2 | TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 4 New Fresh Fall snd Goods Winter arriving trade. Canned Vigetables and of all kisds | Catsup, Pirkies and Reliahbs of il ail kinds, Raisins, Currants, of all kinds Figs, Dates, Fruits, Frulf | snd Peels | Prunes and Dried Our stock of Fresh sand Salt Meats are the best In the elty C. H. PICKERING 490 to 492 Princess Street Ih OU GROCERY High Gade Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables, Cooked aud Uncooked Meats. LEWIS ORR 220 King St. Phone 349 License No. 5.27445 A er -------- --r-------------------- PRETEEN RRR TALKING MACHINES All makes of Plionographs cleaned, repaired, adjusted. Parts for all makes supplied, expert workmanship, moderate charges, quick service. ' JM. raAaIiCK ® Sydenham St. Phone 20586; Rn DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Begs to announce that he has resumed his practice, corner Johnson and Welling. ton Streets, Kingston. Tew. phone 363. WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO. Foot West Street Phone 133 | 2 BIG BARGAINS 70c. Red Rose Tea 25¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King and Earl Streets. License No. 8-27149 , Phone 1844.0 ---- | DISTRIBUTOR AND All size Batteries for PHONE 1818. { ---- mn me BARTLET PEARS FRACHES . PLUMS ... BANANAS '.. Goods delivered to all parts 314 Princess St. A -- The Cash 207 PRINCESS STREE of the eity. SUFFERED DAY AND NIGHT 5 1 The Torture of Dyspepsia Relieved By "Fruit-a-tives" ree Baas Don, C. B. sufferer from Constipation for years, after eating, belching gas, daches gnd did not sleep Finally, @ friend foid Frusi-a-tives". In a week, ion was corrected and f pain, headaches feeling thag I continued t medicine and ROBERT NEWTON, 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all 'dealers or sent postpaid by rible me fo bry e Cogstipat epsia and ong vigorous" Fruita-tivés Limite 1, Ottawa. ADVERTISING GOODS RATHER THAN PRICES When asked the s v R y advertising man- silently opened a copy newspaper and point- announcements which $ an entire page. lance there wasn't any- istinctive or out-of-the y about the copy- a lo with the price of ea of description or a particle Wh "selling talk." was divided and sub- h headings which read * "Por Son," "For Man Would ce. Under each two! £ as score from PREPARED COFFEE in the at the stock. made All siz @ Gans in Prompt Delivery. D. COUPER R4Y-R Princens nivet G. WASHINGTON table. Fhone TR use was waste- would reply ried rT FOR SALE OVERLAND CAR (5 Passenger) In Good Condition ROBINSON & WILTSHIRE GARAGE 239% Bagot St. Phone No. 177 shopping rather than the DEALER PHOTOGRAPHS AUTO STUNTS AS ADS St uis has an enterprisir automobile t took the 18 his unique and rather h alr- Store 138 PRINCESS STREET FRESH FRUITS ARRIVING DAILY -- PEACHES, PEARS AND GRAPES. A carload for Fair Week. We have also a consignment of pure Clover Honey, in all size packages, The United Grocery 267 138 Princess St. Phone ' Next to Standard Bank The death took place at of the late "William E. Lyon U.S.L. Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 'DON. M. Expert Storage Battery and Self Starter repairs, "CRAIG all cars. T, WINDSOR BLOCK HOUSE PHONE 16G83W. mmm NEW YORK FRUIT STORE CHOICE CALIFO RNIA FRUIT c. th 80c. a doz. . Re & dos to 60c. a doz 5. to Sc. 3 doa Phone 1405 A AAA A AA te. ee GOOD VALUES AND A CHOICE SELECTION OF BEEF, PORK AND LAMB, AT iC Ors BEEF Round Steak . Sirloin Steak Porterhouse Steak Chuck Roasts Sirloin Roasts ... ALSO A NICE LOT OF LAME Fronts _ ... . Hind Quarters .... Lamb Stew Frankforts Head Cheese SPRING CHICKEN +. 25e. Ibe, 've 200, We. «20. HOOD'S MEAT MARKET COR. EARL AND BARRIE STREETS. PHONE 407 a flies ONLY .... 257 PRINCESS STREET. EA LADIES' SAMPLE TWEED COATS ---------- HO. REGULAR $335.00; SPECIALLY PRICED FOR ONE WEEK JOS. B. ABRAMSON PHONE 1283J. Our rent is low--our prices are low, i NA Calgary Saturday of Ophelia Mills, daugh-| i Mills, mayor of Renfrew, and wife of H raising scheme: A photographe:; were sent arc steep grad a car and a driver Qt 1 > asK : car. But the things it did were dare- devil test stunts that went to prove this particular automobile was well- nigh invincible. The photographer stood on the side lines and snapped these feats of hazard. For example, the driver deliberately drove his car up a long, tedious flight of stone steps in Forest Park. Every- one in St. Louis knew of the stairs, had puffed up them and knew how steep they were. If an automobile could ascend this granite handicap it could do anything on earth reason. Three-column newspapers space was used to reproduce the photograph and a bit of descriptive matter. photograph was numbered, with a suggestion