Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1919, p. 5

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MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 1910. | The Marrison Studio iesiroyed by fire, hes been d equipped with the most EMPIRE ig GROCERY | or 1 the continuation of your patrons LEWIS ORR : " will be appreciated. 820 King St. Phone 349 92 PRINCESS STREET License No. S-27445 PHONE 1818w. | "THOMAS COPLEY "Telephone 987 apparatus. on It will be open High Grade Groceries, Fruits business and Vegetables, Cooked aud A SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th Uncooked Meats, tery of repairs and mew wand floors of all Kinda will receive prompt sitention, IN faeen street. : DR. A. W. WINNETT Wanting anything done In the carpen. line, Estimates given on all Xinds work; siso hard. All orders Shop i THE D Kin TYeTewew _-- TEC YVYW wey Dreary Day Sunday. ness Boys' Black Rubber Coats. boys' black rubber » same price as last year, Si Just ve on sale ze the fall rains Corrigan's, s 6 10 12 years DENTAL SURGEON G. WASHINGTON PREPARED COFFEE he ans Begs to announce that he has resumed his practice. corner Johnson and Welling. ton Streets, Kingston. Te'a. g Hh cp at the table. phone . in stock. Prompt Delivery. D. COUPER Phone TA "H.R Velncess strat 2 BIG BARGAINS 70c. Red Rose Tea 25¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. 50¢, Kingston Cement Products Factory Bon Marche Grocery | Siakits of sion Cor. King and Earl Streets. License No. 5-27142 Phone 1544. Re --e-- v tr -------------------------- Wood's \ The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Bisod in old Veins, Cures Nervous | Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Lespon- dency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six | ieee for $5 One will please, six will cure. Bold by all | |} druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on reecint of | rice. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD | | EDICINE CO., TOROKTO, ONY, (Formerly Wiadsoe, ---- also Grave And all k Cement work Factory PHONE Mgr., H. NORMAN SPLENDID FARM, 135 ACRES TWO MILES FROM CITY -- FOR SALE. SE APPLY: -- W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate & Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 424 { \ ALL SEASONS OF THF YEAR CREAM In Any Quantity JLKS say they enjoy our F baking. They know that no™brdad baked is superior to the bread we make, and they know our pastry is quite tasty. They know our buns are the ones that please and tease their appetite and that all the cake we make is just exactly right. | | GLOVER'S | ITE | | HOME MADE | READ & PASTR - Phones 47 or 780. Columbia reverted to stan Sunday mo Charm Black Tea ' Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited i Lis The Value Of The Home B Who can afford to own a heme--and the average man of able earning capacity can should make it his first concern to solve (he problem. He will be nided In that task by studying the renal estate offerings closely and investigating those which impress him favorably, He will thus be serving himself, his family and bis city. To every such man, we would say "Get a home to rally aroung." & For the choicest lots, houses and locations, apply to: Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Kingston ™ SOFT LUMBER FOK INTERIOR FINISH We select our finishing lumber with a view to its softness, brightness and straight grain, and can recommend it for the finést work. Let us show you. Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street - - - - Phone 1042 v Now Is The Time to have your Furnace and Stoves looked e after. have only experienced me- chanics and if you require any work in this line we can give you satisfaction. * Agents for the celebrated Hecla Hot Air Furnace. | Lemmoné& Sons * PHONE 187 Princess Street To Take Official Picture. Sergt the Sydenham itarvosHo has been given ority take a flashlight photo aph civic banquet the nee of Wales in t ay Savage, of spital of the to night J. L. Morison Spoke. L r of Queen's who re ed and ars ov As, to the ih of Syden- hurch on Sun- Prof. Prof. J recently If ¥ "a ha { Triplets Die. Page, Trenton, gave hirth to The children have The first passed away on 27th one on October and the last was butied at Tren- Saturday ther another Had Wires At Game. t CPR ad 1ds © use of reports of | repor of To- Should Make Change. 