DAILY BRITISH THE WHIG ee -- ee JOSEPH ROGERS LAUNCHING OF STEANCK|INCDENTS OF THE DA FOUND GUILTY | ree CANADIAN BRAVER SLIDES | LocaL NOTES AND ITEMS OF i INTO THE WATER | GENERAL INTEREST. i EE a { Mrs. J. B. Foote of Toronto Chris- | Happenings in the City and Vicinity tens Her--Splendid Vessel Built | --What the Merchants Offer to By the Collingwood Shipbuilding | the Readers of the Whig. Company, |W. Swaine, plane tuner, orders a The ' mew government - steamer | McAuley's, or 'phone E84w "Canadian Beaver" took the water at J. Russell Donaldson, Toronto, 11 a.m, Wednesday and appropriate | Was 2 ¢itx visitor on Tuesday. ceremony was observed by those in| Freshly ground oyster shells for charge of the launching. The event | Making hens lay more eggs at Car- Was sa notable one and attracted | Dovsky's, ¥ hundreds of citizens of every class, | F. E. Anfield who has been at Al- ; . _| keeping company with her. because it was generally known that | gonguin Park, for several weeks has Sulphur enhances its appearancg a | Asked by Counsel for the prisoner | the Canadian Beaver was the Jargest | returned to the-city. 5 hundredfold: ._ | about the punishment her father | vessel ever laid down in Kingston, Herbert L Sullivan, Winaipeg, is Don t bother to prepare the mix- | gave her, witness smiled, and said A platform was erected at the bow | Visiting his sister, Mrs. I. Burke, Juss; yon *anl sei hit TAmORe 9M 'she had been punished for going out | of the ship to accommodate the offi- | 361 King street, west. Toe pe improved byt ath {tion of when her father had told her to |cials Of the Collingwood Shipbuild- ' McGill students hav. just "now i Ingredints at alla Yoycits stay at home. Witness liked picture | 10g sCompany, their friends and jormed 2 turned folsters Yo y Jot uss, at 8 a ec X yoth's shows, and admitted that on the Buests, and was covered with bunt. | nm. Queen's his over a year ane ant o Par adr vn. to JDght Rogers drove her into the city | 08. Mrs. Foote, wife of Captal J. | age ond N Head ters san. alw ¥ 2 pends p © from Cataraqui,- she attended | B- Foote, Toronto, performed the | rmy and Navy and Headquar E back the natural color and Jus- 11g movies." Rogers also attended | CRristening by breaking the bottle of | Staft teams play indoor baseball in tre of your hair. | the "movies" but did not sit' with | ChAmpagne agaipst the bow as the | the Armouries this evening. George 2 . Feed Chopping Plant, Everybody uses "Wyeth's Sage and her. ship started down the ways. Every | Sullivan is to umpire. and he advises tl Sulphur Compound now because 'ft mpi iris the evidence for the | detail was carried out to schedule. | Now is the time to have your : advises that you darkens so naturally and evenly that prosecution. a Thedaunching was ing by | Plano tuned. We carry two expert]. darkens so naturally and evenly th follow CAB RAL fa fiobody can tell it has been the blowing of whistles at the rearby | tRuer: and will assure entire satis anticipate .your .wants applied. You simply dampen a sponge or sift | ; plants, and applause from the hun-|'#¢ton C. W. Lindsay. Limited. Story of Prisoner. ' Pp Se Peterb - Joseph Rogers, the prisoner, was | reds of speectators who lined the fo eterboro mayoralty race has nar hrush with it and draw this through dd tot ts. Th the hair, taking one small strand at _ wharves. wed town Wo contestants, They a time; by morning the gray hair has called and told of having hired Eva M 7 = £ 3 4 are Ald. A. A. McIntyre, labgr can- : & Bray Jair has ogimergn 1 ste er for him in| MIS. Foote was presented with a | 2 aron to paste paper for n magnificent bouquet hy J. F. McMil- Cidate, and Ald. W, Taylor. his work. One of the Cameron boys , a AO disappeared, and after another ap- plication it becomes beautifuly dark lan, secretary-treasurer of.the Col- | <i § : had been working for the prisoner, | & pis . ® | John H. Killenba¢k, Evans Mills, and appears glossy and lustrous, but he 'did not do the work well Ting wood Shipbuilding Company, .. I N.Y, died on Sunday aged sixty-vve The prisoner asked to have Eval. Sucoans aunching of this | years. He was born at Lyndhurst, to