Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1919, p. 2

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re i Sr PAGE TWO EER ENNNAENEEEER NNER EN m oo FRESH DRESSED FUR SKINS ARRIVING DAILY FRUM OUR DRESSER ALASKA SEAL. ERMINFS--Russian and Hudson Bay. MINKS--Labrador and Northern. Skunks, Alaska Sable, Australian Opposum and Ring Tails. Foxes in White, Taupe, Cross, Cinnamon, Smoke, Golden Red, ete. Fisher's, Otter, Beaver, Kolinsky, Chinchilla, known Fur skins, and all Catalogues showing latest styles now ready. Manufacturers of Fine Furs, John McKay, Limited "THE FUR HOUSE' 149-157 Brock Street. KINGSTON i ~~ rng a RE beauty of sound making the» WITHOUT I ANY RECORD COR- world's greatest ar- honograph in the world- nical con n, beauty rerfectly com ed in BRUNSWICK the st reproducing Phonograph. A PART TO CHANGE, YOU CAN PLAY RECTLY and secure the best efforts of the tists he patented BRUNSWICK ULTONA and the PRUNSWICK AMPLIFIER provide exacting every t 1 e of sound me and finest repr , beauty « reproduction, one wonderful reproduction : of she and play it yourself Fear then judge for yourself. nisin ssi Am woe TT Re N \ ~MONDAY, OCTOBER ¥0 191. OWING TO THE MEMBER BEING ELECTED BY ACOLAMATION. The Prohibition Workers Have the Polls Strongly Manned and Expect a Good Majority. Up until referendum had very ligt Kingston. The workers expe d that the afternoon would bring out a great number of the voters, as most of the women were too | niorning attending to home to get out and vote { A Whig man who visited polling sub-division, and there | fifty-nine of them, was surprised to find that the men of the Citizens' Liberty League were not the polls The . prohibit were right on workers and n Prominent i | stated that they did not expect there would be a heavy vote, but neverthe- less when the count was taken they expected that the vote would be strongly in their favor fact that there is an amation here eans the usual ele m will not be got to the the vote been noon on every are The that vote poi 21ST BATT. GOA IS TO PARADE " their old ov not in the best of the GW he city 3» Nan Aft- Mowat sojourns fine again. x well looked a 1, by name of is now getting h parade erans at their inspe up to lead the Prince of Wales on Saturday BREATH OF A FRONTENAC LADY Mrs. Joseph Coulter Died West. The many friends of Mrs Coulter, of Cut Knife, Sas of Mountain Grove, Ont 3 sorry to hear of 'her death, whic} came after ah illness of only five days, on Oct. 3rd as taken ill at her daughter "Fleming's, of Lashburn, moved at once go dmonton, Alta. Her Hugh Helferty, of and son, f Seman, In the out her i vived by two sons ghters, viz, John: C Coulter of Cut < Sask., Robert A. Coulter, of Sask., Mrs. Charles Fleming, K., Mrs. Mitchell Flem- shburn Sask., Mrs. Hugh Hel-! ) of Valley City, N. Dak., Mrs. Wilmer Campbell, Perth Road, Ont., | also brother, Robert Canning, | { San Jose, Cal. ' The late Mrs. Coulter had just re- one MISS MARY KEEPS UP-TO-DATE "How do you like this new pair of Eye Glasses?" inquired Miss Mary, of the Professor, as they met after tea. FRAME BUNGALOW $1650--4 rooms; W. C.: large lot; good garden. $500 cash. Immediate possession. FRAME DWELLING $1900 near cash. 6 rooms; B street car pan S100 "They're something. very x new," continued Miss Mary, "and have those tabular bearings that wear four . times as long as the ordi- and C.; RI nary kind!" ' BRICK DWELLING $3450°.7 rooms: B Immediate possession. "You can get them, of course, in all sizes, from---= J.S. Asselstine, D.0.S. Manufacturing Optician 342 King Street. Phone 1019w. McCANN 86 BROUK STREET PHONE 826 OR 621. Phone 458--459, Great Sale Finest Creamery Butter ........60c. Ib. 3,600 Ibs. Creamery Solids -- selling in handy portions } Ib. up. This plan saves you 3c. per Ib. compared with regular turned to Sask. in June, after spend-| { relatives and friends in her old home { at Mountain Grove, also Perth Road. Belleville, Winnipeg and Roland | Manitoba. She was a staunch Angli- {can in religion. The body - was taken | to Payeton Sask, where it w 8 buried lin the family plot by the side of her hushand, who died just five years ago | on October 1st. eich Seatence Sermons 3 | and From the lowest depths, a path to the lyle: there is loftiest height.--Cay- / | Only so far as a man believes | | strongly can, he act cheerfully, or do | j anything that is worth doing.