the Government had en deavored to capture the Jewish vote in h 1. connection H charges made by nation meeting is constituency by issuing thou ands of liguor orders through ial vendor, a spe Chairman Flavelle of license board, has Sippiied tothe t! ollowing explanation Toronto, Ont. Oct, 9 In view of allegations and charges made by Hartley Dewart at a meeting at To- ronto last evening, regarding the sale of wine to members of the Jew- £0 community for communion pur- poses, T have ¢0 say that by the pro- visions of the Ontario Temperance Act thé Board of License Commis- slopers, of which I am chairman, are authorized to appoint such persons 4s may appear desirable for the pur- pose of importing into this province, under the provisions of any statute of Canada or any Order-in-Counecil passed thereunder, wine for use in divine service. On the 30th of Sep- |tember,.at a regular meeting of the board, the"chief rabbi of the Jewish community of Toronto waited upon the board, and after hearing his ap- following resolution press the f plication the was passed: "Whereas representations have been made to the Board of License Commissioners by the chief rabbi of the Jewish religion in Toronto that it is necessary that suitable wine should be provided for the use of members of the Jewish comn during the feast of the tahern cles for the year 1919, under the direct of the rabbi of each congregation, and an application has been made to ithe board for authority to import such wine as may be necessary - for that purpose during the said feast, being a. religious observance extend- ing from Tuesday. the Ith day of 'Oec- tober, until néon ot Thursday, the 16th day of October, 1919, and it ap- pearing desirable that such applica- tlon be granted there res ved that Barnet Stone, residing at 633 Euclid avenue, inthe city of Toronto, be ap- pointed a special vendor under the | provisions of section six A of Ontario Temperanca Act for the {lod aforesaid. it being understood that the said wine shall be obtained through the government dispénsary {at Toronto by the said vendor, who shall distribute the same undef the directions of the rabbi of each such | congregation as aforesaid. (Signed) D. J. Flavelle, "Chairman.' It was represented fo the board by the rabbi that the wine referred to was for use by the Jewish commun- ity in religious observances for the purpose of celebrating the feast of the tabernacles, as required by the Hebrew ritual that the festival lasts | for eight days commencing on Tues- day, Tth October, and ending on Thursday, 16th October. The rabbi | recommended Mr. Stone, who is a Jewish community, ent in question, and reliabiliay and there- {upon the appointment was made. If | any irregularity, such as charged by Mr. Dewart, has taken place, there is nothing to stop whoever is guilty thereof from being dealt with pur- jsuant to the act, and until some evi- | dence is forthcoming providing that {the act has been contravened the | board feels justified in assuming that {the authorities of the Jewish fhurch [have acted in perfect good faith | whatever responsibility attaches to {the action of the board fs assumed {in full dy the board. Neither the prime minister nor any. member of per the | nunity in Toronto | ion | | ol & i s the f { t Heo y wedding § 1 oe mA A A i ct nd? | board aware, had the slightest { knowledge of the rabbi's application { which was dealt with the same as all { {other matters of business coming be- | {fore the board. It will be noticed | that the law is applicable to the | churches of the Christian community jas well as the Jews, and I presume that not even Mr. Dewart would con- | tend that wine for communion pur- | poses 'should not be available. All proper precautions have been taken y the board in connection with this | application and if there has been any | impropriety or irregularity it will be dealt with according to law, irrespec- i tive of who the guilty parties may | is J. D. Flavelle, Chairman Board of License Commis- sioners for Ontario SCARCITY OF CARS | More Canadian Cars in U. 8. Than | U. S. In CanhGa, Ottawa, Oct. 10.--Mr. Lavigueur of Quebec is drawing the attention of i the Government by a question ini the } House to the circumstance that the Jdumber trade of Canada is suffering | from a great 'scarcity of cars, owing {to the fact that 44,000 Canagian cars {are withheld In the Unitea States. {as against 23,250 American cars in Canada. He wants to. xnd if it is { the intention 'of the Government to | fix five dollars per day as the charge | for every car on their Tine belonging | fo other companies, instead of the | | seventy eents per day rallway com- | panies are now obliged to pay. Cardinal Man Disappears. Brockville, Oct. 10.--There is anx- | iety in Cardinal over the disappear-| nce of James Levers, an employee | jof the Canada Starch Company, who {left his work at that factory on the | evening of Wednesday last week, and! | who has not since been seen. Levere | | served on the Canal Guard at the | { commencement of the war, and had | | several sons on active service. At the| | time of his disappearance he was ap-!