Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1919, p. 8

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PAGE SIX es THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY. OCTOBER 30, 110. THE BRITISH WHIG pense. oir ing oy hover, {rude sigde the Coun! rere 3 SN ENE NENEEEREERSEREECENRNEENEENSNE SENEANREEREE 86TH YEAR heen I AR RE an coal miners keep raising their de ] (anada--East and West | -- , HATS |BIBBY'S HATS will be forced to relop enough el- The Store That Keeps The Prices Down x th ; Dominion Happenings of Other eciric power so it c se with en SRG Borat eanairin s lcoal, and if 0 ) Days. vill put steel making among the ¢ eh The I ioneer Life. will roi ndoned trades . . Wilh le SQ 3; im of A a------------------ rulated as y, Ld : a it is d u conceive of What Is the Solution? : : t t care (Hamilton Her 1 show times, a One of the remarkable 3 e eariy days of would appear, therefore ! RIng-! brought out by the Inquiry being however, exis v they lived {ston's tax rate for 1920 would be! ductedgby the board of commere the land. This is 1 a. ay lover thirty mills. for { repairs! Torento is that while pears are s or instance in the id | gion FI : ; ling at $1 a basket on the market in| forests as an early a Pa ifie coast | Toronto, an Oakville grower com- | The trading posts on the od by a rb, | plained he could not find a market at | were mostly Square, Ch bastions, MONEY A VITAL FORCE. | 30 cents a basket for his pears. There | tall pallisades," flunked by d twelve x i i ne "th si¥ ' TS AN velve | Surplus profits or earnings | ar® no transportation problems in| arme d with six poyndess rides be thade a Jiving force or a dead and] that district. Tt is by ne means ¢ ES A : . any PH . - isolated caste. While apples are a lua "0 > t and grape' al ye Peary stagnant one ; according ury here this year, the growers far- | fo? ac Around the inside of tl they are applied. Mone: { ther north complain that they have 3 Was a gallery the piatiorty Pablished Dally and Semi-Weekly hf A Victory Bonds in the pas is proven | no market for them. "That man O'- of which was about Sir re ME BuITISH aren {a vital instrument in building up| Connor" ought to be able to find a | feet below the pallisades. : the 1d i 2 {Canada's trade & has ower. | S01ution. were sockets for mounting the © e anada's trade and thereby si r blunderbusses on swivels. Each gate Considering Posterity. was ten feet wide and twelve feet everyone. It has done a gre aa l {Toronto World) I 1 made of stout planks and heavily ~The p - : of more than that; it has enabled C C. Hocken, M.P., Has good ed together: The bo? of lie pa 3] Snes Quice : 23% ada to make a wm ti grounds for his observation that des was eighteen fget abo ' 1 1 soll Raima 239 | 4 make a mu | Monreal und Toronto would be al | ground and consisted of heavy low here with a feeling of assurance that the ecteaereaermereer Ea the better of having 200,000 apiece | fitted closely together. The wa . . SUMICRIPTION NATH glory; it has enabled hor leal w fewer people in their population. The | had to walk around the fort once eac h Suit or Overcoat they buy will be absolute- One year, delivered in eily .. {the returned soldiers d demob- | difficulty is one that cannot be over- | hour, Hien moun} the gallery gt One year, if pald in advance ... Riza ti 2 Scale of seneroalv wy ome vi Cities grow up or | "All's ell. 1 ordinary = y 3 y y 3 > ' One year, by mail to rural ofices Migation on a scale of sencrosity un En I or alent witha the Te a ered ly correct in every detail, not only in style, ne year to un + I equalled anvwhere jeml- Weekly Edition) money Whether it be desirable or not | by the bell which rang*all to work at . by mail, cash nT had been hoarded or sted there | ble to set bounds to the! » thirty each morning. Strict dis- but in workmanship, durability and fit. Af not paid in advance 1150 would be no s story to tell | th of ity like Toronto. There » was enforced and all hands, In offering the tory Loan | is the law of city location which sets | espective of their particular fe {to the peopl £ ¥ fe" Qoy-| & 8reat plexus of humanity all th jon, had to attend service each W0pie I 1 10V=~{ UT-or Toy EPRE J 3 : MNment and o ae crossroads of the world. ron is | Sunday morning ¢ See Bibbys $35.00 Over- ~ a L LRT ti ie i s . by . 