Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1919, p. 13

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ye be i "ud | THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. » . J No ting NN 2/0, | Zam-Buk's soothing and healing power. "Zam-Buk has been our household balm for fourteen 'years, . and we could not do without it." #ays Mr. George A, Kilburn of Swan Lake, Man, For eczema and skin troubles of all kinds Zam-Buk bas no equal; 1919. "Witnesses of. SHE 1ds the spirit world, It: {18 "the bourne from which no trave/ler | returns." Only by inference and from the Bible do we understand aught of it. Faith alone speaks clearly upon the question of immortality. Even since I penned the opening sentences {of this paragraph the postman has . brought me a pertinent testimony of also for old sores, ulcers, abscesses, { faith in a future life, from the widow botls, pimples, blood-potsoning, piles, |or 4 noble Christian, suddenly strick- cuts, burns, bruises and scalds, jen: "We must be glad for him: for he ~All dealers or Zam-Buk Co, To |i in the presence of the Master he so ronto. G0e. box, § for $1.25. tdearly loved and served; and I am {looking forward to the eternity we am-Bu chall spend together," Wr A Once the gates of glory swung out- ward, to let Moses and Elijah return {to earth for a momentqus visit. The - J silence of eternity was broken The ead 268 Pres Trial Treatment, departed came back, recognizable in No matter how long or how bade their own personality---<what trémend- red spirits, all ministers to mankind fT, 0 to your druggist today and get & ous implieations in that fact!---and and sufferers for their loyalty to God, separated by centuries in their mortal life, foregathered on the towering slope of Mount Hermon and talked of the most important theme in the hist- ory of eternity. Moses and Elijah {wiaged their swift way from celestial {realms to bring comfort and counsel {to a Comrade who was greater than {they, in his hour of soul-strain, {eent box of Pyramid Pile Treats conferred with the living. Three kind- ment. It will give relict, and a single A Message From The Mountain Praveling throtigh northern Syria, one has tie impression of being dominated by Mount Hermon, with its glistening snow-peak, rising nine thousand feet into the elouds. From the Lake ol Galilee, from Nazareth, from Damascus, from Tyre and Sidon fiom the uplands of the Orontes Val- lr y, one sees saver the majestic peak of Hermon the highest mountain of the {Holy duand, the center of counties legends, the depository of the snows [with which gn summer the natives of the lovianis cool their drinks, a source ~f the Jordan, a theme of countless songs--and the scene of ithe transfiguration of Jesus. d { Bomewhere on the reights of this {teautifal moantain the three greatest The Pyramid Smile Froma Single Trial box oftén velleves. A trial package mailed free in plain wrapper if you send us coupon below, FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 571 Pyramid Bldg, Marshall, Mich, {Moses, Eliish and Jesus--kept a Kindly send me 8 Pres sampls of {1ondezvons. All three had been home- Pyramid Pile Treatutent, in plain wrapper, {less, ha ried hunted wanderers, At Bisse iisiasin sits siranioi ni. {uncount «1 cost 'they had borne their {testimony 1 God, All were mountain. lcving men; the name of Moses being | forever asscriated wibh S'nai, that of Elijah with Carmel, and that of Jesus vith the Mcunt of Olives, It was a congenial trysting place at which hey jmet. | Standing cut above ali other cone {siderations in this lesson is the mes. isage that lsaven has comfort for {carth. Cod cares for man's sorrows. {There are resources in the etornal | realm upon which needy mortals may | draw. Messengers from the presence! of the Father above ase available for ministry te mourners below. There, ure not two worlds Awbridgeatly | separated, but only one great universe in all of which God is king. In his sight there is neither time nor space, [he route from his tiicone to man's place of praver is always open; Mt. Iermon is aot far from the gates of elory. WOMAN'S REACHES . TO KNEES A Year Ago Was Threatened With Baldness Tells How She Made Her Half Grow. Mrs. Esther Emery, now visiting friends in the city, is the fortunate Possessor of marvelously . beautiful hair, which, when loosened from its colls, falls to her knees. Moreover, it 18 of soft, silky and fluffy texture and in color a glorious, glossy gold. Yet just one year ago she was threat- efied with baldness. Urged to tell how she had obtained this wonderful growth in so short a time, she said: "Twelve months ago my hair, which then reached barely