| | parently in good health. i | i | | | The steamer Weimar has arrived | at Leith Scotland, from Hamburg, | with only 150 tons of German goods. Iban sae Bt ES | > + 100 FRENCH OFFICERS TO GO TO BERLIN (Canadian Press Despatch.) Paris, Oct. 10.--Premier Clemenceau stated in the Sen- ate vesterday that ome hun- dred French officers would be in Berlin immediately s(ter the peace treaty to see that «Ger- many carries out disarmament measures. |ers tario make ithe {of a labor-soldier-gentleman farmer | F.0 | selections for eightv-two seats | ery constituency | dates now in the fleld | and Belgium be OS FARMERS' HOPES RUNNING HH Anticipate Being Official Opposition in the New Ontano Legislature. 65 LIBERALS NOMINATED IN CONSTITUENCIES AND MORE ARE TO BE NAMED. Are So Far Eighty-two Con- servative Nominees and Sixty-five . Farmers Contesting. Oct. 10.-- Political United of no secret of their There lead- On- Toronto, of the Farmers ambi- tion to be the official Opposition in the Ontaric sufficient the to -constitute that party Legislature, by electing a at to of their members, tober cial house Indeed, some of the stalwarts declare that fair chance of being elected to pow- candidates mber etections on ¢ 20th; Seats in the provi cultural have fagr they a er, by returning more i than either of the old-time parties As an earnest of the U.F.O, aspira- it pointed ont that they have already placed, in unofficial nomination, candidates for sixty-five of the one hundred and eleven seats in the Ontario House and they pro- mise several more selections to be nominated on Monday next the offi- cial nomination gag. It should be pointed out, however, that some of so-called U.F.0. candidates are tions, is variety who could hardly be expect- ed to give very .strong support to 1 leaders The Conservative organizations now (Government) have nominated and will probably have nominees for ev- by Monday next. sixty-five candi- and, in addi- tion to the U.F.0. list, there are pro- The Liberals have { mised as independent soldier or la- {bor men, candidates for thirteen seats THE CARDINAL'S CHEESE BEAT GERMAN WITS Cardinal Mercier Tells New York Association of Send= | | ing Note By Ruse. New York, Oct. 10.--In the course of a speech to the Merchant's Assoc- fation at the Hotel Asior Cardinal the {which companiés are obliged to pay | Mercier told them a story of a round Dutch cheese that, as an instance of top-grade business acumen and effi- ciency set every practical man of them rubbing his hands with a relish that none tried to conceal '"At the frontier between Holland we have a seminary with seven or eight hundred students in it, and for their living they receive very frequently a number of Dutch cheeses in boxes. 1 had there a very good friend, a priest. Many of the boxes come to Belgium from Holland | for commerce. And as the Germans liked the cheese, they allowed it to pass into our country. "Well, 1 thought I could send my letters in a very sur. way this way. When the cheeses came, to our Bel- glum seminary from Holland they ar- rived wrapped in papers which were | afterward carefully sent Back. By then, of course, they were old and stained. So I wrote my letter vn pa- per which I had carefully made old and filthy and soiled leoking and my | friend in due time received it. He took it and published it, apd had it sent to France and England. and you In America got it from England, and it was published here on the same morning that German officers were upbraiding me for it at home." TOTAL ABSTAINERS. Alcock and Brown Prohibitionists for 4 Three Months. New York, Oct. 10.--Sir Arthur Rg session of the Provincial Assem- ly presented to Govern ment include the applic of proportional pre Provincial and municipal and they ask for a standard hour day. the reco of Labo unions, and the collective bargaining The I r men cultural industry of the proposed eigh tion, and in reply to the s at such legislation farm labor arce they will force 'improved tions on the farm T tt is also asking the Government levate the Burea f is at present a t cultural Departiner a nder * 2 Pod A Minister BONUSES IMPOSSIBLE ACCORDING TO WHITE Raising of Gratuities Would Hurt the Credit of the Dominion. the re eéxciude the : from the & department Ottawa, Oct. 10 A further ment of the difficulties f the government which make the payment of oo 000,000 or more in gratuit- les a difficult matter for the admin- Istration to face was placed before the special committee on soldiers' civil re-establishment by Sir Thom- as White, former minister of finance The former minister of finance realed-attentton 16 The very heavy ox-| penditures which the government was called upon to face from the forthcoming Victory loan. Without any new debts being incurred, the major portion of this loan would be taken up in bank debt and other obligations, 'Canada's financial position," he said, "while it should not be called critical, is stil} sufficiently serious, be- cause of five years' war expenditure to call for most careful considera- tion The policy of all the nations] which were belligerents will be to-; ward retrenchment for the nest few years " i In regard to the forthcoming loan, Sir Thomas said he had no misgiv- ings. It would probably be well