MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1910. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ne ei AY. DRCEMRER PAGE EIGHT EE eee - -- Interes ting Features i a In the Realm of Women---Some FISHERS MEAT MARKET Shoulder Steaks . . . 25¢. Pot Roasts . 20¢.'to 23c. Oven Roasts 23¢. to 28c. Rump Roasts . .". . . 24c. Stewing Cuts . ..,.17e. OPERATION WAS NOT NECESSARY -"Fruit-a-tives" Restored Her To Perfect Health M x 158 Parmweav Ave., MonraEaL. "For three years, / suffered great #ain in the lower part of my body, . Lamb Chops . .....35¢c. Lamb Stews . . ....20c. Corner of Princess and Clergy Sts. Phone 108. TALKING MACHINES All makes of Phonograpns cleaned, repaired, adjusted, Parts for all makes shpplied, expert workmanship, moderate charges, quick service. J. M. PATRICK with swelling or bloating. I saw a specialist who said I must undergo .an operation. I refused. I heard about *Fruil-a-tives" so decided lo try it. L.. The first bex-gave great relief; and - I continued the treament. Now my health is excellent--I am free of pain--and I give *'Fruit-s-tives" my warmest thanks", Mme. ¥. GAREAU. B0¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 28e, Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. PN re. "va MA | awfullest scrape! Sympathy. Charles's wire was signed DeWitt Cameron, Attorney, and read: "1 possible have Mrs. John Gordon take train for this city today." fou 1'had hardly finished reading when I was called to the telephone ahd Alice's voice came to me fireworried accents. "Oh, Kate, why didn't you come home with us * A "What has happened, Alfce " I asked, \ she said, excitedly: "You must come home immediate- ly. John has gotten himself into the I am so angry at him I should like to horse-whip him. Mother is upstairs in hysterics. Has been going from one fit to another ever since she saw the morning pa- per. Tom is raging around like a bear with a sore head. Karl Shepard Aas just 'phoned me that he has Pr AA er ah Brantford police have asked for an eight-hour day god an increase in| wages. i The assets of the defunct | Milk 'Co., St. Thomas, will pay fifty | cents on the dollar. | [149 Sydenham St. Phone 2058). AIIM A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET. I i } i | SEE OUR | 1 i PHONE 661. I ee ere te FERNS DISPLAY RESIDENCE, 2036w. Stands for Poppy. Who's dressed allin 5 ¥hite. i he keepa herse dainty pe With »Infants-Delight." Pure white, fragrant and refreshing. The original BORATED toilet soap. cak JOH 4 Send us three of these ads--all different--for a FREE trial size e of INFANTS-DELIGHT. N TAYLOR & CO. Limited, Deg 14 . TORONTO. $ poop |- Charm { GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited 3 Black Tea / Sold in Packages Only Sunlight Wash Days A Sunlight Wash Day is free from the toil and labour usually associated with washing because 'Sunlight Soap washes | clothes beautifully clean and white without rub- bing or scrubbing. sailed him out and he will be home oa few moments!" "Whe is bailed out and who 'will Pure | oe home?" I asked in consternation. "Why, John, of course," ghe ans- wered. "Didp't I tell you that he spent moet of the night in jail?" I almost dropped the receiver. 1 had not gathered from John's tele- gram that things could he as bad as this, "How did he get into jail?" I ask- ed. "Well, when we got home night be- fore last, John was very amgry be- 'ause you had not returned. I tried to tell him it was extremely selfish of him as well as exceedingly futile and. silly, to try to make your plans or you under the circumstances. I didn't say very much, for Bess was there, and for omce she Kept her nouth shut. But at last she said ra- ther plaintively; "I am tired, John, nd if you and Alice are going to juarrel all'the rest of the night won't you have the man take me home?" Of course he said he would ;0 with her and they started. of sourse I do not know what was said; Jut just before they left I asked John fo have dinner with me, He came last night, and I think I told him a few truths, but it made him angry and 1 guess I didn't do any good, either for you or for anyone else. "Right after dinner he saig\ he had an engagement and left Tom told me I was a fool for trying to in- terfere with any one's married life. I concluded I was, when this morning about four o'clock, Tom was called to the 'phone by a reporter. "The man asked Tom If he knew that Mr. Gordon had run into a car Don't Worry About Smallpox HERE were half a dozen of discussion turned to the question of 'the smallpox epidemie, and vaccination; nation dispute," said one.. "I've had smallpox, so the subject has no ter rors for me." Had smallpox! The rest of the party looked their surprise. What was it like? 