BEST'S As usual to the front with a fine display of Holiday Gift Goods. w=Toilot and Manicure Sets. ~Shavers' Sets. ; ~-Fountain Pens, --Fancy Chocolates, --Stationery. Brushes and Mirrors. --Perfumes and Sprays. Drop in early pnd look this fine display over. At Best's| The Popular Drug Store {3 | DIAMOND will bring memories of this Xmas, time Open Till Ten Each Night Phone 50. Keeley Jr., MOD. Insuré Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr, 0.0. $ The optometrist, of today to do . 890d work must not only be equipped. with the mechan- ical apparatus but/must have that knowledge fin its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCE CAN GIVE, It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeloy's service unique in Kingston. Sympathy prompts you and me to do many things that later on we re- for many years. --Cluster Rings: --Solitaire Rings --Bar Pins --FEarrings . Diamonds are scarc- er and more desir- able this year than ever before. IE will pay you to visit King Street. MARRIAGE WEDDING LICENSES RINGS. 1 SMITH BROS. JEWELERS mnt rn A ------ THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 | Wanting snything done In the -arpes- ---- ne catimates given on ali Xinds af vepnirs and anew work; alse hard- wood floors of all k ade. All order wil] receive promp: attention. Shou 28 Queen street. Nowadays it seems to be men be- fore measures. tle / shestra >d all the lat- |G. H. A. orchestra played all the 181: ie ©. Rudoir. Min Joes, ORmo el | Ome that contributes a real service to recipient and will be much appreciated by her is offered in BISSELL SWEEPER Elegance may be combined with easy operations and thorough performance, making BISSELL SWEEPERS popular every- where as a most pleasing. practical, appropriate gift for mother or wife, kin or friend. All.the most popular Bissell models are shown here, stock being complete, invites a ' BROCK STRERE 3 McKelvey & Birch Lid, our veryone for inspection, ate 3 i tt PHONE 237 ANENRRNRREANEREEREREEEEEE NEEREEY CHRISTMAS GIFTS J X * Don't be late making selections. We will store your gifts and deliver the day before Christmas. LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. TEL.DS- EASY LIBRARY TABLES IN CHAIRS TO MATCH. t 'MED OAK. WALNUT AND FUME tn rose FLOOR AND TABLE LAMPS, fitted with pr old gold tan, I # and blua. 1 AGCONS IN MAHOGANY AND WALNUT. AND MATS. ben jvommon with other papers all over | Cunada, wili make a' charge of 50c. {or inserting an { that given by Mrs. W, Morgan, Barrie i street, on Friday { Mrs. James Richardson, who received with the hostess, ; | d'etre, | dining room red shaded lights cgst a | prety glow, while beautiful crimson | roses were artistically arranged. A { lovely pink and white chrysanthe- | drawing room { while pink shaded lights cast their | til | ing, swords and rifles | sterner touch. | forward to event. > . * THE (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in engagement, mar. riage or reception announcement. * » > A delightful tea and musicale was when afternoon, was the' raison In the drawing room and bright fire crackled merrily in the hall, and on the table was a vase filled with cream roses and narcissi. On the handsome polished table in the dining room a cut-glass vase, filled with crimson roses, made a +lovely centre piece. Here Mrs Sand ford Calvin poured coffee. Miss Agnes Richardson made tea while the ices were cut by Mrs. A. B. Cun- ningham and Mis. W. Bermingham, several of the guests passing the dainty refreshments, Then the guests enjoyed a feast of music, the pro- gramme being: Piano solo, Mrs. | Lyster; songs, Miss Carrie Waldron; piano solo, Mrs. Gummer; songs, Mrs. { T. Callandar; musical dialogue, Mrs. { Hicks; piano solo, Mrs. W. Goodwin; songs, Mrs. Callandar; piano soio, { Mrs. Rigney; song, Miss Carrie Wald- i ron, * - » On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spence (Evelyn Corbett) | entertained a number of friends at | their : | street, Brantford. new house, Arthur Mrs. Spence, who was assisted in receiving her guests pretty | by her sister, Miss Corbett, wore & | dainty gown of apricot { overdress of cream ninon embroider- { ed in bla¢k French knots, while Miss | silk with Corbett's frock was champagne col- ored georgette crepe. Quantities of mums were prettily arranged in the | and dining room, | soft "rays over.the happy scene. Un-| midnight dancing was. enjoyed, and then a delicious bouffet supper | was served. The Royal Military College was en fete last evening, when the command- | ant, staff and gentlemen cadets en- tertained at a jolly dance. The de- Hghts of these gatherings has spread | to other