that the reader save them as they were issued, completing a re- markable series of twelve CAN BUY CANDY BY YEAR The Kaufman store of Pittshurgh, a., has an ingenious . candy club { whereby che may leave an order for {one month, three months or one vear for sweets to be sent each week as designated. Thus the busy man can {leave an order for a box of his favorite sweets that will be sure to reach his {home regularly. This is billed to him at the end of the month and paid for .1as would be any other article charged to his account. Be ex- "MISSING CUSTOMER'S" LETTER A PULLER : One morning, about the first of the month, the good customers of a Fresno, Calif.. elothier were tipped off to a special sa'e put on by the dealer. And the tip appeared t5 come not di- rect from the clothi:: himself, but from one man in the t.wn who could - In the envelopes received by the pa- trons of the store was a siz-page fold- er. On the cover was the printing: THE ONE MAN WHO CANNOT ND ATTE} WALTER HAMILTON'S SUMMER SALE As the man opened up the folder he saw on the first inside page a picture of a man in conviet's uniform peering through the bars of a cell. Then op- posite this portrait and on the remain- J | ing two inside pages was a letter with { the following to say: == ~ mn er --------_ Pale Cheeked Women Told About Restoring A Rosy Complexio: A few years ago the girl with pa drawn cheeks scarcely knew what do in order to restore her fading » pearance. At that time there was | blood-food medium made that rea {would put color and strength in {Systems that were more or less wo out. { Today it's different. The blo ican be quickly nourished, can } | made rich, red, and healthy. All ¥e {have to do is take twe Ferrozor | Tablets with a sip or two of wate after meals. The effect is almos = magical, Mothers, look at your children | Are they ruddy and strong--do the: {eat and sleep well, or are they pale | weak, and anaemic? FERROZONE will rebuild them | Take your own case--is your blooc strong and rich? Have you that old time strength and vigor, or are you. i somewhat under the weather? | FERROZONE will supply the istrefigthening elements you require nourishing i It is a blood-forming, {tonic that makes every ailing persor {well FERROZONE is a marvellous rem- ody, it contains in concentrated form icertain rare qualities that especially ft it in cases of anaemia, poor color. {thin blood; tiredness, and Joss of | weight. . | Every day you put of using FER- | ROZONE you lose ground. Get it to (day, sold in 50 cent boxes by all deal- 'ers, HERERO \ of the annus: s.| THE within | Each ad| not come. And the sale vrs a success. | that I stay here to break away s hospitable as he i Gerston, | reckon, derstand low hard it would be for me to turn down his entertainment. And 1 sure wanted to get & pair of those silk shirts you have on the counter at $6.75. I know that they are And as my straw hat is gone, 1 would like to get one of those ng out. ear, too. I need some of that 1 could come over to invest in a suit or two to fini the season. How about those suits you marked down from $40 to $38 Jo you suppose you've got anything in nice stripes that would fit me? I'd like to get ! another , and the way you got them marked it'y better'n the place them. when you mer sale. next morning this will tell vou wt there--and 1 suppose the e 1 get the ¢ream of the picking. But > ow 1t 1} Confidentia ARTER-DARK I worth $8. you're tlo er start Vy yours, 3 ILL, ¥ r LOW VISIBILITY FOR SCKUBBERS | the wemen who scrub! How to-ga rb d sweep sto matter which the Pair of Ct £o f serubwomen, el ers aning | miforms Ss is a Ived by stead pt appe ANTI-ADVERTISER le sw d } > nothing to do that And y often dis- i But yet food: Wore adver £0 NAC Drank: advert tised ¢ | And played, a tise He wrote linen, Used dentifrice somebg He bathed ev tub, And adve trade-marked grinnin', day in an advertised soap 18 _scrub, ry night in an advertised helped him out He slept eve bed; And when at the last they declared he was dead, rough with his. endless bgratin' and scoffin'! They: laid him away in an coffin! - And t} advertised | MAINTENANCE SERVICE | HOLDS CUSTOMERS. The clothing firm of Julius Hyman i & Co. Inc., of Hazleton, Pa., has been able to work up a steady trade, {one camposed largely of men who come back again and again for more {goods because of its. "maintenance service." A 'tailor is a member of the staff {and has hjs little shop in the base- | { ment, taking no part at all in the sell- ing of goods. He is kept busy all the time repairing clothing that is brought in. Any suits that do not stand up under reasonable wear are fixed up and if they fail to give satis- faction are replaced. : { Suits are pressed