FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1019. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG hms ------ ro evi -------------- is moo a rs The Right OVERCOAT You want an Overcoat that is corre fabric and right in price, ' in style, of quality, Our Overcoats look good the start, K good and grow old gracefully. at eep on looking Our $20.00 Coats are worthy. Our $235.00 Coats are better, Our $30.00 Coats are excellent. Our $10,00 Coats are exclusive. D. J. WILL THE MEN'S STORE MEN'S FURNISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION simi ermine a For Weddings rEA SERVICES SILVER ug that will meet suggestion ? oval of every with the appt bride, and something that will give service tor a life-time. ye-Headache companied by an eara burning sensations is caused by an over eff brain to understand a blurred imag that has been thrown on 1a of the eye In the eye-camera tl foci are changed by the eve muscles that swell and reduce the shape o the crystalline len When these | muscles bec weakened an metrist must t he outer- i man-made lenses to bring about this | focus accommodation sgmelime we mention a beautiful three piece set at .. $30.00. sets from $12.00 up. Other mie opto- | prescribe Kinnear & d'Esterre 100 PRINCESS ST. et at Pe Att at rh tet et ot ttt Par | rtm----re--. 8 Hi il ul URGENT NEED NEW SCHOOL REPORT OF INSPEQ- TOR STUART Says That Early Addition of More Accommodation is a Greac and In- creasing Necessity----New Teacher to be Appointed at Collegiate Insti- tute to Helleve 'Congestion There, The urgent need for a new school 4 more brought to the atten- » members of the Board of < 3, on Thursday night, in a ort on attendance, which was sub- d by Inspector J. Russell Stuart, an fact was commented on by the chairman, F. R. Anglin, who took occasion to remark that a good many citizens did not understand conditions in his spe SHOWN IN report for September, In- tor Stuart showed the enroll- ment in the public schools to be 2.- 721, with an 09; Orphans' i: QAVEIAEC { enrollment, 2 { ance, 2,437. In 'his specior said: The enrollment at the end of the month was 71 more than that of last year, and the average daily attend- | ance 29 greater, The average attend-| ance would have been considerably zreater, had it not been for an unus- cal tardy re-entry of former pupils, and the disturbance during fair week The attendance particularly at 8 haols ds greatly Home, enrollment, dance, 28. Total) average attend- | report ne In- diminished for three "*As usual, for this month, I sub- mit a statement showing the enroll- ment: and the average daily attend- ance by classes. It will be seen by this that most of the classes are too large, and that some are much in ex- of the standard prescribed by the regulations as permissible. Thir- ty-four classes h'ad an average daily attendance of over 40; 15 were above an average of 45, and § than 50. "In view of these fatts, it must be ipparent that the early addition of more school accommodatien great and increasing necessity." The report submitted by Princi- pal E, were overcrowded. 'ommittee recommended that in view of this overcrowding, that another teacher be added to the staff, and the recommendation was passed. Prineipal Sliter. in answer to question asked by Trustee Mills, stat- ed t about ten per cent of the in city Trustee Mrs. Newlands gave notice motion that at the next meeting | of the Board, she would move that the salary schedule of the teachers be revised, so that the women tea- chers, with ecual qualifications, be placed on the same basis as ine male teachers. Trustee Godwin brought In a mo- the of offices to let; frst Sour front; heat- ed, BUILDING, STREET TELEGRAPH e CLARENCE POST OFFICE > = OPPOSITE : CS. KIRKPATRICK SES UN PREMIS AB Ben, KINGSTON tion asking that the school book fees in the public schools he abolished, but after some discussion, the mo- tion was allowed to stand over till the next meeting in order that more information can be . secured on the A AAA A AAA rt AAA A AAA Tewwewwe HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW FLOWER SHOP YOU ARE vow TOYO Iew WELCOME Always to imspect our cut and potted stock. OUR SLOGAN: "WE STRIVE TO SERVE." DESIGN AND DECORATION A SPECIALTY. "A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STRE PHONE 661. RESIDENC E, 2036w. matter. Trustee Godwin stated that he understood that the' passing of such resolution would mean the saving of $2,300 a year to the peo- ple. It would not mean much to a man with a small family, but to the man with a large family, it would mean a great deal. The question was raised as to whether or not the Board intended to cutt off the cost of text books, and it was intimated that the amount mentioned by Trustee Godwin would only cover the cost of readers and supplies, Trustee Godwin said le would be in favor of cutting off all the cost of text books too. Trustee Mrs. Newlands, while not being opposed to lessening the cost to the parents, offered as a sugges- Rn tion that the second Tepe in the Col- | legiate Institute be made free. FURS-- Children's White Coney Coats and Goat Robes. Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET. To Help Navy League. T.ieut, Carnegie and Ald. RR. J. Rodger appeared before' the Board, in behalf of the campaign to be car- i ried on in Kingston the latter part of | this month, for the Canadian Navy League, by the Kingston Branch. In this campaign, Canada is to be asked for a half million dollars and half of this amount is to be raised in Onta- rio, Toronto alone will rais¢ $125, 000. Kingston's allotment has been placed at §5,000, which represents | 25 cents per head. The deputation asked that the | Board assist fn the campaign, and of- fer volunteers to help in the canvass | to be made in the city. Lieut. Carnegie also asked that | perthissiofy, be: given. for. a collection to be faken among school pupils in | behalf of the Navy League. Trustee J. G. Elliott, in opening | the discussion on the Navy League, | had warm 'words of praise for the | work of the merchant marine and said that it was desired to have Can- ada maintain her own service. He sald there was no body of men in connection with the. war, who showed more heroism or deyotion to duty, than the men who were engaged in carrying food to the fighting forces. He appealed to the members to give | Autumn Footwear YOU ARE INVITED TO VIEW THE FAVORED MODELS IN AUTUMN AND WINTER SHOES FOR 1919°20 For exclusiveness, beauty, grace, correctness and superiority of materials, workmanship and finish, the new Fall styles excel anything ever offered for your consideration, DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR DISPLAY. | Allan M. Reid, | ~~ SHOE STORE | 111 Princess St. 5 i i | | 1 1] i i | | |} 1 } | | 81 | Ah Hl ill | ] all the time they could to the cam- paign, and at the same time asked that the matter be presented to the school children. All the members of the Board ag- reed with the remarks of Trustee Elliott, regarding the good work of |, the merchant marine and 1t was de- cided to allow the committee fn charge of the campaign to aavertise by circulars through the schools, the said advertising to be under the sup- ervision of Inspector Stuart and Principal Sliter. In view of the "tag day" to held for the navy league, i and also the house to house canvass, however. it was decided not to have a cclleotion take up in the schools. Heports Of Committees. agement Committee, presented by the chairman, Trustee J. F. Macdonald, was adopted: That the salary of J. W. Fraser, who has obtained his specialist stand- ing, be increased from $1,600 to 51,- 800, the same as is received by the other male assistants on the Colleg- fate Institute staff who 'are speciai- ists, the increase to date irom Sept- ember 1st. | the Collegiate Institute for resident ! pupils be reduced from $30 to $15 per year. That in view of the over eowding | average attendance of | adjacent to the fair grounds, | had more i is a| 0. Sliter, of the Collegiate In-| tute, also showed that the classes | The Management | al crease in attendance was due to out-| rside pupils and about the same Trom | | Board for the' resolution passed by The following report of the Man- | That the fee of the Sith form in | PAGE SEVEN inate Instit ute, her ano ded to the staff b neil of Leeds be noti- fied that pupils residing n that county will be admitted to the King- ston Collegiate institute on the same terms as they are admitted to the Leeds High School That supplementary reading at an estimat cost of $100 be purchased for the Collegiate Institute library. This is provided for in the estimates. That physics 'apparatus at an esti- mated cost of 0 be procured for the Science Department of the Col- legiate Institute. The estimates pro- vide for purchase. Trustee W. H. Godwin, chairman cf the Property committee, submit- | ted the following report of the Pro- perty committee, which was adopted: As instructed by the Board, adver- tisements were inserted in both city papers asking eitizens who knew of available and suitable school cities in Cataraqui Ward to