PAGE Ti: at : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NNER ENS EN NNN RERE NECN) Soliinbi Brunswick I In the World of Sport & 1a ' Records | Phonographs IWOIL DEFEATS wees ism ss RCA WON ON SHURDAY Lhe second to 2 a = IN INTERCOLLEGIATE RUGBY | verted. Wiiliamson was hurt in a tac- | IN THE FOOTBALL MATCH WITH £ [ GAME BY 32 TO 2. kle vut was atie to carry on. Cope of THE G.W.V.A. . 5 " Mes) i ------ Meili § > . i " Several of Queen's Best Players Were Same 71 i teG 5 *d 107 | Captured Interesting Match By a Unable to Play Because of Injuries | ""9t8€r Doint making fall Ume| ooore of 3 to 2.~Prince of Wales Keceived In Practice. h S a that To Kick Off Ball In Next Satur-- R d M nd | I 1e third period t |. Queen's were easily disposed of by | Queen's commenced to show the wat day's Game. \ eturne ec i McGill in the sen diate | of condition. Eliott kéd 10 Wil- The R. C. &., defeat PWV WwW t condit: wliott ed 1 i 3. C. A, defeated the G.W.V . : tugby game h § n, hlamson, who failed connect and | A, by a score of 3 to 2, in a fast This is NE - Invented ie seore re gE 331 : 18 Queen's made a safety } lis re- | game of football on Saturday after- TL: WwW of Shaughnes Mo eal team. placed Atchbeson who i 1- | noon. This is the first time that the While You ere Overseas Queen's went on the field in a R.C.A. has come out on top, and ow- Clever, isn't it? { ther weak conditi The To 1 ing ol kv 5 + in which . . * | battle between Varsity and Q 1 en' t and went over for the. 0d ae Diacky a tis * No one thought it possible to design a cuff me here be- f the Fatne making the ip. oF 8D ayed ihe same during that would fold as neat and flat when turned in as | a her Ut tHe game, making tae | the season, had many friends among tween the tricolor and R.M.C. had r the fans. The score was 1 to 1 at the when turned out. incapacitated ral of "Jack" Wil- ¢ ; - ilams best men The eightéen-year-| derson ic 8 half nutgs later An- | end of the first period, Norwood scor- But it has been done. i wous NeKel ® yp back made a |ing for the R. C. A. and Tibbetts for | | Now when the cuff of your W. G. & R. shirt . a Olid wonder, McKelvey, as unable | fine touch , alter a run from {the veterans. lu the second 'period gets soiled, you turn the other sid+ of the Double ¥ Norwood scored again, to be tied by Wear Cuff. This enables a man to wear his shirt v aU Hil a oar a hans : : ied to catch him be- | eid and from this po.nt some feel: ; twice as long before sending it to the laundry. It Vz d S h ck : Se Rame. Due, H the best man on tore he had the ball between the] ing was evident which came to solash «i cuts your laundry bills on shirte clean in two. . an an ic enc Ldn } the team r n, was ft of busi- ( ie quarter was called just af- | Lerwes n two players, but the game a Tt adds months to the life of yéur shirt, because i " } ness wi A sprained ankle, while! re | failing to convert from it and tk redoubtable Ne . deri hirt is harder o : ! i s 8 : ! I | went on and the redoubtable Nor everyone knows that laundering a shirt is harder on Make Records Exclusively | McConville, Carson and Nickle, were the 1, leaving the score at 23 to | wood scored his third goal making it Srys wearing it. - $i. 5 i } {dlso nursing various bruises ar in f of MeGill {a lead that remained at the en of for Columbia 'Here Are { bumps and were consequently not ime was lost in changing ends | the game. The line A was: ie end ¢ And remember iw + Some of Their Best {able to play. The s 1 Was re- and the two teams were soon at it RC. A. G. W.V = These shirts cost no more than good shirts § : lieved, however, hy t ar For a few mi 2 aY | Oeharne a mit} - hould. Ob! How She Can Sin . 5 Bop ow pf hea ee. in. Yor mi : play | Osborne goal 1d ve . : nears? . 90¢ ® ad Biliott, '», for Wiens yest wl, but Soon Seemed 10: Mcintosh backs 'ulton | Ask your dealer to show you the new : : ik 0% | senior 1 play ig ike i off, and 'McGill again scored Campbell n the Land o' Yamo "i | Freda, re fc ety { Some rapid pass- | jones half backs Yame . . A-2521. 