to my shoulders, was falling out at an alarming rate and growing very thin, factually exposing the bald scalp in Several spots, It was dull and life- 1688 In color, turning grey in patches, and very dry and brittle. My head was covered with dandruff and itehed like mad all the time. I tried fally & dozen different half tonics, but they never did me a bit of good. One day I chanced to read in my home paper of a simple home prescription to make the hair grow that was re- commended by a well-known physi- clan. It said that by taking ordinary Lavona de Composee and mixing with Bay Rum and Menthol Crystals and applying to the scalp each night with the: finger tips that new hair 'would grow very rapidly. 1 decided .%o try it and had my druggist mix 2 ounces of the Lavona de Composee with 6 oz. of Bay Rum and 3% dr. of Menthol Crystals, and started to ase 3 My, how quickly my hair did + First, the hair stopped fall- ing. the itching ceased and the dan- 'draft disappeared. Then tiny little 'hairs appeared all over my scalp. 3 © grew and grew as though no- thing would ever stop them. They | 'are growing yet and, while, of course I have used the treatment steadily | / and expect to continue it, at least 'until my hair reaches the floor. I might have stopped and been perfect. ly satisfied at the end of three months. I think that any voman 'oan get long, thick, beautiful hair by using this preseription as I Fave recommended it to several f..6nds and all are delighted with the result, ; @ prescription is very inexpensive [) and any druggist can fill it." Those who use it should be careful mot to get it on the face or where . the hair is not desired. Down, But Looking ve The background of this Transfg- uration storv was the soul-spentness of Jesus. He had been through the egony of his first Passion, the Fm renunciation and the vision of the cross which had fully come to him at Caesarea Philippi. 80 he took his three closest friencs, Peter, John and James off for a ety 3 bi 2 ot glitude and prayer; on the sl . Hermon. The record runs that "ag he was { things are wrought by prayer than this wold knows:" "I know not by what methods rare; But this I know, God answers prayer, I know that he has given his word Which tells me prayer is always heard And will be answered, soon or late; And so I pray, and ealmly wait, I know not if the blessing sought Will come in just the way I t. But leave my prayers with him alone {Assured that he will grant my Jest, Or send some answer far more h calls "the | What. Sidney Lanier passionate vleasure of prayer" wag! the instinctive recreation of Jesus. | Everything turned him to prayer, and; prayer in the lonely spaces of the open air. On the heights, underneath the trees, he found the Father, and the snswer to his every qui 1, and a fellowship beyond ing earth could give. America's best ot the spiritual significance of nature, Haney tr, has caught the mean ing of the trees for the troubled spirit: 9 "Ye lispers, whisperers, singers in storms, $a Ye consciences murmuring faiths Ye ministers meet for each passion Rrieves, Friendly, sisterly, sweetheart leaves, Oh, rain me down from your darks Wisden Jo winnow from winds that Sift down tremors of sweet-within- sweet advise me of more than { with your myriad wu tured in the air, 244 Pray me a myriad prayer. 1 M ee 8 New thy race : Just to be fellow'd, when that thou hast found i No man with x of bound, : ; © entertain ] thou teii'st| 1 ds.nothing in the world more Serta that, New oh tion: an the mir it | Tis here. i here Shou canst guband be man who breaks the law often that tue law evens things up by The International Sunday School Lesson For Nov. 16th Is, By William T. Ellis. they had entered into the ¢loud. teloud: three remain righ ere on the mount of | special privilege. Like many others i since, they wantdd to maintain life en a level of ecstasy and thrill, pot {realizing that the. rare experience Christ's Glory." resizing pe mal. Instead, the earned that life must be lived, not <n mountain tops, ivuests, hut down on the And breathe it free, and breathe it THE DAILY BRITIS Hh 1 1 the possibility 'possessed by ime] fo tals . el by the spectacle, the . | disciples wanted 0 build booths and : in right th would lose its power if it became nor- | three quickly! with celestial | plain of | H WHIG | From The i {Countryside i i Frontenac leverydayness, where the di d and w|demon-filed and sordid people await {the ministry of those who have been on the heights. ' | tested alike by the mountain top and | by the plain i Before they wemt down, however | the disciples had the added jest: & we Voi hich declared, that Jesus, taking with him Peter, | ime? a the Son Rosen Sac. 