cities, and friends and re- | lations of the cadets from Ottawa, | Montreal and Toronto were there in | { large numbers, The gymnasium was ' gaily decorated with flags and bunt- giving the Here Major-Gen. Sir Archibald Macdonald and Lady Mac- donell received the guests. The R. est one stéps, fox trots and waltzes, | and at the end of each number were eagerly besieged for "more."" About midnight a dekcious bouffet supper, | was served, and then dancing was re- sumed until the strains of 'God Save the King" ended this long-looked- Mrs. Willlam Lesslie, West street, entertained informally at "the teal hour on Friday afternoon, when she' invited a number of Miss Lily Nor- ton Taylor's friends in to have a chat and a cup of tea, Lovely yellow and white narcisse were in the drawing room and on the tea table over which Mrs. Arthur Evans presided. - - - A great number of friends gathered at the G.T.R. station yesterday to bid "bon voyage to.Mrs. Weir and her daughter, the Misses Ethel and Lena, and Miss Aileen Folger, who left for St. John, from where they sail on the 8S. Corsican for England. . . - After the theatre on Wednesday evening there was a jolly supper party, composed of Queen's students, held at the Chateau Belvidere. - . » ! Mrs. Bedell, 72 Sydenham street, has left for Merrickville to spend a few days. Mrs. Harold Harvey, London, Out. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | H. J. Lyons, Alfred street. 1 Guy Carr-Harris arrived 'from Tor- onto yesterday to spend the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Carr-Har- ris, Mack street, and attended the dance at the R. M. C. last evening. Mrs. J. Howard Box left today for New York. ; Mrs. J. L. Whiting, Clergy street, is spending a few days in Ottawa. Major H. J. McLean, West street, ig in Ottawa and later will go on to Prantford to join Mrs. McLean and spend Christmas. : Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, is spending a few days in Toronto. - Mrs. H. J. McLean and little dau-| zhter, Margarets West street, have | gone to Brantford and are visiting | tye former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, | Spence. { Miss Marguerite Bellhouse, Royal | Victoria Hospital, Montreal, who has | been enjoying a short holiday with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse, | Earl street, returned on Thursday to i Montreal. ¢ i Miss Marjorie Sinclair, Ottawa, was among the out-of-town guests at the R. M. C. dance last evening. t Misses Katherine and Eleanor Sanford Evans, Ottawa, are the week- / end guests of Mrs. Carr-Harris, Mack street, and attended the R. M. T dance last evening. ' . 8. J. A, Derry, accountant of the] Standard Bank, has been moved to Winnipeg and left last night for To ronto, where he joined Mrs. Derr; and will proceed on Monday to 'Win- nipeg. ! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig are caming from Toronto to spend Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Rich- ardson, Johnson street. by Miss Leslie and Miss Madeline | Ward, Port Hope, are the guests of | fi Major and Mrs. H. C. Wotherspoon, | |i Royal Military College. | Dr. A: W. Winnett, Bagot street, was the host of a jolly stag dinner | last evening in honor of his brother- | in-law, Hilliard' Rabertson, Regina, | Sask. - * . Mrs. Zimmerman and Miss Marga- ret Champ, who came for the R. M. | § C. dance," and were at 150 King street returned to Hamilton today. | Miss Ruth Nash, Montreal, arriv-| DAILY BRITISH WHIG . PAGE PROBS: Sunday, fair and much colder, THREE . ed from Montreal, yesterday, and is} [at 72 Sydenham street, Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey O'Hara, New York, will spend Chiistmas in| Cambridge, Mass., and shortly after- | wards will come to Kingston to spend 1 the New Year, and be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H E. Johnson street. -. * Miss Hilda McTear, who has been | J at hep home, The Rectory, Bath, suf: fering from an attack of bronchitis, | has returned to the city. | Miss Mabel Madden, army nurse, lately home from France | is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs |} Richardson, | §i » 4 | American | §i To-night---Special Offerings Of .. - Interest 1 Timely J. F. Madden, Kingston road, Na-| panee, | Miss Muriel Paul, Napanee, spent | the week-end with her sister, Mrs. | Robert Holland, Kingston, { Sir Jolin and Lady Hendrie will | leave Toronto for Hamilton about the middle of the month. ! Major T. A. Kidd, of' Kingston, is | spending a short time in Ottawa. | G. B. Nicholson, M.P., and wife | visiting in Kingston, have left for | Chaplean, Ont, |B * - { Mrs, J. P. C. Fournier, Kingston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter DeRochie and other friends in Corn- | wall. ! visit with her son, Dr. Niagara Falls. Mrs. (Dr.) Morley Branscombe, | Picton, has left to join her husband in Boston, where they will remain | for. 