Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1919, p. 18

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itr ? J Jrovmay, OCTORER 20. 1919. THE DAILY BRITISH Ww HI G RAND 3 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22GR AN D 52 |=" HE PEO BARGAIN MATINEE AT 2.80. EVENING AT 8.15, TO NIGHT I UM -N 1 | i COUTTS 6 TENNIS OFFER 4 AND TUESDAY AFTERNOON ONLY | = I MA Wai] Xl' . - THE SMACKING (JUSICAL : | Ahead eevee COMEDY TOM MIX |i aii bc sass az n a 5 Reel Photoplay of the Far West CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES " : {17 | seulive onirift Revcaarione wath: | A 88 Frivoie Christmas Greeting cara) | F corons | | TTR GaRRIAG The Wilderness Trail" | ecutive insérticn therea charge for | ple 5 Ro 8 anid brushes on Prontesae | [~-- bry ne mone NUN] a 20 Bn ree oui: ty TOA, AXD gu Rae os Ini Comedies and Other Films The above rates are for sash salziy es ---- ORES ob | 30 le : Sere, $5 cash, $1 per week, © ENORMOUS. COMPANY medize cinta The are dou AMBITIOUS, MEX, AND, WOMEN OF | pecan awricLEs ADve. nists! "vimited, £51 ith LTP LT R ; ! dent income may devote all or part] | TISED FREE. | By say --_--- LT 3 i i i NTED f their time. Write for particn || 3 thi a NC NDER - = . o@ hel € ite par 1 Any finding any ng an | | MOTOR LAUNCH, 30 FT.; 3 CYLI) DE] 7 U1 Re MOUS [ Superior Vaudeville HELP WANT of th r ta Te a4 withrone nding ey ad DRAAUNCHL 1 F143 CYLINDER 3 25 A MAID. APPLY AT ¥.W.CA. Hoffman Bldg. Houston, do so by reporting the facts to obacco stand, Princess Street, bes Daiiy 2.30 } Evg at 7.30 + Housto a= ns The British Whig. The Saver. tween 6 ana 7 MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOW PAK. | | tisement will be printed in this eee - NOE; ing orders for our high «rade | column free of charge. HARD AND SOFT BRICK FOR SALR, 10c. & 15¢c. 15¢. & 25¢. A MAID, AT aye i moderate priced personal Xmas. "Posh does not ine in jJarge or small quantities. Apply 4 - cards Making $5 up, each even- | elude 3 cattle, horses, E. BE. Waikem, 143 Nelson , street. | ET c x SL PLY | r 8 y showing our m "is . i ad- 331J. or 618 3 GENERAL. APPLY TO MRS. | ing. Simply showing our magnifi- | etc se, if lost, may be a } : coon, on C 8 Tr, 142 King street | cent free sample book to 1 vertised for in the "Lost" column | | mc -- ~ | ene ti stm ta acquaintances and neighbors . , TUESDAY NIGHT, OCT . MAID FOR GENERAL HOY WIN cARUIA O'HEARN (The Winter Garaen wii) ' . aft eter rogeme EXCELLENT MILOH COWS Apply 148 University { make 350 up. Highest , commi reasonable price. 'W. H. Spence, 5 o * LL, CLERK. APPLY 3 ONTGOM- | PRICES: --EVENING, 23-30-73-$1-81.30. Seats now on sale. Special, Return Engagement GIRL CLE ¢ | WORK. | business hours. Full time agents one general purpose horse, at sions. Credit given. Deal dire Cataragui Driving Prk. head of with manufacturers and save ou re nea en nn RED Prince street . , ining " a i T SHELL MME ----bt-- wd------ - ery's Dye Works, Princess st tomers 25 per cent. British Cana i HT SHE R : ST 3 i i (EE, 25 ~ hi w Se Red : - a dian Publishin rompany, Toronto. | ONL p sses, on October 11. | FOR SALE--74 W LINGTON ST BARGAIN MATINEE, 55:50.78, Children, 250. any seat. The Tuneful Musical Novelty DISHWAS BELL BO Ap- | m= ay : : =} Finder 8 y 2 Syden- lately occupied by John MeMahon, A A tpt tl t A SLL 1 IRS Y, J | i Ax lot . 