SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1019. GRAIN AGENCY FOR ALL F'oronto Quotations. | M™apitobsa Wheat~In stors, Fort STEAMSHIP riers, 4220 oon 150. Ho. LINES For information and rates apply | to J. P. Hanley, OF. & TA, GT. Ry, Kingston, Ont. 2 Oats--No. 2 CW., 84c.; Sle.; extra No. 1 feed, 79¢.; No. 2 feed, T6¢. Barley--Neo. 3 C.W., ¢ CW, $1.87%; re &; feed, $1.24%. rican Corn---Prompt shipment nominal; Neo. 4, nom- w No, 1 feed Manitoba $148%; ? jected, $1.2 A NO. 3 yellow, inal, Ontario Oats--No. 3 white, 84¢. to 86¢c. according to freight. Ontario Wheat--F.0.b. shipping points, according to freight--No. 1 winter, $2 to $2.66; No. 2 winter, $1.97 to $2.03: No. 3 winter, $1.93 to $1.99; Neo. 1 spring, $2.02 te $2.08; No. 2 spring, $1.99 to $2.05; <I|No. § spring, $1.95 to $2.01. Barley---Malting, $1.35 to $1.40. Manitoba Flour--Government stan- dar, $11, Toronto Ontario Flour---Winter, in jute bags, prompt shipment, Government standard, $9.25 to $9.50, delivered at Montreal and $9.05 to $9.30 de. livered at Toronto Peas Neo. 2, nominal, Buckwheat--No. 2, nominal. Rye--No, 2, nominal, Hay--Track, Toronto, No. to $25; mixed, $18 to $21. Carlots, $10 to $11. Millfeed--Carlots, delivered, Mon- treal freight. bags included Bran. Per ton, $45; shorts, $52 to $55: good feed flour, per bag, $3.26 to $3.50 {No, 8 i81c.; Pn CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON REGULAR SERVICES TO GLASGOW 2 Fram Montreal. . Portland. .. Portland. . TO GLASGOW New York New York VIA MOVILLE Columbia | «a Cotumbia TO LIVERPOOL New York.......Orduna New York Carmania New York ..Orduna New York ++. Carmania TO PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG New York.......Caronia «+ 1 Nov. New York.......Curonia Dee. 1 TO PLYMOUTH, HAVRE, SOUTH. AMPTON Royal George Royal George TO PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, SOUTHAMPTON Naw York.....Mauretants Nov. 8 Dec. § Noy Nov. Dec Dee 1, $24 8 Straw Nov. § Dee. § TO PLYMOUTH, HAVRE, LONDON New York....... Saxonia ......Nov. 2» TO PIRAEUS (GREECE) New York Pannonia ....Nov For rates of freight and furthes particulars a to local agents or SIE ROBERT REFORD CO0., LTD. GENERAL AGENTS MRR CP SAILINGS--RATES EMPRESS OF FRANCE E 13,500 tong. Fast, luxurious, §-day steamship. than 4 days at sea. Sails from QUEBEC~LIVERPOOL 4 pam. Nov. Ist Nov. 305th ipecial train leaves Windsor St. ation $5.46 am, direct to ship. St, $170 3nd, $100, 3rd, $63.7 War Tax §6 $5 $3.00 Special suites and rooms with baths, Apply Loca! Agents nm. Agt., CANADIAN PACIFLD OCEAN SERVIC "s+ «Nov Montreal. Oats--Extra No. 1 Flour--Mag., new stand- $11 to $1110. Rolled 90 Ibs, $4.80 to $4.85. Shorts ,$45. Hay---No. carlots, $23 to $24. Quotations: feed, 93¢ ard grade, oats--Bag, Bran, $52. 2,; per ton, 12 r-- Minneapolis. Flour unchanged. Barley--3$1.08 $1.38. Rys--No, 2, $1.34%. ~$37.00, Flax--$4.41 to to Bran $4.44 New York. Hay firm; No. 1, $1.75 to £1.80; No. 2, 31.65 to $1.70; No. 3. to $1.45; to 92. -- Seeds Whozesale, Following are the prices that wholesalers are paying for Alsike at country points: Alsike No. 1 fancy $23 00 No. 2 choice, bush. No. 1, bubh..... No. 2, dush.... No. 3, bush... .... Rejected, bush, J0 $24 50 20 00to 20 B50 21 00 21 50 19 00 19 50 5 00 15 8 10 12 00 Wi Grains. Yesterday Ootober oats closed 7c higher, December S¢c higher and May 3%e higher. * October barley B.ige. higher, November -unehanged; it | December 33 c higher and May 2%¢ ji higher. October flax Tie higher, |! November Se higher, December