. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE. THREE ! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1919. ee ------ GRIPPE AND FLU These are the days to catch cold. A little prevention saves much trouble and suffering. ~~Dover's Cold Breakers: »~Lax. Bromo Quinine Week's Break Up a Cold A few doges will clear up a cold in short order, , HIOKEY'S SPEEDY OURE the great "Au" mixture; quickly relieves the stubborn cough--strengthens the breath- ing apparatus and. is the best mixture of its kind sold. # Get these r FOR THE LADIES A Vanity Case, ei- {At Best's|l} ther in sterling silver, gold or plate. Noth- | OPEN SUNDAYS Phone 50. Branch 2018 nnn ants | b Two items of person- 3 al Jewelry are parti- cularily useful just at present. ing finds greater favor, ra FOR THE GENTLEMEN A Dress Shirt Set. A "Larter Set" is the finest made, correct We have a supply of cut hard wood and in every detail and ] / Li indispensable for the ; J. Sowards Coal Co. coming dances, MARRIAGE WEDDING LICENSES pb RINGS. b SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 I King Street : COPLEY Teleph 987 tH he rn, mas te | nf vepairs and mew work; sise 4 wood floors of all emo. 28 Queen phy TAO Kingston Cement Products Factory | he engaged on his work to do so, | future, feeling sure that' the new Makers of Hollow Damp Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles. and Drain Tile, also Grave 'Vaults. ' And all kinds of Ornamental . Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles Patrick atreets. PHONE 720W. Mgr, Be F. NORMAN and HERE FIONN Pim aaee HEE EErETeraanag 1 With Good Took z | Can Do Good Work £ 4 The greatest makers of TOOLS in America are represented in. our stock. These names, such as the Stanley Plane, the Atkins Saws, the Starretts Machinist Tools, guarantees you the best ser« vice and value for every®ent you spend here. i tin. | You can buy "NA ** goods cheaper, but you lose money "and time trying to use them. " THERE 18 REAL VALUE FOR TOOL BUYERS IN THESE NAMES | Wen & ich Ld, Brock. :¢ PHONE 237 B| Finance Committee on Thursday - [Shs CY $145 CHEQUE] { FOB CITY MATERIAL USHD Iv | BUILDING HOUSE ~ | Ald. Graham Tenders Payment, Bat 4 the City Auditor Has No Check on | the Materials, On Thurgday, the city treasurer | | received a cheque for $145 from Al-| { derman C. J. Graham, administrator | | of streets, for city materigls used by | {| iim on his own private work. The | | treasurer turned the cheque over to | | the auditor, but the auditor knows | | nothing of fhe items covered by the | cheque and will very likely turn the] cheque over to the finance commit- tee. Any accounts in connection with the matter should have been render- ed through the city engineer. From what can be learned, the facts of the matter are that-Ald. Graham when he took over the city concrete mixer for his work on Princess street, also took what materials he required, of ordered the city's employees whom } and the valile has been fixed by him or them, at $146, This fs apart from the use of the machinery, being stone taken from the city's crusher at the fair grounds. " ST. GEORGE'S MISSION HALL and Dedicated By the Bishop : of Ontario, Tuesday evening St. George's mission Mall, lately erected on the corner of Montreal and Cataraqui streets (opposite the Home for the Aged), was opened and dedicated by | the Bishop of Ontario. Part of the | Cathedral cholr, vested, attended, | while Charles Dalton acted as of- | ganist, so'that the music was all that! could be desired. One ot the lessons | was read by. Ruml Déan Crisp, the | other by the priest-vicar of the ca-| thedral who also read evensong. The Bishop in a most happily | worded address referred to the work | in the first mission on James street | and to its revival within the last three years in a very humble way in & shop on Montreal sireet. He spoke most hopefully with regard to the Open building would prove to be a social as well as a religious centre in this part of the city. The hall was crowd= 3 dnd the offering amounted to over 54. The purpose of the building is to provide a place for instruction of children in Sunday School, for Di vine worship on week days for the time being, for a social club for men and such other social and religious gatherings as may seem expedient. Being in dimengions fifty feet by twenty-five it will provide ample ac- commodation for all purposes, while the interior, which is finished in bea- ver board Kalsomined in two colors, with its low walls, open timber work, and casement windows is suf- ficiently attractive to make everyone who comes feel thoroughly at home. Particular attention has been paid to lighting and heating so that the ga- therings will be entirely comfortable. As half the total cost of the building is in hand, it is expected that very shortly it will be entirely free of debt - RHODES SCHOLARS RULES Scholars Will Be Chosen by Board , Not by Univérsity. Sthdents who are ambitious to be- {| come Rhodes Scholars are remind- ed that applications for scholarships available next autumn must be in the hand the secretary of the selec. tion committee on or before Noveni- ber 25. The secretary is G. S. Stairs, Royal Trust Chambers, Montreal, from whom application forms may be obtained. The trustees for the world famous Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford Uni- versity have. announced that a change in the system of election has been made, and tha% hereafter