66 > der - ply Hostel, corner King and Clars| hone 1658, lot, 66x120 feet; all modern im provements: hardwood floods. (Ap. : FAN - oF § | ence streets. | WANTED GENERAL. re -- ---------- | : Y , = ig | = | SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. ply on premises. | (SR . SMALL, SECOND-HAND SAFE, 1¥| iween Hotel Dieu, Brock street, or [ =i" S200 000 so | O t i C e ® : A GOOD, SMART BOY 'TO DRIVE DE- | good condition. Apply Anderson | Prince a sum of money, | SOLID BRICK HOUSE, NO. 33 CHE | - i SITE r cess street, iy { i : 3 rents liar ar i © rooms; bath and closet; : Mvery wagon. Apply W. J. Nesbit, | , Limite¢ adning four twenty-doliar Mer eli hn. ) vor Te Vi and University Ave A AG A -------------- chants Bank bills. Sultable reward Prag tically MEW! possession at once. e 00 ea er | BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER ! Als, eee | A PORTABLE SAW MILL. J for return to thic office. brice 33450. "No informacion exs J { 2 ¥. oy oN v SMALL | sta terms Harvey ey, cep office KK. Cé 0 I w booking farm and stock sales in v NURSEMAID FOR TWO t 3 0 me me pt a . | Frontenae County. List axles early ang ; | TWO YEARLING HEIFERS, JERAEY igen kK street. i v p 3 i . ¢ with red cast and holstein and part i - 4 dr o x | Th QUAN. rn KINGSTON : OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS | Jersey, black and white; off Bay wel TILES bi n 3 I that you in h - > for ght house-keeping. Apply effeld Commons; som ; well ered; Bell i a , y | mn mm hn a rm a MAID FOR LpHT HOt SEWORK AND b Fice Finder kimdl tit id Stra. ; bulldings comparatively e W ni plain coo for family of two 1 6) - ma ------ ? > A 1 Aj on the premises or Apply 103 Johnson street | SECONDHAND TYPE- -------- ins ba me ie Mone 1. Archie Howie, / : Nag Trst class con-| on OCTOBER 14, A BLACK DOGSKIN 5 ae v y i ae Ar | maa ------------ " | i , lice t Hnin re on Road Se HOT WATER BOTTLE MEN WANTED AT MONTREAL * x M ; a | Te --. tin iss ! . Mr Pn 281 7 ROOMS; ALL , . quarry. Apply at quarry, or 24 Els UNFURNISHED | 4 y v de ep lot; ohe hlock We can : ' street. Ruddy and i { : Nov. 1st; centrally locati ! ind fv J Kort : ' ae, Jieglate Jastilule IWo year guarantees at 3 € > Bull ey Lo -- orn mms ; Phone s / ot. an sive Tas é i 8 « abny re at ) your pocketbook APPLY EXPERIENCED INSIDE WIRE MEN | ma Susie | after 1 pm, wanted at once. Apply Halliday | wA NT , ENT THREE OR FOUR | HOAC'S DRUG STORE Pigott-Healy Construction Co., FEATURES Flectric Company, phone 3 Aa : ping. A podine {op 2 ght hoe ot » ry > AUTO W 3 HONORABLE DISCHARGE CEWTIFI. cate holders, gol »mbossed with i hirl of Cost a d | A GENERAL SERVANT, WITH EX- | -- { force Coat and soldier's attachment for he ison R MC Grounds A Gliuering Whirl » Ostumes and perience as cook. Apply Mrs. R. W. A COMFOR , Fo n Inverary road, ne experiences during the great war, «ATLL. " Scenery. Brigstocke, 7 Wellington street year old Zirh vine FOR m, Oct. ist. ' Kind] 0c. post free. Varley & Wills, 324 Orr. YALL, KINGSTON, ONT, s Flirtation Walk. work. Apply Box G-18. W 1 s to Whig office and re- Ottawa St, Hamiltoh, Ont Srna dons New York Hluminated. : : ye fice | d Ne ---------- EE YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WO. - : Brilliant Lawn Fete | " aa Va HAVE ron SALE ALL KINDy op 3 at .m., Saturdays A ys : man for general housework; to sy o y n 1 i a . . ii . 00d secon and urniture and Lil > F O OT B LL Girls' Aviation Corps in Novel Drills sleep at home preferred. Apply 243 DE ar GollenoUsE: Sours SIDE. » we HANI AL FIVE MILE and furnita te Derson having Soves . and Dances, i Ihe | yr . g +k Brock street. September 1st. | York Road, black and tan and furniture to dispose of, we wil} 7 children. Good home, 125 Centre| Perth Road street Phone 1235 | 3 1 after October 1st, we wil ° Apply Box 7-4, k 1 Bitoh. She is very small Pay highest prices. J. Thompso ~ NYE £3 NI Brigade of Girls. : Whig Office. | sis fox hound, also in city 432 Princess Ha Phone 1 