2 P M. Thompson, ee et Le Ar Nery on as Where Society Brand Clothes Are Sold : od Clothing Men and Young Men alike can come must be conti ¥ Fa a. Elllotg 2 2 2 itor and ing the benefits ros man A. Guild A g th nefi of pros 3. intel i has covered her name wit h a t a ur ars { 8s mess men who will be enlisted In the] ool ii OE oy eTy I! coat--the Grant, the Ace, Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Ch cause, cf nt nvestment te 1 be a ago, a Par bot iad Te the Humber. reer ------------ -- {that il ser as : inde I BAS be 1 used y att nd fe parti stters to the Editor 2 fated [th a 3 oo few of the city fathers and of | faith of the commander might be: e ue x a moral €e; cor great bene-| ., _ lo an ay Such z svel- | sides cRFrYIng he fur trade the Q s c the people cor ing such a devel- | sides carrying on the fur ade a EY A Tob fits on ti y at large, and opment, but the plans and prep: Company raised horses, cattle sheep See Bibbys $25.00 Oy er best yielding a hq me return for the| tions that would be good for the!and other stock. It had large mills coats-- the Chesty the Prim- {thrift of the investor It will be us-| third generation hence would be e and exported flour, grain, beef, pork 3 To okt | ually good and advant u or the {gnd bltter to the Russian settlements rose, the Beverley, | mpl ) f : i ¢ The circulation of THE BETISH | q ne ies pecple of today. It pays to cons in Alaska and hides and wool to Ersg- WHIG is authenticated by the SOI) posterity land. = 4 BO rake n dr sset to the country A NAN A ti A Ati Audit Bureau of Cirentlations, t nt along lines that will 2 8 -- and also to finance great putchases t # of Canada's products by Great Brit- ° ° REAL SWANKEY SUITS Canada needs a vast national ais and European countries. It will pp Vines | The Raverhall, $45.00; the Ritz, $42.50; the Stanton, rorking capital. 'he Victory Log eep Canada in the forefront of the L osues devia. To Viginy Loun/Lup Sibaie tn in oeuron of 8 | $45.00; the Claude, $42.50. national happiness and contentment. the loan, "Amon the memorable dates in | EIGHT HOURS FOR PARMERS. , "No ihdiyidual who calls himself a SPIRITS. Now some gifted men are telling of the life on y's ' . ; there ¥ anich i 1s rell- history," wrote a boy, "was Antony's t'other shore, where our vanished friends are dwel date with Cleopatra./'--~Boston | Man ought to object to working ten ing, knowing sorrow never more Messages from : al Lhd . ouls 3 "Ler ne a FOSS 3 3] 3 & a . 1 a day." was the remark a farm- i souls departed come across the silent void, and the Transcript le to the Whig a few davs ago. | 3 dead seem cherry hearted, at their useful tasks em- € i > i vIIE § 1aVs arc P s-- ployed And the news sdems fine and dandy, that in realms beyond the stars shades still have their suds | deal is both strong and widespread. a fair day's work. He did not, of R 3 and brandy, and are not flenied cigars. Men of world- | It may yet force the government tojcourse, understand conditions as they ew wide reputation, Savant Lodge and Author Doyle, have | ' i EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES . 4 . The opopsition to the Grand Trunk | T! in his opinion, constituted only . : : . 2 ' A r rhosts held conv ation, at the hour of mid- 4 « ts stion. | prevailed in some of the big indus- with ghosts held « . , : go to the country on this quéstiol dy od night oil. Phantoms told what they were doing in the i ries, Here men are called upon to J, 4 fig \ land where time is not, told of chores they were pur- Lord Fisher gives as 'the setret¥ilertorm manual labor of a character 9 suing, and of fun that Ait the spot. Nothing that 3 The Dexter, $25.00 -- neat patterns, of a happy life that he never argues, that imposes - a terrible physical | they've said enlightens, clears the mystery: of doom; a . * contradicts, explains or! apologizes. strain, and even eight hours of con- nothing that they hand us brightens any aspect of the 3 grey with neat dark stripes. £ RD - . . farmer does. ' The Rand--rich greens, greys, browns --in"fine Worsteds, Tweeds and Cheviots. Special values, $35.00. The Keene--fancy Tweeds in good coloring and correct styles. Extra special Bury Bnd Clty values, $22.50. tem of weights and measures and alsn eight-hour day or a six-hour day.