90c : r r ¢ ( Queen's men were | wils : : : : ] 1 d & Queen's m re | Wilson Why Do They Call Them 1 s n Vere also ut of getting Sheeh) ooled by a fa Rick, off Laff Bey ol Phillips V. Graham Babies . . A-2674., 90g... 3 A Jorimer aval play, but as he : who passed the ball t Cpl. Graham + forward Owens oh ™ had not registered in time it was ian 1 1 wi flew up th iel bu Lowrinz : Hood Other Good Records y Pogsilile Jor lim to play Re thrown 03 3 has jackie of Car-INorwgod Tibbets J Weight told throughout the me, | re i v the ball was ! Cole Reid & # ® Queen's being unable i cGill n S age and MceGil it | Goldfinch G ¥ in the scrimmage y Ors lown for ther safety touch. The | | Referee, A. G Strowgér, Line > J h got through repeat Mo 1 ha la Yen ed off for a time, bu A hy Batt 3 Shirts wit a fine team, all in th i f di vit f minutes to go, MeGill got A " : t the close of th am tion. Their best man 1 1- way aga k by And on | on Saturday J. R. : ced ery, who made the first two 1 u away up the field, only |, ¢n layers assembled on the i Plays any Record downs splendid style ther ou { € 1 by a Queen's man e P aye-s : e 1 } that arrangeme had been made by Patented 1918 : stand ayers were Seath, William- | 1 forward it passed until | ra atsnrad . BR 1 Trade Mark. Come in and ar a neing pe ri att a 8 re F {| which it was assured that His Royal 4 : ix n an He Them BETTER on, Cope Ihooley, all of whom | li ( f McGill go ahd UD fyyichness, the Prince of Wales. would "the cuff that doubles the life of the shirt" on the Columbia Grafonola ot showed some very meat and fast the field . he 'went Tacl 5 and | kick off the ball in an exhibition ' rk some fine tackling w thrown almost on line, he held it, | Same between the two Veterans : _ d good fast combination kK fes and afte : gruelling three { ©. 1 ricket fiel 1.20 a than any other ona sul iat | teams on the cricket field at 11.20 a Muih however it BIG . Ho sonu ie Work it con~. 5 on Saturday next. the NCL 4 cl, however, m _be for | necte ra touel down, which inst. after the civic reception Phonograph MN ir feam, Who al 3 : the score up tc ! » Al oreatest satisfaction was felt the announcement and a mee 1 the executive has heen called for this evening when the personne! of the Hight have yeen told "kiddie B 't the first game of the series playe BI teams and other necessary arrange- | Saye : 2a eal. game ane on . A Dy " tlle ments for the game will be comple- | Sl hag m ite ocoasion to eams dined up as plows. ted. On thing is certain, Kingston | feel his mass ve Fre de 1) 1 vin 1alves, {to play, aith he used his lungs! centre field ieen"s tried hard to * | i j to neip his on during the t hard 3 ran cKel a few. minutes more was badly missed ith } nd | which Queen's made Ferguson in the game a diffe tale | tempt to score, the w y 3 . Flying : sports will be honored by the recog- Se ed. well pt mn Andersor ana * | nition of His "Royal Highness. and | | ¥orking : throug. Ww quarter : : lronored, too, by her football players fr -- who will put on a superior game of soccer football. ; I as): % Brownfield, Carroll Can pbell, i Timmins 3 je, and Li any of these beautiful machines. none of whom were feeling oy side : fotman ant 2 ridge; scratch, all showed to good advan- > wi , Ross and Cepe; out- J 3 tage. The team was, on wl y si arkins and Gilhooley {far too light for McGill and po Jueen ing wing, Irowa- FREDA IS PLAYING » | if they had done more punting, they | field: Ives, Carroll. Stewart and RUGBY WITH QUEEN S | | would have done more scori | Campbell; gHarter, Evans: scrim - : ' A'great amount of credit mage, Atcheson, Freda and Brandon; "Mike" Freda is once again play- | g A PTY b Mints 1 in 3 » ta wiapht l { 'Jack Williams for ma z such | inside wings, Bowman and Eliott; | ing with Queen s rugby team