'chn, and James, went up the moun-|y gg vo him" More fortifying to ber 2 ray. And while Jie Was DIaY- | ¢peis hearts than even the vision of ing, the appearance h ce "1 ga sho rats s the assurase went a charge, and his clothing ber | ae transfiguration was the assuraice : tia suddenly | that" their ever-present Leader was came white and radiant, And faddenty | rone other than the Son of God. It there were two men conversing with h 3 iwas he who would help them through kim, who were Moses and Elijah. They |, experiences of the coming days ame in glory, 'and kept speaking! tatian Rosntti od + 'bout his death, which ne was so soon {AS Christian Rosetti prayed: to undergo in Jerusalem. Now Peter. end the others were weighed down |r with sleep; but, keeping themselves! awake all through, they saw his glory, | and the two men standing with him. And when they were preparing to de- Wh, didet ent with some that waih- rart from him, Peter said to Jesus, | od not before meat Rabbi, we are thankful te you that (hy iver us from fastidiousness; we are here. Let us put up three tents | Who didst condont Samaritan inhos< --one for you, one for Moses, and oné| pitality, for: Elijah. {Deliver us from affront taking; , "He did not know what he was say- | \ho ids provide the sacred Did- ing. But while he was thus speaking, | rachine there ¢ame ga cloud which ppread OVer i Doliver us from offense giving; them; and they were awe-struck when | yw, having called didst recall Saint Then'| Peter there came a voice from within the Deliver us trom soreness: | Who didst love active contemplative Mary, Deliver us from the respect of per- sons; ; free, By rangy marsh, in love sea-liberty. The Story Itself The Lesson Story of the Transfig- ration, as told Tin The Weymouth translation, is as follows: "It was about eight days after this Jesus, who didst $ouch the leper, Jeliver us from antipathies; Who didst dwell among the Naza- renes, Deliver us from incompatibility; " "This is My Son, My Chosen One: listen to him.' "After this voice had spoken, 'Je- | sus was found alone. Deliver 'us. whil "They kept it' fo themselves, and {7100 who givest today and promis taid not a 'word to any one at that | est not tomorow." time about what they had seen." i 3 -- ion. | BUDGET FROM YAR Vindicated and Vietorious i GET PROM YAR That mountain-top experience had| a meaning for Moses and Elijah, as well as for Jesus and the three. Those KER. Heavy Rains Have Delayed Farmers In Their Plowing. One's religion is Martha and} 5 ar e it is Walled today, | representatives of Gol upon earth-- | the sermons of preachers theme which engaged the interest of the ambassadors semt from heaven to carth to intefview the Saviour him- and inane "mes ss" from the other world, this oh as pray- | dignified, reserved and majestic. It ing" the trunsgfiguraiion fell. "More w owhits all who follow in the train of Jesus the transfi which seemed to draw aside the outer veil of flesh whie't hid the vpiritual personality of Jesus, so that the shining fi soul was revealed, was but a glimpse "Oh, if thy soul's at latter gasp fon! : With trying to breathe no bigger than : room, or grace enough, stout prophets of an older day had and tasted bitternbss and despair. | Now their reward had come. Among all the heroes of héaven there were! found no others ko well qualified for| the supreme task of comforting the Christ as they. Moses, Elijah and Je- sus were congenial spirits. All had ravailed for the people and the glory of Jehovah, Now, in a fellowship' that ignored the ages--such, indeed, is the "Communion of saints" and the spirithal unity of the centaries--they were lifted up to a new level of spiritual apprehension. All the world has wondered what the five supreme pesce commissioners in Paris talked about, and how, Mystery envelops the intimate ccn- versations of the great. But we are not left in doubt concerning this con- versation between Moses, Elijah and desas. There was only one theme worthy of the oecasion~-the approach- ing death of Jesus at Jersusalem. It kad been the burden of the Master's self-elevatior of his diseiples, 1 was the topi: that supremely engrossed cternity, Gud himself, the redeemed spirits of the heavenly realm, ihe angelg and ministers in glory, are most of all interested in the sacrifice of the 8 4 of God: it has been reveal- ed that the eternal chorus of the new song about 'he throne is an Sterigtion to the Lamb that was slain. It is rather strange, isn't it, that in con- ferences of Christin leaders, and in of the Gospel, we do not hear more of the self ? A Glimpse or Possibility Compared with "spirit-rappings" Transfiguration story is a foretoken of the glory that ration experience radiant bre and texture of his {He in Yarker, Ont, Nov. 13.