report to the secretary, Only one response 'was re- ceived, and the site described was in- adequate and not in a desirable loca- lity. ig FOR July Ith & COTE - received from the City Clerk in which | the following resolution concerning 'the new school was passed by the council: "Chat this cduncil recommends to the Beard of Education that in view lof a possibility that tenders will be lower later for stone and other ma- terials that new tendérs be called on Nov. 15th next, and that this council pass a by-law on December next to raise by way of loan the amount ne- cessary to build and complete 2 ten recomed school in accordance with the views of the Board of Education; that stone. be specified in the tenders as well as brick." "Your committee recommends that tenders be called for in accordance with the foregoing and that the ar- chitects be instructed to prepare plans.and specifications for both brick, rubble and stone, and to ad- vertise so that the figures will be re- ceived not later than Nov. 15th. Ancther communication from the city clerk, dated August 29th, inclu- ded a second resolution }aseed by the council, as follows:-- | "That on the communication from | the Board of Education, your com- mittee recommends that in place of exercising the options that they hold for school sites that they at once take | proc eedings to expropriate the said properties." "That the Board expropriate lands | herinaftar described." The lands to be expropriated are Corrigan and Dufferin THE CRITICAL MAN'S HAT If you find it hard - to get suited in Hats this is the place to come, where you have the large stock of authoritative styles to choose from. | on Bagot, streets. --NEW DERBIES --NEW SOFT HATS. ~NEW VELOUR HATS --NEW TW --NEW ~NEW Agreement Ratified. - v Y. Chown, | ~ registrar at Queen's | University, wrote advising the Board of the desire of the university, to c¢cntinue the faculty of education ag- reement with the Hoard for another | year. On motion of Trustees Lemmon and Farrell, it was resolved that the agreement between the Board of Ed- ucation and the Faculty of Education at Queen's University be ratified for another year. GLOV ES. As usual, we excel in style and value. CAMPBELL BROS. {zi Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Teeth Need Attention, The report of the school nurse, Miss Hester Lovick, for the month of | September showed the following: Pupils inspected, 820; number of | instructions given, 39; consultations | with parents, 9; home visits made, | 14; defective vision, 3; defective hearing, 2; defective nasal breathing | 22; defective teeth, 215; skin dis-| ease, 27, it not for thé Frederick J. Conboy, supervisor of eh neuith to-day ware B HOt fo dental ins ection of school children, | ow before it's too late, It's a simple wrote the Board stating that it was| process to rid yourself of the tobacco habit in any form. Just go te any up-to- proposed to have a dental survey oe.' grag store and get some Nicotol made at all the schools in the pro-| Viblets take them, aa directed, and lo! Jluce 4 asking what was being | | Poeuguinte refund 'the ar f they fail g these lines here. Be sure to read large and interesting an- The Kingston Board has a system | nouncement by. Docter Connor soon ta in 'vogue for the care of the-child- | &PPeeS In this paper. It tells of the dan ren"s teeth, and this will be carried | gveid it. on. Mr. Conboy will be informed of | tablets; So ---------------- 2 AA eg tt Tobacco Habit Dangerous ys Doctor Connor, formerly of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Thousands of men suffering from fatal diseases would be in In thé meantime try Nicotol you, will be surprised at he ge EASY of nicotine polsoning, and how fo the system carried on here. Nem Principal E. O. Sliter reported on Be the attendance at the Collegiate In- | stitute: for: the OR of Be tember] WE SE as follows: On the roll, 590; average attendance, 544. Principal Sliter gave Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, the following interesting report in Men's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, the attendance at the Collegiate dur- | Jewelery, Suitcases, etc. ing the past ten years, during Sep- | tember: rris 1910, 8908; 1911, N. Mo, 3 374 King St. 1813, 420; Sy 1916, 441; 1919, 590. Principal Sliter also drew the at-| tention of the Board to the fact that | - s 4 there is vergserious overcrowding in | i more than half the rooms at the Col- { : legiate. ' There were not sufficient | seats. i At the request of Trustee Macdon- ald, Principal