He | good u of the small am fn middle w s, Gibson and Ellis: out- rcoched the limestone city Thursd Ly terial on hand. "Jack" has kept the! side wings. Mc Intyre, Marris. morning and on reaching the old S ti G d C | boys at it. unceasingly and it was Referee---Prof. Lindsay Malcolm, | Varsity was welcomed with ope1 ! por ng 00 8 0. hard luck that some of his best train Queen's. Judge of play--W. Morri-| arms and immediately put into an ed players were unable to turwout ! son. (Montreal). { outfit and shipped up to th2 athletic against McGill. Sent no ------ | grounds for a game, and the victory : * A large crowd witnessed the game : : : ! wan by Queen's aginst R.M.€. was in 88 Princess St Kin ston, Ont both grand-stand and bleaches being Gaul and Bawlf Refused ( ards. ~| no small way due to his fine tackling | . 8 * | packed, The majority were students, | Horace Gaul and Nick Bawlf, who | and swift running. 'Mike played | whose yells and songs kept the game | @Pplied recently for theig amateur | for Queen's in 1913 and 1914 and | L ot well up in excitement | cards, have be rejected. Harry | was always a very valuable asset to! Agents tor Kingston ------ Bush, of Ottawa, also applied and he, | the university team, and judging by | : j too, was turned down. It seems a, his present looks, he is as good as! 1 EEEEnEN EENEEPEEEREEERENENE REED The Game By Quarters. pity that Gaul and Bawlf, who both | ever. I For the first few minutes of the |served overseas, should be denied | ! J : WPAN rs er first quarter, both teams played very le 1s. Both were out and out a EASY CHAIRS, RATTAN CHAIRS, ROCKERS--)1 MED : nappy ball but it was not long before | professionals some vears ago. Bawlf An Aviator In Trouble. of OAK FINISH--UPHOLSTERED IN TAPESTRY, Britain's Poor Prospects for Olympiad |, aged the spectacular side of 'the! McGill staited to show the value of | was allowed to play football in Eng- At tite Longchamps racetrack in | The playing on the fields of Great | games and tended mare to individual | condition. McGill started to break |land during the war and no question | France Sunday an aviator, defying | - Britain was never busier than at the participation. Beyond boxers, the ar- | thrqugh with the. result that Mont- { was asked regarding his qualifica-| orders against flying over Paris, | LIBRARY TABLES, PERLOD DESIGNS ALL IATEST yresent. Tardy reconstruction of the | training 1} Rot produced any | gomery went over for the first five | tions. He recently returned from ov- | came down and landed on the main | STYLES. industrial life has not affected in the e prospects of many | poifits. The try was not converted. |erseas and is anxious to keep up his | course, where the enclosures were al- | alightest desree the great revival of | Brit successes at the Qlympic| MeGill 5 Queen's 0. athletics. The domination of Toronto | ready considerably crowded. A wo- | British spor'< Army life has discour- | gar at 'Antwerp in 1920 are dim. | The second quarter opened 'within the councils of the C.A.A.U. pre-| man calmly jumped out of the air- | . < - : | vented many soldier athletes who | plane and walked off.. The aviator | R J R d were fighting men from again secur- | took the air, but before he got clear | ° ° 1 ing their cards. Charlie Langlois. | of the xgurse the machine Rel. owing 2 applied s e time ago. for his! to one of he brace rods breaking : ed ne | ud crashed just inside the enclosure. | LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 577 ; fini a This aviator, who was not hurt, was attacked by the crowd. -------- mr ns roma Baseball Man Buys Cuba Track. ---- i Chas, A. Stoneham, president aud | John B. Kelly, of the. Vespers. {principal owner of the New York n ! Giants, has purchased the plant of the Cuban-American Jockey Club in | Havang, according to a report print, { Philadelphia, present champion of the United States, will compete in the Diamond Sculls at Henley next July. £ { h . iE E 1 Statistics show that the balance of ed here'tcday. The price paid to H. D. | tr34e js running against Framce at . (Curley) Brown is sald to be near | (ne rate of a billion and a 'quarter AWE iE : / ? -- 5M TEX { . . -- $1,000,000. Stoneham and John J.