Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1919, p. 3

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4 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1919. THE DAILY ' BRITISH WHIG {GRIPPE AND FLU || These are the days fo catch cold. A little prevention saves much trouble and suffering.' ~=Dgver's Cold Breakers. 'weLax. Bromo Quinine ~~Week's Break Up a Cold A few doses will clear up a cold in short order. HICKEY'S SPEEDY CURE the great "'fu" ' mixture; quickly relieves the stubborn cough---strengthens the breath- 'ing apparatus and is the best mixture of its kind sold. Get these At Best's The Popular Drug Store OPEN BUNDAYS Phone 59. Branch 2018 Two items of person: al Jewelry are parti- present, | A Vanity Case, ei- §| gold or plate. Noth- ing finds greater favor. - FORTHE GENTLEMEN A Dress Shirt Set. A "Larter Set" is the finest made, correct in every detail and indispensable for the coming~dances. ~ KeeleyJr, M0D.0. wionixa RINGS, SMITH.BROS. JEWELERS Limited Kstablished 1840 b Eling Street Kingston Eye Strain po 8 ee fhervousness, irrita- bility, and head aches. It is a simple matter to relieve eye strain. - Onr scientific tests will tell just the kind of lensés required. Our mount- : "ings are comfortable and be- coming. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. THE OPTICAL SHOP .226 PRINCESS STREET We. 3 for ania Nad Lo SEE ¥ Gr The chronfeally discontented mde J vidual is always poor company. Grey Enamelware Specials Lipped Sauce Pans, 2, 21, and 3 qt. sizes . ,88c. each . a Double Boilers, 1 qt. size .45¢. 70c Gem Covered Roasters, 12 in. Preserving Kettles, 3 qt. diameter." Water Pails, 10 qt. size . Whits, 10 qt. size $1.50 $2.25 ¢Chambers---small and med- ta fum ..75¢c. and 85¢. each Round, rolled edge Dish Pan, 0 qt. size 8Be. 14 qt. size ' Tea Kettles~--as illustrated ---8 qt. size Sa Mckeliey & Birch Ld, Brock St. BROCK STREET PHONE 287 ~cularily useful just at } FOR THE LADIES | ther in sterling silver, | MARRIAGE { 3 | Clark, Mis Told in i . Twilight § (Notice---Hersafter, the Whig, in | mmon with other papers all over | Canada, wili make a charge of 50c. | i tor inserting an engagement, mar: {riage or reception: announcement. . On. Monday altopgen Mrs. Louis | Dunbar $tevenson, "Glen Lyon," en-~ tertained at a delightful tea and nis- | cellaneous shower, when Miss Pose Rogers was the guest of houor. Mrs, | 1 J. Campbell assisted her daugh- | Hot in receiving her guests. The | | polished tes fablg looked very pretty, I {a silver basket filled with yellow | | chrysanthemums and resting on | { billowy yellow tulle, making = very | bright and dainty decoratfon. Mrs. | | Hugh Ryan poured tea, and the ices | | were cut by Mra. Hamilton Roberts, | the assistants being 'Miss Helen | | Strange, Miss Doris Folger, Miss | Sybil Kirkpatrick and Miss Margaret | Hemming. After tea a pink basket filled with all sorts of lovely sur-! | priges was presented to Miss Rogers, | { {and there was great fun over the! | opening of each parcel. Among the | guests were: Mrs. Norman Stuart | | Leslie, Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Mrs. P. | G. C. Campoell, Mrs. Heber Lafferty, | {Mrs. Barnet Greer, Mrs. Henry | f Richardson and her guest, Miss Vio- | { let Mackenzie (Toronto), Mrs. Bruce | | Hopkins, the Misses: Aileen and May { Rogers, Gweneth Merrick: Eleanor | Phelan, Mary Strange and Kathleen { Carruthers. | * 1 | "On Saturday atiernoon Mrs, Alex- | | ander Macphail, Clergy street, enter- | tained at a delightful bridge and fea | {in honor of Mrs. E. T. Taylor, Mrs. | | John Coleman, Napanee, and Miss | { Dorothy 'Macphail, Montreal. - There { were three tables ot bridge, the play- | ers being, besides the three guests of | honor, Mrs. J. L. Whiting, Mrs. -P. la. C. Campbell,. Miss Helen Fraser, | Mrs. Norman (Fraser, Miss Carrie | | Waldron, Miss Alice King, Miss $s Jessie Smith, Miss Mil- | dred Jones, Miss Fraser carried off | | the pretty prize, a out-glass bon- bond dish. Lovely yellow and white mums were prettily arranged in the | drawing room, while on the tea table | | a tall vase filled with pink and white | | chrysanthemums made a dainty + the third Friday. of each month. . We have & larke and well assorted stock of RUGS, in Wile . tons, Axminister, Velvets, Baimorals, Brussels and Tapestries. | Loxurious hpngings in Vélours, Repos, and Shadow Cloths, 'n al apular shades. the sesson to renew your decorations tor winger 'months. so