THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1910. - ei |FevewTTe Tree -_ FOR Solid Brick House; 7 rooms; im rovéments; built 4 years: i ¥ mediate possession; centrall quired $1,000, y ke A THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. SALE me cated. Price $2,450. Cash re- 56 Brock Street The Cool Weather Is a forerunner of Fall and Winter and a sure Indication that you will soon be wanting a-- HOT WATER BOTTLE We can supply them with one and two year guarantees at a price to sult your pocket-book. HOAG'S DRUG STORE OPP. YMCA, KINGSTON, ONT. N.B.~~On and after October 1st, we will close our store at 8 p.m, Saturdays excepted. Pearl A. Nesbitt, L.T.CM. ORGANIST Teacher of Singing and Plano Studio: 449 Johnston Street. A A tg gt AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY There Will Be Sold by Public Auction ----O Te WEDNESDAY, THE 10th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1919 At twelve o'clock noon, by H. L, Bed~ ford, Auctioneer, at his Auction Rooms, | at the corner of Queen and Bagot Streets, Kingston, the following lands: Two frame house known ag numbers 8 836 Mont- real Street in city of King- ston, being composed of part of lots number seven and eight the west side of Montreal street, between James and Charles Streets as laid down on the plan of of part of farm lot . ieorge O'Kill Stuart by . dated October 2 ' the Registry Fronténac on Sept fre two good frame the property in good répair at rented for sixteey dollars a mont and premises on The property will be offered for subject to a reserved bid. Terms: Ten per cent. of sale and the balance within thirty days of sale thereafter. In all other respects the 'terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario. A substantial amo of the purchase money will be allowed to remain on mortgage. Further particulars can be had from-- cash at G.W.V.A. (Incorporated) General Meeting--Mondars at 7.30, Band practice, Tuesdoys, = pm. ODE, 2nd and 4th Thursdays. BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER is now bouking farm and stock sales | Frontenac County. List sales early an secure choice of dates, 124 QUEEN ST, KINGSTON Phone 1721. Ml WE SELL ON EASY Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Men's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, Jewelery, Suitcases, etc. 'N. Morris, 374 King St. EL ------ NOW OPEN! The Marrison Studio is Ready for Business Portraiture, Commercial Work Copying, Enlarging, Etc. Phone 1318w. 92 Princess Street Anything --Any Time--Any Place 5 We wish to announce to the public that we have moved to 222 WELLINGTON STREET "corner of Queen Street, where Wwe are better equipped to sup- ply your wants ine AUTO TIRES AND 1 + ? lve Wa Have you written those Setters? heat. KING & SMYTHE, 71 Clarence St, Kingston, | Dated at Kingston, this 5th day of November, 1813. NOTICE Having purchased the Fruit and Candy business of George Athanasos Polos, 354 Princess Street, I will take i Possession on November 22nd. Mr, Athanasopolos will pay all Counts to that date. Your patronage kindly solicited. GEO. WHEELOCH, er Ar ris QUICK'S BARGAIN DAY Stewing Beet .......15¢, I. {lil | Choice Shoulder Roasts 20c..1h. Jil | Choice Pot Roasts . ...20c. Ib, Choice Creamery Butter 63c¢ 1b. Choice Lamb, Pork, Bacon, etc, Don't forget our sale to-morrow tie QUICK"S WESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STREET ac- URI A TALKING MACHINES All makes of Phonographs cleaned, repaired, adjusted. Parts for all makes supplied, | expert workmanship, moderate | charges, quick service. 3M. EATRICK 1 yden it. Phone 2056), Th A. GRAY Photographer wishes to announce that he has 1 taken over the Photographing Business of W. L. Richardson, 151 Wellington street, and is now prepared to do first class work in this line. ! Workmanship guaranteed. PHONE 1738.' ahh b b v . Ahh A Better get busy now the Xmas rush, A iv We can supply you with excellent ¥alue of NOTE PAPER in bulk at A5¢c. a quire and also in boxes 25c. 