: aid MareRDAY, Novewmem u tis. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | __PAGEELEVEN JEFF - = 2 RE Er / TT -- - A ------------------------ --im-- -- A YOAS Yom apn m---- / SL 2? TWO WEEKS AGO My h eRe! WITH JEFF PRINTED Rs jf 3 MARKING 2) a / dirvo? bY i Porte? LAUNDRY CAME BACK TWO vs ne » J SHIRTS Seo TH: ; | WHAT'S ie i | wily, THAT ir LIN Bic LeTTERS LIKE THAT, Se \ JEFF ? [propre AT THE [{DEA of Dirro ! | | e -- Be a | THIS SHIRT cAn'T 6eT / Nor" [LAUNDRY WiLL how THAT'S A [ | means THe sor b= UNDER Wen wene | | BOST IN THE LAUNDRY / | Mey'Re mine. Funny Map! / | SAME AS MISRING. THE ouLy MARK \ SHOEFLE YL Ee . THEY'VE LoST HALE THE FIRST: / THeY BUT ON Your LAUNDRY | rf / MY -ITUFE ALREADY. : ---- IN LomDon 1s A THREAD. (7 \ cE YoU BETTER Do (T, : TUL MARK THiS BATtH CO R WirH SOME [NDIA INK. Cnn WAR SLANG. Some of the New Words Grafted Into Our Language. } As a result of invention, oficial | communi and the humorous nick- naming § cy which has always distinguished the race, the war has brought into common use many words that were unknown five years ago, and has given words that had a limited technical meaning world-wide currency and an expanded applica- tion. How many of them are destin- ed to take a permanent place in the language? Probably not many, be- cause their original and specific meaning is soon lost, as frequent handling removes the inseription of | a coin, and their piquancy ts destroy i ed. We see a notable example in the | word "camouflage," which is prob- ably the most marked case of a French word finding its way into our ordinary speech. Originally it meant the practice in French theatres of burning: paper and causing a smoke in order to heighten an illusion and baffle the audiences. It was mobilized on the outbreak of war to describe the various means by which an army i K th C b W b W y concealed its gums, its headquarters eep e 0 € S a a snd other objects that enemy avia- v tors would be on the watch for. As . we hear it commonly used, it is a : OU know that times are good to-day. ed hat stands fof hy one or all 5 , ish v of half a dozen things. A'weolite man i . ®Wou know that business is humming, that will calla falsehood camouflage, o: ' Sak : - he may apply the term to hypocrisy. your pay envelope comes regularly and is Another will use it as a synonym for well filled. concealment, for deceit, for decep- | tion, for reticence. Which one 0! | : s# these words is it to displace, for I: But do you know Why this is so ? uld appear that jt must displace | : ane of them It It 1a fo survive vate: Canada is prosperous--and you are prosper. Nib Tugtorel by genera uae to I | vis. OU8 -- because the Victory Loan 1918 was Sein AAR Pater Fw successtul, enabling Canada to ive hedit to Another much misused Pres. | : ue 19 Ploct crlors Ir Carrla Another mue misuse en; ) » { result, were ena o place orders in d hat of 4 ial lr the Aviator who. had, ih } {for the goods YOU make. enemy aircraft 10. his credit. P bw | is meant to describe a man w! ) dis | But the proceeds of the Victory Loan 1918 tinguishes himself in any fe ,. 1 seems most popular with .assba are exhausted. : pitchers; a first-class pitcher bein. os . called an ace without any regard ( Great Britain and her allies have more orders the number of his victories. Pres | to place--but they are not yet in a position ently we shall hear of football ace: | and then of hockey aces, meanin; | to pay cash. no more than expert players. "Ba: rage" was made familiar to us earl, | If Canada is to get these further orders, she in the war, meaning no more thal | must extend credit barrier. As "poison gas" we describ | #¥olitical aud other vituperation. A | The Victory Loan 1919 will provide the neces. Joa Ceapect"" To" hear All at x: sary money to establish these credits. * ty" hald § . : : ; = er ly ald in affectionate remem BE ks ty to o aud h . tinue. Therefore every workingman will buy Victory Bonds. ndia. To them it mean Buy to the limit of your ability. Some hast, but Ihe a. - z 3 ; a ; longing for home when one vas di | Keep the cobwebs away because of this poignant meaning i seems destined to survive. One ma. 2 Lad 4 expect the slang of the war to hav : the fate of other siang, not one pe : g q cent, of the new words of Rou J. V. in the Mail y = Empire. Cangda'l Committee Tsswed by ida's Loan Commi a AE Lo, . 5 . LE Te HR NE pln