__PAGE TWELVE Vo Prevent the Great War And tie Justified England OIG Dl "N/ : , how persis "es sire House wi! ars hefore it fa: 8 the peat cernad Ww with a situatic quences wi unfold Thus dic As he then was, dr hin great spebci of Commons o that "Bank Holiday Monday was the last of the f followed another that few pecpe siznifcxace of eu grea were being performed and the peadous decisions t made all around then 'II many cases ntif lor that there could, in the nature things, be any just appraisement o the part played by anvone srams, s'atements ioe, and hardly d before (ley w bit of public « Series more n utterly catclysmic stil had a settied policy in } Opportunism, a desperate stem the tide somewhere ant Way, was the order of ever There were, however liant examples of clear v firm steadfast purpose, and f the British Foreign: Minister notable instance He peace. The peace of Fi I to secure it and how t to. main- tain it, had been the end all and be all of his foreign policy through the cidht long and troublous years which preceded the war During the Mor co crisis of 1911, and, again, dur the anxious dagsof 1912-13 whe Balkans were ablaze, he worked tinuously and successfully for peace And when the great crisis of 1914 arrived, he addressed himself to the Kigantic task, the full proportions of which he, perhaps, al amongs Englishmen, full; a et ! undimmed faith an tion During these 1 the first patient a behalf of Serbia July 24, to that of his country's case in t Commons on August 3 Edward Grey never wavered in his purpose. He did not stand on ceremony. The British Foreign Minister had always shown himself ready to make a diplo matic precedent if the general wel- fare seemod to demand it ! he is found, on July 25, appealing to the German jAmbassador for a con ference of the four powers German) France, Italy, and Great Britain, in Eisting that they should join in ask ing Austria and R ia not to the frontier "till we have time to t and arrange matters." And t when the German Foreign Mi refuses this offer, the RB; I states man comes back on the 29th. un daunted, with that simple request; so siupendous in its utter reasonable ness, "If Germany will Suggest any method to which she does not object --8ince mine is unacceptable France, Italy and Great Britiain are teady to follow her. And yet if he labored for peace, the British Foreign Minister never " deviated for one moment from the path of honor Here, to him, there were no complexities. So when, on the night of July 29, the German Chancellor asks if Great Britain will stand aside while France is beaten, 14 Germyny agrees not- to Annex French colonies or the' nentrality of Belgium, Sir Edward Grey indignant. ly refuses, He again refused when Germany offered to increase the "blood money." Great Britain would abide by her treaties. And it was a treaty, of course. that fnally settled 1t. On August 4 Sir Edward Grey, even then ready "be- yond the last moment" as it was, to consider. any hengrable offer, de Spatches the last 'great request to Berlin. Great Britainerepeats her re- Quests, made the week 'before and again that morning, about the neu- trality of Belgium and 'expects 'a satisfaction answer by 12 g'elock to- Right. Otherwise, His Majesty's Gov ernment feel bound to take all steps in their power 10 uphold the ney- trality of Belgium and. 1he observ. ance of a treaty to which Germany is as. much a party as ourselves." The satisfactory answer neter came, and, At midnight, Great Britain laid aside the pen and took the sword. Sir Edward Grey had faiied But the world is coming to see that it was the righitousness behind this failure { i dat won the war, ---- The Sam Browne Belt, The Sam Browne officers' belt Ma & distinotive article of British mH. ary equipment. It fakes jis name from Gen. Sir Samuel Browne, vo, C.C.H., & British Cavalry ofiicer who fought in Irdin, where he lost us left arm. The shoulder strap of the belt exrrien tke weight of the spi or sabre and is Supposed to add to the natty appearance of the unitorm All Rritish commissioned officers are eatitled 13 wear this belt and it has ®een practical service in four wars. Gén. Porshing ordered is use hy | his officers in Fraacs, zs the resirie. tions of the Fishington authorities on its use did uot extend overseas. It was, of couise, worn by Canadians. The imperial canal of China has & leizth of more than 1.000 miles | ---------------- W. I. Guest tendered his resigna. | tion aa manager ana secretary-treas- prer of the Reafrew Flour Mis | Limited, after a service of seveyteen | years, having resolved to retire trom active business life, He continues, however. on the board of directors Wellington Boulter and his daughters, Misses Nellie and Lillian Boulter, have closed their summer home in Picton and have gone to De troit Tor the winter, 3 ! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LACK OF REST worry, over-work or. imperfect nourishment, aa asuye ie ib are the . 1d 2 ik ou gute to and Sie Corporation, Governrr. nt and Municipal. eginnings of n . 0 ; Private wires--Ne-=y York, Chicago, S(OIT S EMULSION Montreal, Toronto. is a decided help to those who are nervous, in that it pro- STOCKS=--GRAIN--COT TON vides an easily assimilated food that quickly builds up the eneral health by nourishing the whole body. 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