PAGE TEN RENEE NNER NEERERS YE ENRNN om ---- rN AL i tgs tgn =f Here's a good old-fashioned, ballad song that's making one of the biggest so stimental hits on record. denry Burr sings the appealing words and beautiful melady with sincere end tender féeling. Coupled with "Waiting" (from "Listen Lester"), by Chasles Flarrison. "TELL. ME" Fox Trot "BREEZE" IRISH JIGS Accordion HRISH REELS Best-selection of'R ecords Betw Montreal Foxslrot........ le "Take Me Back to Canada" "Hearts of the World" Quartette Accordion A-2786--90c Other Good Records * A2783 i' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG In the World of Sport CARPENTIER TELLS TRAINING METHODS Always Keeps His Opponent fore Him--An Earnest Worker. From the day on which I com- mence to tram [ have my opponsat { always before me. I evoke him and I attack his phantom. 1 battle against him with all my { Strength, and with ail the resources I have. In & word, I act as if my vis-a-vis were real and not fictitious Georges Carpentier. An intensely interesting article, by Georges Carpentier, describing how | he trains for a big fight, appears in a fecent number of the magazine. Lec | tures Pour Tous. ; In view of his forthcoming wmeet- ing with Beckett, thousands of peo- ple will be glad to know something of the great French boxer's methods, and I translate the purport of what te writes on the subject. In this article is revealed a man who is mot only skilful and courage- oys Tn the ring, who not only fights #%ith his brains as well as with his igts, but who adopts a certain men- tal attitude which distinguishes him from 5 average pugilist § soon as a match is arranged for I him he forces himself, as he puts mentally to Bain an advantage over | 1 adversary "From tl ddy on which I commence to train," he says 90 "I have him always before me . R4043 .90 Al917 .90 een Toronto and NEYO RG dee ore a WITH YOU? IE Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. 88 Princess St. tn PHONE 529. NN i iad - Rita INEREUENERESNEERR Wr rr a All Camada is the natural home of the Qame, but New Brunswick, Quebec. Ontario and Manitoba afford the best of Canada's big moose hunting. ~iiThere are two I followed in Durie hunting-- "calling" and "sti unting." i first method is the one wed, but there is Tare satisfaction in tracking. Absolute silence is one' great essential in still. huating and stalking must be wind." : the rutting season the done "up The tratks of a bull mosse can be readily sting ui from those of the cow. The {férmer are rounded and blunt--the cow's long painted; between proton bere ions filles ww evoke him and I attack his phdntom I battle gains him with all my stre I ha Ina word, 1 act as if my vis-a-vis were real and not fictitioy He also declares that the boxing part of a man's training should be something moré than "an exchange of delicate touches He believes in giving and receiving (If his oppQn- eut can get at him), the hard puneh, and in the encounters in which engages le training, the knock- out is mot rare. In another part of his article Car | pentier says that while it is essential to concentrate all thé faculties on the work of training, the boxer who 'has not the fdea" largely to vary his program. courts a real danger; | his imagination is dulled; he ceases to think as an intelligent being, and finally his training becomes to him a dreadful obsession Carpentier himsell does not make this mistake. Music, fishing, billiards, and other unexciting pastimes help to mitigate the arduousness of his preparations for the great day. He explains that his daily program is subject to change. On one point, however, he allows no exception; he rises every morning at seven o'clock Then he takes his coffee and a good bowl of milk from the farm of his trainer and faithful friend, Des- | camps, at whose home he is staying. | After this he goes for a long walk, i the 'resources is not always contented with walk- ing, for occasionally he races with | ithe dogs, and he mentions that re- | cently he did 100 yards in 10 seconds | After the walk he is massaged, and | then comes a crowded hour or two | | in the gymnasium, where he indulges | in Swedish exercises and vigorous ! bouts of boxing with skilled partners. } Though in ordinary times the cig- jaret is his "companion and joy as | {be expresses It. he does not smoke | at all during his training. He has a | great appetite and eats heartily "any. | thing that is good." and his favorite | drink is a little red wine mixed with | water, | There is a significant sentence In! his article, in which he says that iti he feels any nervousness he "passes | it on to Descamps" before entering | the ring. -. Kingston, Ont j accompanied by his two degs.