over-subscribed, but he could see that from present indications. a further loan would be necessary next year. Canada had had to borrow money to} {finance purchases by Britain and her allies in crder that Canada's owp trade might not suffer "I do not see how it would be pos- sible for the government to raise any such further sum as is suggested, if its credit is to be maintained." said|{ {Sir Thomas. The ex-minister ex- pressed the view that should. the {government decide to grant a large amount of additional aid to soldiers the money would mostly have to be produced by domestic loans. state- DISCUSSION ON ASPERIN, Toronto Doctor Delegates Asked to § Leave Convention. ; Winnipeg, Oct. 10:--Dr. B Ww. Tobin, of Toronto, was requested to withdraw from the Canadian phar- maceutical convention by a unani- mous vote of the delegates follow ing a discussion about "asperin ™ | Dr. Tobin is~the Canadian repres- entative of the Bayer interests, New York, original dispensers of asperin Following the suggestion of J. E. | Tremble, Quebec, that Dr. Tobin be] asked to speak on the topic. Dele- gate E. K. Knolton, Vancouver, and G. E. Gibbard, Toronto, opposed the hearing, the former stating that German propaganda was still in op- eration in Cenada, In his opinion. | The vote was then passed. { The address of Dominion President {E. Nesbitt, Winnipeg, formed the theme of a discussion and "'asperin {was the principle subject. ; Although there was some little difference of opinion, the convention; was virtually in accord with the idea that the patent protecting the name ibe cancelled in Canada as it had been {in the United States. Victor Ross Returns. | Toronto, Oct. 10. Victor { formerly financial editor of the | Globe, has given up his duties as as- | | sistant to the president of tne Stan-! dard Oil Company, of New Jersey,| { In order that he may devote his at-| | tention more fully to the affairs of! { the International Petroleum Com- | pany. of which he is vice-president, | and Imperial Oil i { which he is a director. He is al director of the . Intercolonial { Line Company. Mr. Rogs will Ross, ipe | gain | . «|THE CONFEREN © | changed of "asperin' from general use should test PEACE IN EFFEC] IN A FORTNIGHT Ratiiication By the Three Powers Is Fx pected By Then. -- LEAGUE COUNCIL AND REPARA. TION COMMISSION PROBLEMS. The Bulgarian, Hungarian and Turks ish Treaties Are Still Hanging Fire and Will For Some Time. Paris Oct. 10.--With the comple tion of the peace treaty by ratifica- tion of three Great Powers whith, it is generally believed in Paris, will place within the of Peace Conference and the Supreme Council will be greatly take two weeks, work the Many questions at present before the Supreme Council will bs transferred immediately to the Per manent Reparattons Commission. In fact, the Supreme Council hat already turned many of ® repara tion questions over to § commis sion, which recently hak been in« vestigating the amount of property belonging ta all the Enfente Powers, and the effect the fiscations will have Rumanians con on Rumania's share in the total reparations Many questions relating to the Sarre valley, Danzig and Silesia are of such pressing importance that they wil undoubteedly be taken up at the first meeting of the Council of the League of Nat 8, which: acs cording to plan, is to be called by President Wilson in a fortyight after the treaty is formally ralified he three Great Powers = A plebiscite in Upper Silesia must be held as soon as possible, because of the strained relations there, where the Poles and Germans aye holding each other at bay, and there is a general disposition in conference circles to give Poland relief at the earliest moment, as the Silesian coal supply is urgently needed in Central Europe. Until the United the treaty, fit cannot any commis: treaty. States ratifies participate in sions created under the Problems For League, Recently there has been a disnost- tion on the part of several deleea. tions to refer to the various foreien offices all business «which would normally be handled bv themselves and the Supreme Connell will he ahle Wo speed up this unloading nrossss &8 soon as the League of Natinng comes into existence, as many of iis most annoying problems will proper- Iy 0 to the leagne. The Suvreme Coundil win instantly lose much of its importance as 200N as the German treaty is in effect. However. is still has the Bulgarian, Hungarian and Turkish treaties hanging fire. and the indications are that it will be many months before these can he disposed of because of the unsettled conditions in Hungary and Turkey The German peace treaty. In eon- sequence of its rat decree 'of King Vietor Emmanuel of Italy, will become effective in fifteen days, according to the interpreta- tion. of the French press There is considerable uncertainty in confer. ence circles, however, whether the decree must be approved by the Ital- isn Parliament before it is finally effective, ification by royal | News IN BULLETIN. | Lieut. Maynard enne, Wyo, coast-to-coast arrived at Thursday night flight. Chey. in his The Berlin bomber Atlantic, Nova Scotia, was ninety-five miles City, h from compelled to land from New York aving run out of gasoline, to Helsingfors reports Are now marching on Aceording the Germans Riga. Premier Lloyd George refuses the demands of the British miners for Government control of mines. Jail for Bootlegging. Calgary, Oct. 10.