MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1919. as THE DA LY BRITISH WHI G GEO. A. WRIGHT. MACHINIST Has remdéved from King Street to 40 PRINCESS STREET ,. Repair work of all kinds. Phone, ashep 1284; Res., 1205 coma ce | Tosh GAL Flowers | | Spraxs, wed or 275 Ontario Street. Phone 584 | wedding bouquets w ade to ord F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. G. WASHINGTON a PREPARED COFFEE made in the cup at the table. All size cans In stock. Prompt Delivery. D._ COUPER \ FOR SALE PIPES, all sizes. «RADIATORS. ~~MILITARY TENTS. =-Large pleces of CANVASS, ete, ete. TE eat Qf, sm iii -- PHONE 1670 O. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and Builders 21 MAIN STREET | nn H. ROWLEY House Painting aod Paper Hang- feng. Estimgtes oh freely &lven. . WALL FAPER FOR SALE 340 BARRIE STREET. PHONE 1266J3,-- 2 BIG BARGAINS 70c. Red Rose Tea .....50c 25¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. Bon Marche Grocery Lor, King and Earl Streets. License No. 537149 Pearl A. Nesbitt, LT.CM. ORGANIST Teacher of Singing and Piano Studio: 449 Johnston Street. FOR Rose Brand Oleo 1 40c. PER LB. 1 KINGSTON PRODUCE CO. J (Distributors) 1113 Brock Street. Begs to announce that he has resumed: his practice. corner Johnson and Welling. ton Streets, Kingston. Te's- rhone 361%. | ~ Did you ever notice how perfectly | white the Ivory goods look on your | friend's dressing table, while those of | your own are turning"a dull yellow? I TTT TR | Eos Fo Tal Vande are WOOD | not fade in color. Ask for the "Real { Oriental Ivory" and you will not be Lengths pn poo. WeHave | If so, you will also notice that the { is the only brand of Ivory which will . | disappointed. Sawed in Stove . + Foot West Street Just Arrived Phone 133 | REA EE In | FOR SALE | Farm of 91 acres; 9 miles from Kingston. . Good buildings and | Clark's Vegetable Soup water front, | | |r og Bis Bee teat W. R. McRae & Go.. GOLDEN LION License No. 8-543 % ; Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Yoes BUILDERY SUPPLIES rocess Building Materials --Portland Cement --Hard Brick --Sand < --Lath, etc. 8. ANGLIN & €0. Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards - oy v4 x 3 Aeaepss' Lumber, Coal an@ Wood ee] Tobacco Habit ie King $ ery Rad to be utilized Yesterday, || sented it to the St. Andrew's Society aan Sa i > Vicin nan ity i ail § . i Have Close Calls, : ! {- The storm on Saturday night i knocked branches off trees in various parts of the city,"and many a citizen had a close call. A number fences also suffered. Largest Attendance Yet. It certainly looked like old times to see convocation hall filled for the Sunday afternoon service. The hall | was filled to the doors, and the gall- | Eighty-nine Years Old. Mrs. Emery, Kingston, was a guest | of her. uncle, Joseph Bradley, | of Latsdowne last week. Mr. Brad- | ley passed his 89th milestone on the Journay of life on Sunday, November | 23. { mimmeib--------ei Died in Toronto, The death ocurred in Toronto | Saturday morning of Mires Simmons, | Lin his eighty-fivst year. --- He-was born + in the village of Wilton, near King | ston, and came of United Empire; Loyalist stock, : ee et------ McCann-Markham Nuptials. _A London cable says: The mar- 4 riage took place here on Thursday of Capt. Sidney McCann, son of | James 8, R, McCann of Kingston. | | to Joy," only daughter of the late | Admiral Sir Henry Markham. | The Congregation Laughed. The congregation of St. Andrew's | { church probably never smilled ' so | | much on a Sunday evening as they | { did yesterday, when Principal Taylor | | was in his happiest mood, ana kept {them in almost constant laughter, a ------------------ For Fall and Winter. Prevost Brock street has a great "ssortment ¢f Ready Made Clothing | m suits and overcoats and a splendid issortment of Genta Furnishings, his order clothing department was never better assorted at extremely low pri- ces, . Hon. Mr. Harty Buys Heather. Hon. William Harty bought a box of heather from the girls selling it on the streets on Saturday, and pre- tc be worn by the members on the occasion of their annual church ser- vice. Large Increase in Business. The five per cent. dividend on | purchases declared by the Kingston | Co-operative Society for the first six { months' operations has resultad in a [large increase in business. The sales j for the past month have been the i argent since the company was start- al. A Native of Leeds, Residents of the township of South Crosby will be interested in learn- ing that Charles R. Somerville, Lon- don, Ont., who it is expected will receive a third term of office as may- or of that city, is a native of the vi- einity of Morton, and spent his 'boy- hood there. to | Shipbuilding Company, A.A.A. has been called for the ALC.A. building Tuesday evening eight o'clock, for the purpose up the senior baske