| uniform decimal system of qurrency | NO farmer has any boss against] for the British Empire is being ade} WHOM Jo san fine Sov shorter voeated. Both reforms are long ayer a --- Ne hc. st ook an tpeace, decided by the world market Buliding permits in Kingston, for|and the law of supply and demand. | the first nine months of the year,| The word "farmer" itself has no show an increase of $219,910 overjexact industrial meaning. The accomplishes one or the other of these tasks. The process the same pero lagt year. This | large farmer is chiefly a capitalist is going on all the time. Are you baving any personal part in growth indicates a healthy condition and employer; the small farmer a i> of affairs in the building line. | laborer and capitailst in combina- : tion; and thé hours and conditions of | a . At Kansas City 350 persons sought each differ with the region. In the Se Such a man ought to make & model tinuous work is bound to impair their ; A i mJohusing dies and goes to Aidenn and he talks | perform their hard tasks in the open tion any clear and vibrant we rd, any honest revelation that's t trifl : : 1 « \ I ant word, any honest revelation that's not trifling also plain dark grey Cheviots. Price $30. pel, is the endeavor of the present! E. Bradfute, of Xenia, 0., demanded a { \ HE ae What is the VALUE of hour day have not yet explaines time. Commenting upon this, the ' e { ference might have replied: "Certain- shalt thou labor amd do all thy ! he adoption of the metric gys- | the individual farmer from declarin a position affording you that increase of salary which you think 4 on with mortalf here, but the things he says are laden | Ey a1) " z 1 1 . husband. {health, They are not privileged to with the piffie atmosphers. I would hail with venera- i ; WH The Hilton--neat pin checks In grey; Social regeneration by means of air and the bright sunlight as| the! OF absurd. the statute book, instead of the gos- i -- WALT MASON. Addressing the Industrial Confer-! SENTRA A AAA AA at cam - day. It never has been and nevercan| ... pn, sitting at Washington, 0. HERR EES EERE EEE be effective. = that the farmer ought also to have an BB " iners wi i a five-| i The miners who demand a . | eight-hour day, or extra pay for over- : 3 he face] they justify their stand in i {New York World says that the con ; 282 af the Divine command; sis days u a Classified Ad to You? ly, help yourself." work." No one in particular is stopping | 4 If, by reading and answering a classified ad. you should find necessary just now. what would be the cash value to you of that ad? _ CHRROEONERNINARNREN i A ------ wwe fo ---- eee ------ rem------ Se ---- --mmm---- mo NEN RENEE ENE N EEN R Ry ---- If, by reading and answering a classified ad, you should be able to secure a capable worker for that difficult job in your office, what would that ad. be worth to you? ~~ due. Every day somebody finds and answers a classified ad. that POULTRY SUPPLIES 'LAZENBY'S- Drinking Fountainps--Feeders--Coop Cups--Grit Boxes--Wall Founts--Celluldid Leg Bands, assorted sizes and colors. Mixed Pickles, Chow Chow. Send us your orders. Our prices are as low as the mail order Walnuts, Gherkins, Browning # * house and we save yon the delivery charges. for Gravies, Parisian Essence, EE Mushroom Catsup, Essence of anchovies, Malt jin i ot Vinegar, Tar- = ragon Vinegar, release from the marriage bond at segson of the chief "money crop' TTT {a single court session. How long can {most farmers work long hours. The society, which is founded upon the rest of the vear things go more eas- JUST RECEIVED A LARGE NUMBER OF LADIES' SERGE home, endure in a country whichily. Taking all farmers together, it presents such a record as this? {is quite possible that they do not av-| DRESSES--in black, brown and navy blue, in all the latest styles. Prices from $15.00 to $35.00. » Jas. REDDEN & Co, ea ir aa ---- Phones 20 and 990, DAVID SCOTT Plumber FARMS FOR SALE (-------------- Plumbing and Gas Work a speelal. acres "......Price $30.00 acres ../...Price Yr. All work guaranteed. Address acres ......Price 145 Froutenae street. Phone 1277, acres Price acres ......Prica 10, acres ; DELAWARE acres .. . a 3 i » acrey ...... LACKAWANNA acres ...... ¥ acres ...... i ile acres ...... acres ...... WESTERN RAILRO. acres |. io ¥ ADS acres . i ¥ acres acres erms------------n | erage more than eight hours of act-| The leader of the Nationalist party | a) work the year through. The! fn Turkey scores one