---- oS rr nEmansey » 5 You know the price of Shoes to-day, so if you will] need a pair of Hockey or Skating Shoes get busy. | We have a quantity of Hockey Boots for Men, Boys, Women and Girls at LAST YEAR'S! PRICES. They won't last bong, then you will have | to PAY MORE MONEY as our new stock costs a lot more. = SKATES OUNCES LIGHTER & STRONGER SOLE AGENTS FOR KINGSTON AND VICINITY | i | i i | | | i ~ GET YOURS TO-DAY | ha HE DAILY BRITISH WHI G Pon In the World of Sport S-- General Sport Jimmy Wilde, the English fly- weight champion, now in America, has eigaged (n 300 battles, and has never been put to sieep. Fred Fulton, the Minnesota heavy- weight, is out of luck. His latest set- back is the cancellation of his bout with Joe Jeannette at Paris, Minor league baseball sesms to have gone along very well since it Was cut loose from the draft rule and other major league affiliations. As Charley See started his base- ball career as a pitcher, Manager Moran, of the Cincinnati Reds, in- tends to use the $10,000 Rochester pastimer in the box next season. Tt Ig rumored that some of the champion Reds are likely to be nick- ed for a fine, as there is a rule pro- hibiting exhibition playing by mem- bers of the pennant winning outfits. Four members of the Cleveland professional football team, George Brickley, "Bucky" Sweetland. Ray Trowbridge and A. Plerrotti, hail from Everett, Mass., a suburb of Boston, ! -- "Babe" 'Ruth, the home-run king, has been pastiming in the California Winter League, and incidentally ex- hibiting to the native sons some of the real thing in hitting. During his long career as a star in tife National League, Bob. Bescher finished a season in the .300 set of hitters only once. In 1918 the speed merchant hit for .333. Johnny Dundee was going at a terrific pace this fall until he went up against Mel Coogan. No matter how often the pair meet Mel seems always to have it on the "Scotch Wop." Matt Wells, the one-time light and mutuel booths for the months of May, June and July. During that time the pari-mutuels handled the tremendous sam of 227,167,990 { francs, of which 9,086,719 francs jwent to the three big clubs which 8avern the sport in France i rr ----------. Sotto 'VARSITY GRANTS PERMITS Play. With | Hgures concerning speculation in the {To Four Players to { ¢ Dentals. Toronto Mail and: Empire: Had inot the University of Toronto Ath- {lotic directorate yesterday afternoon | at their. meeting granted permits to Bill Box, od Smyllie, Louis Hudson {and Stan. Brown to play with the Dental Hockey Club this year the latter would have gone out of exist jence. Therefore the hockey fans {have the 'Varsity authorities to | thank for keeping the Dentals in the game this year. With these four | players-the Dentais-have the 8 jof 'a strong team, as Mac Sheldon, Charlie Stewart, Leroy Rennie and | Vern Forbes are not members of the | University of Toronto, and therefore | require no permit to play with the {| Dentals. The decision of the direc- | torate, however, means that Bill Car- son, White, Langtry, Miller and other MoGILL HOCKEYISTS 'PLAN A LONG TOUR { They Expect to Play Exhibition e in Toronto During Christmas Week. v-------- With the termination of the foot- ball season, athletic activity at Me- Gill has turned to hockey, and plans for the season are already past the chrysalis stage. The local collegians intend to open the 1919-1920 season | with a Western barnstorming jour- | ney, in which games will be played | at Toronto, Hamilton, Sault Ste. Ma- { rie, Fort William and Winnipeg. The tour will start with the com- mencement of Christmas week, and will terminate in time to bring the students back to Montreal in time | for the resumption of lectures in Ja- nuary. Already the McGill Hockey Club | as received acceptances from pros- pective opponents in Sault Ste. Ma- rie and' Fort William, while similar notices are expected from Hamilton, Toronto, and Winnipeg daily. Two games will be played in Fort Wil liam, one on the westbound journey and the secynd as the team returns East. A two-night stand will be play students who have been turning out | with the Dentals will have to play | withythe "Varsity teams this season. Manager Bill "Box of the Dentals | appeared before the directorate, and {stated that the boys hid played to- | gether for the last three years, and fas he expected this would be the last year they would be able to play to- gether asked that permits be given {to Brown, Smyllie, Hudson and him- self. "Only these 'four names were submitted, and the directorate took a broad-minded view and gave them permission. Of the four given per- mits, Brown and Smyllie will be the only two back at 'Varsity next year, | and they. will now be eligible to com- pete