'e 1s much dissatisfaction over Y being given Sat afternoons off, thus allowing mail waif over till Monday Many citizens think t any ¥ besides Saturday would be posties' holiday For Fall and Winter. Brock street has a great issortment of Ready Made Clothing in suits and ove assortment of Gents Furn order clothing dep: ment better assorted at extr carriers to ngs, his Was never mely low pri- Good-Bye To Daylight Saving. N Sunday will the last of It AANA AlN see NCR IN ONTARIO Employment Service of Canada Sub- | mits Interesting Report for the Week Ending' October 4th--Incr- ease Not as Great as Weeks. Reports from employers in Onta- rio and Quebec, to the Eastern Clear- ing House, of the Employment Ser- vice of Canada, Department of La- bour, indicate that, disregarding un- a employment due to strikes, there was a further increase in employment in those Provinces during the week end- | ing October 4th, which creases during the preceding weeks. Returns fer the week ending Octo- | ber 4th, show that 2,891 firms re- ported to the Employment Service, { which firms had 425,579 persons on pay-roll, as compafed with 424-913 on pay-roll during the preceding week, and increase of 666 persons or 15 per cent. An increase of 1304 or 3 per cent was anticipated for the week | ending October 11th, {| Returns for the week ending Sep- | tember 2 reported, which firms had 43 89 persons on payroll as compared with 434,340 persons during the preced- ing week, an increase of 1,049 per- BLLIoUs headache spoils many an expected enjoy- ment. } When the condition of the liver is neglected, biliousness seems to become chronic and recurs every two or three weeks, with severe sick head- aches. Why not get right after this trouble and end it by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to restore the health and activity' of the liver, tion, indigestion, back ache, headache, biliousness and kid- ney derangements soon disappear with the use of this well-known medicine. One pill a dose, 35 ctx. a box, all dealers, 'en Edmanscn, Bates & Co, Ltd., Toronte, gston and Vicin ty Hall Sat- | other | hotter etter | coats and a splendid | EASE IN EMPLOYMENT AND | QUEBEC BY LABOR DEPARTMENT | receding | increase, | however, 'was not as great as the in- | 7th, showed that 3,111 firms | {group having anticipated gains for AILY BRITISH WHIG aa PY a - BBB AADD OSSD SS a a = ity election SLOSS hhh de de hd TET TY TYE TTY TYEE YYEOY the daylight saving ti 1 citizens in the voting at on M t refers on the ds Upon Mors Dr.R. J W in Cha Depent Supremacy. Rev n, « 2 hi rch or red that the th most in connec he great installation pro pan -- actory for Belleville. rents have ben ¢ fo ie location in Belleville of the 1 H. A. Wood Manufacturing Co., Ltd, j*¢ Queen's Universi { for the production of high pressure Fas the "sermon" ! 3 valves under a new and improved ally every ome of the noted patent. The new industry -will *n who spoke. Briefly stated it was | cupy a portion of the Graham Liit- | thi That the Angle-Saxon su- | ed building on Front and Pinnacle Premacy 'depended upon our race | streets holdig moral supremacy A Noted Worshipper. The venerable Rev. Dr. G. M. Mil- ligan, m er emeritus of Old St. | Andrew's church, Toronto, was a! worshipper in Chalmers church on | Sunday morning Dr. Milligan, when attending Queen's College in | the late fifties, used to worship in the old Chalmers church down on | Earl street. He became one of Can- ada's foremost preachers, and for | vears occupied the pulpit of Old St Andrew's, Toronto Dr. Milligan ia muoplated om pleted pre Wo T Belleville Sat saw eggs advance to. 65 Butter sold at 65¢. Chickens were offered at $1.50 to $2 per pair. A few ducks were sold at $1.65 each Potatoes were sold at $2 bushel or $2.75 per bag. Wholesalers offered them at $2.25. Apples sold at $1 to $1.50 per bushel. market per dozen Whiskey Runners Fined. E. Bulgera and Mac Dalinski, who :ay they are Canadians, were taken rom G.T.R. express No. 13 at the ir and In * . i j Brockville Union Depot; Saturday | ir { | ton Queen's. jmorning, by Inspectors Taber and { while