free for one year { after their purchase. This idea of | maintaining the goods after 'they |-Jeave 'the Hyman shop appeils to {men and while a steady stream of suitcases bearing clothes to be. repair ed goes into Hyman, this service only costs the salary of the tailor and turns almost every customer into a peater." "re. | Salaried Man and H. C. of L. | A prominent authority on social | questions said something the other | day when he was discussing the pro- | posed investigaticn into the appar- | ently too-high ccst of living. He | said that, while economic conditions | were the fundamental cause of the { high prices of necessities, violations { of laws designed t¢ prevent concerted | raising of prices aiso might be partly | responsible, and then he went on: | "There is no doubt that the ma- { jority of the people are more pros- . perous than ever before, farmers and | wage-earners especially. The man 'who has suffered from high prices has been the salaried man. I wish we could do soniething to help him. I'm open to suggestions." While the ones who have sugges- ions to offer are putting them into resentable and workable shape, it is +n Appropriate time to pay a deserv- 'd tribute to the qualities of the verage salaried 11an who has borne "he burden of the high cost of living fered perhaps more than the mea who have been in big profitable busi- aess, more than the farmer who has reaped a Barvest of gold from his flelds (more than the wage-earner who has found ivcrease after increase awaiting him on demand. The average salaried man has kept on the job; he has fed and .clothed his family somehow; he has done his full share in buying bonds and stick- ing away thrift stamps and in giving to all the war causes; he has pinched and economized, taken on extra work evenings and spent his holidays and off hours in the home garden; he has done kis duty in the main bravely, Toyally. patiently, nobly. e biggest thing =bout him is that he hasn't kieked and howled; he hasn't threatened and menaced: he hasn't bombed or Bolsheviked: he hasn't often complained. He has, indeed, borne the middie of the big joad and been a good He is not a whit less of a hero than some others whose work bas been mote spectacular and whose suffer- ing has been more sanguine. He de- serves a tribute! i The all-wool mark never made | b shoddy any the less sa i * support | ask your votes and Ad ncident to the war and who has suf- . citizen about it. | PAGE FIVE To The Electors __Of Frontenac Ladies and Gentlemen: If you believe my servic- es to the County merit your | To the Electors of the City of Kingston and Village of Portsmouth Ladies and Gentlemen: -- influence. Election Day October 20, I9l9. ° | Anthony M. Rankin rs rh PROVINCIAL ELECTION Having been unanimously Having been presented with num- erous signed petitions asking me to of- fer myself as a candidate for Kingston in the Dominion Election for the unex- pired term of the present parliament, I hereby offer myself as a candidate and, if elected, will do all in my power to represent worthily the city of my birth. H .L. DRAYTON chosen | as the standard bearer for the Unit. ed Farmers' Association for South Frontenac, at the convention held on September 20th, I respectfully solicit Your votes and influence to help elect me as a member of the Ontario Leg. PURE ICE CREAM SERVE IT FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS islature. WM. FAWCETT. Most modern machinery used in making onr Ice Cream-- the ingredients are the best--nothing but pure cream used. nm me ------ ONTARIO ELECTIONS, 1919 Dr. W. Spankie INDEPENDENT | CANDIDATE FOR FRONTENAC In accordance with and supporting the Farmers' Platform in its entirety, I respectfully solicit the votes of the electors. Prompt delivery to all parts of tné@hity. Superior Ice Cream Parlor 204 Princess St. 32 Phone 648 McLaughlin's Old Stand For Year Round Service is a Present Day Necessity Health statistics absolutely prove that an Ice Box is a household: necessity for the good of the family's health all year around. Better take this precaution and safeguard your food before it's too late. Here is a complete assortment of lee Boxes in all sizes and styles at moderate prices. HUNTER, 85 and 87 Princess street. om ---- n For Superfluou. Hair f Uses DELATONE The Leading Seller for 10 Years QUICK -- SURE -- SAFE -- RELIABLE Use Fresh as Wanted Ask Your Dealer He Knows ee a. ------ ---- -- STEVENSON & AA A A A Ae St 6 Our discretion, sometimes, depends largely upon how much there. is in it for us. Sir Henr -, y Drayton Minisier of Finance Will be at the Central Union Campaign Head- quarters, Daily Standard Office 'O-NIGHT FROM 8 TO 10 O"CLOCK | ~All citizens' are cordially welcome