in "Varsity sports next year. The University of Toronto direc- torate announced some time ago that henceforth any students playing with outside teams without recelving per- mission would be barred from 'Var- sity sports. This they intend to ed in Winnipeg, should the arrange: ment turn out favorably, while single |] Eames will be the order at the Soo, Toronto and Hamilton. Coach Shaughnessy announced that he expects a good strong turn- out for hockey at the University, and anticipates no diffienlty in producing two sextettes of senior calibre. *De- finite arrangements for the Western trip will be closed in a very few | days," stated Shaughnessy. The Me- Gill coach also made mention of the possibility of an American tour of short duration, arrangements which are also pemding. The McGill hockey squad has commenced out- door training. Sr ---- CHALLENGE FOR DEMPSY. weight Champion. Fred Fulton, Minnesota's 'giant heavyweight pugilst, has returned | AY, NOVEMBER 28, 191w, . EASY OHATRS, RATTAN CHAIRS; ROOKERS--FUMED 'OAK FINISH--UPHOLSTERED IN TAPESTRY. LIBRARY TABLES, PERIOD DESIGNS ALL JATEST STYLES. : R. J. Reid LEADING UNDERTAKER for {. ond Interest Coupons and Cheques > Cashed Free. The Merchants Bank will cash all Wie Loan coupons or Interest cheques when due, n, wi t i charge whatever for the service, making any ¥ If you have not a Savings Account, why The manufacturers have sold out of some lines al-| yoiforvorent common he laht and rigidly enforce. 16 Now Fork | pone, 2 Ietirned 2 i . e ready, and it might be what you want. {and who is well known to American | fans by reason of his long sojourn | on this side, hag been making a good Manager Bill Box of the Dentals is on the trail of two more local players, and is of the opinion that winning four fights,but without being | able to lure Joe Beckett, the British the 3 ONLY ONE PLACE Sporting Goods Co. | 88 Princess St. * Kingston, Ont PHONE 529, ° "THE HOME OF THE BRUNSWICK" | teated by Jimmy I readgold , "alon would undoubtedly be a great showing in the ring of late in Eng- land. Although Pal Moore has been de- Wilde, ' another battle between the Memphis scrap- per and the English flyweight cham- drawing card. Pete Herman, the bantamweight champion, believes he can trim Johnny Kilbane and by so doing an- nex the featherweight title. Pete has challenged Johnny to do battle over any distance acceptable to the Cleveland boxer. The rumor that Lol Solman and Jim McCaffery had been barred -. Fy g ver i { { rE PNIVERSAL PIPE : oe Wellington is a storehouse na - All classes of high yield investments -- Corporation, Govern. nt and Municipal. . . Private wires--New (York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto. The from. entering Cuba on the grounds that they are a scouting party ahead of Ben Spence is grossly exaggerat- ed. The Prince of Wales has gracious- ly donated a trophy for competition to Toronto Hunt Club. His father, of course, has the King's Plate as his special encouragement to Can- adian racing. : Sam . Langford, Boston negro héavyweight, and Jack Thompson, Philadelphia negro, whose fight at Duluth' was stopped by the referee because the men "stalled," have been fined $500 each by a representative of the Minnesota Boxing Commission. The money will be turned over to two orphan homes.** > Among the directors elected at the recent meeting of the stockholders of the Chicago National League Club was Charley Weeghman, who still takes a lively interest in baseball af- fairs, though he retired as president of the club a year ago to look after his restaurant business more closely. A Chicago newspsper printed =a story to the effect that Kid Gleason would be canned as manager of the White Sox, to be succeeded by Eddie Collins. On the contrary, it is stat- ed Gleason was signed to a new con- tract at the close of the world's ser- ies. So there you are as to the facts in the case, Sn 1 One of the tales of the week was that the New York Nationals wanted to trade Heinie Zimmerman to the rooklyn Club for Rube Marquard. Everybody denied it, and Zim himself sald he would not play ball again if he was swapped to a team in the "Celestial League. He's quit baseball, has Zim.. He says so himself. cells 2 Gioosty, Tges Carpentier Joe Beckett, reports "who is training for his fight with that thé French the Dentals will land them. As Dal- ton Meeking of Barrie turned out last night with the Dents, it is pre- sumed that he Is one of them. BECKETT AND CARPENTIER. Americans Think the Frenchman is a ter, The Beckett-Carpentier fight is arousing widespread interest in Great Britain and France; also on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. Beck- {ett has ruled favorite over the noted { French champion for several