in possessio allons of ohol and seven bottles hey were lodged in ti Sykes, gE of whikey police station cells and ls were each fined Magistrate Page paid at the Lady Stanley Institute, Ot-! | tawa, when Nursing Sister Glendine Clement, (daughter of Mr. and Charles Clement, Deseronto), graduate from that nursing | was the recipient of a silver mome and a silver mounted brella, suitably engraved { were from the soldiers the 'rotestant General Hospital, which patie wished express orn me of costs by school, ther- um- These gifts "*B'" ward of were or J. 8S. Ferguson. Lanark and Induction of Rev. T The Presbytery of tenfrew met in the Presbyterian| church, Lanark, 'on Tuesday, Oct. | 7th, for the induction of Rev. T. J their appreciation of Miss Clement's | Ferguson, B.A. recently minister of | Services. { the Presbyterian church, North Bay, | {into the pastoral charge of the Pres-| { byterian church. Lanark, which now consists St. Andrew's and Zion { congregati Rev. Mr. Ferg juson is a Queen's University gradu- i ate, to Ss Woke Up Blind. Tweed News William. Breen, our South Victoria street blacksmith, re tired, to bed Monday evening in his | usual health. On Tuesday morning he arose as usual, but finding it dark vet he lighted a match and appar- ently it went out, he lighted another with same result and yet another, but he was surprised to find that one! burnt his finger. He concluded that there was something wrong with his good eye for by accident some yeéars | ago, had lost sight of the other | eye. He found to his aismay that he was totally blind Dr. Volume was called and found that a blood vessel Cicil Servants Vote, It having appeared that there was erah dou ut the minds of ctors and other officials in the Department of Customs whether they were prohibited from voting at provincial elections, a rul- ing was ol ned at Ottawa from the! tight Hon, Sir George Foster. ac premier of Canada ,that there no regulations prohibiting any civil | in the retina of the eye had burst servant, no matter in what capacity | Mr. Breen left for Kingston to con- | | he she may be engaged, {rom | 8g consis revenue cc in as to 1 he were | sult a specialist A AA AA A SA A AA AA A | sons or 24 per cent. An increase of j or The Good New Times. I well Dwight H borer who has five dol-| F enjoys conveniences that | eth did not have in Ken- Castle Men sometimes that re-ispeak of the good old times, but in gistered net increases in the nunrber [reality there never were any good of persons employed, with their res- jold times Those were the bad old | pective percentage in creases were: times, and these are the good new | Building and construction 1.3 per | times. cent; commercial and mercantile, 4 | ~~~ per cent; clay, glass and stone pro- | jducts 4.2 per cent; leather and lea- | | ther goods, 5 per cent; metals § per | | cend; textiles & per cent; vehicles, 3 | per cent; quarrying and mining 2.1 per cent; railway operation, 4 per | cent; and miscellaneous, 3 per cent. It is noticeable that metals, textiles, | { quarrying and mining, and vehicles, | 780 persons or 4 per cent. was an cipated for the week ending October th, which increase the returns for the week in question show been hardly realized. The plus industries, those (Rev. I Ne iis) | To-day a la lars a d Queen E ilworth to have em nin? ATES "KIDNEY | /» / Pre - { which groups have been making the | greatest gains during the preceding | weeks, also made the most appreci- | able gains during the week ending | October 4th. With the exception of | { vehicles all plus industries expected { further gains during the week end- ing Octoebr 11th. The minor industri those that registered net decreases in the num- ber of persons employed, with their respective percentage decreases, were Lumberinz, 1.9 per cent; food, drink {and tobacco, § per cent; pulp, paper and printing 2 per cent; woodwork- ing 4 per ceut; and railway construe- { tion 3 per cent. Chemicals registered | a nominal decrease only. It is noti- ceable that lumbering ' registered a decrease during this week, this [ We el J b RTA & 15] a 16 OT > bY >h \ ANS isk (EY gi) | several weeks which anticipations { have not' been realized. The drop in food, drink and tobacco, was due to | some éxtent to