PAGE SIXTEEN _In the store for men are hundreds of Gifts that men will like. - The Christmas season ---- | THE TEAMS SUCCEEDED IN SE- CURING 189 MEMBERS. Van Mills Secured the Highest Num« ber of Members, Personally Gets fing Thirty-two For His Team. |, The "one of a million" member- { ship drive, conducted by the Y. M. | Co Al during the past week, came to a whirlwind finish amid great en- | thusiasm, when at 9.30 o'clock, Mon- tday night, a large crowd of the mem-= | bers gathered in the association cor i ridors to see the final result posted up on the large score board. | The net result of the campaign | Was the securing of 122 new mem- | bers asl 71 renewals, a total of 189 { members, with a total cash in pay- | ments and part payments of $852.70. | In the "A" series, the "Paige" d by Sid Donnelly, se- n | team, captal bers, or $1850 member of this team, Van Mills, who | personally enrolled 32 members, and { thereby wins the first prize, viz, an (association watch fob, The winners [In "group "B" were the "Chevrolet" | team, captained by Hew Duff, this {team securing 29 members and 1$102.75 in cash, | group being awarded to a team mem- | ber of the winners, George Carson, { who secured 10 members. | The following are the other team Isgores in members and cash re- | ceipts: "Franklin," ten, $30; "Pack- rard," fifteen, $61; "Rolls Royce," | twenty-five, $70.20; "Reo," ten, [$36; "Overland," six, $18: "Hud. ison" four, $16.50: "McLaughlin," twenty-four, $65; "Gray Dort," two, $28; "Ford," draws nearer and nearer every day, and the time in which to choose Christmas gifts grows shorter. We're in splendid trim for the holiday trade, showing just the things that men are always delighted to receive for Christmas gifts. $9; "Saxon," seven, REMEMBER LIST seven, $31.75. : " The second best lean in the "A' the "Rolls Royce," ca Ps Said Ba. Vince, oy is to a Suits--Overcoats--Sweater: s--Dress Shirts semmendod not only Jor the 2 mem- .. : : / team secured, but because --Fancy Shirts--Silk Shirts--Gloves--Hos- ho Dersonally. scarey vr of use iery -- Neckties -- Wool Scarf -- Knitted [oone pains, Zarticularly on Ueedy Scarf--Underwear--House Coats-- Dress- lected a large amount in small sub- : : ons. ing Gowns--Pyjamas, etc. Come. Look. oY In'thanking the boys and men for We'll be pledsed to show you. their splendid efforts, the secretaries reminded the workers that while tha contest was over, the association was still looking for members, and would appreciate any continued effort on Livingstons [= 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. - Film star os het oh LoPular Fox "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" 6TORE OPEN TO 6 O'CLOCK UNTIL CHRISTMAS {time to-night in his latest picture, "Fighting For Gold." The picture is | full of the finest horsemanship stunts that any actor ever put on the screen. Tom Mix certainly knows his west, he knows his horse and he knows his Bun, and Ne combines all three to make a splendid motion picture. Alma Rubens will also be seen for the last time to-night in "A Man's Country," This picture of an old- time Californian mining czmp has drawn much attention « while in Kingston," und seems to 56 a fitting vehicle for Miss Rubens' splendid acting. The bill is completed by reels of comedy pictures and an act of Nigh-class vaudeville. For Thurs- day only the management offer Al- bert Ray. in "Be a Little Spert," one of the most amusing comedies ever filmed. A Sunshine comedy, a Mutt and Jeff comedy, and a Fox News, with an act of good vaudelille, will complete the bill which is seen for the one night only.--Advt. Gallo' English Opera Company Com- Not content with the laurels he has won in the grand. opera Wield through the medium of his San Carlo Opera Company, which has now won & recognized place among the great organizations of the country produe- ing the standard operas, Fortune Gallo has reached out for new worlds to conquer. Believing that the time has come when a series of revivais of the famous comic: operas of his- -tory can Be successfully and profit- ably staged, Mr. Gallo has organized a splendid coterie of artists for tour the present season, to which he has given the name of the Gallo English Opera Company, and with which or- | Banization he purposes presenting a | series of the better-known English | and French opera comiques, such as ! were given by the Bostonians and the MecCaull Opera Company a couple of decades ago. Among the list of principals en- gaged for the Gallo English Opera Company, one stands unique. Hana Shimozumi is without question thé first. Japanese prima donna appear- Ing in Engilsh light opera. She is said to have a glorious soprano, clear and beautiful in both the upper and Jower ranges, and is also a de- lightful actress, with a true sense ot the value of thie Gilbertian humor. She will be seen as Yum-Yum in "The =| Mikado" and as O Mimosa San in "The Geisha." The principal com- edian of the Stsantsation bs Joffer- Son De Angelis, who has for years been recognized as America's fore- most light opera comedian. Asso- ciated with Mr. De Angelis in the roles are Louis Casavant and Karl Stoll, artists well known to the 'tenors Ts LTT A DRESSFFOR A XMAS. GIFT would be appreciated by any wo- man. We have a magnificent stock of the very newest and most stylish gowns for street, afterngon or even- ing wear, and if a selection is made and is not satisfactory we will be too pleased to ex or make ions to suit after the holiday. : Dresses of Serge, Silk, Satin, Cre E de Chene, Geor, ne oDe, ions of satin an 'serge; from | | $18.75 to $105.00. THE DAILY the prize in this | SS -- | the sort of picture that marks the | highest 'standard in photodrama, and | i it can be seen by all, young and old, | [men and women with equal delight. | If you have not see this photoplay | ¥0u are missing the most thrilling { and the most interesting picture that | { Tom Mix has put on the screen. See { it this evening. -- Adve. | FOUR PERSONS HELD FOR KILLING MAN | | The Fourth Man Was Rounded { Up in Vancouver On Tuesday. { (Canadian Pros Despaten. ) Winnipeg, Dee. 10.