IS THERE A MONOPOLY)?» In this issue of "The Whiz," the dealers in Men's Clothing and Furnishings will tell. you where you can get the Rains, where the new things are shown first, where you can save anywhere from $5.00 to $20.00 on a $35.00 Suit ete, eto. i (No one Kingston firm has a monopoly on all the good things or a corner on all the special bargat With-prices high and still going up, ttle and use YOUR OWN GOOD JUDGMENT as to value, etc., before parting with your money. around a Drop in and see us at 213 Princess Street. + D. JoWILL "THE MEN'S STORE" UR eyes have been properly call- O ed the windows of our souls and age is the curtain that darkens them. When years of ube or strain and neglect have so weakened the eye-muscles that they no longer ac- commodate the retina with the pro- per focus, an optometrist should be consulted. We will give your eyes .& thorough examination and if you need glasses we will prescribe the proper ones for you. When you are choosing your presents for. Christmas, call and see our line of novelties. FR A A | POLICE LOOKING FOR ITALIAN MISSING FROM OTTAWA. ther Alleged That He. Was a Vies tim of Black Hand. Inguiries are being made here con- {cerning Rocco Baris, an Italian, {wanted in Ottawa 'on a charge of imurdering one, Salvatore Russo, an Italian, who died there Wednesday Right as a result of five knife wounds in his body . It is believed that he best bir or Overcoat, ns, ice have a drag net out for him; Regarding the case, the Ottawa Journal has the following: ' Russo was born in Italy 35 years it will pay you to look pyears, and was employed by the city i for 16 years. A particularly sad {feature of his death is the fact that ihe leaves his wife and six small { children, the oldest," a girl of 14 {years of age, without any ymeans of isupport. All other relatives of the | decqased reside in Italy. [that she was endeavoring to locate {the Black Hand letter which her hus- { band recelved. The letter had been mislaid. Mrs. Russo is anxious to locate it and turn it over to the pro- per authorities for an investigation. As She condemns many Italian "friends" {as perpetrators of the plot against | her husband. = { Maria, the hurdy-gurdy girl, tele- phoned-a relative of Mrs. Russo, and | evoked an exclamation of great sur- ~ prise when she was informed that { Russo was dead. | her whereabouts known, and friends {are inclined to think that the girl is : | hiding in fear of an attack .being | made on her life. ADDRESS Coroner Craig opened an inquest | into the death and adjourned the ' rearing until a later date, Is all that is required to have us send you our latest Jewelry MEN'S Catalogue. ---- Heavy All Wool Trousers. nN We carry a very large range of men's extra heavy tweed trousers in Bannockburn 'tweed, Hewston Extra Tweed | | This will be a great conveni- i ence for your Christmas shop- | ping. f The Lion Clothing House, | § ! : | Send your name now as our 347 King Street, near Princess, supply is limited. WEDDING AT SELBY Miss Freda Pringle the Bride of innear & d'Esterre' | Kinnear erre' | Apne th JEWELERS { i Rev. Mr. Farnswoith is holding re- vival meetings in the Methodist, A few suggestions: Table Lamps--Heaters---Irons-- Toasters, Pocket Flashlights, Toy Motors, etc. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC Co. 167 PRINCESS ST. : church. A happy event occurred on 'Wednesday at the home of 8. Pringle, when his second daugliter,-- Freda, was united in marriage to William Ball, of Bmpy Hill. Mr, Allison, who has been very ill is some better at the time of writing. J. Grange | and. J. Wood returned home from the | north country with a fine deer. A | Young daughter has arrived at D. { McCutcheon's. J. E. Hudgin spent | last week with his brother at Half burton. ed i F. Sexsmith of Toronto was renew- ing old acquaintances here last week, s Mrs. K. Weese and baby and Mr. and Mrs. McConnell and Mrs Me- Farlane apd baby at ©. Arnolds; Mrs. G. Fitzpatriex at D Fitzpat- | rick's; Mrs, McCutcheon at J.' Alli { son's; Mr. and Mrs, (W. Sharp and | family at Mrs. Weese's Cl |. sain. Purely vegeta- Pille via, aay to fave P80 ; i Is NOX A COLD TABLETS aes Coil tt pl \ | In a few hours, Get 1 | all Gru atoeany 250 pec Bon i " 100 PRINCESS ST. -- Ai Offices to let; first flour front; heat- "TELEGRAPH BUILDING, TE CLARENCE STREET 1 em A 5. KIRKPATRICK ON PREMIS Gest family physic, Do not gripe or canse Gourdier's || 78 BROCK STREET, It is true that four out of five peos ple over forty suffer from gum~ Pyorrhea (Riggs' Dirsaet™ Pe Disease). ut people even Ee uirtY hes: : Es com are peculiarly subject to ot At such time they cannot be' toe 4 Pyorrhea commences with tender Pe an Te he ma cothe - They inflame and then Porhan's for the g ; ) he gum. time and HE $50 and 60e tubes. All Druggists AEEARES ELAR Reh em JMNEB AY .................. Rocco Baris is Alleged to Have Stab. | | bed Salvatore Russo, and it is Fay. | | has skipped out, and the Ottawa pdl- | {ago. "He had lived in Canada for 17 | lL. Mrs. Russo. in an interview, said She did not make... tweed, etc., at those same low prices, | A appear to have been fought as be OM entire as eT, yo | CANADIAN PACIFIC "TRAIN SERVICE a; ee > gston Sub-Division Effec- | tive Monday, December | 1st. Train No. 611 will Mave Kingston | 9.50 a'm., arrive Sharbot Lake 11.50. fam, making direct connection' for | Kin i | ronte., | Train No. 613 will leave Kingston 112.05 p.m. arrive Sharbot Lake 2.15 | i { Train No. 615 will leave Kingston | {5.20 pm. arrive Tichborne 7 p.m. { Train No. 617 will Teave Kingston | { a.m, connecting with train leaving | Sharbot Lake 2.58 a.m, for Peterboro | | and Toronto. : | | 111.15 p.m. arrive Sharbot Lake 2.45 | Arrivals at Kingston will be as fol- lows: # ; Train No, 618 9 am., from Sharbot Lake. Train, No. 612 23.30 pm. from Renfréw and Sharbot Lake, Train No. 614 5.356 pm., from To- ronto, Peterboro, Havelock Tweed and Sharbo{ lake. : | Tweed, Havelock, Peterboro and To- | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ia $7.50 These Shoes are made of genuine Calfskin -- lum narrow toes. Sizes 2} this to-day under $10.00. Train No. 616 9.10 p.m. from Tich- 4 GRATUITY TOA VETERAN COMPARED WITH STENOGRA PH- ER WHO STAYED AT HOME Returnedl Man Draws Comparison to | Better All the Time. | The London, Ont., Advertiser says. A Ideal returned soldier, bitter in hig reondemnation of the recent govern: ment action in turning down increa- | ses of war service gratuity for over- : | seas weterans, has prepared an in- | teresting statement in which bonu- | 8es granted by the pdwers that be to | | female stenographeérs employed at i Wolseley Barracks here are compar- ed with gratuities awarded front line trench pionefrs. The figures ob- tained by him with respect to the | bonuses 'are official, and not only ap- { ply to female stenographers of Mili- tary District No. 1, but 'to young Women employed at similar duties-in various military centres throughout the Dominien, the rate of bonus be-| ing struck; at Ottawa. { Under the amendéd war service regulations, a former sol- | gratuity dier who gerved "in an actual thea- |§ tre of the war," and whose period of'l, service in the Canadian expedition | ary force, totals three years or more, recéives six months', gratuity at a rate of $70 a month, which totals $420. In contrast io this, one local stenographer employed at 'military | headquarters here has received over $334 in bonuses, while two others employed in eimilar. capacity have received over $331, The stenogra- phers referred to were not engaged until somé time after the outbreak of war, and hence their period of | service totals about four' years, or | approximately the period served hy thousands of veterans of the trench- es who received $420. The bonuses are made up as fol- lows: Paid by order-in-council, Pe- cember 12, 1918, $112,560; paid by