Tow' | QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS a ey En | fox hound dog, white with black - re SRI fi no See This Show Whatever You Do : . ies : TO RENT A HOUSE BY NOVEMBER | J. M. Theobald, 297 King| STANDING TIMBER ON TEN ACRE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22nd GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WOMAN 18 H unfurnished. Will pay $40 or| . | for general 1sé-work, in family $50 a month, Apply to Box D-15, : 3 h Ye a hes NR ix 3 el oad AL 250 pan. Prices: 25 50 75 $1 $1 50! of twp. A in evening to 14 Whig Office. : it off. Annly ta Harvey Amey Pores RM.C. I. vs. QUEEN'S II. * ' ' ' ' : Alice Street STUDENT WASHES COACHING STRAYED. coon Ni, Macdonnell, 38 M.C. I vs. ] . | 3 A 3 : x > { Se -- g €¢ street, Kingston, T 1 ' 1 Beats now on sate SMART BOY 70 LEARN PRINTING hysics and Chemistry (first {Smtr street, King 3 CM : AINISSION, 25¢. beats now on trade an ) act as messenger boy Medicine) State tdbrms. Box E-1 FROM LOT 13, ¢ ON. cart A. es itt, «LliL. si Si y rou on Ed a0 Whig Office. | 5 rington, fou f Heifers 5 a BREA gn y Reserved Seats, 50c. Hanson, aud and Edgar, hig Office lack and y ! : {ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM; IOFAL ORGANIST ~-- I ---------- Rw om a . Water front; nine miles west of | AoA nen eer eee ADIES, 3 ; t Teached of Singing and Piano { EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL 3 "iy x Hh red one Kingston; good house and summer ' n 2 for 1 " an. Ao ny cotiage; roomy barns Close t wri FIREMEN -- BRAKEMEN -- EXPERI- hevisekeening, J \ E Tupstly white with black schoo] and cheese factory Ap ly Studio: 449 Johnston Street. § | ESTATE. ence unnecessary. $150-$200 month- | / i ri eduhorned. All have tage on premises, Manson Smith, &i Al I; ail ralirocds, WiC RIGWh-| Whig | Te ir 't ear with name (M. Hugh- lins Bay. beavis + ole ill 5 colt 5 Dass nie - - Association, cars Whig | TWO OR, THRER FURN I their anal. AY one KDAWINE of | meanhs - TTT he A ag Ww : Mu rH 1ctioneer, at his Auc furs ed rooms 1 TRS i their whereabouts kindly = notify Murray, 'A n + i nw { - r,s z er. ue < 0 ing. Apply Box L-20,! Melvin Hughson, Lake Opinicon FOR SALE--FRAME Hot SE OF FIVE { tien coms, M: oquare a= | : & 8, { 4 = | rooms; just completed. Lot 33 foot HOT WATER BOTTLES | ston, 23rd Octol inst., at 12 o'- COMMENCING TO DAY EXPERIENCED SAL LADY ions, a ---- : | = I Frontage, Webkt end of city. Price u sme} Lone he: Frama bh y Lata - | otlier need apply. One with some D HOUSE OR FLAT | > Ea 1100. Make your own terms. Ime WITH TWO YEAR GUARANTEE liaglock on, the ft me h \ and i experience in bookkeeping pref rT for light house 3 STOLEN mediate Possession. ADOT J K. egg e i premise 301 Johnson str , the red. Apply to H. E. Braden, Cala- ity three : + 8 ea rr Agency, 56 Brock Street. A. G. Williams | property of the late Mrs. Maud Hay- Bi Bil bogie, Ont art s 283 | SEY, CUSHION FRAME, me 638 a a sale is sublet . 'n INZLon street Thurg. | =---------------- - 171 WELLINGTON STREET ward. The sale is subject to a re 18 ol e 1 i WANTED--A FURNISHE 3 1 . Roward for ar aa PHONE 40 served bid Terms: 10 per cent. at { LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME good locality, for desir TIRES--83.50 COVERS WOR $2.50; time of sale. Balance in 30 days. { or steadily---selling our guaranteed No children. Apply J. Carroll | s=s=--== So tubes Irom $1 up; also bleyck a Se rus | LINE OF 82.8. 