---Resolutions ask- lng that second offenses for boot. lszing be punishable by jail sen. ences, that equal parental rights be 'established In the Province, widows ba given greater power un. der the Dower Act, that ya v Ouse by respons lets published Were passed by the Pp utive of th € pare every ; rovincial © National Council of day, Exc BEER E ELIE b PEELE EEE Bebb | take up residence in Toronto, i blacklists and boycotts were declared | the government or the = legislature mimes aa to be indefensible, anti-social and | have been consulted or, as far as the | immoral. { Women. Brown and Sir John Alcock, fleas | { 'made the first non-stop airplane i 2 {across the Atlantic, became total ab-| Baseball Reaches $100,000 Gate. To Head Disarmament Commission, [stainers three months before the! Cincinnati, Oet, 10.----Baseball | Paris, Oct. 10.--Aecording to the : 'flight, according to statements made sashes its first 23.004 gate in the | J empe, General Fayolle, one of the : AL. : "in |DY Bit ANBITE who 1 Toctuting in| sixt game of the world's series at| distinguished French army leaders While only one candidate is in the field at the present time there is Now York. He said that this course] Cincinnati on Wednesday. during the war, and head of the of further nominations being made. In case an election | adopted =o that "when we were The total receipts 'of $101,768 es army which, entered Mayence after Jor-General Sir Charles should be held for the Dominion House, those who have failed to register flying, a small quantity of brandy! tablished a new record } yw oolonel-somtmandant of { ¥1I1 not be able to vote. The Voters' List is now being revisell before the{ would have the sdme wheet™ i | high Water mark. . be head of ihe Iater-Allied Commission Artillery, an v my 5 al ! He said the number 13 no | is is more money than ever e- to supervise the disarmament of Canadian art] Carnelley, formerly chairman of the | vdgy a the yar House aad the last chance that the Sualified siactor | rafitious terrors or he Pitre] fon received for a single game in| Germany, as provided for in (he landscdpes coming to the University yoted firm of Rylands at Manchester. | ave to get his game on the Voters' List will be ibis evening from work on the plane was begun Feb-| the history of the sport. | Versailles treaty during he ToraCHtian vec will be ; ------------ 7.30 to 9 pm. and to-morrow afternoon from 2 to 5.30 pm. {ruary 13. It was the thirteenth of | > mn tt unde TIONA . "| Labor Troubles At Sarrebruck. Every citizen interested in the cit Its progress should lif There were thirteen mem-| Youthful Fan Breaks Leg. In Trento on of C. W_ Jeffries, F.R.CA.. tn ¥ and fis prog apc Sualify Cincinnati, Oct. 10.--Trying to see {its class. n, t { (Canadian Press Despated) i : , 5 np ibers in the expedition to St. John's] t.. 10.--J. W. Callo- fonjunction with Barker Fairley.! Paris, 'Oct. 10a French major | 8 & rater: This is the Jet SPportunity. 1f you are entitled to vote, 408" {and the fliers arrived at St. John's| the game for nothing was tog. president of the Tren- ere are some wonderful landscape and three soldiers were wounded in a | Peglect to go to the Court House to-night or Saturday afternoon--or, \if {on the 13th, Sir Arthur said. {Samuel Lowry, a Cincinnati youth. ton Labor Counefl, is a candidate for fes of Ontario and the west. priot at Sarrebruck in occupied Ger- | you cannot go send someone in your place. Remember that after 5.30 { Lowyy was astride a telephone pole |the Labor party and UFO, in West iThe Busan Raith Yom Army | many. The riot is descrided ar hav-|pm. on Saturday mo further names can be added to the list. Don't run The Bolsheviki have suffered a se- { Just Jujside the park viewing the Hastings. Mayor W. H. Ireland, Se Shes Fro Moony = oh mers | Ing grown out of labor dumonstra- { chance of not being privil 10. voto 1h CBT election is held.| Yere defeat in the Pskov sector. The | contest When be lost his balance and | Trenton, is the Conservative candi. om a i n in the OY sec- [tions against the high cost of living - eged i "{ Russian Northwestern army has ta-| fell to the street. His date and Col. O'Flynn the Liberal tor. : iin which the Spartacans joined. | Quality now. 3 ken many prisoners. broken, candidate. $1,000,000, and a federal charter is| eing applied for. It is planned to! rect as 'well as select points, first | through the Province of Quebec and! then elsewhere in Canada, inns of Such type and construction as will] Spit the particular location of each | Cambridge, professor of Internation- | the opportunity giving as much comfort to BUesSiS 51 Law: Ma "8s possible. | Henry Scott : i the Royal The collection of FREEBIE PEPLTCPP PLETE PPE TPP -------------- DON'T FAIL TO REGISTER Noted Britishers Dead. London, Oct. 10.--The deaths are nounced of L. F. L. Oppenheim, | and set the the armistice, will be placed at the dey . Three Belleville, Oc costly to! way, Tren left leg was i