PAGE SEVENTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee . PEACE RIVER bs AA i a PT (From an Actual Photograph) wx UNDER ROVALTY FROM PR 2 LIP LAND \fi\ A" v0 1 AJ WORLD'S GREATEST OIL POOLS . A wonderful wealth is in store in the Peace River District where eminent Geolo- gists and Oil Experts from all over the world, who have made careful and thorough investigations, report that they believe and state with full confidence that THE WORLD'S GREATEST OIL. RESERVOIR will be found there. | , The "Financier" of London, England, one of the old est and most reliable financial papefs in Great Britain, in a recent article practically demanded that the public are entitl ed to participate .in the shares of oil companies, and that shares should not be offered to a favored few. Here is an extract from their editorial regarding a recent is«ue of oil shares in England: Instead of permitting the investing public to participate in the financing of the project, they have arranged to offer the shares for sale only to their personal clients and friends, and to ignore the great. investing public outside that favored circle. We cannot help thipking that it would have been fairer to #llow the great body of Bgjtish investors. + + to apply for shares. «+. Undertakings of nation- al importance in their scope and objects ought not to be the possession of the privileged few, but should rather. be in the beneficial ownership of investors generally. Oil has already been struck in two wells now being drilled on the Company's proper. [i ties . Both wells will be drilled deeper'to the BIG OIL POOL. i Here is your opport unity to share in this wonderful wealth possibility. -- Let Canada's Wealth be Enjoyed . By the Canadian People y Here is an opportunity for Canadians to invest in Peace River Petroleums Limited, a Canadian Corporation, controlled by successful Canadian business men, who intend in all sin- cerity and earnestness, to develop 'the marvellous oil fields in Peace River. $0 The Corporation, as will be seen by this announcement, controls over 48,000 acres of the best oil lands in \ This Vast and New Oil Field The names of the directors, all of whom are well known Canadian business tuen, are alone a guarantee that development work will be aggressively proceeded with, and the funds of the Company expended with economy and wise judgment. In the past the cream of Canada's mineral resources have been exploited by foreign capital, but here 'we have a genuine Canadian enterprise which' deserves, and should have. the support of every Canadian who is interéste d in the development of Canada's vast oil re- sources. Every investor, large or small, has an' opportunity to invest in Peace River Petroleums Limited---a project of national importance to Canada. 'Peace River Petroleums Limited (NO PERSONAL LIABILITY) General Offices: Sterling Trust Building, Toronto, Canada. Capital Authorized, $5,000,000. Divided into 5,000,000 Shares of par value $1.00 each. #,000,000 shares of which will be exchanged for control 3 the 48,000 acres, leaving "$2,000,000 in Ath Wrensury, Officers and Directors VICEPRESIDENT ALLAN McPHERSON President Quincy Adams Lumber Co., Ind; Diredtor Chartered Trust & Executor Co; Longford Mills, Ontario TREASURER THOMAS A. MITCHELL of Penton, Mitchell & Duncan, Toronto, THOMAS A. CAIN General Manager, Reo Sales, Lid. Toronto, JOHN ANDERSON IZZETTE Journalist, Toronto, SECRETARY ADAM ANDERSON Importer & Manufacturers' Agent, ° Toronto, CECIL H. THOMPSON Vice-Prosident Anglo-American Lumber Company, Toronto, BYRON GEORGE EN of Wilson & Coheny Importers and Manufacturers, ; Toronto, PRESIDENT JOHN HALLAM President John Hallam IAd., Furs, Hides and Wool, Toronto. WM. BRADSHAW of A, Bradshaw & Sons, Ltd., Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto. SIDNEY O. BRASIER of Wagner, Brasier & Co,, Wholesale Fur Merchants, Toronto. F. ALBANY ROWLATT Toronto. » : * - die American Oil Fields Nearing Exhaustion 4 The great oil fields of America are nearing exhaustion, and at the present rate of con- sumption of petroleum produets, Ameriea will soon be compelled, to curtail her export of oil. oa A reeentt geologieal-report tothe United States Government by Dr. ALE. Atchesoti on athe oil resourees-of USA. states that "Phe peak of pridiuction in oil will he Pissed in 1921. and it has been predicted that within six years the United States Government will be foreed «to terminate all exports of oil. : BAL What will Canada do when the United Sta tes prohibits all exports of vil ¢ We are at this moment suffering from a similap. situation with Coal, Peace River Oil will solve Canada's fuel problems. Canada is now one of the smallest produe ers of oil in the world, only producing less than 35s pola aw roar { lane In » har Ea 0 q . » ; x i 300,000 barrels. Last vear Canada imported over 10,000,000 barrels, and her consumption is THIS PROSPECTUS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY BEFORE THIS