Sc ll higher and May '6¢ higher. | Cash prices: Oats, No. 2 CW. ll! 53 0c; No. 1 feed, li 78¢; No, 2 fead, 75 %¢; track, 81% c. li Barley, No. 3 C.W., $1.45%; No. 4 C.W., $1.40; rejected, $1.24; track, PIRECTORY FOR RETURNED MEN, APPLY For emplaytuent Information, For Land Settlement, genaral matters, advise: Bank of Toronto Bidg., cob. King and Brock Streets For Vocational Courses. trial Re-training, il No. 2 CW. $4.27%; No, 3 O.W., Merchants Bank Bldg. he § Brooch Weill il{84.01% ; condemned, $3.96 3; track, and Weitmaten St lose 20. Rye, No, 2 C,W., $1.84. For medical treatment, surgioal appliances; Golden Lien Bleek For Pensions: Bibby Block, Princess Street Indus- LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, N.Y, jyes--Receipts, 250; active $2 lower, 137 to $20. Hogs--Recelpts, 2,400; Is it a wonder that boys will smoke PIfS, 75c. higher; others 25¢. higher; cigarettes when they see so many | heavy, $13.26 to $13.40; mixed, men doing identically the same Yorkers, light, do., and pigs, $13.25; thing? roughs, $10.75 to $11.00; stags, $8 Buy Victory Loan 1919 : "CANADA'S PREMIER SECURITY" INSURE CANADA'S PROSPERITY pleased to make for you in connection with the purchase of 'your = This service is absolutely without charge you. "Thorton, Davidson & Co. TRANSPORTATION BUHLDING 81 ST. PETER STREET - fo ih rat = Private wires--New York, Chicago, STOCKS----GRAIN-- COTTON | . BONGARD, RYERSON & CO, 887 Bagot 8. Phoue 1s. PTRCILTSEEE re er pons | -1 LO $1.35] shipping, $1.20 to $1.30.! Hops firmer; Pacific coast, 1919, 86) 75] Eh THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG p and lambs--Re 7 unchanged. to. $8.50 caipts, 800 st ste Chicago, t= 5000; strong; bulk, top, $13.35; heavy, 5; medium, $12.65 to; 0 to $13.25; light lights, $12.25 to $12.85; heavy pack- {ing sows, smooth, $12.00 to $12.60; {packing sows, rough, $11.76 to $18; pigs, $12.00 : Cattle with a '9. ipts, 3,000: compared Ago, prime steers. {steady; others unevenly, 50 to $1 {lower; she stock and best bologna {and butcher bulls, 25 to 50 cents higher, feeders steady; best Wester {steers, steady; common grades, 26¢.| {lower; best Western she stock, big, | {quarter higher, i | 8heep--Receipts, 2,060; compared | {with a week ago, fat lambs, stexdy: yearlings, mostly §0¢. higher; feed-| {ing sheep, strong to .26¢. higher: | breeding ewes, stronz te 50c. high- | jer; feeding lambs, 60 to He. higher. { i wt GENBRAY PRODUCE, i Dressed Meats-- Wholesale. i | To the trade Torcnto wholesalers are making the following gquotatons: Beef, forequarters, c¢wt., $13 te $16; do, hindquarters, owt, $22 to! 1824; carca 8, choice, ewt., $19 to 21; do, medium, $13 to $17; do., common, $10 to $14; veal, common, | owt, $17 to $19; do, medium $20 to $22; do, prime, $25 to $27; heavy! bogs, ewt, $19.50 to $20.50; shop hogs, cwt 23.50 to $25.50; abat-| jtoir Hogs, cwt, $25 to $26; mutton, | ewt. $13 to $16; spring lamb, 1b. 21 23e. Toronto. Farmers' Market. | {7 Prevailing prices in the fdrmers'| jmarket as follows: Butter, choice {dairy, 65 to 85¢; do, creamery, 60 to! 70c; margarine, Ib. 37 to 40c; | ages, new laid, dog, 68 to 78¢; che ib. 35 to 40c Fowl, 1b, 30 te' 3 iehickens, roasting 35 to 40¢; du . Ib, 35 to 40¢. Chickens, Ib.. 25 ta 28¢; roosters, 1b., 23 to 26¢; fowl, 1b. | [28 to 27c; ducks, 1b, 80 to 35c; geese, 1b., 25¢ Fall wheat, N 2, inominal; psring wheat, No. 2, nom- | inal; goose wheat, No. 3, nominal; | joats, 90 to 92c; barley feed, $1.35 {to $1.40; peas, nominal; buckwheat! {nominal; rye, nominal. Timothy, No.