You Don't Give-- You Lend In deciding how many Viciory Bonds you will buy remember this i important point--you are not giving--you are lending to your country. You are lending at a good rate of interest. You are lending on the highest security. You are lending to maintain your own and your country's prosperity. In your own personal interest you should make strenuous efforts to buy as many Victory Bonds as you possibly can. You couldnt put your money in a better place. You want to save money--everybody does. It's the only way to get ahead. « And Canada needs to borrow your money to bridge the gap from War to Peace. It's your duty to lend. Take the proper view of this Victory Loan. | . Say to yourself--*1 am going to buy all the Victory Bonds I can pay 5 now and in the next ten months." What if it is an effort to pay for them. Look ahead a little. Think of what you will own when your Victory onde 3 are finally paid for. Every cent you pay en your Victery Bonds you lend to your Country--you save! Remember that, and BUY VICTORY BONDS "Every Dollar Spent in Canada"