--The re | i cent rains have delayed the farmers | in plowing on the low land. The Will-| ing Workers of the Anglican chureh | held a social evening in A. W. Ben- | jamin's hall last Wednesday even-| ing. The entertainment included | dancing and card playing. The. pro- | ceeds amounted to $43.00 i Wilbur Wilson has purchased a! new horse from George Watson, of | Petworth. A number from here at- | tended confirmation service in St | Luke's church, Camden East last Sunday. PRishop Bidwell, of King: ston, officiated. The Bishop also preached im St. Anthony's church, Yarker, at the afternoon service. The Standard church of America | is holding service in 8. DD. Bab-| ¢ock's hall each evening. Messrs. | Connolly and Waddell being in charge of the services. A num- ber from here have been attending the revival meetings Weld in the Methodist Church, Colebrook, My. Clark, a former resident, having charge. A number from hers have gone deer hunting to the north. Miss Eva Craig, of Verona, visited Mrs. D. A. Stewart recently. J. W. Brown of Marlbank, called on hls sister, Mrs. D. A. Stewart, recently. Patrick Tuepah's son, Kenneth, was taken to the Hotel Dieu last Sun- day, {ll with typhoid fuver. He is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Erwell Boulton, of Lapum, Have moved to the village for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Button and son are spending a month with friends at Eldorado. Miss Hawley, Camden East, spent & day recently with her aunt, Mrs. Williamson. Elwood Hol- land has secured a position in the Merchants Bank, Yarker, Miss Blanche Wilson, Kingston, spent the week-end at her home here. The Farmers' Club unloaded a car- load of grain at the station this week, Mrs. Dolby and son Harry bave gone to visit ber mother in Pet erboro. Mrs. J. T. Main has gone to Kingston to visit friends. Arthur Shultz has moved to one of Mrs. Felix Benjamin's houses, near the C. N. R. station. Stuart Connelly, of Montreal, spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ewart and son, alse Mrs. Ewart's mother, have moved from Kirby, Sask. Mr. Bwart has gone to Montreal, where he se- cured & luc ¢ position. Win Storms Bas gone to Oshawa, where he has secured a position. -------- Doings At Delta. Delta, Nov. 10.---Mrs. W. Payne, Briastone, is a guest of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Murray. Mrs. A, : and Miss L. Whitmore, Philipsville, were guests of rriends Rére on Monday. Mrs. B. Forsyths, dreendush, is & guest of ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Suffell Miss F. gh Spent She yednond at her home ugusta. Daytown, spent The Traill-Haley Nuptisls on Wed- tf rs plo from her .{15 the order of the day district. Quite an in | BUNKER'S HILL. { Nov. 12.-~A Free Methodist {ehurch is being erected ~ at Deyo's | Corners. The roads are in a bad | condition as a result of the heavy { rains. T. Babcock shipped some | igheep from Godfrey Station last | { we A. Hoppins is putting up a | new stable. Richard Wilson is In | i the back country prospeeting for | | mica. Banford Leeman is cutting | i wood. B. Hoppins and wife are at | | Richard Wilson's. | OBO STATION | Nov. 7.---~Miss Laura and Luella Conboy are visiting friends at Moun- | ain Grove, The many friends of Mrs. i { Lewis were ' sorry to hear of her | {| death. The sympathy of the commu- | nity is extended to the bereaved fa- | mily. Miss Wilson spent the #eek- {end at Joseph Warren's. Samuel ! Swain, Glenvale, spent Sunday at { John Crawford's. The young people | [are practising for a concert to be | { held in the school In the near future | OUTLET. Nov. 11.--W. J. Running has sold his farm to Willard Hall. Everett A Reed, Athens, and Miss Myrtle Reed, | (Kingston, both spent the week-end | | under the parental roof. Miss Hazel! { Yates, Athens, was a week-end guest jof Miss Myrtle Redd. Clarence Cross {| went to Kingston on 8aturday to at- {tend the convention there. Mr. and | Mrs. John Reed and ramily spent Sun- {day at George Heed's, 'Warburton. { Miss Maé Jamieson returned to King-! William Bradley hag! ille for a few days. | Warburton, was a re-| or at his home here. | | ston last week fone to Ellisv Glen A. Reed, cent visit | | Prince Edward | BONGARD'S, i Nov. 10.--Missionary service will| be held at the church here next Sun-| day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. W. H.| Kingsley were recent guests at Tao-| mas . Bongard's, Mrs. M. M. | Brown has returned gh Picton after fn! visit to her brother, ®. W. Hicks, C.