JHE RESS BY ANNE RITTENHOUSE Coffe, grown in the coal, dey mountmin plantations, is rich in those qualities which give the wonderful fragrance and flavour "SEAL BRAND --the perfect Coffee. Blended and roasted and put into air-tight packages, its goodness and exhil- arsting aroma sealed safe flom the déteriorating air. Ground and fineground. In ¥, r and 2b. tims. Ac good dealers everywhere. Write for "Perfect Coffee -- Perfectly Made" free on request. Chase & Sanborn TRE : {cult p We have a supply of cut hard wood and kindling. J. Sowards Coal Co. weeie Copyright. i The Ormamentation of Bright Flow- ers on Plain Surfaces, Designed By Cheruit, is Being Adopted in America in a Modified Manner. New York.--The house of Cheruit e in Paris to intro- ses on the surface of t took the form of a oldery. It was or: other of the head It was an expensive : best : Paris seem to have spend on clothes rs can introduce and get the price he American dressmak- do not find much diffi- 1ading the public to pay for clothes, so that lemn real roses em- gold on the score of ravagance Hes in the fact that ation is hard to get. It in Paris, and only by therefore, it was a qiffi- of trimming for the Am- arican buyers to secure over They were hesitant about buying a gown ornam ed in this manner he- cause they d that it was a dead weight expense unless they could {copy it and if they placed a large ja df money in sufficient ma- " copying and none of their clients liked the frock, they would be out of pocket It was no pleasure to in this fashion last summer, in Paris were exorbitant, k one is coming to believe ¥ were not as bad as exists to-day n New York. I know of no depart nt shop in Paris that asks two red and fifty dollars for a cloth , ready made. One meets that fce In New York at every turn | winter gow j new kind { iginited by t of the 56 Copying Genuine Flowers. { Each extreme novelty has its fol- {lowers and its imitators. It was only j natural, therefore, that Cheruit's use {of real roses, which sold at prices nd {hothouse bloom ever reached, would | put ideas into other designers' heads | { The result is velvet roses applied | {with an embroidery stitch or a thread Nothing Hastens Recovery Like Vinol Sickness usually leaves the patient. with poor, devitalized blood, and SO nervous and weak that it | often seems as though strength never would return. Vinol createsstren gthbypromoting a hearty appetite, pure blood, sound sleep, thus builds up the weak | ened, nervous, depleted system to health. Here is **The Influenza left me all rundown and 50 weak I could not work. Noth- ing seemed to help me unt my daughter brought me a bottle of Vinol and it accomplished wonders for me as it built me up and restored m stre quickly. I cannot praise it enough.' -- Mrs, Albert tilier, ax, Nova Scotia. ras-down, nerves te pe hisaid pose mo will be delicate returned conditions, weak women, sverworked children, there is remedy like Vinol. if Diol Jails: "Fw sive 3 Proof that Vinot Strength I *'1 was sick for months. appetite and could not seem to getm I told my doctor try Vinol, and be said . 1 found it gave me a good appetite and I elite rapidly gained in Vankleek i i. Nizon, was going to it was fine. men, All classes of high yield investments -- Corporation, Government and Municipal. Private wires--New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto. 'STOCKS----GRAIN----COTTON BONGARD, RYERSON & CO, Phone 1788, . B87 Bagot St. H. J. Bongard, Manager | fabrics 1819, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate) jot silver to such surfaces as chiffon and metallic tissue. The work must be delicately done to be succes It possesses all the danger th embodied in figured built to wi and line th "i over the surface. The large woman displays too many de- signs; the small woman is- swamped by them. If the roses are skeleton. ized, If they are a suggestion in out- merican figure is not. nd splasirings of color DAILY BRITIS IN SPORTS SUITS | Splendid Assortment for Womar | | Fond of Athletics. Pastime Apparel Very Much English in Cut and Fabrio---Knitted Swit May Almost Be Called In dispensable, Tt is established that our most de lightful fashions come from Paris, and it is becoming equally well established | that our sport apparel is English in cut : and fabric. We come to speak of the ! English walking hat, meaning the rath- | | er close-fitting hat with a tall crown | curling up et the sides. English tweeds | | and flannels are a part of every sports-;| woman's vernacular, as suits of these | materials are of her wardrobe. We differentiate between the onlookers and | the real adherents, and recognize the | rights of the latter to be as plainly and | | unbecomingly dressed as the most rig- orous exercise demands, During the last year of the war the knitted sport sults made by hand ap- peared, first in Switzerland at St. Mor- i itz and such places where winter sports | abound. They