~--Rob- | ertson. | i goed +h | "'O Master, let me walk with thee In lowly paths of service free: Tell me thy secret: help me bear L The strain of toil, the fret of care." - . » { In business be exact, tis better thus; | In. friendship you may then be gen- erous--~Anon. Te LE i For we are God's fellow-workers: Ye are God's husbandry. God's build- | {ing --1. Cor. 3:9. | Te 9 { | Stand upright, speak thy thought, | | declare . } { The truth thou hast that all may | share; | | Be bold, proclaim it everywhere, They only live who dare. --Lewis Morris. * » * As courage and intelligence are | the two qualities best worth a good | | man's cultivation, so it is the first | | part of intelligence to recognize our | precarious estate in life, and the | first are of courage to be not at al | abashed before the fact.--Stevenson. i EO } | { f H | | BRIEFS FROM WOLFE ISLAND. | Most of Farmers Report Fair Crop otatoes, prints. COFFEE--Fresh Ground Daily Having that full rich flavor and aroma so satisfying as a morning bev. Shaun He eae Try it. : 'BLACK TEA "Hensley Blend" 60c. quality, sold in bulk or... ves ve vn 4Bey Ih, | ANDERSON * BROS, LTD. If it's good to eat, we have it La EE Ee crop of po- Tarrant is filling his i James McAllister is recovering | {from his recent illness. Mrs. Thom. (48 Hogan, Muskegon, Mich:, who has {been visiting relatives in the neigh- { borhood for the past two months, has |g jreturned home. Misses Nora and Mamie Goodfriend, Queen's Univer sity, spent the week-end wit aunt, Mrs. Heary Hogan. the neighbourhood good hunting in the vied Reed's Bay. Miss Bertha A Normal School, Toronto, Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Hogan. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. ig Horne | left for thefr new home! n Bath © week. Success t Referendum. 32 fhe We in Tent you a piano, and ay | end of six months if you feel like | purchasing instrument we will allow | the six months' restal on purchase | price, and arrange easy terms on bal- | ance, C .W. Lindsay, eh {sion Ing the last year-and-a-half visiting | | esting document | "Bromo Quinine." | signature on the box. IN ORGANIZING FOR THE VIC- TORY LOAN CAMPAIGN Sir Henry Drayton To Announce the Date and Terms of the Great Drive T Victory Loan ecutive he 1 progress in t g i 15h it to a speedy success. It stat- ed that Sir Henry Drayton will make the announcement in Winnipeg eith- or at the<end of this week or next week, and until then no one will k w when the drive will commence al officials do not kpow that the terms will be but the Loan will offer most profitable investment, the bonds t g for five and fift years. N ly all of the canvassers who were on the city teams in the last loan will be at work again and this fact is an assurance of success. The) ow how to approach the people in > right way and all of them are 1Xious to do even better than st. performance One thing } loans that will help the work is the fact that everybody who cribed to the last ones were per- y satisfied with the investment await the canvasser and the v r to take up all the bonds in thejr at y. It is the absolute ecurity and the regularity of the ir payment appeal to men and wor ey to invest, and added to this the fact tha the money to finance tions including mar 8 year's harvest the loan the patrietism of ev nese only terest the ry citizen HCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings in the City and Vicinity =~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Pears for canning, 75¢. a peck, at Carn ky's W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 664w. Sir Henry Drayton pald a visit to the postmaster, Monday, on his, local travels. CaSg was Mond Nichols, returned home I'oronto, Hamilton -and- Port has time Le- n House, Elm street, ter spending some her daughter, Mrs. N. J. mire, Cornwall. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We carry two expert tuner: and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay. Limited Mrs. William "Birmingham, Divi- street, and her two children, orval and Betty, returned home yesterday, after visiting her sister in Cornwall. Remember rummage sale, in mar- ket building, Nov. Tth, under auspi- ces of Annandale Chapter, Daughters of the Empire. Rev. R. M. Hamilton, Brockville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E Dowdall at the Prince George hotel during "his stay in the city. He | preached in Chalmers church Sunday evening on the referendum. Sir Henry's Birth Certificate tev. J. W. Jones, clerical secretary of Ontario diocese, had an inter- 0 at the nomination meeting of Sir Henry Drayton, on Monday, that of a copy of the birth certificate of Kingston's member of the House of Commons, which he gave to Sir Henry and the latter was very much pleased to get ft. A Quinine That Does Not Affect Head | Jecause of its tonic and © laxdtive j effect LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone { without causing nervousness or ring- ing in the head. There is only one E. W. GROVE'S 30c. More than 66 per cent. of all the rubber plantation in the world are in British colonies. ---- A rrr ssa 7 Kingston's Famous Fur Store. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HINCSTON VOTE OT LCE 1 MADE GOOD PROGESS Books Received Smith's--Laboratory Manual, latest edition. Colton's Practical Zoology, new edition, Holt's Diseases of children, books at once. Telephone 919 I Queen's University Text Smith's--General Chemistry for Colleges (revised edition), Ballenger & Wippérn--Ear, Nose and Throat. Dissecting sets for Botany, Biology and Anatomy. IMPORTANT NOTE.--Students are advised to secure their text Owing to the strikes in the printing trades, publishers advise it will be several weeks before further shipments can be made The College Book Store Open Evenings - T To-day Naam HEE ERNE ERR, ] = We Have The Coat PIENEENREENNERENERPAR HEEREERSCNENECEEQREENEE That you are looking for-- and it certainly is a beauty. $16.50 to $85.00 | Teese Re a a - WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Red Rose Tea--thie Good Tea ! Victory Bonds are the popular thing. Buy them! W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 8-543 $3100--PATRICK STREET ---- ¢ a new frame dwelling, with § Electric light and 38 piece ¢ bath. $3600--YORK STREET -- A new brick dwelling, with furnace; Electric light; gas; large yard and barn. $3000--QUEBEC STREET ---A new brick bungalow; posses- : sion at once. TO RENT A hew brick dwelling, on King Strest West, with hot water heating, hardwood floors and all conveniences; heauti- fully situated; at $60.00 per month, . Possession about Nov. 1. 4 E. W. Mullin & Son | Cor. Johnston and Division Sta, Phones 530W. and 539J. | Newman & Shaw cE: The Always Busy Store FANNSNENNEENENONERENAGRRAREEREN Sa om NN -- vex wes | FRIENDSHIP'S DEAL TO A FINISH Sir George E. Foster Made FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT --CHOICE APPLES. This Announcement to Mon- treal Deputation. 'Ottawa, Oct. 20.--Sir George E. Foster, representing the Dominion Select Your Winter Coat Now What shall it be? We sell Coats in all the popular Furs and in fine Plush. Our display includes the season's newest models and-the prices are rea. _ sonable. George Mills & Co. '126 and 128 PRINCESS ST, | Government, today stated that legisl- ation for the government acquire- ment of the Grand Trunk would be | pressed to a conclusion. This was in reply to a Montreal deputation which ! interviewed the members of Cabinet | and expressed strong opposition to | the proposal. | There is no prospect that parlih- { ment can conclude its sessions this | week. The debate on the Grand | Trunk deal is likely to take up seve- i ral days and the senate has to tackle CERTAIN MEN HOSTILE | TO THE GOVERNMENT Is the Claim Made By United | States Senator Watson of Indiana. ------ + Washington, Oct: 20. Sensational charges that Soclalists, Reds and ot- | her radicals are "intrenched in gov- | ernment departments, and particul. larly that the investigating force of | the federal trade commission contain { men hostile to the Government and | American institutions, were made in { the Senate today by Senator Watson, | republican, Indiana, who introduced ia resolution for an investigation by : the Inter-State commerce committes. | "An anniversary requiem Mass was (sung in St. Mary's cathedral on Mon- | day morning by Rev. Father Hanley, (for the late Mrs. D. P. Branigan, : who died one year ago to-day. | A back for a bathtub seat has been {patented that enables bathers to re- --POTATOES "rdrarons --AND CORN. 216 DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 aes BUILDERS SUPPLIES wots BEAVER BOARD We. are Distributors for this « District. s 5. ANGLIN & C0. Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards Bay & Wellington | KINGSTON, ONT. Jtlive comfortably, DRUG STOO Fountain Pens Special Self Filler, with clip, Barrel LE " large Ink Waterman's Fountain Pens'..... $250 Mahood's Drug Store

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