Ly . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG: ma ly | FOR SALE ~-PIPES, all sizes. RADIATORS. | MILITARY TENTS. | ~Large pieces of CANVAFD, ete., ole. 1. Cohen & Co. | 275 Ontario Street. Phone 534 | EEE PURE GLASSCOS rnwherry Jam ----Raspherry Jam Thiaek Currant Jam woneherry Jam re at Marmalade weed Currant Jelly ~Crabhpple, Jelly Grape Jelly hrambleherry Jelly D, COUPER ' 841-3 Princess Stree ; hone 76. Prompt delivery. 70c. Red Rose Tea you 0 BOC 28c. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. Bon Marche Grocery . King and Earl Streets. is Bine » Neo. 8-37149 Phone 1844. ASK YOUR GROCER , FOR Rose Brand Oleo 40¢c. PER LB. KINGSTON PRODUCE CO. (Distribators) 111% Brock Street. one RR ---- WOOD / a Sawed in Stove BOO 1H & CO, Foot West Street 33 ii Phone 1 HERERO HHT . SKATES I All kinds of Skates hollow in guaranteed oil finish- ed edges. Ground while you walt. © 15¢. PER PAIR. Hi celsior LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY r-- Consult G. HUNTER OGILVIE, 281 King Street, about taking out a . Policy NOW, Life Insurance is the one essential, the cost of which has not increased. Ask for particulars about the Monthly Incomé Bond. | rnin ono GED. A. WRIGHT MACHINIST Has removed from King Street te 40 PRINCESS STREET Repair work of all kinds. Phone, shop' 1264; Res. 1205 Fresh Cut Flowers Ferns, palms, funersl dew/gns, Sors! sprays, wedding pouauets w Ade to erde? F. J. JOHNSON, Flor: Phone 338. { 11% Vrosk Sf, rnc PHONE 1670 O. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and Ruilders 21 MAIN STREET . H ROWLEY House Painting and Paper Hang ing. Estimates om work freely ven. aL. PAPER FOR SALE 340 BARRIE STREET. PHONE 1260J. Ess ANNOUNCEMENT } DR. J. % STEWART Dental Surgeon, desires to an- nounce that he will resume the practice of Dr. H. A. Stewart, /eorner Princess and Wellington I streets, Kingston, on December 'int, Telephone 2003. Res. Llddw, A NOW OPEN . The Marrison Studio is Again Ready for Business Portraiture, Commercial Work Copying, Enlarging, Etc. Plone 1818w. - 92 Princess Street Anything ----Any Time----Any Place ' = Spivey tg It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1588 and Get Prompt |In Stock Just Arrived' Campbell's Tomato Soup< Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomatd' Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Red Rose Tea~--the Good Tea ! W.R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 6-542 & iy sees BUILDERS SUPPLIES »ootuy Hardwall Plaster of superior quality, in .Jute Bags. It sets quickly and makes a good, solid, durable wall S. ANGLIN & CO. Wontwork Factory ards Bay & Wellington Streets / KINGSTON, ONT. Office Phone 06 Factory Phone 1418 | Kin | i gston and Vicinity | i Flooded the Rinks Last Night. | = The ice makers at the skating | rinks took advantage of the cold { spell on Tuesday evening and put a | lot of water on the ice, : The Board of Works. : { The Board of Works holds its last meeting of the year this afternoon | when the members, will hear a sum- | mary of the season's road work. [| Still Constructing Sewers. | The city engineer's department will be busy most of the winter con- structing new sewers. A couple dozen men will be engaged under Street- Foreman Timms. Elected to Office. High River, Alberta, has selected its first woman alderman in the per- son of Mrs. Fred. J. MoKeague,, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mfrs, Geo, R. Brown, Belleville city. Must Have Certificate on Return No one will be allowed to leave Montreal for Ontario points over the Christmas holidays and return who cannot produce a similar vaccination certificate. Kingston Has That Kind. A good live, reliable, sueeessful lo- cal newspaper is an invaluable asset to the community, possessing a real value and impértance that cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. se --------------------. Attended Re-Union, Capt. N. N. M. Cooke was in Tor- onto, attending a reunion held by the members of the C.A.8.C. who went overseds from Toronto in 19186, The event was a great success, Visited His Father, Rev. T. W. Savery has returned from Annapolis, N.8,, where he was called owing to the serious illness of his father who is close on to ninety years of age. No Police Oourt Session, For the first time in several days, there was no session of the Police Court'on Wednesday morning, and as a résult Magistrate Farrell had an off day. Convicted of Assault, At the Belleville County Court a jury brought in a verdict of guilty in the case of Stanley Caron accused of assaulting and beating W. H. F. Ket- cheson, Judge Deroche deferred sen- tence, James Reid's Decorations. The merchants on Princess street are busy decorating their windows for the Christmas season. James Reld, undertakers, have erected an arch in front of their place of busi- ness, . . Court of Revision. A meeting of the Court of Revi- WONT PREVENT FREHEN FROM PERFORMING LITTLE DU- "TIES ON THE SIDE Fire and Light Committee Voted Down Ald. Jones' Resolution to Prohibit Them Engaging in Dec- oration Work, At the meeting of..the civic fire and light committee yesterday