help him in his work, and her yeatel reflects Stout Sredit upon the | Ont, His son, George, resides on father gave his consent. The pris- pany an e efliclent staff of | wells Island, I employees. Kingston is justly proud | ' Sher Haid Hi Paid 'her at fhe Fate of the achievement and the hope a | We will rent you a piano, and at of 3 an ag Ee fomp aine b 0 | earnestly expressed that another keel end of six months if 'you feel like he prisoner that her brother ad | will be laid 'soon. Upon enquiry at | Purchasing instrument we will allow abuse her, and that her fathér had | the office,, however, no information the six months' rental on purchase also punished her, He had | Was obtainable respecting the early | ITieg and arrange easy terms ou bal- marks on her Rm: Prisoger [vant | prospect of another contract. ° |ance,"C .W. Lindsay. ed Eva to work for him, and this! The Canadian Beaver will q | was tho reason for his bringing her | down the river to (he cer br Doceed| The Returned Soldiers' Sosial Club in from Inverary. He told her that! another deck finish _|beld a Vimy Ridge masquerade in y ' : : 1: is finished and her up , 2 her father was sick so that he could | per works have been completed. She | [1@ Garden Hall, Brock street, on Consider Reducifig Percentage. coins "into bullion and utilize them get 'her to work for him. will Eo ty England aud thep enter | Luesday night. There were about] Ottawa, Dec, 11.---That the per-|for commercial purposes is by no | The prisoner declared that 'he had | the West Indian sugar trad | 450 present. most of them being in jcentage of pure silver in Canadian [means improbable. The matter is \ E { costume. Eleven prizes were award- [silver coins may be reduced to ob-| under advisement by the finance de- | value is about equal" the walue { never encouraged the girl to leave ' {her home. He had asked her to | ed. ~ Jviate the temptation to melt present money, / e-- 2 : stay at home. Prisoner said he had a wife and ten children, one mar- A. STOMACH IR 8 ARE ried, and the youngest five years of - - Mr. Whiting, told about the girl se- DUE 10 ACIDITY curing employment with a Kingston ! family. The gil, while in this home, went under an' assumed name, and | The Late Mrs. Esfora. wass visited by the accused several | On Tuesday night the death 'oc- So called stomach troubles, such! Bouse with the girl, and being much deceased had been® ailing for some As indigestion, gas, sourness, stom~ !1 ler company. He also paid for her | time. The funeral takes place. on sch-ache and inability to retain food *P0ard af the Brock street house. Friday morning' tre in probably nine cases out of ten,! The evidence of the prisoner clos- imply evidence that excessive secre. 0 the case, and after addresses of The Late Mrs. Jarrell, 4 The death of Margaret Jarrell, aged gas and 'acid indigestion. Counsel for the accused claimed | Gas distends the stomach and that there had been no evidence to ithe city on Tuesday. The funeral tauses that full oppressive burning 'onnect Rogers with the girl's leav- [takes place fmm M. P. Keyes . un- feeling sometimes known as heart- 78 home. The evidence given show- dertaking parlors, on Thursday burn, while the acid irritates and in- © that the girl' home life had not morning, to St. Mary's Cathedral. sxcessive development or secretion of sceord : reid. n I AOR el for the . prosecution held |gireet. received word to-day that her Fo stop or prevent this souring of that the prisoner was responsible for |gister, Mrs. Robert Simons, had died ihe food contents of the stomach 'N¢ girl leaving home. She claimed {in Toronto. Mrs. Simons. former] | that Rogers had induced Wh HL + } y : yr er 19 [resided on Garden Island, afterward >t bisurated magnesia, a good and "9° +Yective corrector of-acid stomach, '°ave home. ing to Toronto. Mrs. Simons i§ sur- ¢ ould be taken In a quarter of a vived by her" husband, four sons, is of hot or cold Water after eat- Thomas, VVilliam, James and Ro- + or whenever gas, sourness. or bert, also three daughters, Margaret, Bertha and Hilda. The family 'if few moments and is 'a perfectly uriess and inexpensive remedy to them, especially