were instantly accept- ed and were a boon to French and | Swiss makers also, who could thus em- | ploy remuneratively their long winter evenings heretofore given over to lace | making or the fine embroideries, the | demand for which was interrupted by war. Now the knitted suit "3 indls- pensable. The great vogue over here for tricolette and jersey cloth has fun ther stimulated this demand. { © The wool jerseys are ideal, for they | | do_riot rumple or crush and come in | such splendid colors that every taste { may be gratified. Iunters' green Is a | favored color for some reason--Iit al- | ways looks well and does not always | fade as do other brilliant and decided | shades. Nothing 1s more picturesque thas the fashion of topping white | skirts with jersey coats of the most | { brilliant tones imaginable--green, yel- { low, and scarlet seemingly preferred. | Undeniably they make gay color | splotches on the landscape and add to | the summer picture. | | ~ Less serviceable than the wool Jor | | seys are coats of fine faille and silk Evening gown of rose colored chif- fon, with long, gathered side pan els. It is embroidered in roses in the manner invented by Cherui this season. They are applied al over the frock with an embroidery stitch. lime, rather than an actuality, if they are broken by spaces, they have a certain merit and can be adopted by those in search of a variation from a monotonous surface. At the house of Cheruit ihe roses | ware closely placed on the surface of a silver or tulle gown, so close, in | poplin. They are as delicate and re- | fined as the most conservative woman | could ask, and come In such pretty, soft colors as French blue and pale rose, { The coat usually has rather wide { sleeves which open over the blouse {sleeve underneath and are not too | tight. Deep revers cut away in front | a8 a man's dinner coat rolls back at the | sides and now and then one finds a | sash finely fringed and belting in the | walst.--New York Sun. IN TRICOLETTE fact, that they destroyed each other's | beauty. In America the gowns that are trimmed with roses have more lightness of touch, more open spaces, | and, therefore, less cluttering. Lacks Only Fragrance. There is a gown of roses that lacks only the. odor-ef the veose Ht of t rose-colored chiffon dropped over rose-colored net, and aM over its surface are the loose petals of full blown roses. The skirt is short and covered at each side by long, full panels that sweep on the ground Jike trains, The girdle-bodice is held over the shoulders with straps of rose-colored tulle. This gown has been copied in vari- ous colors, but it is not as lovely in any color as in rose. It is difficult to apply rose petals to a surface in a different color, and the public should be well warned of the danger of this before attempting it. THE HOUSEHOLD Edited by Anne Rittenhouse, Good Things to Make if You Have a Frozen Cheese Salad. -- Moisten a cake of cream cheese with cream, and season with paprika and salt. and rub ail thoroughly together. Pack into tiny cake tins, one for each person, put in a covered tin dish or 'box, and pack in salt and ice for three hours.' Serve each cheese mold on a white lettuce leaf with French Grapefruit. --=Remove the pulp from the pe, Broachitis, thma, Ete. a Add a lttle finely minced parsley | | { i i i i i i sit : : if i it 0 PAGE NINE AE ft --Rich in gluten which not only makes the bread rise splendidly but gives it ex- ceptional nour- ishing quality. Ask for it at Your Crocer's A The Cempbell Flour Mills Co.; Limited affiliated with Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited, Toronto A COAST TO COAST SERVICE 20,000 BARRELS DAILY A ror AN i iD 9 " USE SLOAN'S ? Keep It Handy to Promote Prompt Relief From Rheumatic Pains and Aches, HEN you know what Sloan's W Liniment will do, as thou- sands of men and women. the world over know, you. too, will keep it handy. You will use it for those "twinges of rheumatiz," for relieving that lame back, muscle stiffness and soreness, aches, all sorts of external pains and exposure aftermaths, Only takes a little, applied with- out rubbing. tering the congestion, bringing merciful relief to the jumping part. Made in Canada. Three sizes--35¢c., 70c., $1.40. Any druggist has it. If not we'd like to know his name. Sloan's | ESR ARTE IBN 1 4% Soon penetrates, scat- | i { throbbing, | i iy For Year 'Round Service Is a Present Day Necessity, Health statistics absolutely prove that an Ice Box is a household necessity for t%e good of the family's health all year around. Better take this precaution and safeguard your food before it's too late. Here is a complete assortment nl Ie Boxes in all sizes and styles at moderate prices, 3 & HUNTER, 83 and 87 Princess street. To the Women Who Decide the Home Tooth Paste All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities ~ - . £ Free. 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