after- noon, Ald. Jones raised an objection to the members off§he fire brigade being engaged in ting Pria« cess street between Bagot and Wel- lingtom streets for the merchants of that block. He claimed that the fire- men were the servants of the depart-. ment for twenty-four hours a day, and that if any money was to be made in a job like that on Princess street, the men out of work should be given a chance. He moved that hereafter, firmen be not permitted to do any jobs outside fire depart- ment work. + Ald. White opposed the resolution, claiming that firemen were omly at the disposal of the department for twenty<four hours if there should be a fire when they were off duty. They were on duty twelve hours and were street at the request of the merchants he desired to shoulder the blame for had givem the necessary permis- to the men, For the past five years, the firemen had helped to do lot of city decorating and had not -f the science of that game a8 well as { the 59th Battalion, sion is to be held on Saturday after- noon to hear appeals for vacancies, income, business tax, statute labor, dog tax, etc. This will be the final meeting of the year. ------------ Hard Night On % Tuesday night was a hatd night on the coal vin, and incidentally a busy night for the man of the house, who had the job of Keeping the house warm: It was cerfainly a reminder of what is to come later on. Bawlt As Ragby Coach. It may be that Nick Bawlf willbe engaged as coach of Queen's rugby team for next season as he knows hockey, Nick is also a baseball play- gr, and might link up with Kingston in that game, $ For Fall and Winter. Prevost Brock street js a grea, assortment ¢! Ready Madé Clothing in suits and overcoats and A splendid assortment of Gents ishings, his order clothing departmeént was never pétter assorted at extremely low pri- ces. ¢ Back To His Home. Staff Sergt. Harold A. Goodwin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Godwin, 79 Quebec street, returned on Saturday from overseas, crossing on the S.S. Orduna. Sergt. Godwin enlisted with but was later transferred to the Inspection Depart- ment at Buxton, Eng. Col. J. C. Stewart, President. Col. J. C, Stewart, of Ottawa has been. elected presidept of the Capi- tal Amateur Hockey gue, and an- nounced that an. appeal would be made to the C.A.H.A. to sustain the application of the Capital League for recognition by the Ottawa Amateur Athletic Federation. "To Travel the Canals: It is being declared that the Trent Valley Canal will be greatly patroni- ged by tourists who can navigate it as far as Orillia. Private motor boats will travel up and down enjoying life in a way that cannot otherwise be had. The same applies to the Ri- deau Canal with its added beauties. Amherst Island Shoppers. On Tuesday, a large number of the residents of Amherst Island took advantage of the special trip made by the steamer Wolfe Islander and came to the city for the purpose of doing their Christmas shopping. This is their last opportunity of tting to Kingston before 'the harbor free- zes over. Citizens Are Pleased. Citizens were more than pleased at the announcement on Tuesday that the electric, gas and water rates are to be reduced by the civic Utili- received anything for it. When the Prince of Wales decorations and the present ones on Princess street were to be put up, he thought that if there was anything in it, the men might as well get the small amount. * The resolution of Ald. Jones was voted down. "Fire Record for 1910. Chief Armstrong submitted the following fire record 'to Dec. 15th: Loss on buildings, $30,639.30; on contents, $24,731.34; total insurnce, $1,108,200.00. Loss 1918, $47,815.00; insurance, $1,678,300. ; Sharma to. December 15th, 1919, 128, + , Alarm record, 132 in 1913. Alarms 1918, 121. : May 4th--Dan Gallivan killed and brilding set on fire Sept. 3rd--George Gittas died from burns received when his pea- nut roaster caught fire and the gas- oline tank exploded. ; October 29th--Miss McDermott re- ceived burns from a gas heater from which she died in hospital on Nov. §. 'The chief remarked that there were more fires of a serious mature fought by the department this year than in any year since he assumed control, but none of the fires got be. the end of the year sixty-two new street lights would have been erec- ted. The committee had done well in this regard. wir" ¥ A resolution was pssed on motion AM. Simmons, authorizing the chief to look, after all fire extinguishers in public and privie Buildings. The vewew ties Commission. "This is the best |i piece of news we have Leen given ih |} a long time," remarked ons citizen |} cost of living it is most refreshing to {|i hear that something is to be cheap- er." -- Convenient Through Service to Of- | SATURDAY | ~Choice Pork Pies, --Choice Blood Puddings. ~--Home-made Head Cheese. ~{hoice brand Mince Meat. ~All kinds of Fresh Meat at lowest prices, QUICK'S WESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STREET TY Hke all pirtrait natural 'n pose, op Hghted and beautifully an in the 1 NEW XMAS, FOLDER Come in and let us = acquaint. ed with the by. The Gray Studio