'ap. a i Prouse's Drug Store PHONE 82. at if eyes need it--you owe it to yourself to have good eyesight "You owe it to your family. . "We are competent. We do all our work on the premises and can give the best | i H i | these cells. ' Phites- bearing Tite inscripiions wil County of Frontenac Ee SEALED TENDERS, marked Ten- der on the envelope will be received at the Office of the County Clerk, Kingston, up to 12 o'- on Saturday, November 22nd, 1018, for the undermentioned supplies, for the County Gaol, from December 31st, 1919, to Decem 31st, 1930, both days inclusive. » Barley, Oatmeal, § { £ If i ; bus. oe § : rT ily Soap and Electric .» hand threshed straw e J. W. BRADSHAW, Kingston, Ont., Nov. 12th 10, : books and be have been collected and i» THE DAILY BRITISH GRAND To-night, Fri., and Sat. ' Big Double Programme | 15--Reels Best Pictures--13 Pauline Frederick, in "One Week of Life" "And Another Big Feature Picture Comediey and Other Reels Superior Vaudeville Daiiy 2.30 , Evg at 7.30 10c. & 15c. | 15¢. & 25¢. TUESDAY, NOV. 18th ONE NIGHT ONLY! {F. RAY COMSTOCK AND MORRIS | GEST, PRESENT THE MOST WONDERFUL PLAY IN AMERICA GREATEST TEACHER A IN THE Slander WORLD, Now in Jts Sixth Season Company of 82--10 'Big Scenes 2 Carloads of Scenery PRICES | 25¢, 50¢, T5¢, $1.00, $1.50 Seats on Sale Saturday PNET E38 A BE 0H A AY, Foedynony © LINA CAVALIER The World Famous Prima Donna in Loves Conquest JOE MARTIN The Only Monkey Comedian in the World. VOD. A. VIL | Leading Vaudeville Acts in Pictures. | Pn dank SUNSHINE COMEDY FE LAST SHOWING TO-DAY. NAZIMOVA In the $250,000 Producilon ¢ 9" "The Red Lantern From the Novel by Edith Wherry, LARRY SEMON sof "BETWEEN THE ACTS" First Evening Performance .7 sharp Second Evening n 9.10 sharp ties 'FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY The Dynamic ~=in the-- "FOUR FLUSHER" A Metro Quality Picture WHIG CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 10 & word. Bach eon- Beoutive insertivn thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion. 250; three insertions, 80c; six, 31; one month, $3. . The above rates are for cash onlzi | When charged they ars double. i i HELP WANTED. | MACHINIST. C. LIVINGSTON & BRO. ---------- tiem mar---- | DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY WHIT- ney Hotel. ---- | COOK. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, { Y.W.C. A. H WASHER AND SCRUB WOMAN, Apply Hotel Randolph. FOR GENERAL HOUSE. Apply 90 Barrie. FOR STORE. APPLY 102 Princess street. | A mar work. ; | GIRL AT TWO HOLUSEMAIDS FOR ROCKWOOD Hospital. Apply to fhe Matron. WOMAN AND TWO Apply Fronténac Club. MESSENGER BOY WANTED, APPLY Veterans Clothing Store, 244 Prin- cess street A KITCHEN waitresses, PEOPLE'S FORUM [= $10 A DAY IS BRING BMARNED BY our agents right through the Fal! gelling our high class Personal Greeting Xmas. cards in apare © full time. Save our customers 26 per cent. No outlay or experience Write Modern Art Co. Toronto. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR making $50 to $75 weekly, from now unitl Christmas, introducing "Canada's Sons and Great Britain in the World War." Written by Canadians from battlefield notes and official records. Introduction by General Currie. Authentic, com- plete story of Canada's glorious re- cord. Unuswal opportunity for re- turned soldiers and others; Charles | Marshall made $120 first 19 hours: Mr. Peel averages over 50 orders weekly. Spare time may be used. Outfit free. Winston Co., Toronto. Sr ste oy MALE HELP WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK. /¢ need you to make socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. Experience unnecessary. Distance immaterial. Positively no can- vasaing. Yarn supplied Particu- lars de. stamp. Dept. 24C, Auto Knitter Co, Toronto. AN EXPERIENCED COOK; GENER AL. Apply Mrel' F. y. Brigstocke, 7 Wellington street. EXPERIENCED MAN FOR GROCERY department ihone other need apply Anderson Bros. LimgJted. YOUNG WOMAN, IMMEDIATELY, FOR diet kitchen. Apply to Housekeep- er, General Hospital, {| TWO INSIDE WIREMEN. >... 