1a >n application i i trees and piants. Outfit free, Lib. Agency, 56 Brock street. Phone 68. | " from $40.60 up; prompt trench i { Further particu ars on applicatic 0 Beautiful | eral commission. Brown Brothers | s-------- > °" DF -- ------ given to all kinds of bicycle repair | W. MUNDELL, Company, Nurserymen, Limited WANTED TO PURCHASE, BRICK work, G WwW V A { Executors' Solicitor. | . «VA, also bicycles vo rent,§ dav, Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario. house, with modern conveniences, | A E. KNAPP, B.A. LDS, D.0,, Wwaek or month, Geo. Muller, 417i Kingston, Oct. 18, 1919, T ® . Will pay from $3500 to $4600 cash. office 250 Princess Street. Phone 813 King street. Phone J032w. ca Made | arion avies ER ORT Apply Box A-12, Whig Off ton. 662. | General Meeting--Mondars at 7.20, AA Aas i Ftp pits Soe pe __ Band Practice, Tuesdays, = Pim, A ET ER TI | % SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT on | Apply Pigot Healy Construc- say, Limit 121 Princess sireet. Richardson Chapter, LODE, | | | y -d W OLF E ISL; AND | tion Company, R. M. College. : DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. on pretalses, James Sean | { and 4th Thursdayw, TE ATT I E ke { NOV. 1st, MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE tists, EY Wellington street, 3, Kingston. PE ET DET Te LIVERY 2 he Fddddddnd deleted dod duduiod defen or flat, with conveniences; Bree | m=--novukY's. hone 846. ovar kt tors. et ------ --r-- PIANO. DR. BORDON C. DEWAR, DENTIST, 100 ACRE FARM, oN FORK ROAD; 2 | ~ ANTE for cash or In part 200 Princess street, near M il ive miles west of Kingston; goo rill { LABORERS. WANTED pianos and Sri C. W. Lingle street. Phone 1678. ¥, NOntreal | buildings; well watered i ----tro8L Phone BCy | grally located; for family of three 3 TT | FARM OF 113% "ACRES IN THR | adults. Apply B -18, Whig Of- Jr 8 RES ! i {! 'ALKING | RY PERSON WISHING TO BE fice. ply Box H-13, Whig Of ARCHITECT - Township of Mayo, Coufity of Haste \ RF JE IEW q V : \ | EVERY GRSON . . 1 . | ings, with frame house and about 5 1 ! GEORGE W. WOODMAN 1 : come a School Teacher cay Jrepare ; . 40 acres pulpwood. Also mineral MACHINES | wishes to announce that he has tak , 3 3 ition." brtuigpbiteniin gd also At Siku. WHY PAR C owen, orchamte HEVER, ARCH. arsanged, | Appi J. De a All makes of Phomographs {en over the livery business on Wolfe : hry Io bre, already nd ro i 3 at Do o ets of Brock and". W liington | Aon). 58 Divek Street . y ol 8 3 ( Br chargyg. . streets. cleaned, repaired, adjusted. | Island, formerly conducted Ww H. B tificaltes. Taught to you at your Rourl , manager, ' Na - Parts for all makes supplied, 1 4 e 1 wi home, Write for detailed ee Card, and solicits a continuance of Wn % expert workmanship, moderate | i curriculum and information, Sent -- . : a | your patronage { A 2 ; i wiihout cost. Canadian Corres WANTED T0 RENT A HOU or ar charges, quick service. 3 nage. i os - WM. PATRICK | about buggy, set of single harness; pondence College Limited. Dept. once; six to ten rooms; unfurnish- A. Fs 149 Sydenham St. Phone 2056) | 0. K., Toronto. ed or partially furnished. Will pay B. CUNNINGAM, ARR] cutter, delivery waggon; also a 260 hai, L "Getting Mary Married" Emam || A rte, | i i i Egg Chatham Incubator and | - and Solicitor, Law office,- 'lar. | $40 to $60 a month. Apply Box 4 ce~19 Clar | | Brooder; cheap to quick buyer. Ap- | || --PIPES, all sizes. G1, Whig Office, ence street. ~~RADIATORS. ! DUSTIN FARNUM Stable. Apply 39 Elm street. ; 'S, 47 RIDEAU STREET, | Earl St. Phone {57w. a -- | = bi a -- Ply 401 Division stres!, city. r the f singi . Octob 14th. MILITARY TE! ' --in--- LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, SUI. Bing. October h AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, DARRISTER | WANTED S pr d : 116 . 