| Storms and family were at Cressy on | Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Tobey, | Pleton, were visitors at this place re-| cently. Miss Mabel VanDusen and | friend, of Picton, were guests at Mrs. | Shepard's on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. | I. B. Lucas entertained friends from | Napanee over the week-end. Mr. and | Mrs. Thomas Bongard spent Sunday | last 8t W. Hughes', Waupoos. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hicks entertained a number of their friends to diner re- cently. Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Clar- ence Pierce, a daughter, -------- (Eemmor and Addington STE " Nov. 13.--Many of the farmers have completed thelr fall ploughing. Owing to the mild weather the stock is still out on pasture, foh is a great benefit to the winter feed situation. Good prices were realized at Hugh Glenn's auction sale of fam, stock and implements on Thursday last. The Amherst Island Farmers' Club made their first ship- ment of stock to Toronto on Friday last, comprising about thirty-five head of cattle, a number of sheep and some hogs. They were shipped t oBath per steamer Brockville, thence to Ernesttown Station, where they were taken in charge by the Odessa Farmers' Club, who are look- ing after that part of the business. D. H. Filson has taken charge of the stock shipping business until they arrive at the station for the club. John Marshall, Ottawa, has returned home after spending two weeks vaca- tion here. ry Lodge; No. 2, P. A. P. B., held its annual ball in Vie- foria Hall on Friday evening last. Good music was furnished by Sals- bury's orchestra. The hall was packed to the doors. Lubeh was pra vided by the membefs., Mrs. 8. L. Pringle is Spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. BE. Ada, Ottawa, PF. Addis has returned home from Fenelon Falls, where he has operating a cheese factory during the season. AT FERGUSON FALLS. Ferguson Falls, Nov. 12.--Her : has re ~ recent | . Threshing round this i t has or 1t Ts of the Wi do NES Catarrh of the nose ur throat when it becomes chronic Because of their 'high temper' 4 STARR MFG. CO., LIMITED DARTMOUTH, NOVA SCOTIA Torente Branch 177 Wellington St. Wose The Swagger ~~ Young Man Will be highly pleased with our $8.00 and $10.00 Shoes. They are the swellest and most satisfactory Shoes produced by any manufac- turer. The styles are just right and not a freak o fashion omitted, and , the price is as low as the best grade Shoe can be sold. The young man, with a desire to wear elegant Shoes, can Be satisfied to his entire satisfaction. Made in Mahogany and Gun Metal : Calf. JH. Sutherland &Bro "HOME OF GOOD SHOES" been made on the school. The réof has been reshingled. Quite a num- ber from here attended the Y. 0. B. dance at Drummond Centre Hall last Friday night, and report & good time. Last Wednesday the home of N. Haley was the scene of a happy event, when his daughter, Elizabeth (Bess), and Howard Tralll, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Trail, were united in the holy bonds of matri- mony: Rev. Mr. Brunet, of Clayton, officiated at the ceremony. The young couple were the recipietts of many beautiful presents. They left on the evening train for Hamilton. Best wishes are extended from all 'for a long and happy wedlock. Wil liam Rothwell is spending a few days at Toronto. . A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr! and Mrs. Anthony Nov. 22nd. A dime tea will "two minute silence' 10 show py hye A Day was observed in the * in fined to French cri Buen § { Somes peopls le a here. Mr. and Mrs. George Code, of Toledo, have moved dol e Donat son property. Mr. and Mrs. ar! Ayland, who went to England last spring, have returned to Frankville Mrs. W. N. Hanton is slowly recovér- ing from Mer fliness. Mrs. Carrol Livingstone has returned home from Brockville, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Yates spent Sunday at Jas Hewitt's. Mrs. William Bhnis {8 visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. A. I Teacodk Jagper. Rev. M. B. Stuart and bride are expected herd next 'week. 5 » ---- Cobden; Nov. 13.--To the village of Cobden, sixteen miles from Reg. frew, with a population of about $00, istinotion hetongs the pro a bay. ters, Ing the first completed solditrs' me- in Canada." 2 mortal hall The e hall, situated on the main street of the village, was opened on Tuesday afterncos by Major-General Sir Edward M gre ¢ occasion, a holiday being observe Reeve W, J. Connelly, who 66 that the 3 for $60. 6 address The village bu $a be prdud of the spied French, self-taagh' a they oat

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