| {1, old ton $25 to $30; do, new $20! tto $28; mixed and clover; ton $22} {to $26. Hegs, dressed, 1b, $22 te | {$24; calves, dressed, 1b., $19 to $21; | mutton, 1h, §11 to $14. Potatoes, | I'bag, $1.80 to $2.10. ! i FARMERS' MARKETS { Potatoes--Belleville and Chatham, 50 per bag; Brantford, $1.90 to! ; Cobourg and Port Hope, $1.75; eiph, $2.10 to $2.85; Hamilton, | 25 to $2.50; Kitchener, $1.80 to! ; London, $1.85 to $2, Owen Sound 50 to $1.60; St. Thomas, 32 to 1 $3.50; Stratford and Woodstock, $2 { $2.25 per bag. i | Butter--Belleville, 63 to 65c per {1b.; Brantford, 62 to 65¢; Cobourg, { 58 to 60c; Chatham, 60 to 65¢; | { Guelph, 60 t6 64c; Hamilton, 66¢; | | Kitchener, 52 to 55c; London, 58 to | | Port | | ; St. Thomas, 80 to 83¢; | rd, 55 to 60c and Woodstoek, | 160 to 63¢c per pound. } |". Eggs--Belleville, 60 to 63c; Brant | | ford, 64 to 70c; Cobourg, 65 to &7¢; | { Chatham, B5g; Guelph, 68 to Toe; | | Hamilton, 75 to §0c¢; Kitchener and | | Stratford, $0 to 608¢; London, 85 to! [T0e; Owen Bound and Woodstock, | | 80 to Bic; Pert Hope, 60¢, and St. | |'Thomas, 62 to 65. } Wheat--Wheat sold at the farm-| { mers' markets gver Ontario on Sat-| turday last at the following prices: | { Belleville, $2.10 to $2.12; Brantford | and Hamilion, $2; Cobourg, $1.95; | { Chatham, $2.18; Guelph, $2.10; Kit-| | ehener, $1.90 to $2.02; London, $1.- "ae ovem ran BF pe BD ED © 6D BO g 31.40. Flax, No. 1, NW.C.. 34.31%: | 90. Owen Sound and St. Thomas, | Beets; peek $1.90 to $1.95; Port Hope, $1.96; | Btratford, $1.85 to $1.98; Wood-| stock, $2.14 per bushel. { - Barley---Belleville, Hamilten and! | Owen Sound, $1.25 to $1.40 per bus-| | bel; Brantford, Cobourg and Strat-| i ford, $1.25; Chatham, $2.50; Guelph} » . ge Cattle--Receipts, 1,000: slow. Cal. | $1.50; Kitchener and London, $1.35; | Barley Port Hope, $1.30; and St. Thonias; $1.25 to $1.30 per bushel. ! i Oats--Belleville, $1.05; Brantford, | | 88¢; 'Cobourg and Owen Sound, 85 | | to 90¢; Chatham, 75¢; Guelph, $1} to $1.10; Hamilton, 98¢c to $1.01; | Kitchener, 98¢ to $1.02; London, $1 to $1.03; Port Houe, 85¢; St. Tho-| mas, 90 to 98c; Stratford, 87¢: and Woodstock, $1 per bushel. Chickens--Belleville and Brant- ford, 28 to 3b¢ per Ib.; Cobourg, 30 to 33¢; Guelph, 27 to 33¢; Hamilton and St. Thomas, 30 to 35¢; Kitche- ner and London, 28 to 3%¢; Owen Sound, 24 to 26¢; Port Hope, 32 to 33¢; Stratford, 25 to 80¢; and Wood- stock, 30¢ per pound. Poultry at Montreal. Many changes have (aken Nad in the list of poultry prices at Montred! this week and live stuff is quoted on the following basis: Chickens, breil- ers, 21 to 2%¢ per Ib.; chickens, 21 to 24c; fowl, heavy, 20 to 24c; fowl, light, 15 to 18¢; roosters, 17 te 18e: young ducks, 17 to 2%¢; old ducks; 13 to 15e; geese, 18 to 30¢; and tur- keys; 32 to 35e per 1b, live weight, ---------- : Poultry at New York, Live pajlity prices at New York are quoted on the following basis: Chickens, 23 and 26¢; fowls, 24 and 80¢; roosters. 194; turkeys, 30 and 35¢; ducks, 30 and 33¢c; and geese, Sc per pound. ---- Potatoes At New York. Potatoes dve 'been Ring A to the New York market, stoe have been accumulating, with the re- sult that an easier undertone has developed, but New Jerseys have re- mained yneh: in at $2.50 ant Maines ea $3.50 per 16 i ar CAL 3 aia As New York. pon to $5 ped 180-pound tone, with reost whit. tah ; No. 1 $8.50; and Northern Spies, $3.50 to $8 per barrel. Cheese has heen costing 20% ¢ pound laid down at an Tar the chesse : of the week