1 TL. OF AMR. | Jy E--THE STOCK, FURNITURE oh "© » . » £5 SR able for 1 or 2 persons. Apply 118 $, PUPIL OF Mns, | FOR SAI A : | || ==Large pieces of CANVASS, A Ian's Fight . tg a = Johnston street farvey Chown; teacher of piano | 20d Jxiates ota 00d paying hotel | Ll and theors 1 rooms, »Wn FFF i ete, ete. MALE HELP WANTED he Toor and Solicitor. Law office, cqrner AUTOMOBILES--McLAUGHLIN BUICK TO-LRET, of King' and Brock, over Royal | 5 passenger; snap; oF would make Bank. Phone 1963, 1 good truck; also Ford Roadster in pills prepared for ¢ , With - ia STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN the Toronto ConServators of um: jacturies, This Drvbosition haa | | a 4nd dry. Apply EB. E. Wathon, examinations. ~ Studlo: ~ 23 Maek ve aad Hie tholiont af between ; | | GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WOR. 148 Nelson street. Phone 1391} . Telephone 1592% or oar iothousand dollars net I. Cohen & Co. Pathe News fie, Mead you to make socks on the Se ---- | GOOD, GENERAL PURPOSE MARE; | sound and kind in every way; .run- +P Junlor Salesman for Men's Hat and Oap Departmant. Three sewing girls for fug wWork- room. ADpYY George Mills & Co., 126 and 128 Princess street Sheet ohedecdesefose dodo ---- } Palmer, 194 University Avenue, dor, THRER UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Ap. =---- - excellent. condition. Apply after 4 J 3 per year. Hotel rate, $3.00 per day. ply 7 Garrett street. % pm., Saturday all day. I will either MUSIO. ; fast easily learned Auto Knitter. | FIRST OLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, rw _-- Panars full. Rent, $10 per month. WOULD YOU TAKE 275 Ontario Street. Phone 5384 || | Experience unnecessary. Distance All mprovements; centrall locat-| 2 sell you a ear, gr-sell one for you. A LARGE GARAGE AND A ¢ Lease can be arranged. Apply J. immaterial. Positively no can- 29. APply 243 Brock st fod XK. Carroll Agency, 58 Brock street. J ! ; || Jassing. hn i a A PUREBRED OXFORD RAM (B.G. 12. 0 none ss ne rr ---------- } s 3c. x ept. 24C, Auto *31 ; also ram and ewe lambs. 7. Te nN H ' x Yar $1,000,000 Knitter Co,, Toronto. aT RA ry, MeCN ITURE, Ci EAN proule, RE. 3 i | BATEMANS HEAL ESTATE AGENCY » . « 8 3, Kingston. -- : = = Agency, 8¢ Brock street. Pnone : S. 250 AnD | $2700--Cement block; 7 100ms; DB. ang § SOLID BRICK HOUSES; NOS, 250 AND | seb ie : , FOR YOUR EYES? FOR & ALE POSITION WANTED. se SHOLSES; NOS. 250 AND | Cetrie Ments ans ea FURNISHED ROOMS AND ROOMS ~3cnee, 143 King Street Weost, | 83500--BRICK HOUSE; 10 ROOMS; ALL, A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WITH for light housekeeping, on bath ER NUMPER Ob Eres Sei improvements; hardwood floors and You wouldn't Then seeing Z one child seeks positoin in house. room floor. No children. Apply | A NUMBER OF FINE BARRED ROCK | stable, that they 0 i rtant why Frame House; 7 rooms, with toilet; | Box J-18, Whig Office. 396 Princess. Cockerels, Ontario Agricultural : -- : at they are so impo n ¥ 3 vi College, Guelph stock. May .be | $6000----PRESSED BRICK HOUSE ALL . don't you take care of them? large lot and stable. Cheap to a 3 2 « seen at 24 Fronténac street, near modern; electric lignts; hardwood 3 c rrr aera ACA N ; > i It will be to your advantage to quick buyer. | oN : SITUATIONS VACANT. LARGE FRONT BEDROOM; BRIGHT Union. | } | i } floors; good garden; rear entrance; y ! ~ 1] be t0 Jour adw age Jo : and apm suitable for two gent- - - beautiful loeation. examine your eyes, . SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL GAS. lemen. es' walk from | STANDARD OAK HEATER, No, 2 ns R J RODGER 150 WELLINGTON STREET. | : { minut s, | tine, a volatile oil of strength in college. Apply 144 Union Street Ww, bractically new. Also set of Bob {25 