weeks, and will be heavily backed. But Carpentier also has a loyal and con- fident following. He is getting into condition rapidly, and Sparrow Rob- ertson sends word that he will be in first class shape when he enters the ring. It's a cinch that Carpentier, at his best, will be a more dangerous antagonist for Beckett than Eddie MeGoorty proved to he when the Bri- tish champion recently put himaway in the seventeenth round. In that affair Beckett, according to Ameri- cans at the ringside, was slow and clumsy, though remarkably strong and packing a heavy wallop in each hand Carpentier is a skilled boxer, but {is he game? Americans who saw him fight Gunboat Smith in London before the war broke out still insist that the Frenchman wanted to quit under fire, and that when he was de- clared the winner on a supposed foul the Gunner was the victim of cold blooded "robbery." If that mill had been allowed to continue by the re- | teres, eye witnesses declare that Car- pentier would have been knocked out. X Is Beckett as capable a fighter as Ganbpat Smith to be? Has Carpentier gobhe back as a result of his long absence from the ring? These questions will be answered, no doubt, when the British and French champions answer the gong. Do em--f WORLD'S SERIES IN BAST. It was announced at the N.H.L. meeting that there would be a series of twelve games in each of the four cities, making twenty-four in all for each of the clubs on the loop. > season 'will start about Dec. 23rd; and close early in March. The split schedule will be carried into effect the close. The world's series will be in the east. 3 champion, into ring. "Fulton looked anything hut a champion when he stepped off the Mauretania, showing the effects or continued sea- sickness on the trip home. He also carried ten pounds of fat, an was nursing a painful swelling on his right arm which may necessitate an operation. Despite his unsatisfactory physical condition and his inability to feet Beckett, Fulton 1ssued a defi to Jack Dempsey even before he left the ship. : New Sprinting Star, By the time the Olympic games approach it is not known how many sprinters capable of doing "even time" for the hundred yards or hun- dred metres will have been develop- ed. A new gspirant to a place among the foremost of flyers is an Austral- ian, R. R. Burguez, a newcomer qt/ sprinting. At the Queensland track and field championship Burguez did the hundred yards in 9 9-10 seconds. and won with such ease that oldtime athletes predict he will' be the next man to be chronicled in 8 3-5 sec- onds, Burguez is a tall fellow with wonderful stride and like lightning of his mark. As the Australians have already begun to prepare a team for the Olympic games, they are overjoyed at the sudden appearance of so good & sprinter, -------------- Budding genius doesn't always bear fruit. Kill the Germs of Catarrh BY ACTING TODAY YOU OAN QUICKLY CURE CAT. AND «AVOID BRON ! JER. ---- Catarrhozone proves especially good iu those chronic cases where mucous drops down the throat, sick. ens the stomach, and pollutes the breath. When the nostrils are stuff- ed, only a few breaths through the inhaler are needed to clear the pas- sages and where there is coughing tubes, the sooth. ing, healing properties of Catarrh- a at a mak edicine i you s m n- % ach and get the heal- not use your interest money to open one wil BANK 61 This Bank ? THE MERCHANTS BANK KINGSTON BRANCH hg H. A. TOFIELD; Manager. PARHAM AND VERONA BRANCHES, . J. W. McCLYMONT, Manager. "Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at Kingston Branch, . . 4 ngston-Lape Ymcent Ferry STR. MIS S1SQUOI EFFECTIVE NO YEMBER 17, "19 Lv. Kingston 1 Ar. Cape Vincent .. 10.1 4 Lv. Cape Vincent ,., 3, p.m, Ar. Kingston 4.30 p.m, Special accommodation for a utomobiles. Rateg for' iH Fords, $3.00; touring or other cars, $4.00. . Close connections at Caps Vineent with N. ¥. CO. points. : PHone 2105, am, a for all N, Y. Subject to change without notte EVERY WEEK BETWEEN MONTREAL AND KINGSTON; AL. WAYS ON TIME. SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY THIS RB LIABLE ROUTE. TELEPHONE 2195 FOR INFORMATION. DEPENDABLE STEEL CUT- LERY THAT GOOD There are so many poor grades of Cutl on the market, that we took particular care and effort in selecting quality brands for our cus- tomers; as a consequence we are proud of the lots we have here for your selection. The sat- istaction you receive in using them more than pays us for the extra effort put forth in pro "curing satisfactory cutlery. HOLDS A EDGE See the large variety of Pocket Knives, Scis- sors, Kitchen and Table Cutlery, shown in our display. Remem wé guarantee satisfac- . thom with eve urchase---you take no chances in buying Cutlery af this store.