8 APPLY TO . Grahfim, Electrical Contract- or, 347 Alfred street. A GOOD BOY FOR GROCERY DELAV. ery. Apply "Baker's Groeéry, cor- ner of Princess and' Frontenac sts. 3 YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WO. man for general housework; to sleep at home preferred. Apply 243 Brock street. ee eee A STENOGRAPHER., MUST HAVE expe n Apply in person. James m & Sons, Limited, King and Willdam Streets, EXPERIENCED SALESLADY; NONE other meed apply. One with some lence in bookkeeping prefer. Apply to H. E. Braden, Cala~ bogie, Ont. MAID FOR GENERAL WORK1¢ small flat; family of three; no laun- highest wages. Telephone 1385, or apply Box Y-13, Whig Of- DOI, GOOD WAGES; small fam! comfortable home; references required. Apply to Miss TLaicas, Elmtree House, Undon street, corner AlWington Avenue, Ea | RELIABLE MAN TO CANVASS CITY for fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, etc. Part time or steadily; ral eommission; outfit free. Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co, i Ridgeville, -Ont. T LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME or steddily--seiling our guarantesa trees and piants. Outfit free. Lib eral commission. Brown Brothers | Company, Nurserymen, Limited i Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario, i WANTED -- PUPIL NURSES, TWO } Years' course. Uniform, Board, Room, Laundry and extras provid- ed. " High School education not compulsory, Woman's Hospital, 460 E. 33nd St, Chicago, I1L STONRECUTTERS AND PLANERMAN - wanted. Steady work for good men all winter in well heated shop. ? # 75¢. per hour; planerman, 86¢c. per hour. Central Candda Stone Company, Limited, Sarnia, Ontario. WANTED, TWO OR THREE MEN WHO are capable to rum engines, hoist and mining equipment; must be able to make . running repairs. State wages with references; com- 'pany boards. British American Feldepar, Tiehborne, YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN Telegraphy. ' Taught thorough! and quickly. Positions secured. Day and night classes. par. ticulars apply. Instructor, Third Toor, Windsor Block, 205 Princess strest. Bde hd ited ii di bt Bh th be bd TETTateeY bl a bb 8 Strong. relable boy to learn bP newspaper press work. chance 'to learn a trade. bh Press Room, Whig Office. p Py ABB ed ried Bed old de bd Sod hk A TET TTETTTTITITTeT TT eTeoY TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED THA 8. Wolfe Island, ing sa s R ron a. to J. W. Milos + RoR. Noi 1, Niles, Seo'y- Wolfe Island. TeVeeYwewTw wv FOR SALE, RADIATOR COVERS---MAKE YOUR SATURDAY, IN FRONT oF Weldron's store, & folding: packet book, containing | | small 'amount of change, | Owner may have same by calling at $25 Brock street FAIR OF GOLD RIMMED SPEC. tacles, Tuesday afternoon in Steacya store. Owwmer may have same by applying at above store. A SMALL KEY NEAR SAR. gent's store. Owner May have same by calling at the Brit- ish Whig Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVE. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do 80 by reporting the facts to | The Brigish Whig. The adver. i tisement' will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not In. clude lost d-gs. cattle, horses, ete. These, If lost, may be ade vertised for in the Lost" column POSITIONS WANTED. NO, Ri4064 PTE. JOHN BERRY, LATE 6th Fleld Ambulance, France, seeks a steady position. Write John jerry, Enterprise, Ont. SITUATIONS VACANT. $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREET- ing card sample book free: repre- sentatives making five to ten dol- lars daily. Bradley-Oarretson Com- pany, Brantford, Ontaric WANTED GENERAL, WANTED TO RENT A HOU sirable tenants; no child ply Box X-12, Whig Office. WIDOW, WOMAN WANTS WORK BY the day, house cleaning or wash- ing. Apply Box U-11, Whig Office, WANTED-TO BUY, 7 TO § ROOMED modern houss, in good locality. $3,-! 