order<in-council, same. date, $75; War bonus paid March 25, 1919, $25, provisional allowance; same date $37.50; provisional allowance and bonus, July 16, 1919, $62.60, and cost of living bonus, September 25 last, $21.50, Further allowances of similar nature have been paid throughout Canada since the date last mentioned, but records of them are not available for publication. Howaver, the total bonuses recorded above are $334. The female stenograpliers employ- ed at district headquarters are under the Civil Service Commission, senior girls receiving $85 per month ap- proximately, while the majority re ceive §2,60 per day for seven days in the week, which salary, in the opin- {lon of the criticising veteran, is a fair living wage at least, much bet- than stenagraphers usually re- onuses receiv- te cove in local offices. "The are in addition te regular p; ed under the above schedule. Working hours for the female ste- nographers are from 9 to 5 o'clock with two hours for lunch, Sunday the offices are closed, but pay goes on unipterrupted; while in the sum- mer as 8, Saturday brings a half- holiday, add during the remainder of the year a halfsholiday is granted on alternate Saturdays, for which per- High School Girls' Brown Calf Lace Boots ; mediumheels and med- to 7; no manufacturer makes a shoe. li OUR SPECIAL PRICE . .......... 5... : Abernethy' - Shoe Store __PAJE SEVEN like oan cb IR i an $950 Show Why Warriors Should Get | 8 More--Shows Pay of Girls is Much 8 \ A LESSON IN ECONOMY Your Furs Now , Our Furs were purchased long before the 'recent sharp advance in prices took place, Prudent fur buyers will read- ily see why it is to their great | advantage to buy now. HUDSON SEAL COATS Made from selected pelts in the new models. FINE FUR SETTS s . You Can Spend an Enjoyable a In all the Jeading Furs, Everybody loves good Furniture and w . You need right away, 3 New Hats, new Caps, new Gloves. CAMPBELL BROS. The Busy Store With the Large Stock reach of all it makes it all the more ple asant VISIT REID'S THIS WERK nd Profitable Afternoon. hen the use of it in brought within the because you can decide om what JAMES REID 'Phone 147 for Service, Kingston's Largest Hat : Dealers. Our Ice Cream 1s the pures VY TY Yaya 4 E-- COFFEE TEST The best tests tor Coffee is ~ Increasing sales of Coffee is the result of tests by our num« erous satisfied customers. | 100 Per Cent. Pure | Not the cheapest-~but the best. i Once used--al ways used. Henderson's | ry 50-61 Brock street. Phone 279 Watch oar windows for 'MOIR"S high grade Chocolates NIECE EAD Ar a The Telgmann School of Music Piano, violin and other stringed | instruments; elocution and dra- mutic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac cepted. ' 216 Frontenac Street. dae dh A A 4 2 4 8 4 aaa fod pay conti ..In addition to the above time » girls serving ene year or more are granted two weeks' 'holidays with pay. - ; The veteran critic draws attention to the fact that to be eligible forthe $420 war service gratuity he served three years ,in the ranks, part of which time was spent at the front, and pay received during his entire service was. at the rate of $1.10 per day for seven days in the week, on duty 24 hours daily. provided that services were required. ° Difference Jstween the two wages amounts to 50 per day, with the Government sefvant on the light end of the pay sheet employed in hazardous duty in danger of serious wounds or injuries T . $s, ks rn The elections in Newfoundland tween religious rather than political | 'creeds. The result is that the Gov~ ernment of Sir Michael Ci Ww --- Em t in the city; Nothing but pure Fruity used with it. Sakell's Ice Cream Parlor (Next to O pera House) 3 8 pecial prices of GANONG'S and and home-madr; Candy, er Aa li OW OPEN Ready for Bas'sees Ne 9 Porrite, Commercial Work Copying, Enlarging, Ete. ay To All Railways, Tran . and Siping by : virtileof authority Vested in. are By passed at