and also to decide th: age the funior players. Tnaere ng that the age limit should be. hteen instead of seventeen; decjded by the executive, ------------------ Anxious dbout Vessel. H. €. Welch, of the Collingwoo« stated ~ ©: Sunday that he was anxious as to the | fate of a steamer which was comin; down the lakes in sections. It was out during the whole, of the storm and no news has so far been heard of it. --- ¢ Died in Winnipeg. Thomas Conley, aged 78, a veteran of the American civil war and of the Fenian raid, reeve of~Kemptville for a number of of years, and later warden. of the United Counties: of Leeds and "Grenville, died in Winni veg on Wednesday, The remains are now en route to Kemptville for inter- ment. ------ sn teot Poisoned by Wood Alcohol, The jury empanelled by Dr. ehrd- iner, of Eldorado, to enquire into. the deaths of James Reid, of Limerick and George N. Bennett, at Stola 'brought in a verdict that they suc- cumbed to wood alcoholic poisoning the wood alcohol having heen par- taken of on the way from Brinklow Station to Hunting Camp, nearby, on Nov, 12th, Students Accept Electrical Work. Some comment is being made on the streets on the fact 'that the stu- dents of the vocational training school are accepting electrical wor) in competition with established firms in the city. As the only cost i that of material, they can do it mor cheaply than any electrical fir: which has to pay its men standar wages. Will Meet the Premier, John A. Derbyshire, vice-president for Eastern Ontario of the Hydro Electric Railway Association, receiv ed a message that Premier Drur: would receive the Hydpy delegatio: at the Parliament Buildings, Toron to, on December 12th, at eleven o'- clock. The gathering is for the pur pose of discussing Hydro matter with Hon. Mr. Drury. Kingston-Ottawa Service. Going to Ottawa? The new through service via Canadian Nation il Railways saves times and obviates the necessity of changing en route Through train leaving Kingston 7.47 am? daily except Sunday, returning from Ottawa (Central Station) 4.50 p.m, - For particulars of full service see display advértisement or enquire City: Agent, 217 Princess street, Kingston, o Funeral of a Chinaman. The funeral of the late Thomas Hong Yee, the Sudbury Chinaman who died in the Genefal Hospital on S8.8.A.4.A. Meeting Tuesday. A meeting of the executive of the ------ ~ SERVING A CUSTOMER AND HOLDING HER TRADE "It is not necessary to lose a 1 customer just because you have had | to spe her to collect a bill," says Mor- | ris Wenger, a furrier, of 1229 Walnut | street, Philadelphia. 'I kndw this | is an unsual view but we have proved {it out in the sixteen years wé have | been in business. Several 'of our | best and most friendly customers to- | day are women against whom we hdve beén forced to resort to ap- parently harsh measures of collection, "A certain woman whom I shall | call Mrs. Jones, a woman of consid- | erable means, owed us a bill of $8700, { She had owed us' the best part of it for more than four years. You know how those bills grow. The wo- man has no intention of 'bea you, She fully expects to pay, ly she's foolish in managing her money. You ask her for a check: She sends you ome in part payment and promises he rest later. Then she comes in adds more to her bill than she paid. What are you going to do? To Sxjonsion of reasonable credit is 1 of your business, She's a HH ii 282 i {] S52 £41k ot i £ it r8 -- i g 2 i it 5 37 gi g } gil iy 1 g § BE il fit | 2 = ® £ J i 8 g : | i i hE | 7 z f} Friday, took place from James Reid's undertaking parlors on Mon- ESS volt of bills out of tiie bosow ol po dress, and counted ®t out. It wa ifist $8700. . "Now,' 1 said, we've settled it and I've got every penny that's com- ing to me, but we've consumed an hour and a half I haven't had any inner, and you and Mr, Jones have- n't had any. I am expecting Mrs. Wenger over from New York in a few minutes, and I propose that we all go and have dinner together. IUs my treat.' : s "We did have the dinner, and we opened a couple of bottles of cham- pagne--this was a rew years ago. (you know. We parted the best of friends, and that woman has bought thousands of dollars worth of furs from me since. y : "© "Yes it was dramatic. But you have to 'he an actor in busin It wouldn't have paid me a bit fo show how angry I was durmg that hour and a half squabble." - "THE BEST CHRISTMAS ADD WE EVER USED" : : ou the 20% of Detemiver. list year we an experiment, play a hunch that had come to one of our advertising men in the still, small hours of the night" declared G. D. Mathews, of Wetherili's, Inc., Syra- {ecuse, N.Y., In discussing the type of advertisement which had the best resuiis. at Christmas frme. vw w vow ! ay morning. "The funeral service { was conducted hy Rev, W. T. G. | Brown, pastor of Sydenham street { Methodist church. The remains | were shipped to Sudbury for burial. | ee eee, Churches and General Hospital, In making an appeal on behalf of he Kingston General hospital sunday morning, Rev. Dr. Wilson wid that it gave him pleasure to ead in the hospital finnaeial report | hat Chalmers church was away in ~he lead of other city churhes last vegr in contributing to tnat institu- 'ion, although it did not speak well Tregation would keep up its reputa- tion this year in its hospital contri- | butions, Y.W.C.A. Fellowship Girls' Sale. | The Girl's Fellowship Club of the Y.W.C.A held a succesful tea and sale at the dssociation building on Sat- urday afternoon, which resulted in 'hem obtaining the sum of about $30. The tables which were prettily decor- ated, were in charge of the following: Cea' table, Mrs. H. Breck. assisted by Miss M. Mackenzie and Miss Hazel MeCune; home made table, Miss) Carnovsky, Miss Myrtle King and Wiss Ethel Shannon; candy table, Miss Edith King, Miss Belle Holder nd Miss Myrtle Teeple; Christmas ard table, Miss Ella Porter, . Miss May Josselwhite took the entrance 'eptat the door. i Tevana Society Event. The girls of the Levana Society ff Queen's University held a success- "ul tea and sale at Grant Hall on Saturday, frome three to six o'clock. The tables which were tastefuly ecorated, were in charge of the fol- owing young iadies: Tea table, Miss farion Brow: K B.A., and Miss Hazel lichael, B.A.; candy table, Miss ureene Lavell and Miss C. Goodwin; ome made table, Mis Veta Minnes nd ss Muriel Waterhouss; fortune olliny, Miss Edith Sangster, fish ond, Miss Ruth Evanson, Mys. Mac- ilivary, honorary president, Miss IL. hortt, president,. Mrs. M~Neill and iiss B. Craig received at the door After all the articles were disposed f, a number of those present enjoyed a dance, ------ Presented With Military Medal. On Saturday Corpl. Charles J. A. ross was presented with the mili- tary medal at militia Headquarters the armouries. Corpl. Cross enlisted with C.M.R's., under Major Stroud, 'n October, 1915, working his way 1p to sergeant-major of "C" squad- ron. 'He proceeded overseas with tne regiment in 1917, and was engaged un all the principal battles of 1918 winning the decoration during the operations in the capture of Cam bral in the 31st Alberta Battalion to which unit he was attached on hi: arrival in France. Corpl, Cross re- land, but soon became an N.C.O. again through good work. He was in the army of occupation, being sta- or other churches. He hoped "the con- | verted to the rank of private in Eng- || tioned at Beuel on the Rhine river in Germany, and reached home again | Lin May of this year. | A AAAS )f a line cut illustrative or the sweat- rs we took one of the garments' laced it on a good-looking sales- | irl, photographed her and ran the] illustration in half-tome with not wre than ten words about eash of he seven lines of sweaters and prices et in heavy blackface type. The] weater announcemest occupied as out one-tenth of the entire adver- | sement, but it was the only one | here a half-tone was used. "The next day we had more cai's or sweatérs than ever before and his department outsold the others | [lmpst two to one. Since that time vhen we want to attract special at- antion to any single item we don't | aecessarily enlarge the space--we | slip in' a photographic illustration." The Hydro-Electric Power Com- | mission has offered to purchase the | Guelph Radial Railway for $150,000. ifs: i 2 : } Kingston--Cape Ving ~~ STR. M18 sisQuUon EFFECTIVE NO VEMBE 3 ; Ly. Kingston .... ene BER 17. Ma. $ Kv. Bingoton rarsrassenss 815 am, Lv. Cape Vincant. "eassvsnnasne 10.15 am, Ar.. Kingston Special accommodat jo, Fords, $3.00; touring or hd Close connections at points. £ PHone 2198. tomobiles. Rates for other cars, $4.00 Cape Vincent with N. XY. C forall N. Y. Subjest to change without notice, NEW YORK FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE HOME-MADE CANDIES, FRESH DAILY WATCH SATURDAY FOR SPECIALS IN CHOCOLATES 814 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 1445. " Dry Storage For Your Battery The only Proper winter care. . Profit by past experience, Send it to WILLARD SERVICE STATION . 1340 19 Brook 81. |, Lesses, DEPENDABLE STEEL g LERY THAT HOLDS A | GOOD EDGE poor grades of Cutlery on we took particular care and : 1 quality brands for our cus- omers; as a confequence we are proud of the lots we have here for your selection. The sat- Jataction 200 recsive in using them more than 8 for the extra eff curing satisfactory a But Lorthoit phon There are so many the market, that effort in selecting See the large variety of Pocket Kuni . sors, Kitchen and Table Cutlery, how ne display. Remember we guarantee satisfac- tion with every purchase---you take no chances in buying Cutlery at this store, Real Values: In Winter Overcoats And ~ Suits Women's .. .... _ Women strongly