LOTS FOR SALE-$10 DOWN AND ---- tetas pe Er ------ 132 PRINCESS STREET tablet form, which when us, i a Sleighs, carry 10 to 12 hundred: in| 'five dollars per month, gasoline gives mere mileage, a STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN best of condition. Apply 163 Alfreq er power and minimises carbon. In dry, airy rooms, your own lock and street, city. | 150 Wellington St. Phone S06W. use by 25,000 key. Tr ity ; thruogh ost's & e. 398 Canada. | Retails at $1.25 Pes out Queen street. Phone 536: res. 959, ENID BENNETT| Gifu chi oo . & of gasoline). Liberal oom. . . mission to responsible men. Write FINANCIAL : Rubber ear protectors for swim-| ef ffi for full particulars. Robertson & i Murphy, Limited, 20 8t. Nichola. mers and persons who have their hair "The Vi Thief" Street, Montreal, Que. haing LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE shampooed have been invented by al iriuous Fire Insurance Company. Available Minnesota woman. | Resets $61,187,215. In addition to l CLL I NEENEEENENEENEUNSINEEDE - PERSONAL. ! ulon the policyholders have for lV AUDEVILLE - A city property. insured arg A » "Do You Want to Buy My House?" i Poss rates. Before old or wiv Be Ae 'business get - : v, rates from range and Strange, PETER SMITH t ars' Epes tence br A . Phone 325. . . : B . Eye. bar, Character Singing Comedian oat nd Skin Specialist, ot FRONTENAC LOAN EE -- President. W_ i. Nie ZHLLNOR & HOLLIWAY CARPENTERING. president &' B. Cu mpersonators 3 oney issued on aby and ) I municipa WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER Brovertiss. DICK HAMLIN ater soit, Contrmetor, 12] (nbentutes;, mer The Man in Brown received and Inter : : C. Cartwright, manager, $7 Clar. Cuting Chester : UPHOLSTERING ence street. Kingston, yi - - -- CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. 3 : : vine, ; upholster. 218 A ~~ COMING Sapine, "uy Bagot -_-- USE aTox sr. Fw. HAROLD vom YOUR ur. ae . Sh HI WELLINGTON - olsterin, general re i Fresh ent ers fune: denigns ° o Tanve orion at or drop a Tard 5 "KINGNUT" z ig ors dally) to -- IN BUTTER Q There's a small list of people in this city any one of whom is a possible buyer of your house. } There may be a dozen only who would qualify for this list, or there may be a hundred more. It you could pick out any one of these people on the sireet and say, "Do you want to buy my house!" you might get their , @ttention. = But you would find it somewhat of a fantastic task . Out 104 Clergy street. Under to hit upon the right people. -- Hin orders given special sttention, wf § : "W AGGON TRACKS" n Ida Rubinstein, a Russian dancer, , : as the distinction of being the first A 2 | woman to fly over the Alps. She re. || SWeet as the nut from which it . FOK SALE IH cently made the trip from Venice to is made. ' : aiiiber of wif Sinaia Paris is azn aeroplane piloted by an ; A Sumber tary iets; ' ; " 8 Ruyihisg to For storing disk phonographs ree- Talian a ay hada. We Bax dig be ||| kmow sng we will be om ords an inventor has patented an - Jura # {i deb. A ok y i a. REE of ne cu, he tr rf] © g0 Btr n u. J J EEE SHAPIRO J. Tur, Phone 705 | {into whie » * 3 : : f i . NER RENN EERE NRE NEA ERREREREES © he, "0,0 S105. coe] rales: nak en ered roa | ! TL VISHIER, en cn | er: | of radiology at Warsaw university, 43-45 Princess $1. Phone 1237 . Yet most of the people whose names could be Jisted as pos- sible buyers of your house are readers of the real estate ads in this paper. Does it not seem, therefore, that the simple ay to approach them with your question is to put it in the form of & classified ad? ---- aaa & §

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