--~With the ar- | rest of Jack Clements, at Vancouver, ithe four persons charged and held {in connection with the murder of LW. Deforge, formerly a military an in this city, is completed. a, ome of the accused, plead- led guilty Yesterday, and was remand- ed on a charge of stealing two re- } with one of which it is al- | shot Deforge. | MEMBER FOR ALGOMA teat ---- oS [Speaks in St J... . Church on the! Forward Movement. The Anglican Forward Movement was launched in the city on Tuesday evening at a mass meeting in St. ames' Church. Bishop Bidwell pre- sided, and introduced G. B. Nichol- fon, M.P. for the district of Algoma, {and a prominent member of the | church, who gave a most inspiring jaddress, | Mr. Nicholson has been identified {with the development of New On. | tario, having taken up his residence jin Algoma 'inf 1883, He possesses | unusual ability as a speaker, and un- | bounded enthusiasm. Indeed, he is regarded as the origigator of the Forward Movement, and has devoted much of hjs time to thegwork in dif- {ferent parts of the province. Mr, Nicholson said that the present time presented opportunities to the church that she had to seize it she was truly |to fulfill her great mission and every | citizen was called upon to ask him- jself the great"question: ada go forward and develop athiestic socialism or expand upon the best socialism: founded by = Christianity?" The success of the Forward Move- ment, declared the speaker, was the answer to that important 'question. He showed that the ROVER ng was a national movement, because the work of the church was national in [its importance, and he showed that the sum_of $2,750,000 was needed to carry o the cemprehensive pro- gramme. ------ BURIAL OF CENTENARIAN A Military Funeral For the Late Martin McDonald. The late Martin McDonald, whose 104th birthday would have been ce- lebrated on Tuesday was buried with full military honors on Wednesday moring from the home of his dau- ghter, Mrs. Peter Collins, 40 Divi- sion street. The remains were con- veyed to St. Mary's Cathedral on a sun carriage from the R.C.H A, and a solemn requiem mass was sung. The party which fired the last salute at the grave was composed. of men from the R. ©. G, A. The pall bearers wergimiembers of the Army and Navy Veterans under whose auspices the funeral was held. ; - C. P. R. Men Hore, - The Canadian Pacifie Railway On- tario transportation committee arriv- ed in the city Wednesday afternoon to take up several important mat- ters affecting the public and the com- pany. The committée is composed of the operating and traffic officers and. the agents of the Ontario dis- trict, and it meets from time to time in various cities and tawns of the province. Ways and means for improving the service will be dis- cussed. The meeting takes place in the Board of Trade rooms. W. A. Buchanan, member of par- Hament for Lethbridge, is spoken of 8s a possible successor io Senator Talbot, if he chooses t0 leave the commons, Mrs. DieBson and Miss Katherine Dickson, © street, returned home on Monday after a visit in Syra- cuse, N.Y, CHRISTMAS we ARDS plate » Richt folders as as the piain, Sou edged and ortiees Pisin, prices are most reasonabic- and the cards cannot be exceuec HANSON, CROZItR & EDGAR DAILY MEMO Soe Yop ot Jag 3 Three, ligat hano The Household Pair by the Young Ladies' Club, Brock Sg Heit nf din, ehurah, to-morrow eve - v'cloek. Admission, pe. oy "Shall Can- | i ft = = == = = = = BE = = = = = BEE | -- Fo] oo] = |= | = = 5] = I= = = £ = HI THA I | [i NHI | HOE A i I Hm ARO + ] 2 BRITISH WHIG - A ; Handkerchiefs | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19190 3 ~ Ten New And Lovely " Blouse Models Of Crepe Georgette Many of these Blouses are in white "or flesh color-and - other fashion: able tints, and all are in those dain- ty styles which women Tike for better wear. © $9.75 to $25.00. IN GIFT BOXES 3 in a box--all white, Embroidered corner de- BIEMB wes 1 sr van sa te a veins v.50c. 3 in a box--corner design embroidered in color, 50¢, 2ina box---very Pretty Crepe de Chene, in a variety of novel designs , . .,.. . o's wean TOG Other makes: $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 a box.. We Suggest That NOW Is The Shopping Time For Xmas + Handkerchiefs 3ina box--very dainty designs . . . > 7 Teri Very Sheoia Offer The Butterick Pattern People have authorized us to offer special oi for a few days only The Delineator For a Whole Year for only Je a reve. 31020 Worth regularly $2.40. w John Laidlaw & Son, Led. ALL CHILDREN. THEY ARE wan: AND THE them. They also save the shoes. > THE |} " 1 We ha &ood stog the ® 10 $2.50 for large. : Ted ho Soi on oh DELIGHT HT 0]