the husband, who is now over eighty years of age, and in ill health, {From Our Own Correspondent.) age. el Serta y : lls Safe, Cert#fif® Speedy, Relief, times. The prisoner also admitted {curred of Mary Ann Esford, wife of tion of acid is taking place in the 'OUDsel and the judge, the case was | 84 years, widow of the late Geo, Jar- lames the delicate lining of the stom- '¢en what it should have been, and tnd to neutralize the acid, and make '"3t Ri i save, and his conduct all the way moving to Kingston, where she re- ™ (eidity.is felt. This sweetens the well-known in Kingston and vicinity, Dec. 7~~In the council chamber PAGE FOURTEEN i Sage Tea Turns JO Gray Hair Dark] For The Xmas Season Place Your Order Now For Dublin Ginger Ale-- English Ginger Beer, Pure Apple Cider All Brands of Domestic and Imported Cigarettes : Botting Works ' Geo, Thompson, Prop. (Continued From Page 1) [don't know there was. i "Had Rogers.anything to do with it" 'Yes, he told me that I should { not stay in such a God-forsaken place Cataraqui." Witness then told of staying for a time at a ' boarding house on Brock street and also being employ- ed as a maid in a' Kingston house. All the time, the accused had been it's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring | Ba. Back Color and Lustre to i Hair. dict is that the Judge- Jones Milling Company's plant must be in working order within two weeks, also Grain Elevator and That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul-| phur. - Your balr is your charm. It makes or mars the 'face. When it fades, turns gray or stresmker, Just an application or two of Sage and | Thompson . wll ANOTHER CONSIGNMENT JUST ARRIVED AT THE-- " STANDARD VULCANIZING SHOP 284 ONTARIO 8 T, COR. QUEEN . A. NEAL, MGR, PHONE 2080, - ® = ea and place your order for FRENCH IVORY FIRST SHIPMENT, NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED SHOP EARLY ¥ OR CHRISTMAS GET THE CHOICEST GOOD» SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 41 Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts, = Bar silver has been selling as high as $1.31 an ounce in New York, and 74 pence in London, po the intrinsic as Flour, etc., to be deliver- ed about that time. seen | ~~ Begs to announce that he has resumed his practice, corner Johnson and Welling. ton Streets, Kingston. Tels. phone 36%. 3 partment, SAYS Vr } PT Ie Oat 0 ' Ds J 73 Ii} Vy a | A The Late Mrs. Robert Simons. Mrs. Thomas B. Angrove, 93 Queen Church Tea and Sale, A successful tea and sale was held y the Ladies' Aid of the First Con- regational church in the parlors of "e church on Tuesday afgernoon. The following ladies were convenors: Tea Tgble Miss E. Henderson and 'fies M. Hewitt; home made table. liss H. Derry and Miss Ada Neish: pron table, Mrs. 8. Lilley. Miss A. eish took the entrance fee at the 'gor. Mrs. Thomas Barlow is presi- The prisoner, ¢ross-questioned by | For Acid Indigestion getting a room in the same boarding [James Esford of Isle: of Man. . The stomach causing the formation of, S1¥Xen over to the jury at 11.45 a.m. | {rell, of Brewer's Mills, took place in teh. The trouble lies entirely in the that the girl went away of her own t bland and harmless, a teaspoonful « Rowed that he had induced her fo sided for several years, later removs «sth and neutralizes the acidity ; and much sympathy is expressed for e Ap antiacid, such as bisurated nagnesia which can be obtained irom any druggist in either powder oe tablet form enables the stomach '0 do its work properly without the Le Md of artificial digestents. Magnesia ent Of the Ladies" Aid. tomes in seveml forms, so be certain to ask for and tale oniy w.suwaced _ On Tuesday afternoon 20,000 Magnesia, which is especially pre- Jews of Toronto left their work and pared for the above purpose. homes to protest in public meetings In The Schoolroom ITHIN the last few years the Phonograph has been introduced into the school .room. . with excellent results. For class singing it fills the long-felt need of a true voice for throughout the city against the in- ns 'human massacres of their fellow j country-men in Ukrainia. Herr Petersen, Hamburg, may