| francs per month. All classes of high yield investments -- McGraw, manager of the Giants, are | same | . . a UM now in Cuba. and the report could | Wonderful for the Blood! | Corporation, Government and Municipal. not be confirmed. : { | 3 . {Cures Sallow Skin, Headache, Lan- | Private wires--New York, Chkago, Where The Going Is Good. guor and Tiredness. Sure they play seven-man hockey | Yop don't need to be told how you | Montreal, Toronto. i | ;in the West, but that is no reason | feel--blue, sort of sickish, poor ap- | : 1 {why tourists players should tax the petite, vague pains, tired in the | | capacity of the railioad 1rains €0 imorning. This condition is common | . | * {route to Calgary 'hen the latter [at this season. a | city began "loading up" Edmonton STOCKS----GRAIN----COT I'ON Fortunately there is prompt relief | { took the hint and claim to have some {in Dr. Hamilton's Pills which im- | \ wanderers themselves. The residence | mediately relieve the system of all! clause names November 1 as the last [poisons and disease-producing mat- Made of the finest Havana Tobacco. | | aa under which to quality. There's er. 1]. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO, : : time yet. > Thousands have been so utterly | Uniform in Quality for 20 Years. . ka ' i ee ---- depressed, so worn out as to be des- | 887 Bagot St. Phone 1738. H. J. Bongard, Manager Interprovincial Rugby. pondent, but Dr. Hamilton's Pills 8 Toronto Argonauts, 4. rays cured them. "I can speak feel- | - n | "| wontrea, 3, ingly 'on the power of Dr. Ham-|\.. J C nion "a & § fiton's Pills," writes C. T. Fearman, { Hamilton Tigers, 18. of Kingston. "Last spring my blood Weiser and . L d c d / Ottawa, 16. - was thin and weak, I was terribly on Ay 304 Piauagas of MeSH Bie ory a ohare. Kausls Clubs ondon anada - run down, had awful headaches and Se 8 to od as pal McLeod, Nolan & Co., - ¥ fi Lu Princeton won the Grand Cir- |a gnawing. empty feeiing about my | pected to pldy in Kingston today. | 16 the nited States in war tax as : {cuit free-for-all trot at Atlanta in stomach, I couldn't sleep or work un-| Weiser has no peer as a quarterback {of ae 2 the club owners of each {2.03. The 2.03 pace went to Frank [i I Dr. Hamilton's Pills--they | in Intercollegiate football, but it {tne reas éhat participated in Dewey. and the 2.12 trot to Mollie did m: world of good." At all|not likely that Coach Shaughnessy | po Join Nola baseball series. For < i tm ich | es v as pa Knight. dealers ik 25c boxes. will use him io this positich. to the government us war tax. -- {Charles A. Comiskey, of the Chicago B GING UP FATHER ; } x : : : By GEORGE McMANUS { White Sox, gnd Garry Herrmann, of -------- - Lge {the Cincinnati Reds, got approxi- mately 133944 Sash But from that : : . amount, it is stated, it was meces- or ~ : : sary to deduct the expenses of ross. | y Son TF Even ! BE temporary seats, players' salar- | UR Mam - o Boe 4 ol i es, the cost of iransparting the play- x BE | . | BREATHE : : : ars from one city to the other. and E £ on : : : : 3 their hotel bids, leaving what the ST Yo EVER 5 " HuamTnIes0d 941 0) 19sM $B junowsw CONT YOU wes 9yy noqe snl peauyeies squio ---------------------- - Kingston Football 3 : | The standing to date In e King- |Ston and District Football League, is jas follows: Team Played Won Lost Pts. 21st io 3 0 7 Shipbutlders 3 1 4 A. and N. Vets, 1 2 GB. W.V. A ,. 0 1 IRCA... 0, 0 ° "incinnati has given Pat | extra $5,900 for winning the pennant {and wants him to sign a five-year confract. A wireless message from Taganre Russia, says the Don Cossacks cap tured 9.000 Dolsheviki troops.