Phone 1738 WELLINGTON we make, are 51 STREET awa. On the new improved service via Canadian National Railways to! Smith's Falls and Ottawa, a very ma- terial saving in time is effected. Moreover, the trains leaving King- ston daily, except Sunday, 7.45 am, returning from Ottawa (Central Sta- | tion) 4.50 p.m. are through trains, no change being necessary en route, which adds greatly to the comfort and convenience of the travelling public. Afternoon train from King- ston 2.15 p.m. and train from Otta- wa al 12.50 noon complete a very convenient service. For particulars see digplay adver- FOR SALE 50 acres; 3} miles from Kingston, on the water front. W, H. GUUWIN & SON 5 Brock Bt Phone 484 tisement or enquire at City Office, 217 Princess street, Kingston. Has Peculiar Qualifications. Major A. E. Lavell; formerly chap- lain of the 125th battalion, and also a former pastor of Brant Avenue Methodist church in this city, says the Brantford Expositor, has been appointed parole officer for Ontario in succession to the late Dr. J. T. Gilmour. The duties of the office will largely consist in exercising a fatherly care over paroled men, and also of investigating the home con- ditions of men who are to come be- fore the board as applicants for pa- role. For such duties Dr. Lavell has peculiar qualifications, and there is no reason to doubt that he will fully maintain the high traditions left by ------ i nature, as clean as he appears in a picture. on i, A -------- ------------ Photographs are seldom true to No one ever saw a small boy a DIRECTORY FOR MEN, APPLY For employment irformation. For Land Settlement, gensral matters. advise" Bank of Toromnte Bidg. ror. King and Breck Streets 3 For Vocational Courses, Indus trial Re-training: Merchants Bank Bldg. eon Brock and Welllugton Sts, For medical treatment, surgical Ji appliances: Golden Lion Bleck Pensions: ' Block, Princeas Street For Bibby Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited his distinguished predecessor. His appointment at least was entirely on its merits, and was being considered by the Hearst government before it went out of office. ---- Skillful Spending. Skill may be shown equally as well in spending money as in carning it. You seek to incraass your skill in | producing so you cau g3t nove dol- lars for your work. You should likewise seek to increase your skill in spending, so yon can get more value from your dollars. It 'takes time to earn money, and it takes img to spend it skillfully. Tase plenty of time to spend your money to the best possible advantage by buying your Christmas gifts here. We are showing a beautiful range of men's neckwear, suspenders, mufflers, sweater coats, silk shirts, umbrellas, ete. A visit will convince the most skeptical. We are offering some exceptional good values in men's overcoats for Christmas, It means dollars to you, The Lion Clothing House, 347 King Street, near Princess. ad WALKING EACH DAY Is Part of the Treatment Given Bregiaco: Wilson. Washingtofi, Dec. 17.---Continued periods of walking each day are to be a part of the treatment prescribed for President Wilson, Dr. Carey T. Grayson, his personal physician, said. Accordingly the President rose at 10 o'clock this morning, and, after breakfasting, put on his clothes.and was ready for his day's exercise, The president wes said to havewalked several times about the sick chamber snd into the corridors of the White House. Later the patient spemt an hour in the open air, warmly clothed, in his wheel chair. i The President signed papers dur- ing the day and gave attemtion to other matters of a routine nature. Puffed-up Corns? Use "Putnam's" Watch 'Em Go ! My stare. but & corn does fade away quick once you get old reliable Putnam's Extractor on the job. * Does fit pain? No, never--it soothes away that drawing, pinching sensation, makes your feet feel good at once. Qrandest thing ever for foot lumps, callonses, corns that are hard, soft, or otherwise. For complete, painless, sure re o Putnam's Corn Extractor, 26e¢, at dealers everywhere. : To Eat Or Not To Eat Dry Storage For Your Battery The only proper winter care. Profit by past experience. : Send it to-- WILLARD SERVICE STATION | 19 Brook St. I. LESSES, Prop, "Phone 1340 SAH i ; SS moval of corfis and foot troubles use | §x 257 PRINCESS STREET. RAS "PRACTICAL XMAS Footwear PHONE 1288J, Our rent is low----our prices are low. | Il HRT A BER CSE] ! Tr on i Hil Ii MAS GIFTS | AS A GIFT IS ALWA YS VERY ACCEPTABLE | EVENING SLIPPERS, BOUDOIR BOOTS, SPATS, MO COASINS, HOOKEY ry Shoe Store bd Once Get Acquainted With TO inarts Dyspopsia Tablets Indigestion, with gas, sour risings, belching of wind, feeling as of a} AS Just Received - A large assortment of Silk and Serge Dresses, different styles and different prices. I.will offer FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, a great variety of Silk Crepe de Cheme and Georgette Crepe Blouses, at greatly re- duced prices. . I have also a number of Hudson Seal Scarfs and also Black Sable Furs. These I will offer at sacrifice prices. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY JOS. B. ABRAMSON