thé shortage of cans in the canning industry, but also to the completion of the canning sea- son in some lines. Of the minus { groups all but food, drink and tobac- {eo; pulp, paper and printing, and | chemicals, anticipated gains during i the week ending October 11th. { Ontario firms alone, reports from 11968 of which. were tabulated, show ia gain of 549 persons and a gain of 1511. persons or 6 per cent. to have been anticipated for the week ending October 11th. Most groups in Onta- rio reflect the same tendencies re- i gistered in the returns for the two { provinces combined. Vehicles, how- | ever, reported a decrease of 2.4 per cent, while the combined returns show an increase of 3 per cent fer the two provinces. Pulp, paper and { printing, woodworking and railway, { construction, all show gains in On- tario. With the exception of food | drink and tobacco, and vehicles, all | groups anticipated gains during the veek ending October 11th. Quebec firms alone, reports from 9223 of which were tabulated, regis- tered a gain of 117 persons, or 1 per { cent during the week in question, but anticipated a reduction of 207 per sons or 1 per cent daring, the week | 'nding October 11th. The most no- iceable increase in Quebec alone was registered in vehicles. whith incregse more than made up for the reduction | ji} un Ontario in that group. Gains in [Ji | metals and textiles accounted in part {for the pains registered by the two ' provinces combined. Commercial and mercantile and miscellaneous, in ad- dition to the groups reported as mi- nus industries in the returns from the two provinces. registered slight decreases. The anticipated decreases are largely accounted for by the ex- rected reductions in lumbering, che- micals, vehicles, railway construction {and metals. ~ No appreciable gains | were anticipated in any group. i i MONDAY ladies. The number of marines in the Eng- lish navy will be reduced from 50,000 to 10,000 as soon as the United Sta- tes ratifies the peace treaty, it is an- nounced, i Mrs. W. H. Johnston of Meaford! 1) i dropped dead in ber home. | r always a welcome visitor to Kings- | Soldier's Tribute to Nursing Sister. | A pleasing presentation was made ||| Mrs. | a'! rr Admission, free. |) PAGE FIVE NEW YORK FRUIT STORE ALIFO RD ICE C A FRUIT the eity. Goods delivered 314 Princess St. to all parts of Phone 1405 Grand Cafe We give spectal attention to Banquets and Evening Parties. Special private with tables that twenty-five people Can make accommodation for about one hundred Our service is the best obtainable. i See the proprietor, Peter Lee, for further particulars and rates. 222 Princess street, Two Doors Above Upera House Open rom § a.m. to 2 am. Peter Lee. Prop. rooms will seat ESTAURAN Ne? = BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME WITH FERNS We have just received a shipment of Bostons, Roosevelts Elegantissimas and Table Ferns. "We Strive to Serve" A. D. HOLTON FLORIST. 280 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 661. RESIDENCE, 2036w. AALLSLLS a AKASA ASSASA Adan A AAAALS Be he hh PURE ICE CREAM SERVE IT FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS Mast modern machinery used in making our Ice Cream------ the ingredients are the best--nothing but pure cream used. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Superior Ice Cream Parlor 204 Princess St. Phone 648 McLaughlin's Old Stand Service Is a Present Day Necessity Health statistics absolutely prove that an Ice Box is a household necessity for the good of the family's health all year around. Better take this precaution and safeguard your food before it's too late. Here is a complete assortment nf Ice : Boxes in all sizes and styles at i ote moderate prices. Phone 5s 83 and 87 Princess street. PUBLIC MEETING CITY HALL NIGHT, OCTOBER 20th AT 8 O'CLOCK 1 Provincial Election and Referendum Returns will be received and addresses will be delivered by Sir Henry Drayton, Minister of Finance: Brig. Gen. A. E. Ross; Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P., and others. All citizens are cordially invited to be present, and as far as possible seats will be reserved on the platform for Orchestra in attendance.

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