Sliter told about the attendance at the Collegiate: He sald that the enrollment for September reached 590. This was an increase of 60 over September, 1918. The oyer- crowding was general. The appoint- ment of a new teacher would relieve the congestion" where it was most serious, namely, the second and third 368; 1914, 469; 1917, 486; 1912, 408; 1915, mi 1918, 531; | ned dh dh dh Limburger a---- ew Fall ootwear WE ARE SHOWING BROWN AND BLACK DRESSY BOOTS FOR WOMEN'S FALL WEAR. BROWN KID AND CALF LACED BOOTS, WITH HIGH #15.00, $12.00, £10.00 to $7.00 oR MEDIUM HEELS BLACK KIDS $10.00, 80.00, #8.00 ~ Abernethy's Shoe Store mms cron Al a At NA er NOW OR NEVER ------ Opportunity knocks but ONCE We cannot repeat prices you secure TO-DAY JAMES REID The he Busy Store With the ® Large Stock Phone 147 for Service, * Sakells Ice Cream rT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE HOT DRINKS PURE ICE CREAM HOME-MADE CANDY AND CHOICE CHOCOLATES Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE TAREE ERE PHONE 040 STEERER OCEANS a-- - oil Gage's Cash Grocery CORNER GORE AND WELLINGTON STS, --CHOICE EATING AND PRESERVING PEARS. --CHOICE RED ROGER AND BLUE GRAPES. -- {CHOICE SNOW APPLES, ~--{HOICE COOKING APPLES. {IICKORY NUTS--15 CENTS QUART. NEW CLOVER HONEY. PHONE 248. PROMPT DELIVERY. The Value Of The Home The bn whe can afford feo own a home--and the average man of reasonable earning capacity ean ---should make it his first concern to solve the problem. He will he nided in that task by studying the ren) estate offerings closely and investigating those which impress him faverably, He will thus he serving himself, his family and his elty, To every such man, we would say home to rally around." forms. Ch eese Other Business, Communications received by Board included the following: The treasury department contain- ing checky for $210 and $488 Kinder- garden and certificate grants. Mayor Newman, thanking the Board for its co-operation in tender- ing & reception to the Prince of Wales, +- George Palmer, physical instructor at the Collegiate Institute, asking for an increase in salary. i W. J. Saunders and W. G. Ander-| ison, of the Collegiate Institute staff, respecting the salaries they received on account of faculty of education work. Referred to the management committee for a report. the Henderson's Grocery I 59-61 Brock sircet. Phone 279 p the Board expre Ympathy with For the choicest lots, houses a nd locations, apply to: Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Kingston BARGAINS IN HEATERS NEW, ALSO FEW SLIGHTLY USHD FIRE KINGS AND STATION AGENTS. ALL SIZES QUEBEC HEATERS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Do Not Delay JG. Ettinger, D. McDougall an G. E. Scott, public school principals, ™ asking for an increase in salary. -! Mrs. Kate Macnee, thanking . S$ | + The request of Miss Stafford, teach- | er at 'Macdonald school. for single! desks, was referred to the property| | committee. On motion of Trustees Mills and} | Lemmon, Principal Sliter was asked | 2 Are You Fat? present a report to the Board, at) its DE meeting, as to the number of | t Try © pupils in each clases at the Collegiate, | Thousands of overfat people have be- | giving the number who wrote on ex- Some sim by following Ihe advice Eat and the percentage of! Ctors Ww reco en Armo. Te seription Tablets, those harmless little | those passing the aid examiations. | fa: reducers that simplify the dose ot | n motion of Trustee Godwin, the the famous Marmola Prescription. (Board voted $25 to assist public] Jf too tat. don't wait for the doctoy s4schodl athletics. i agvice. mow to your Aruggist.or! he chairman, F. R. Anglin presid- | i MM la Co, 884 Wood- | LH on a foodlled, and the other members present recare a large ease of these tab-| {were Trustees Mrs. Newlands, Miss | i Mowat, Godwin, wockett, Cohen, | Lemmon, Campbell, Mills, Farrell | | Renton. Minnes, Macdonald, Elliott the : ing ar any nppleaszat effect whatever They reduce twa,' three "ar four i If too fab WV, {and Sawyer, < ponunds a week without exercise. diet- » { : ? 4! the family of dle late Trustee Mac-| Hi CAN BE SEEN AND BOU ay AT A. SPEIZMAN"S 69 QUEEN, 8T., KINGSTON. Also Plumbing Supplies. GOOD VALUES AND A CHOICE SELECTION OF Bel oF, PORK AND LAMB, AT HO ¢ BEEF Round Steak . Sirloin Steak .... Porterhouse srenk Chuck Roasts Sirloin Roasts | ALSO A NICE LOT oF LAME : ne, . B0e, 20. .2Ne, 20. Fronts . Hind Quarfers ' Lamb Stew Frankforts Head Cheese EPRING CHICKEN HOODS MEAT MARKET COR. EARL AND BARRIE STREETS. PHOX E 407