500 to $4,500. Apply Box P-8, Whig | Office; BY MARRIED MAN WITH CHILDREN, | four furnished rooms, © till Je Apply Box W-12, Whig Of- ce, TO RENT A HOUSE BY NOVEMBER 1st; unfurnished. Will pay $40 or A GENTLEMAN'S NEW KID PEARL GOOD GAR str A April {| STRAYED, FROM 1¢ SYDENHAM ST. { a black and white Fox Terrier Pup with collar. Please return to above *88 or phone 1388w or 356. GLOVE, on Tuesday afternoon, near John Son and Alfred streets Finder please leave at Whig Office. es emeary - A BROOCH, WITH SALMON COLORED | stone and amall gold band; valued fig a keepsake, Finder Please re- | turn to 134 Rideau street, and re. | ceive reward. STICK PIN, BETWEEN | Clergy and Colborne to London Life Insurance. Finder kindly re- | turn te, L. H. Marchand, 44 Col- | borne and receive reward. { ¥ { TO-LET. AGE. APPLY 301 EARL LARGE GARAGE AND A GOOD | stable. Apply 239 Elim slreet, | Pe i [ ONE FRONT BEDROOM, FURNISHED, conve Phone lent 1584w, to busttiess section, | STORAGE ¥OR FURNITURE; CLEAN | and dry. Appl E. E. Wathen, | 143+ Nelson wires. Phone 1391j. 0 a month. Apply to Box D-15, 'Whig Office. STORM WINDOWS PUT ON AND CAR- penter repair work done. Drop a card to. E. J. Kelly, 301 . Barrie street, TWO LADIES, THREE OR FOUR rooms, with conveniences, for light housekeeping.' Appiy Box 20, Whig Office. SEVEN ROOMED use; modern conveniences; good locality; possession Jan. lst. Ap- ply Box T-10, Whig Office: - \ WANTED, ABOUT hoor Y i fe ri WANTED---A FURNISHED HUUSE a good locality, for desirable tenant. No children. Apply J. K. Carrot} FIRST OLASS ROOMS BRICK HOU: STORAGE FOR ¥ and dry. M STORAGE FOR FUR BOARD, | all mprovements; centrall - oosts Apply 2438 Brock street. i ON COLLINGWOOD | street. rovements; gas. Ap- Ply 39 Beverly street, Kingston. | a | URNITURE, CIHAN | cCann's Real Barats | Agsney, 38 Brock street. Fnone | 326 or | NITURE, CLEAN our own lock and | yO Storage, 209 Phone 626; res. 989, | : | dry, airy rooms; deep Brest OR Queen street, LEGAL, Agency, 56 Brock street. Phone 68. WANTED TO PURCHASE, BRICK B. CUNNING and Solicitor, ence street. BARRIS Law office, 10 Cars house, with modern conveniences, 'Will pay from $3500 to $4500 cash, Apply Box A-13, Whig Office. BECOND-HAND UPRIGHT =p for cash or In part payment of how pianos and grafonoiss, C, W. Ling- say Limit 121 Princess street. WANTED, BY LADY STUDENTS, TWO iwell heated 'and furnished bed- oma vith use op kitohen for light ousekeeping. tate rice. '¥F-3, Whig Office. ? x PERSONAL. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR BARRISTER and Solicitor, Law office, eorner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Phone 1599, FINANCIAL Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange and Strange, Agents. Phone 325. - HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS any all growths and skin blem« isaes Semated permanently, with. Jul gear; ears' experienca, lwp |: Elwver™y, Lake Eye, Far, X Throat and Skin Specialist, P84 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING - CALL OR DROP A TO + Galina!" Tpheletan D 21s Taadi sl W,. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. FRONTENAC LOAN MISS G. CARR-HARRIS, AND INVEST. ment Soclety; -invarported 1361, * President, W. F. Nickle, K.C:; vice- resident, 2h, Cunningham, oney issued on citr and farm Brogerites. municipal and county ebentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for gale: de osits received and Interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, $7 Clars énce street, Kingston. MUSIO. PUPIL OF Mrs. Harvey Chown; teacher of iano and theory. Pupils prepared or the Toronto Conservato of Music examinations. Studio' 28 Mack street. Telephone 1502w. DENTAL. KNAPP, BA. LDS. Dos. shies 10 Princess Street. Phone AR, DE . DEWAR, NTIST, DR. GO| IN OC. street, nea ots it 0 near hy Ven. 3 ¥ to Anson + R. R. No. SPARKS, DREN. DRS. SPARKS a pt 2 RE ok ove POWER, SON AND DR Lec! Mo * " ARURITEOP ARCH. k be. Wellington nis' Ban Coraar Brock and streets. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF | FARM, car start eaay. Judson's Auto Tops, Brockville. i PANDORA RANGE FOR SALE iN first class condition. Apply 86 Clergy street. 1 HALL HEATER, IN GOOD CONDI. tion: cheap to quick buyer. Aber- nethiys Shoe Store. soLip BRICK HOUSES, NOS. 250 AND 352, King Street East. Apply F. MH. Macnee, 148 King Street West. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TT selections; your own cholge, $36. Terms, §6 cash, $1 per week, C. W, lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St HARD AND SOFT BRICK FOR SA in large or small quantities. App E. BE. Wathen, 143 Nelson stre 'hone i391Jd. or 818. HOUSE AND LOT, WITH BARN,; NINR rooms; nicely situated in Bath vile lage. For particulars address Mrs. Si , ©0, Wm, Ungar, Napanee GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE, DO. Ing a urst class business. Store built most sanivary. Building and stock sold together. Apply: Bex V » Whig Office. 5 USED PIANOS AND ORGANS; ALSO Phonograph Boxes; good for packs Ing cases. © Apply Plano Departs ment. R. J, Rodger, Jeweler, Prin cess street. FORD COUPE, LATE MODEL, BLEC- tric starter, tires almost new, or would take car in trade; a snap, 194 University Avenue; cor. Barl Phone 457w. -- er A s---- FOR SALE-74 WELLINGTON ST. lately occupled by Juhn MoMahon; lot 656x120 feet; all modern im- Provements; hardwood floods, Ap ply on premises. ene econ er ---------------- A SOLA WATER FOUNTATN, IN Goon condition. = A bargain for a quick buyer. Apply mMyversity Dry Store, corner of Johnson street ang University Avenue, good second gand stoves. Any and furniture Pay highest 43% Princess turngture and Sraon naving stoves bo, spose of, we wil) 3 . Thom treet. Dhue 1 ow' TIRES--$3.00 COVERS FOR 83.50; tubes from §1 up; aiso Dbleycles from §40.60 up; prompt attention given to all kinds of bicycle repair work, also bloycles two rent, week or month. Geo. Muller, 3/1 873 King street. Phone i032w. { INSTANT CORN AND CALLOUS RE lief; no pain; no bleeding; no loss of time. 15 cents each, mail prepaid. No cepted. Address Instant Callous Relief Co. ha Division street, Kingston, Ont. GOOD, GENERAL PURPOSE MARE; sound and kind In every way; run- about buggy, set of single harness; cutter, delivery waggon; also a 250 Egg . Chatham Incubator an Brooder; cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ply 401 Division street, city. OF 160 ACRES, 75 ACRES first-class tillable land, balance pasture and wood, well fenced and watered, in the Township of Stor rington. Good frame house, ee« ment basement with new furnace, with drive house and kitchen at- tached. Barn 30 X 42, with under ground stone stables; hay barn x 42; hog pen, two ben houses, all In good repair, on Perth road, near Lopghbore Lake bri from Kingston, 1% e8 to school, cheese factory and village of In- verary. Possession in Spring. $5,« 000 will buy #t as I am unable to work it any longer. Apply to Wm, Harpell, Brinsvilie, Ont. BATEMAN'S MEAL ESTATE AGENCY RICK HOUSE; 10 ROOMS; improvements; herdwood floors stable. i A YY #0000--PRESSED JHoysm; ALL ; §00d garden; rear entrance; beautitul locaty : . 25 LOTS FOR SAL 0 DOWN AND Feit five dollars per month. { 100-~DWELLING 8 ROOMS; LARGE ° lot and outbullgy £ --- : $2200~FRAME DWELLING; dmprovements; nearly ne 1600--FRAME DWELLING! 7 ROOMS; ! improvements; large lot and sta RICK VENEER; 7 ROOMS) SRI HRION a good Joecation. CAST; 8 ROOMS; improvements. 159 Wellington St. + Phone S06W. I CII WHEN YOU WANT see en Belby, Fo Capit i University Avenue. 6 HOOMS, Ww. ROUGH right of way cressing the capital stock of the com- 'pany from the sum of $100,000 to $150,000, by the fssue of an addi. a mon Brock of $100 emch, © 'Ww. 7 cnoTuERs, W, J. CROTHERS, Ir, oi