'some time. ' = McCallum, | * Sir Bdward Morrison, Major-Gene- | ral L. W. Otter; Gen. Gwatkin Ot- tawa, and Gen. videre this week, and left for their | homes yesterday. ! - - . i Registered at Chateau' Belvidere, | Friday, Dec. 12th: Mrs. Arthur Fry, Miss Mary Fry, Miss Grace William- son, Miss Dorothy Smart, Montreal; Mra. A. A. Wright, Miss Peggy Betty Gillespie, Mrs. Davis Foster, Miss | Foster, | Miss Ottlie Ormsby, R. G. Young, To- ronto;- Mrs. G. W. Nareross, Helen Narcross, Montreal. . si, . Mrs. Matthew Graham -dnd' sof Barl/street, left for Montreal on Sit: {i urday to spend Christmas and New: Year's. ah * & » W. Shannon, Picton announces the engagment of his third daughter, Anna Maude, R.N., New York City, to Hugh Jerome, son of the late! Patrick and Mrs. Helferty, Picton, | The wedding will take place | the latter part of December, A The engagement is announced of | Miss Erma Kathleen, elder daughter | bf Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Valleau, Toron- | to, to Frederick Booth Pense, second | son of Mr. and Mrs: James Pense | Princess street. The marriage will | take place the latter part of De- | cember, i (Continued on Page $2.) The marriage of Miss Laura May Mclaren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | D. A. McLaren, Drummond, and J. | Homer 'Sinclair, Pambrun, Sask., | son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sinclair |} i Balderson, took place at Winnipeg, | §i 21st. { on Nov. on | Chester Storms, Picton, died December -7th, after two .years' ill- |} He was | § a farmer for many years at Bay |] Side, i ness, aged sixty-four years. ve | Salle eg Hel As : Ce Wh bing fo the men why na ive FOOEWEAR? We have 4 _ FELT BOOTS : ; > ER ALSO SPATS, RUBBERS AND SLIPPERS IN STOCK, Phone B31] - \ © beds § Mrs. MeCallum, Gananoque, has | §i returned home after a very pleasant | | Bargains For Every Body 100 pairs of Ladies' Fleece- Lined Gloves in black only; sizes 7 to 81%; worth R50c. To-night Rolston, Toronto, | §i were registered at the Chateau Bel- | §i Wright, Miss Lillian | §! Miss | CE Sr etiam AA eS i Boys Children's Wool Mitts in practically every wanted col- or. To-night . . .25¢., 35¢., 50c. 90 pairs of Ladies' full {ash- foned Black Cashmeretie Hose, In all sizes and worth Ce ar Towmight ...7....... abe. 60 pairs of Men's heavy grey Union Work Sox; worth 45¢. a pair. To-night . . . .8 pr. for $1.00 60 only, Linen pieces, in- cluding Doylies, Table Cloths, ete. All prices, To-night ....,. Half Price. am A Sale of Handkerchiefs Exactly two hundred boxes of dainty Xmas. Handkerchiefs will be put on special sale to- night. The qualities speak for themselves and we leave it to your own good judg- , ment in the quantities you y nd it worth your while to buy. 2 in each box; neatly em- 1 LL broidered, with combina- tion colors, and made of good quality lawn. While They Last, 25¢. box 2 Ho By Steacys special qual- Flannelette Blankets 200 pairs only, of For The Cold | ays ity, white only, Flan- nelette Blankets; trimmed with blue and pink borders. Reg. $3.50 a pair. While they last-- TO-NIGHT $2.49 Children's Brushed Wool . Scarfs in nearly all colors and combination effects, Tonight, , .... 90c. and $1.00 . Children's Wool Pullovers, in all sizes and colors. To-night .... 81.50 and $1.75 Hundreds of other articles in our Wool Goods Section. Special Sale of Comforters 25 only, large bed size, Cotton D own-filled-Comforters, ed with Cotton Down, and a large variety of pretty, Chintz pat- terns to choose from. Sold regular at $6.50 each. Tonight... ni $4.48 well fill- A Wonderful Stock of Uiderweay Penman quality, $1.50 each. worth $1.50 each. A hS S------ MEN'S AND BOYS' Men's fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes 34 to 46: and worth Tonight ............: $1.00 ~ Men's "Watson" quality Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes; a value Tonight ............. $1.00 Penman's Natural Underwear, 1 Watson's Silk & Wool Garments Shirtsand Drawers ia all \ : LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Ladies' Vests and Drawers, in the best makes, and marked ve specially. Tonight . . . .. .59¢., 65¢. on up Children's Vests and Drawers in all sizes; natural and white. Tonight ......... 50c. onup Children's Sleepers; all sizes. Ladies' Bloomers at $1 and up' All the finer grades of wintes weight Underwear. : Vi a pe EE ---- 's - Limited