-But he New Field For Belleville, A scheme is well under way to provide an up-to-date athletic field for Belleville, The G. T R. team faced big obstacles this year owing to the unsatisfactory state bf the fair rounds, on which they practised and i played. The purchase of a farge | acreage for all <lasses of sports is contemplated. ------ i iad Cy Young, the only major league pitcher with 500 victories to his | oredit, mnade a visit to Cleveland a | few days ago. Cy weighs fpur pounds less now than when he quit baseball about six iyears ago. He is a pros- perous farmer at Peoli, Ohio. J The report that Bobby Quinn 'was prepared to quit baseball to accept another business proposition in Col- umbus, appears to have been just a rumor. Quinn is again on the job in the office of the Louis Browns. That $30,000 in prize money hung up by the promoters of the six-day bicyele race in New York should make the pedalers speed some. 'people should enjoy better health Yhan others, as they do. not eatch everything going. : i Coast Hockey Association. THE PACIFIC TEAMS TO PLAY TO DECISION Plan to Adopt N.H.L. System Abandoned---Easiern Play- ers Sign Contracts. Frank Patrick will not manage the Vancouver hockey team in the 1918- 29 championship race of the Pacific 0 Finding that de cannot handle both the play- Ing and business ends of the game at the same time, the local magnate bas relinquished the managership of 'McGILL AND M.A.AA. the team, and has appointed Lioyd | Cook, Inst year captain of the Mil- Honaire squad, to manage the Mil- Honaires in the coming series. ARE LIKELY TO CLASH But Both Wiil Pass Up Chance For Canadian Football Honors. A Montreal de Fpateh says: It is Row doubtful iI there will be a con test for the rugby championship of the Dominion this season It has | been definitely decided by MoGill that they will not play for Dominion honors should they win the intercol- legiate honors fram Varsity on Sat-| urdsy, while there is a general ex- pression of feeling among 'the mem- | bers of the M. A. A. A. that they have {had enough rugby for this season Lloyd Cook's signed contract to | i play with Vancouver this season has arrived at hockey headquarters and 8 locked in the strong box along with those of Alf. Skinner and the | Adams brothers. All matches in the P.C.H.A. series this winter will go to a finish, as in the past, the plan to adopt the Fas- tern system of cessation of hostilities if the teams are even at the end of twenty minutes' overtime play hav- ing been abandoned. Coast officials realize' that the fans wy decision contests, and the only change to be mitde in the overtime rules provides for a full ten-minutes rest at the end of the before the players st overtime 'he Coast Siem insures a decision McGILL MAY PASS UP, C.R.U. SEMI-FINAL The McGill Rugby Club refuses to ss the Canadian Rugby semi- finals until after Saturday's game with Va ty, but in certain quarters it is derstood that the col sglans t will pass up the Canadian semi-fina) and in ad may play a city champion ship game with M.A. A A. This would bring their 22, which is said to be the time al- loted them to play Rugby b¥ the faculty, Montreal May Get It. Decision to tramsfer the Newark International League Baseball Club franchise to some other city was an- nounced by Ernest C: Landgmaf, pre- sident of the club, who said he had received permission from the league to take such action. The franchise, {It wae stated, is being sought by Scranton and Montreal. Luck of ¢ 1- terest in the team and difficulty in obtaining a better playing field were given &s reasons for ymiaking a change The Binghamtdh franchise was last week transferred to Akron, Ohio. Wright Olympic Coach. Al a meeting of the Olympic Com mittee at Toronto, the unanimous opinion was that Joe Wright should be appointed coach of the Canadian 4300 to a close on Nov § crew, and he will be asked to aceept | 4 | football ground, a running track; | the appointment. No better nun is suited for the pa- | sition than