oe i YICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS |, a Complete Stock Alivays on Hand, | centre piece. Here Mrs. H. Hughes | | |pousa tea, while the ices were cut by Miss Gertrude Strange. Among po Mrs. Buxton | | Smith, Mrs. Klugh, Mrs. Callandar, | Mrs. Marani and Miss Mason (To- | ronto), Miss Creighton, Miss Macau lay, Miss Muckleston, Miss Constance Cooke, Mrs. Frank King, Miss Lewis, Miss Cartwright, Mrs. K. L. Jones, | Miss Ada Bates and Miss Mary Tay- | lor. - . * a WE The home of Mrs. E. P. Jenkins presented a very busy scene, on Tues- | day, when she received, in honor of | her damgiter, Mrs. H. W. R." Elliott, | the bride of last spring. The rooms | were beautifully decorated in mauve | chyrsanthemums and ferns. Little { Mist Louise Wilder opened the door | in the afternoon and Miss Kathleen Lyons in the evening while the guests were looked after by Mrs. W. M. Campbell, and Miss Luella Mayell, sister of the hostess. Mrs. F. J. Hoag and Mrs. J. M. Hughes presided at | the tea table, while those who served during the afternoon and evening were Mrs. H. E. Pense, Mrs. Harold 8. Angrove, Miss Isabel Tanton (Lon- dom, Ont.), and the Misses Olive Chown, Ida Smith, B. Driver, Helen Anglin and Reta. Penwarden. A, very Sas deer was given at the Chateau Belvidere on Friday evening by Mrs. White in honor of Mrs. W. Arthur (Toronto). Four silver cases filled with fragrant pink roses, resting on billowy green tulle, made a very lovely centre piece. Corsage bouquets of sweet violets and pink roses tied with violet rib~ boh were at the places of the gentler Montreal; 'E Ww. A ei Eng.; Major C. Blo Ottawa; E. | Thompson, Toronto; D. K. Mac- B. Ottawa; T. M. Macdonald, | W. F. Arthur, R. Bry- E. Rose, Toronto; Duun- New York, ! donald, Sherbrooke; du and W, jean Harris, Lieut.-Col and Wi veniaie and {Alfred Penhale are - guests at the | Chateau' Belvidere, { Mrs. A. F. Bishop, Ottawa, is the | guest of Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, | Bagot street, and has been the raison d'etre of many informal teas and bridges. Mrs. Marani and Miss Mason, 'who were the guesis of Miss Creighton, Warden's Residence, Portsmouth, re- turned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. Dawson ig the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Heber Lafferty and | Major Lafferty, Aberdeen street. 3 Catan Mrs. Alexander Clarke, a, are spending a few days in the city, Mr. and Mrs James Todd, Brewer's Mills, are visiting in the city. Lieut. W.; Thackery, RCH A, spent the wegk- end in Ottawa. > Mre. T. D. R. Hewmiog aad Miss Margaret Hemming returned on Sat-- urday from New York, where they spent a couple of weeks, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Everett Bird- | all, Gore street, ate spending a few {days in Ottawa.' Mrs. 'John Coleman, St, Mary | | Magdalene's Rectory, Napanee, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. | Alexander Macphail, Clergy street. After a delightful visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie street, | Mrs. Laurence Uglow left on Monday | i for Peterboro en route to her home in Vancouver/ Miss Marjorie Minnes, nurse-in-| training, Royal Victoria Hospital, | | Montreal, city. { Major Leach, R.C.H.A., hag return- | ed from Ottawa, where he spent al few days. | . » ¥ Mrs. Gordon Dick and little duugh- | | ter left on Saturday to join Mr. Dick | lin Montreal. Mrs. Cameron, wife of Lieut.-Col, Cameron, recently appointed pro- | fessor dn tactics at the R.M.C., has | arrived in the city to join her hus- | band. Mrs. Brig.-Gen, Edouard | and { Panet, Quebec, will spend the winter "Every Day Now We Are Getting if New Goods-- More Goods, Better Goa Our Readiness Now Ys The Best In The His- left on Monday for that | I in Montreal, and will reside on Drum- | §i mond street. Miss Dorothy Macphail spent the | | week-end with Col. and Mrs. Alex- | ander Macphail, Clergy street, returned to Montreal on Monday. a. | Toronto on | guest-cof Mrs, King street. Thursday, and is 7. . wv » Mrs. I. C.' Lockett, 23. Sydenham | | street, has returned from Montreal, where she has been for the past month visiting her sister, Mrs. GHll- | espie. ter, Joan, are visiting the former's gister, Mps. Kenneth Molson, in Montreal. Lieut.