be named the German delegate to carry on future peace negotiations con- cerning port and harbor materials. A Christmas bonus is being look- ed for by the Ontarie Civil Servants. ood's Pills Cure Constipation Bil pa . When it is In an adojining tiat an | aprisht plano is a downright nuis- is lousness ° A miser loves money for the many Liver ills y things he doesn't have to spend it 4 § for. i - : Like a Furnace Fire in Winter You Need : Buckley's White Bronchitis Mixture + Because if has proved to be & protection against the sold weather that causes so maby cases of irritated ts, coughs. colds, bronchitis, bronchical asthma. The above mixture is ess, sold under & cast-iron money-back guarantee to conquer any of the above ailments. Get a bottle today, use it for five days and if it is not the best in the world take it back and get your money. Is 1 fair, Can one do more then this to prove to-you what a won medicine I have discovered? Remember. not a syrup but a tific Mixture twenty times more powerful than any known : Good for both young and old. Take no an that dares say Te has She Just as ood. Manufacture only by Re $ Nicholas St, Ottawa, ang 87 ailin uring; Chemist, ist, Toronto. : X . a : So n i Sargent sige hs 3 {quite well patronized. | years and four on Monday evening quite a goodly crowd of intereseted citizens gather- ed to bear the report of thé commit- | tee, which was appointed by a meet- ing of 'citizens some time ago to look into the matter of the cost of a me- morial stone in honor of Gandno- que's hero sons who made the sup- reme sacrifice during the recent war. Town Councillor Clifford Sine was the chairman of the committee, All that is now left to do is to make de- cision of the material and the price and outside labor will do the rest even to the erection in the town park. Under the auspices of the tocal branch of the Gréat War Veterans Association, an enjoyable musical entertainment was held at their club room on Monday evening and was On Monday evening in the lecture hall of Grace church, the pupils of Miss Essie DeLong gave an excellent reeial, 'at which tho parents of the pupils were invited guests. In the lecture holl of St. Andrews church last evening the Young Peo- ple's Association held a very suec- cessful box social. There was no ad- mission fee, the ladies brought the boxes 'of good things and these were auctioned to the young men in at- tendance. g The Late Mrs. ¥. Lennon. a Sagar Lennon, widow of the Felix Lennon, passed away on Wednesday at her residence, 223 Raglan road. She was ninety-eight months old, and had Kingston practically all lived in lite. ar NE -- er ------ She 'Is survived the. i nd-chiidren; Ne Parka ie | the lead and serves as a great help to the young untrained voices to sing in pitch. To teach patriotic songs to a class of chil dren, it has no equal: children learn very quickly by ear and imitation. As music for class drills and marches the phonograph is the thing: it keeps perfect time and never gets tired. Now, if the phonograph can be used to such good advan- tage, in the school, isn't it logical to claim that it could be made to be just as great a help to the mother at home? That portion of her tasks which have to do with the devel- oprient of such talents as singing, elocution, English, can 'be lightened with the Phonograph.. To say nothing of the entertainment which is in the Phonograph for both young and old, the strict educational side is well worth considering. Come in and let us demonstrate the educational possibili- \ . A 3 Lindsay's also 311 Columbia Records and Look For Santa Bubble Books, p : - oR \, \ ness of reproduction, simplicity and beau- \ The Choice of the ~ Phonograph In choosing the educational Phonograph great care must be taken that it's repro- duction, be perfect, true and musically correct. No mistake is possible if the COLUMBIA is chosen. For quality of tone, faithful- ty of line, and perfection in mechanism the Columbia Grafonola is unequalled. For "facility of sélection, quick service, courteous attention and satisfactory terms, your choice should be made at Lindsay's. Columbia Crass. Peron "23 to $360. Afternoon