against the | farmer a re with any | His Christian nations when he Says: | other worker. life is the most "There is no drunkenness or thievery tate-bound in grim determinism; he | in Turkey. That is more than MANY | is at the constant mercy of weather, | civilized nations are able to claim.""'ly oo oat conditions, which no! man and no government can control. In another sense his ig the freest life; his hours are what he makes them. a ---- FOR ONE WEHK ONLY MEN'S OVERALLS--Dblack and blue striped, at cost price ... $1.25 to $2.25 JOS. B. ABRAMSON 257 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 1283J. Our rent is low~--our prices are low. Remembering his experience with government ownership of railways during the war, Premier Lloyd] Beorge tells the miners, who de- 'mand nationalization of the coal! mines of England, that there would | PUBLIC OPINION be no saving in expense, that state] { acres ownership tended to kill enterprise' : and Initiative, while an increase fn| gi een ) To Fr : | : nd No Limit, pad. acres : ¥ wages and shorter hours would mili- | (Sedalia Capital) . E-- ' 4 ri i ' ; 4 tate against an increase in output.| The only thing agitators haven't | " g } i ho 27 | i : hl Y {Buch facts aro stubborn things to] ollie" aq, he ShOTISHInE of . the md (Ad 1 Lockhart, SCRANTON argue against. : i --_-- Hi ! i | Gets From Under. : AM Real Estate and Insurance "5, From Unde : . g CLARENCE STREET _ CIVIC DEFICIT COMING. Jvhatever Jey happen to the for- : HO TER Ee Juv, on, g ¢ itor the | Mer Kaiser, he has fixed it so that he : OUR According to the city auditor the | Mer Kaiser, ho | h T WA BAGS . : " . - ERATED HARARE 0 1 bt dk ht od 40 rd 0 S09 CEE IRANRWI SD Council will face a deficit of hetweon Pay any part of Ger- v many's indemnity. $15,000 and $20,000 at the en" of ---- ae ad are called Leak-Proof" because they 'the year. This represents about a . Wonderful Vitality. are that kind--some with our Foun. The Standard Anthracite. Y : ; Chief Distributor for Kingston 'mill and a quarter in taxes. During The {iyracuse Post-Standard . y for 1817 and 1913, the council hud smatt|,, 73, "Snidont has passed the eris- ory 0¢ ore : surpluses, because economy was-the pag 6 J ! ve doctors looking after him. | We aim to carry everything in | watchword, in view of war condi-|. 8 -- n i ' t x . : Habber that is needed in the sick tions. But the time had to come Let Her Go To It. { | COR. PRINCESS AND (CLERGY STS . q } s room. i : ( Brookt: 1 : a . | Finca, wots. ain ager npn sha ur i it ov [| wim sarcmoay. ocx. wa wi ann mee ip evs DRUG STORE 'glected, would require larger expen-!scheme to sel s beariag no in-! of : for Women and ® ' ! ; : ditures, and 1919 was the year when | terest payable before final redemp- | hin gmde Shan Hen, ! 183 PRINCESS STRERT : Cod. Foot of Queen St. a start had to be made in general tion is worthy of Latin ingenuity. Nor! } PHUSE ; 'is it to be discouraged. The Allies > 5 repairs. No provision whatever was can invest any money that Germany| The citizens of Kingston are cordially Invited to ins 'made for this when the council! may raise to £00d advantage. { spect our stock. We aim to please and feel satisfied that Y i BUTTER WRAPPING PAPER rs . struck its budget last March. The|' : | 3 "Stock Printing. "Choice Dairy Butter," Board of Works took: what was left, Substitutes for Sirikes. | | our prices will mean a reduction in the High Cost of | fron, $285; 5,500, $13.00; 10,000, $ag.00. 1 ivi itt had (Buffalo Express) a { / : Specially printed with your own copy, When all other civic committees The printers" strike in New York Walking. : i [.o0n, $3.50; 5,008, $15.00: 16000, Senn Been provided for. In ther words! has demonstrated that magazines can ; : , i peices on 'larger quantities. | | mills of taxation was not suff-| be Published Sieg Snasetting if : : arr gr uid an Saou and ten Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lenders has| Bhopal, the second greatest Moe clont to meet the weeds of - the Spy a Srap a ge ; : ; { TIR ¥ RINGETOR +NG CO. I |succesded Joseph P. Naumann as |hammedan state fo India, has beeg - To have met all ex-lone ever should come, will show that | : : Democratic member of the national [ruled over by a woman for sever ds A * : essambly in Bexlia. oars, ' . Frm hermit no i

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