'Where are the pock- 'marks? Did you have it bad? These and half a dozen other questions came thick and fast. ""I bad it right here in Toronto, and spent a month over at the Swiss Cottage Hospital over the Don," said the first speaker. "And I had it as bad as any of the others who were there at the time, and there were about ten, including men, wos . ana it was only a case men, and children. As some of you fellows seem scared, I don't mind giving you a few pointers. "In the first place, don't be scared even if the doctor does tell you you have the disease. I remember when tthe doctor and Mr. Shutt, from the City Hall, came to the house and told me I had 'it.' I had been {ll about a week. For a couple of nights I was & little off my head, but nothing to speak of. I had a temperature, as the nurses call it, and had all the symptoms of a sharp fever, No one suspected smallpox until I was on my feet again. The doctor had not Seen me for a couple of Hays, as he ought I was over the da 'point, getting ; them, and they met together | for lunch. Of course, the | °f Bourishment, but no distinctively i Instead of answering my question | 1 | | | | sooner ses them J containing a young man and girl] Just before midnight. "The boy is| badly hurt and they think the girl] will die," said the reporter. "Well, | what of it, what of it? I heard Tom | Say over the 'phone. And then his profanity was so vigorous that 1 stuffed the pillow into my ears. ; "What, what? I don't hear yeu!" . "What girl wiN die?" "The girl that was with the col: lege boy." "Was John alone?" I asked. take of trying to get away unmotic- ed because Bess was with him." For a moment all my sympathy froze. "That's the reason he was arrest: ed." Alice's voice went on. "What was the reason he was ar- rested?" . "Why, he didn't want the whole town to know that Bess was out with him at twelve o'clock and he tried to get away, but 8 overhaul- ed by the motorcycle lice, who ar- rested him, and be was sent, to Jail | to await the outcome of the girl's | condition," : 1 I hung up the receiver, I made up | my mind that I must make the nest - train, and although the bell rang fur- | iously in a few moments I did not go to the 'phone, but sent Charles to tell | Alice that if T talked with her any | longer I should not be able to make | the train. ! "What do you mean, making a! train'? said Charlie as he returnéd | from the 'phone, I handed him my | telegram from John and he read | » through slowly, and then looked -at me in silence, while I added the ex- planation that Alice had just given me, L | When I had finished, he said: "I had that woman sized up right from | the first, but I.didn't think that your | husband would be such an ass as he | has shown himself. What in the world do you want to 80 over there | mim Rn AAA Se Ae and mix up in it for? You certainly are not to .blame, and I think if 1] were you I should consider this my | hohe from now on." ' For one wild moment 1 considered Charlie's advice. It seemed to me that my entire beautiful edifice built of dreams of love and joy and ecs- tasy had been razed (to the ground, I was frightened at the almost uncon- trollable rage which shook me from head to foot, Why should John make me sympa- thize with him? He certainly had not been very sympathetic with me in my innocent trouble! (Tomorrow--"The. Credtlity. of. a Loving Woman.") NEN in Sp | Sell. What do they do? Did you ave it bad?" . } "Yes, I had it as bad as anyone there--in fact, worse than some. As to marks, why, I didn't see one per son leave that hospital disfigured in any way. As for treatment, there was practically none. That is, noth- ing for the smallpox itself. There was the usual medicine given to pa- tients who are inactive, and plenty smallpox medicine. J "Every night we used to paint our | 'spots' with vaseline. That was all ! the treatment they got, and it cer- | "I should worry about.the vacci- | tainly did relieve the itching. Some ! of us were marked from head to | heel, and it was a long job to paint | al the spots, but it certainly did help | a lot. "Mind, Tam not saying that small Pox is as pleasant as a picnic or | church social, It isn't. But neither is it half, no; nor a quarter as bad as the average person thinks it is. I saw a little kiddie brought in, whose mothér had mn down with the disease @ week, e little fellow ~ was as bright as a crickef. The nurse had all she gould do to keep him i bed one whole day, when he had slight tempegature. Then he sat and played with his doll and er toys. That was the only day he spent in bed. Et ls he "It was a fong walt until the little | lumps under the skin disappeared. Long before 'that time we were as | well as any dozen persons you could | pick out on the streets, We used to | count the spots every morning, and | some of the fellows would quietly rub | away with a little pumi secured from somewhere. That didn't do any g however; nature took her own course, and slowly the spots disappeared.' When the last was down level, it was a case of get your - clothes together, ready for disinfecting. 'Every stitch is sent to the disinfecting chamber, where all the germs are killed. , day, comes a good serubbing in a bath of disinfectant, a shake hands with the Peter, and a good-bye to the he - "While I don't want any of my Iriends to eontract smallpox, I would ®p with that than e flu, or diph- a serious case of teria No doubt, in 1 "No, and he made the great miss| one they |. ) 28 \ Of uniform strength and quality for high-rising bread, delicious biscuits, etc. Y recipe comes out right always. Ask for it at Your Grocers The Campbell Flour Mills Co.; Limited affiliated with Maple Leaf Milling Co. LIMITED Toronto Ontario A COAST TO COAST SERVICE 20,000 BBLS, DAILY ee ou will find allthreeflavours in the air-tight sealed packages --but look for ~ the name because it is your pro- .. tection against inferior imitations, just as the : sealed package is protection against impurity, SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT The Flavour Lasts - WRIGLEYS