the scholarships, instead of being at the disposal of the different universities and colleges by rotation, will be thrown open to competition in each province. Committees of selection have been appointed, composed, as far as possible, of former Rhodes Scholars. : A Sensible Sentence. Monireal, Nov. 21--Carmille Fon- tain, guilty of indecent assault ons 14 year old girl, was condemned to serve two years in the penitentiary, and to have lash administered ten 'times on the,back while doing time. Within fifteen days after his | for pu incarceration, the cat-o-pine-tails 1s] ordered to be delivered to the pri- soner five times in succession, Ten days before the expiration of sen- tence, Fontain will be forcibly re- minded of his crime by receiving five departing blows from the lash. To Attend Complimentary Banquet. Ex-members of the 80th Battalion Foo reside in the city have received invitations to attend a complimens | tary banquet to be held at the Quinte : Hotel, Belleville, on the ev- ening of December 5th. Civic Finance Committee. There was & meeting of of the Civic ht, but there was no business out- of routine and the passing of Milder Weather, was much Satter on "PENSION PAYMENTS. { Protest A~ninst Deriiobilization of Staff in Britain, London; .vov. 21.~--The Ottawa au- |thorities have announced that the { Canadian pensions staff in Britain { will be demobilized and all Canadian "penéioners in the United Kingdom paid from Canada. | been received here with dismay by mild, cloudy, showers. This news has | i ten thousapd pensioners. There is | i said to be sufficient red tape and | idelay about payment as it is, o unt i payment of overseas pensions from | Canada is expected to result in many | J! of those cases of hardship which such long distance administration: produces. It is understood #& pro- test will be made to the Government {with & request that the present sys- tem be continued. Britain Pleased, London, Nov. 21. ~The Daily Mail says the Prince of Wales' visit to the United States, however short will do something to dissipate misunder- standings. "We shall never forget | what America did." it says, "and we shall always prize the memory. of her | comradeship. That feeling is strengthened by the courtesies and compliments she is raining on our : Prinee.! or -------------- Close of Navigation. Québec, Nov. 21.----The Govern- ment steamers will stat to-morrow to take up the buoys'in the St. Law- | § rence route, in preparation for the close of navigation. It ia understood that east of Quebec the marine de- partment will replace the gas buoys by steel spar buoys as guides to ves- sels for winter navigation. * Bituminous coal miners were of- fered an increase of fifteen cents a ton and twenty per cent. over the existing day scale by the operators at Washington Thursday. President | Lewis of the Mine Workers declared | the| increase totdlly inadequate. CASTORIA For Infants and Children inUse For Over 30 Years ins Pil cMBARRASSMENT, "TRE RESULT OF COUGH You've seen if olten--just as the singer, preacher or great actor reaches the climax and the audience is k ed up to the highest pitch of anticipat there comes that uncontrollable oh or sneeze from somewhere in the audience. How embarrassing for the victim who knows that the pleasure of many has been You can avoid being'in a similiar position by Svar carrying a box of Dominion CoB-Q Th What To Do When ~~ Nerves Go Wrong A SPECIALIST'S ADVICE ' Men and women who suffer from Weak nerves, who tire easily, can't sleep, have \brain fag, low vitality general weariness, loss bf strength, | dulled ambition, lack of will power, or any of those symptoms that so surely arise from poor, unsteady, un- strung nerves, or nervé force run low, should try taking a little Ferro- Peptine with their meals for a few days and note results, This prepara- tion iz the greatest ginger-up stimu. lant and nerve vitalizer ever kno putting the good oid "pep," am- bition, courage and real yital energy Into a tired, run-down and shattered nervous system. Here is a test worth trying. The next timey you feel tired, blue, or whet your nerves are fairly erying out, ri 'a Rerrd-Peptine tablet Then wait for just ten minytes, and note results. Ferro-Peptine seems to go straight to'the nerve cells and starts work the minute it reaches them: It brings a ten-tainute change from that awful dull, weak, lazy, don't-give-a-hang feeling, to bright. ness, strength, clear headedness and courage. It calms and strengthen the nerves ' _Steacy' 's Mail Order = Comparison Sale The greatest sale event of the Fall and Winter season-this year of greater importance than ever because of the upward tendencies 'and scarcity of all lines of merchandise. We have prepared as never before to make this Sale an epoch "making event in the history of this store, and if the large stocks of ready-to-wear and yardage merchandise, bought at prices away be- low regular, especially for this sale and which we have marked for a quick turnover--count for anything and we feel confident they will --then we have succeeded in making this abselutely the greatest bargain sale ever offered to the women of this community. > * The. saving of $25, 250 is yous, to-take full advantage of start- ing to-morrow At 9.30 O'clock Continuing throughout next week b Saturday, November 290 with additional news of savings daily, 2 ¥ ew $75,000 High Grade Merchand- ise Re-priced to $49,750 + CC EE EEE ¢ St---- A re ee