ISSUL. «rapidly increasing. : With the tremendous oil resources that Canada possesses, she should and "will be one of the largest producers of oil and become an ax porter instead of an importer of oil, ~~ OIL IS KING Oil to-day is King--the world could not live without 0il<-0il lubricates the machinery "tof the universe--Oil is the coming fuel for all purposes--Navies--Merchant Ships-- Railways Gasoline Engines-- Farm Tractors--and so. on without end. & ; + «Look at the rapid increase in consumption' of oil for the past several years and the de- marids are increasingly greater each year, : The nation that cannot control its oil supplies must lag behind in the industrial race. Shrewd Canadians Are Buying. © Phe shrewd men in Canada who believe that history will repeat itself ave buying shares of PEACE RIVER PETROLEUMS LIMITED, as they Beliovs that the great aeologists of "the world cannot all be wrong when they predicted that the Peace River District would be- {5 ¢ome the greatest oil field in the world aud this is now confirmed by the number of wells that & have already been drilled and struck oil, ! : + judgment. on view of these facts, you are recommended to buy shares Limited, at the present low price and help fo secure CANADA'S OIL FOR CANADIAN PEOPLE No Bonus or Promotion Shares There have been and will be no bonus or promotion shared issued by Peace River Petro- ji Peace River Petroleums "léums Limited. All the directors have paid cash for their shares; every dollar received for ' shares by the Company goes into the treasury and-will be used for driliin and development work and legitimate pees, A FAIR AND | ASSURED YOU, ~~. WE OWN AND OFFER SHARES IN PEACE RIVER PETRO UMS LIMITED, AT THE PRESENT LOW PRICE OF 35¢c. FOR EACH ONE DOLLAR SHARE (fully paid up and non assessable), si : '> $ 35.00 Buys rk ue is a genuine Opportunity which looks as it it eould not fai ; Sora ze to return big profits in the near $70.00 Buys +++ 200 Shares future and every person ~should $ 175.00 Buys .... 500 Shares avail themselves of the oppor- i 2 a pm Gao tunity to purchase Shares at the $ 850.00. Buys | : --1000 Shares present low price. $1750.00 Buys ....5000 Shares © + We Reserve the Right © Withdraw This Issue, or Raise the' Price of Shares Without Notice, = | ~~ Send in your application to-lay--simply All In the form attacked and mail with cheque to : "ATT : hanged ow : 10-12 King 8t. East, Toronto, Canada. : Prospectus and hap showing holdlugs of Peace River Petroleums Limited will be gladly sent on request. a ul vagy or 5 : Se i i J of of it #5. There is no miracle in a good investment, a good investment is the simple Tesult of good: ? Peace River Petroleum, Limited (no personal liability). Authorized capital $5,000,000, divided into 5,000,000 shares of $1.00 each, The following fnforma-~ tion is given to meet the requirements of the Ontario Companies Agt:~--(b) The qualification of a director is the holding of one share, The by-laws con- tain the following provisions: "The di« rectors shail be paid out of the funds of the Company by way of remunera- tion for their services such sums as the shareholders in annual or special gen- eral meeting may from time ito {ime determine, and such remuneration shell be devided among them in such pro- portdon as the directors themselves may determine, and also the sum of $10.00 for cach meeting attended, and shall also, in mddition thereto be paid (afitdy approval of the mecount by the board of directors) all out of pocket : disbursements actually and properly inourred by them in connection with the affairs ot the Company, including any dravelling and hotel expenses in- curred In attending meetings of direc tors or shareholders. If any director being willing, shall be called upon to perform extra seryicés or to make any Spreial exertions in going or residing abrogd or otherwise for any of the purposes of the Company, the Company shall remunerate the director so doing, either by, a fixed sum or b centage of profits or otherw soba Storming by the directors and such remuneration may be either in ad- dition to or in substitution for his share in the remuneration above pro- vided by by-laws The by-laws fur- ther provide that the remuneration of the officers, including the presigent, vice-president. secretary, treasurer, ... Peace River. ' British Columbia. (2) Thére son, Manufacturers' Agent, 80 Dels- ware Ave, Toronto, Ontario; William Bradshaw, Wholesale Merchant; 25 Wellington St. west, Toronto, Ontario; . Bydney Charles Brasier, Wholesalo Fur Merchant, 86 Front St. east, Toronto, Ontario; Thomas Alfred Cadn, General Manager. 