indicate the possibility of chesper {Creamery butter, b. .. | Oleomargarine { Chickens, dressed, 1b. ... | West'n- earcase, | Loin roasts | Mackerel, Ib. oe x .e { Lemons, doz .... "sel at New York is| ing along fairly Toronto. Dealer ng fresh stuff to tl pound Cheese At Montreal. Cheese has still sold at 28¢ per pound Montreal, but for the pres- ent the edge seems to be off the mar- ket, and British authorities are still trying to keep the Md on so that they can pick up supplies at 25¢ dian cheese has been especially at- tractive at New York, and consider. able business has been done on that | score. THE KINGSTON MARKET Kingston, Oct. 31st. Dairy Produce. 63e¢ 65¢ 54 T0¢ 40¢ Cheese 38¢ Butter, rolls .... Whey butter ' Eggs, fresh doz .... Poultry. 35 23 32 20 Chickens, live, 1b Hens, dressed, 1b, Hens, live, 1b, RY Turkeys, dressed, 1b. .. Meats. Beef-- Porterhouse steak, 1b. .. Sirloin steak, 1b. . Round steak, 1b 30 50 Rib roast 1b. ... ..... { Shoulder roast, 1b. .. Boiling cuts a ewt. West'n fronts cwt.. West'n hinds, cwt. Logal carcase, cwt Local hinds, ewt. ,. Pork-- 15.00 18.00 ib Leg roasts, 1b. Chops, 1b, . Hogs, live, cwt Hogs, dressed, Lamb-- Fronts . Hinds ewt. Loins oy Chops... .. Mutton, Ib. . Ciscoe .. .. .. va.» Cod, 1b. Eels, 1b, Flounders, Fillets; .1b. we Finnan haddie, Ib. ,., Haddock, fresh, 1b. Halibut, 1b .... . Herring, frosh, Kippers, pr. . Oysters, gs. 1b. Ib. : 80 to Pefoh, 1b, Pike, 1b. Rockfish, 1b Salmon, Ib... i .,. Smelts, Ib... .. 0. 88 Soles, Ib... ..... .. Steak, cod, Ib. .. ... 12% Trout, salmon, 1b, .. 20 Tom colds .-.... +s us Whitefish, fresh, 1b, Whitings, 1b; .. LAV to Yi. 350 to to to 15 to sig Fruit, Apples, peck .., ,., .. 40 to 60 Bupwwnus; doe Cocoanuts, each Grape fruit Grapes, 1b. 15 to 20 12 1-210 15 40 48 75 60 40 to 50 to Oranges, doz. Pears, doz. 25 to 10 to 8 to . § to $1 to 51. Cabbage, head .... Celery, bunch Lettuce, bunch. . Potatoes, bush... Tomatoes, 1b. ...,.. a» ---- Bran, ton... ..,. 45.00 to 47. Buckwheat bush... .. $1.40 to $2.3 Cornmeal, cwt. , 5.50 to 6.00 Hay, baled, ton .. ,.24.00 to 35.00 Hay, loose, ton .. .. 20.00 to 22.00 Corn, yellow feed, bush .... 1.90 to 2.00 Flour, standard (Gov't) Oats, Man., bush. .. Oats, local, bush, Shorts, ton Straw, baled, ton .. Straw, loose. ton .., Wheat, local, bush. .. ++12.00 to 14,00 $00 to 10.00 2.20 to 2.30 Furs. Ble. : va s388 to 30 2.50 60 3.00 Hides, Hides, beef, Ib, Lamb skins, fresh up to Veal skins, 1b. +. .... Deacon skins, No. 1, up to. , Cana- | to 507g, 1.338 ¥ [Horse skins, No. 1, large, up to .. Tallow cal Wool, unwa Wool, unws | Beeswax, 1b., up to ... { Bhearling, up to ... 1Gensing, wild, dry | Kips, Ib. i | ST, JAMES' CHURCH, PITTSBURG {The Consecration of St. James' | Church on Friday. Cushendall, Nov. 1.--The conse- eration of St. James' church, Pitts- Surg, by Bishop Bidwell, toek place on Tuesday last, Oct, 28th, in the presence of a fairly large congrega- tion. Besides the biship there were present the rector, Rev. W. J. Grat- tan, Rev. Dean Starr, of Kingston; Rev. J. O. Crisp, of Portsmouth, and Rural Dean A. O, Cooke, Tector of Barriafield, and Rev. J. W. Jones, secretary of the diocese, In spite of the fact that the morning 'was stormy & goodly number of people attended and listened attentively to a very helpful discourse by the bishop. Mrs. Gratton presided at the organ. Af- ter the service all present sat down {te a very substantial luncheon pro- vided by members of the congrega- tion, to which tribute was paid af- terward in 4 very