Mr. Wright, and it might be news to many that only recently | he was asked to coach "the American | crew for the next Oly mpic. Joe, how- eve®, declined, as being a Canadian | he couldn't very well see how he | could act. Would Be Too Bad. Toronto Telegram: ft will indeed be 100 bad if both MeGin and Mont- real should decide to pass up the Canadian championship in favor of one game for the city honors of Monireal. Rugby fans are always anxious to find out the champion of champirus, and the Canadian ¢ham- pionship is the only real test, A falling down this year on arrange- | ments means that the task of build- ing it up again will be much harder. tet. A Athletics' Training Camp. Connie Mack has chosen Lake Charles, Louisiana, as the training place in the spring for the Philadel: phia Athletic Baseball Club. Arranges ments have been made for the pitch- ing staff to be quartered there begin ning February 23, mand the other players a week later. 3 ------------ Their Method of Protest. A most unusual cause for stopping work is reported from Banknock, Scotland. The Jocal miners turned out in the moraing, but did not de- scend the pit to work om wccount of a protest lodged by the local soccer club having © been rejected by the Scottish Junior Soccer Association. Mike Finn, who managed tho San Antonio' club of the "Texas League during the past season, is planning to return to the scouting business. He will do gumshoe work for tive De. troit Tigers. Ed. Holly is slated io lead the San Antonio club next sea- son, on | { i 1 | { t | and noue of them are anxious to play | for the Dominion championship, The members of the champion M. A. A. A. team are business men and cannot afford the time to keep in | training for two or three weeks more to play oft with the winners of the |! Ontario Rugby Union The Winged Wheel player be willing to keep in training another week to play a gar MoGill, should that team win college title, as it would not caus Waste of time in travelling M A. A. players have been in trainix almost daily since the last week in August, and have had a lox Eg, tire- * Session of it. Sever of the members of the team are swimmers and aquatie polo play while others are amateur b rs and would rather de > to the win ter sports p in training to play off with the R. PF. U. win- ners tie executive of the * not anxion 10 dis of a match with » team ha not won nd should *Var- a 2 title for this season 1e of the members of the college team are willing to remain in train- ing for a few t 1 match with the ) others are inclined t drop out of training &s s06n as the inter: ollegiate is over The public are anxlous to witness 2 match between the I erprovincial | champions and MeG Should | McGill win next Saturday it is more than likely that the game will be | arranged, weather permitting; on Saturday, November 2 The stu- dents would not lose a at deal of time in training or another few e match would no doubt be 'the attraction for the greatest at tendance that has ever witnessed a rugby game on a local gridiron, | The Trend of the Age. The sportswoman of Paris have! now an athletic arena of their own-- quite an elaborate affair situated at the Porte «'Orleans. It is known as | the Elisabeth Stadium, in honor of | the Queen of the Belgians, It has a | €ic., and the pavilion has all the lat- | est fittings, including hot and cold showers. } representing sailors and so ldiers SATURDAY, NOV EMBER 15, 1019. P arate * around its eylindrical column is shown a b atti Clailors and Yors lon ment This is the day of Public Memorials. Every wil- lage, town and cit y should show its apprecia- tion of the valor of our past heroes by erecting a memorial. Their names should live forever. Com- memorate them with a monument as Eternal as the hills. Ask us for de- signs, THE McCALLUM GRANITE C0. LIMITED 397 Princess Street Kingston, Ont. EASY CHAIRS, RATTAN CHAIRS, ROCKERS--FUMED OAK FINISH--UPHOLSTERED IN TAPESTRY. LIBRARY TABLES, PERIOD DESIGNS ALL LATEST R. J. Reid STYLES. LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 577 WANTING HARDWOOD F LOORING A man is rich according to what he what he DID YOU SAY? GET ITAT Allaw's Lumber Yard Victoria Street * - = = *Phone 1042 When you want: ~Stove FIRS: | gogn Elbows ~Coal Hods {~Pire Shovels Erp ~Stove Boards ~~Combination Gas & Coal Ranges $%¢ our stock and get prices.