-Col. R. A, Bowie was in Kingston to report at district head- quarters. * x Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, Princess street, announce the en- gagement of their only "daughter, Mabel, to Andrew Nesbitt, this city, the marriage to take place very quietly the latter part of 'this month. (Continued on Pdge 3.) * OUTS OFF DOLES British Government Piscontinues Un- employment } London, Nov. 18, L_Andrew Bonar | Law announced in the House of Com- | mons that the Government had de- | cided to discontinue 'the unemploy | November 21. The donation 'will continue for formed service men and women up to the end of March at the mate of 20 shillings weekly to | men and 15 shillings td women for | a maximum period of nine weeks. | No supplementary sHowances will be I sex, while dain place cards were in the f of pink roses. Covers were laid for eight, the guests being: Miss Trickey, Miss Jessie Slater, Miss Pettit 'and the hostess, Mrs, White, Mrs. W. Arthur, Capt. Winterbottom, W. Minnes and Major Young. . . The Arts Post-Graduate and Post: Mortem. Club, Queen's University, are holding a social evening in Grant Hall on Friday, Nov. 21st. The patronesses are Mrs. R. Bruce Tay- lor, Mrs. H. T. J. Colefnan, Mrs. C. A. Morrison and As, D. Bughanan, Mrs. H. J. Maclean, yi West street, will receive for the first time since coming to Kingston on Friday after- | noon, Nov. 21st, and afterwards on | © The 1.C. Reading pA will meet | at Mrs. Francis King's, Stuart street, on Monday next, when Miss Marion | Lewis will be the 'Jostess. . Y The officers of the ROCHA. enter. ade at a very jolly dinner last evening in honor of Lieut. Howard Penhale; who to-day joined the ranks of the Jbenedicts. ) ~ Dr. and Mrs. . 0» Cappon and Miss Alice Macnee, Barrie street, are leaving on Saturday for New York. and sail from there on Nov. 25th for Spain, where they will spend the winter. Miss lard Farrell came down from Branksome L all, Toronto, ae spend a short time with her fat J. M. Farrell, ven, During October 470,000 persons received unemployment donations, 100,000 of the numebr being civ- 'flians, Ex-Kaiser's Yacht Stripped. Berlin, Nov. 19.--Almost Tost mn agitation, 13 the news cheering to demyocr tic hearts that two carloads of gs from the former Kai- ser's yacht, Hohenzotlern, arrived in Berlin to furnish President Ebert's new résidence. . These 'Include 68 cases of Tmiperial linen silverware and porcelain, and 70 pieces of fur- niture and carpets. : Advice to Dyspeptics Well Worth F. ollowing In the case of dyspepsia, the appe- tite is variable. Sometimes it is rav- enous, again it is often very poor. For this condition there is but one sure remedy --Dr. Hamilton's Pills Eich cure quickly and thorough- Y Sultersrs find marked bagedt iu 2 ina day, and as time (nes on fm ment continues. other m icine will strengthen the stomach and di- gestive organs like Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They supply the materials and assistance necessary to convert e thing eaten into nourishment, fi muscle, fibre, and enérgy with which to build 'up the rundown system. Why not cure your 4 Hamilton's 8 today, ase. | Barrie "Registered at the Get Dr. 0 ner bar at all dealers ment donation to civilians beginning I and | }i 8S. Bowerbank came down from | §i the | §i D. R. Hemming, | Mrs. Ronald Fortt and little daugh- | tory of Store- keeping Particularly Doe We Call Attention to the Every Woman Will Be Interested in This! SWEEPING 33 1.3, OFF SALE On Women's High Grade Winter Suits he Groups Of Women's And Misses' Coats' Whatever the price: you have in mind you will find Steacys coat" values the. best in the city. { Every conceivable style is shown in almost every ma- terial that is fashionable for winter wear. --Pure Wool Velours --Pom Poms . --Silvertones, etc. Priced $25.00 up to $55.00 Fur Trimmed Models Salts Seal Plush Coats Ls They represent the best styles of the season--they represent good wotk- manship--they represent materials you will like for their splendid wear- ing qualities. This Sale includes every Winter Suit in stock. Every one new this season, and in such pasticalasily fashionable materials as:-- -- SILVERTONES ----DUVETYN VELOURS.. #2. --WOQOL SERGES ----GABARDINES ~----CHEVIOTS In Scores of Winter Colors TO-MORROW LESS 33 1-39, Besides this unusual off of 'our EVENING GOWNS Te 'ed for to-morrow LESS 209, | Warm Winter Articles For The Cold Days Wes are more than prepared to m Goods Section, with a large and | £ Cops and Seach Piles. to Red Weal We 4 Ahead all your 'demands 3 in our Wool nost Soon Hi stock of:-- a _- ; :

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