59% Yonge St, Toronto, On- tario; Byron George Cohen, Manufac- turers' Agent, 69 Bay st, Toronto, Ou- tario; Cecil Holmes Thompson, Lum- herman, 26 Adelaide Bt, west, Toronto, Ontario; John Anderson Izsette; Copy Wiriter, 268 Welght Ave, Taronto, On- tario; Frank Albany. Rowlatt, Adver. tising Agent, 24 Pipne® Crescent, Toronto; Ontario. (4) The minimum subseription is five shares, dnd the amount payable on appieation and on allotment on esch share 4s the full amount of the price at which such whare is 1ssued. (eo) Under the by-lawg & further call or calls may be made upen shares subscribed for aw and' when the directors may determine, but the shares mow offered are beimg issued not subject to further call. (f) $16,000 fully pald and non-assessable shares of & par valug of $1.00 each have been issued or are proposed or intended to be issued in consideration of the transfer and assignment to the Company of leases covering an aoreags of approximutely 26000 acres of petro- leum and matural gas Tights in the D fn-Alberta are no vendors of any perty purchased or acquired By the MpENY, of proposed #0 to be purchised or acquired, which is to be paid for wholly or partiy out GT the proceeds of the Issue offered for subseriptéon by this Prospectus, or the purchase or acquisition of which had arrd-in procuring the underwriting of any se- CARTtra ssued or to be issued by the company, but the letteryg patent &u- thorise a commission of twenty-five per cent. (J) The estimated amount, of preliminary cxpenses is $15,00000, which is payable by the Company. (k) The amount paid for the preceding three years or intended to be paid In cash, shares debentures, debenture stock, or other securities, to any pro- moter, and tae consideration for such pa. ents are in paragraph (1). (1) The following comtracts have been entered into: --Contract between J. M. Bowman "nd o Sompany, dated November 18, 1810. Contract between W. €. Goftatt & Co, and the Company, dated Novem 'ber 18, 1918. Coples of the above con- tracts may be inspebted at the offices of the Company's brokers Messrs. W, C. Goffatt & Company, 10:13 Kin, Street east, Toronto, during the usua business hours, (m) No auditors have been appointed. (n) The following di- rectors are Interested in thy jon of or In the property p be acquired by the Company, and the nb- ture and extent of their interests is as follows: W. Bradshaw and Adam An- derson, are Interested as shareholders in Consolidated Oil Plelds of Peace River, Limited, to the extent of 8+.808 4 shares and 15,000 shares respectively, Sidney C, Brasfer, Thomas Mitchell, Thomas A. Cain, John Hallam and Al- -- liv Me Phetson, Thomblon are interested in the share consideration to be pall to the ven- dor, J. M. Bowrsn, above mentioned, to the "extent of 20,000 shares, 20,000 shires, 40,000 shares, 20,000 shares, 20,- 000 whares, 20.000 shares, 10, hares, and 20,000 whares respectively, The dai. rectors have been authorised to Ro- quire shares in Smoky River Oil Com- Geo: -B; Cohen, C, WH. ~~ not bees completed at the date of the issue of the Prospectus. th) No amount is pRid or payable as purchase Jnoney in Sash. shares. debentures or tn acquise eben tu 0 Snprhiune Stock or other mcurition for | [IMABICAD Mo 1s proposed to acquire been paid or is payable as commission ste of paid-up shares of this Company for pubberibing of Ageing to oof 8 par val not Siceeding the shares scribe, oF procuring or agreeln of puch Companies so acquired. cure #ubseriptions for ny shares in Noverahent Toronto, this 28th day of the Company, or for underwriting of November IMB ol a general manager, or managing director all of whom may be directors shall be seltled from time to time by the board, tc) The names, descriptions and ad- dreases of the directors are: John Hal- lam, Wholesale Hide & Fur Merchant. 111 Front St, east, Toronto; Alla Ph Ontario; BY 8 Mitchell, Wholesale Merchant, $3 Wellington St. west, Toronto. Ontario; Adam Ander pany, Limited, and Consolidated Of Fields of Peace River, Limited, for such consideration as they deem ad- visable, and it is proponed. The Charter of Incorporation gives this Company power fo control oil lands and operate oll-wells-- build pipe! lineg---erect and opérate refineries--own and operate tauk cars, rallways and steamboats--to produce natural gas -- operate and supply minnicipalities with light, heat and Power, also to manufacture gasoline from naturkl was (Gasoline manifactured from the wet gas that comes from the wells at Peace River will become sn enormous revefive-producing asset to Peace River Pétroloums Limited.) . y The Company also has power to operate and develop ¢odl, iron and other valuable mineral deposits, The Company controls over 48,000 acres of what are considered to be the cholcest and Ffeheat oil innds in the Peace River District. i 4 : $0) , Sp Sooper & Keaser, 120 Bay St, Toronto, Canada; Cormack & Mackie, Bidmonton, Alberts, Fill in and mail this application form to-day. i + To--W.C. GOFFATT & Co. Pisase enter my application for 10-12 King Street East, Toronto -.. shares of the Capital Stock of Peace River Petralouy *} : BEE Vee aa ee Limited at Thirty-five conts & share (35c.), fully pai up and uon-assessable, Herewios 1 send Sh Sn Hae ly pan up Have shares issued to: TE He EASE AR Ce kanes 3% LW SRA TAME...