hearty manner by the visiting clergy. Writes Quickly, Gertrude Atherton composes rapidly, but rewrites each book thre« | (times. If millions were to suddenly | descend upon her, she avows she | would net change her habits, for she loves her work with all her heart | { and soul, Before she begins a book | she acquires a through knowledge | of the phase of life and character | she intends to write about She { doesn't know exactly what her char- | acters will do or say three chapters hence, and that element of uncer tainty makes of writing a cons ant sense of adventure, An Ideal Jest. i "What is an idle jest, pa?" asked { a small boy, "There are no idle jests, wy son; they are working all the time," ------------ Purest Music In the World. The song which Japanese workmen | sing when raising the. rooftree of a new building ranks with the purest music in the world, according to Henry Eichman, a Boston composer, Who is spending a year in Japan studying Oriental music. He said in t Tokio: "The Orientals have evolved by the process of elimination a per- feet music, If "wé could think as Orientals think we would realise the | absolute simplicity and perfection of {art life." As he goes about Japan {he takes notes on the sound of tem- ple bells, with their beautiful over- tones, with the view of making them i themes for his compositions. i Prayer. } An old darky, who was asked if in his experienge prayer was aver answered, replied: ""Woll, sah, some [pra'rs is. ansued an' some isn't-- 'pends upon what yo! asks for'. I obsarve dat w'en ebber 1 pray de'l {La'd to sen' one o' Massa Peyton's | | fat chickens fo' de old man, dere is | no notice took ob 'de partition, but {w'en I pray dat he send de old man | fo' de chicken, de t'ing is tended to | fo' sunup nex' mornin' dear sare | i in." : ro ---------- ---- Greece has a totdl of 2,213 fac | tories, employ ing 36,124 workers, 2 | G. B. McKAY, Manager ¥ { A Never-Failing Record PAGE ELEVEN Help to Insure Prosperity Canada enters upon a new era--an era of GREAT POSSIBILITIES. It is her op- portunity to develop--and every Canadian can help to insure continued prosperity by SAVING. Start today, and save! Open an account with this Bank. Interest paid at current rates. THE : STANDARD BANK a Al . KINGSTON BRANCH. J. F. ROWLAND, VALUABLE PAPERS The Safety Deposit Boxes of this Bank offer security for vatiable Papers, documents and other effects. . The rental of one of these boxes 1s very moderate and protects you against loss by fire or theft. "sa THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID.UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH, F. M. Gibson, Manager. tt tn U.S.L. Storage Battery | DISTRIBUTOR AND SERVICE STATION DON. M. CRAIG Expert Storage Battery and Seilt Starter repairs, All size Batteries for all Cars, ---- 207 PRINCESS STREET, WINDSOR BLOCK PHONE 1818. { HOUSE PHONE 1688W. MEMORY may fail; a receipted bill may be lost; a household record may be open to dispute; but a paid cheque is a lasting, absolute proof of the payment of money. Any person wishing to place personal affairs on a business basis, may arrange for a checking account with this bank. nn ne cheese in the near future. In the meantime the domestic trade has LT LTR TL LT hi 30 x 3% Tire. The V.D.L.. 30 x 3 Cord is the sal Clincher Cord Tire made in Conads. AN V.D.L. Tires sre adivsted on & basis of 5,000 miles travel--though in wost instasoes this is notus Made in Canséa by Conedinn workers. V. DL. VAN DER LINDE RUBBER Co, LIMITED TORONTO -~: