Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1919, p. 12

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b PAGE TWELVE _THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG _ 7 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1010 ' TIDINGS FOR OUR READERS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST | POSSIBLE FORM, & > " ¢ A Dyspepsia Cur & MUD. advises: "Persons who | suffer from severe indigestion and constipation can cure them- selves by taking fifteen to thirty drops of Extract of Roots after each meal and at bedtime. This remedy is known as Mother Seigel's Carative Syrpp in the drug | trade." Get the genuine. 50c. © and $1.00 Bottles. © : ePePsReRLILILR RRS sn INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. on Place Your Order Now For Dublin Ginger Ale--English Ginger Beer, ' Pure Apple Cider All Brands of Domestic and Imported Cigarettes Il Thompson Bottling Works Geo. Thompson, Prop. The Whig's Daily Condensation of | the News of the World From Tele | graphic Service and Newspaper Ex. | change, vi} The French Consulate at Constan- | tinople has been des ed by fire. | J. C. Ross, of Montreal, will take | over the editorship of the Farmers' | Sun, Toronto. Japan Is anxious for a re sumption f of the Anglo-Japanese alliance which | expires next year. i James Croil, a well-known Mont- real business man, died Monday in the Western Hospital. I A Local 'Notes and Items ©f ' General Interest, a The the*mometer at the police sta- | tion on Thursday morning registered | 12 below zero. H. H. Gildersleeve, wood, isin the city. He is suffering | from a cold. The plumbers have been kept busy | day and night thawing out frozen | 'Water pipes. James Graham, inspector and Brockville on Wednesday At each place he had a deserter before the court,"and a fine 'of $250 and cokts was imposed on each. Capt. J. C. Muncie, chairman of | the Veteran's campaign committee, | is engaged dally at the G. W.VA. headquarters preparing Yor the civic elections. On Wednesday, Sanitary Inspector W. H. Carson visited all the lotels and cafes in the city and inspected their kitchens. He states that he found every one of them in a clean condition, and he was well pleased with the mesult of his inspection. It was from twenty to four degrees below zero {n Ontatio on Wednesday, twelve to twenty-four in Quebec. It was thirty degrees above at Calgary © and four degrees below at Winnipeg. It was stated in yesterday's Whig that Sergt. H. A. Godwin, Quebec street, had returned home, having crossed on the SS. Orduna. This of Colling- | under | the Military Service Act, was in Perth | Bessie Scott, aged sixteen, died of cleeping sickness at Brandon after | about three week's illness. A weekly airship service to Ame- | rica is contemplated by a combina- { tion of aviation firms in Britain. Richard and George Guthrie, young boys, weren drowned while | skating near North Sydney, N.8. St. Joseph's Island is now connect- ed with the mainland at Parry Sound I by a ferry scow operated-by cable. Because of smallpox, all public and private schools in St. Catharines are {ordered closed by the Board of Health, Montevidis despatclies deny the { report that Urguay will offer to me- diate between the United States and | Mexico, The peace conference is to submit {a final note to Germany this week, | fixing the time Hmit for signing the | protocol, 3 | Bernachto Gildo was suffocated { by ammonia fumes at the Nipissing | low-gfade mill in a peculiar chain of ! circumstances. | F.K. Lane, U. 8S. secretary of the | Interior, has announced his inten- | tion of resigning. He is a native of | Prince Edward Island. | One thousand six hundred tuber- { cular German children have arrived in Basel in the last few days on their | way to Swiss oure resorts. The suggestion that ex-Premier With the revival of "Art" gestures, and they held out gladiators--thumbs up meani ings bonuses of $100 for single and | $200 for married employes if the | money can be found. | J. Harrington Walker, son of the distilling firm of Hiram Walker & Sons, Walkerville, died at the Hotel morning. Mr. Walker had been in| Poor health for some time. He was sixty years of age. The great War ¥emorial church Canon Almond, C.M.G., union of Old Trinity and of the Good- Shepherd of Westmount | at a cost of be erected at the corner of Sher- mount. en MET WITH A MISHAP. Frozen In This Week. | The steamer Wolte Islander, which | was due to arrive In Kingston about | ten o'clock on Thursday morning, | ng "spare it""--thumbs down, THE FIRST CURLING GAMES iate Hiram Walker, founder of the! TOOK PLACE AT THE RINK WED- NESDAY EVENING Biltmore, New York, on Wednesday | pe Club Games Do Not Start Till January--The Outdoor Rink at Queen's Is Being Flooded. 2] The first Which will be érected by Col. the Rev, {took place at the local rink on Wed- | late King through the | nesday evening when one rink was in the Church | geod condition. It was expected that two sheets of ice would be ready for $250,000, will probably | this evening. None of the club games Will commeiice before! the first of the | Were twins, brooke and Lansdowne avenue, West- | year. At the meeting of the skips of the club the following were chosen skips VISITING THE ACADEMY. with a big "A" follow to Jortrdy the visiting crowd on opening day at the dheir thumbs after the manner "of father to Brussels, havé real financial * power. plained that there could be no money in a smil ba ing the war, the artist has endeavored Academy. Their hands made peculiar Roman emperors "kill it." to the I ex- nk---that volume was Think of a who needed a berth dicta should be me, and that 'was th Present company." mm ---------- Godfather to Seventh, King Albert of the Belgians con- curling of the season |tinues a custom inaugurated by the | employed! Leopold of becoming god- every seventh son bom in In fearrying out the old usage he once had some difficulty because the seventh and eighth sons | godfather for both boys league gantes: Tan- - F. MacFarlane; Central Montgomery, | would give the family two Alberts. The remedy Elizabeth, who suggested Crown Prince should be father to the eighth boy, : sequently recetved the name of Leo- Ontario League (senior) M. P. Reid, Pout. J. F. Macdonald, J. M. Elliott, R. N. ". MacFarlane, W. H. was found that the the god- who con- ---------------- MAXOTIRES IF YOU HAVE A RIM OUT ON YOUR TIRES, YOU ARE BOUND TO HAVE TROUBLE, IF YOU PON'T PUTIN A MAXOTIRE SOLD BY THE STANDARD VULCANIZING SHOP 284 ONTARIO § T., COR. QUEEN . A. NEAL, MGR, PHONE 3080. - orang, Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. ! Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick atreets. PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN » Cotton and ' Fibre Mattresses renovated ana re- covered. Made as good as new. Your patronage solicited. J. R. CONLEY Frontenac Mattress Co. 15°17 BALACLAVA STREET 4 FRENCH IVORY FIRST SHIPMENT, NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED should have read that he had salled | : . {met with a mishap a short distance | George Hanson, F. Waugh and T M, | for home on this steamer on the | er es umber of {he are from the Wolfe Island shore. While | Asselst'ne; Centrol Ontario Guritng | 13th inst. 'He is expected to reach | taken serioulsy at Ottawa. breaking the dee, which had | League, (junior) Ww. Frizzell, C. | . Kingston about Deg, 24th, | "RH. Halbert, Ur candidate [formed between Wolfe and Garden Sleeth and W. C. Crozier; Rockwood | 0% in North Ontario bye-election | Islands, one of the plates on the bot- | tankard, C. F. Smith and A. Strachan | Two of Meteorites, on the 9th inst. had a majority ofti- | tom of the boat got loose, with the | > } New York . cially reported now as 185. result that the steamer had to be Flooding Outdoor Rink. | Somewhere out in space' milMons T. Melnt s Instantly | Stopped while the crew endeavored to On Thursday morning Mike" | of bits of matter quit their jobs every | Ra an pri de a pod tighten it before proceeding to Kings- | Flanagan, ice maker at the covered | SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS GET THE CHOI CEST GOODS SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Telephone 43 Cor. Prinkess and Montreal Sts, ETTR MY BOSS SAID THE OTHER, . DAY THAT THERE QUGHT "day and go out for an ethereal good time. How far they travel in the "8irless streets of the infinite nobolly knows. The te of this planet 866 them anly after they reach the | senger train and a light engine at | Stralab Station, near Sudbury. | There is a split in the Sinn Fein j ranks which augurs well for tho es- | tablishment in Ireland of a law-abid- ton. On Thursday morning was informed by Thomas Friend, | storekeeper at Wolfe Island, that the | ice was very solid between the two In many places it was thick rink with the wssistance of his gang | the Whig | of men, rink at were busy flooding the open | Queen's - University, expects that be ready for | three or four | To BE A LAW Forcing MEN, CIGARS FOR THEIR HUSBANDS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS To WHO SoATl WOMEN though to permit a horse and sleigh | days, As soon as Mr. Bews arranges | pumNIs A GAS MASKS to drive on it. | the hours for Practice for the univer- It is expected that if the weather continues another day or] allow two the steamer Wolfe Islander will | have to tie up for the winter. atmosphere which kindly surrounds | ing, self-governing domivien. {slands, tho earth. Then their good time is | Bighty-two delegates representing | over. Travelling through the frac- | ywenty-two counties are attending tional air makes them red hot. Most | the international conference on cold of them burn up. Others come down | storage, which is being held in Paris. to be lost in fhe sea with a final hiss | At Memphis, Tenn., thieves broke or to be burfed in the ground as deep {through the heavy iron jail gates just -as their speed of forty miles a sec- | before daybreak Wednesday and stole FOR QUICK SALE Reasonable price and terms; b rick dwelling; fully equipped; hardwood floors throughout; fu rnace, Eas, electricity, garage, hen house; summer house; lot 66 x 132; possession 1st May, Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON * 67 Clarence Street, Kingston Al-| On Wednesday evening the King- | though the water in ine harbor Is | stom Rockey club and cadets from | com; v A few mil ' val at [not frozen solid, it is only a matter | the Roya ilitary College held a lon annals have flown oft | atir Reeves' Jersey cow, valued at of a very short time until will, | practice at the covered rink. Thé jee the handle in the indus- | There is great indignation in Fiji, | The Wolfe Islander reached the Is-| was in perfeet condition for the prac- | trial world and are whizzing through | particularly among the soldiers, over |1and whart about twelve o'clock. tices. : | economic space spending like moguls | the decision of the British Colonial ee and loafing like Ludlams aos. Aner | ottice: to: allow interned Germans to "The Midnight Man. they hit the atmosphere of necessity | return to FH. James J. Corbett (Gentleman Jim), there's going to be a flash and a thud. J. If sufficient' reserves of soft coal | former heavyweight champion pugil- | ing Club are anxiously Ieee have been obtainéd by the end of | ist, whose Name is familiar to mil- | the ice to get in good sh Hons of persons all over the world, | WF | December, the G. TR. will probably ' | both as a boxer and ae an actor, in a sor Asthm | resume its normal passenger service | romantic story of the efforts of a| : Fevers on January 1st. ic : young man to trace the seeret of his { George B. McKay, Mrs. R. §. | La 0 HERE 18 THIS RE FOWL BEG velo Forty-three workmen and women parentage. Brought up by _loster | Waldron, Miss A. Birch, Mrs. Elmer " Sere killed and more than one hun- tuts he reaches manhdod With- | Davis and Miss W. Gordon. | it is ex- ti 14 is -- Ladies® Curling Club. The members of the Ladies' Curl- waiting for BEAVER BOARD WASTE space is "slacker Space--put it to work. The empty attic might just as well be a den, play room, study or extra bed room. Even the basement can be transformed into a workroom or laundry. In businéss buildings Beaver Board also provides the practical Way to permanently restore old walls and ceilings, partition offices, build extra rooms, and utilize unused lofts or other waste space, Alan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street - ®» ea = dred injured in an explosion at the fa his real father and | pected that a seven i { Marlensiel 'ammunition depot near Se AmowilE Who | has' - by Mrs. H. J. Par rink. skipped Wilhelmshavorn, Germany. ring with the letters On Tuesday afternoon next a tea is Great Britain is prepared mow to suming that these represent the first | to be held for the associated mem- release American-owned goods seiz- letters of.his name, he forms the idea | bers in the club rooms of the rink. ed during the war, upon the estab- of entering at night the home of ev- ladies do not expect to do lishment of their American owner- eryone whose name begins - with much curling before Christmas. ship at the time the goods were ship- » and' leaving the fmprint of --------. ped. his signet ring. By staging a fake | DEVELOP RANNEY'S FALLS, The Ontario Government, it is re- burglary in each house expects to BELLEVILLE SUGGESTS ported, is favorable to paying the ci- gain notoriety that will bring to:light | : ' !l servants at the Parliament Build- | someone ing knowledge of his | " bind 2 age og fret episode gion Fri- Power Released by Closing of | day afternoon, at two o'clock, at the War Industries Is All King Edward Theatre. Usual ad- . Taken U mission. To-night William Russell i" in "A Sporting Chance." --Advt. Belleville, Dec. 18.--As there is only about 2,000 or 2,500 Borsepow. | er utilized in 'the Trent system from | the present development stations, and as this city has an opportunity to obtain a large industry requiring ton i do; A warn you Row, I'l be about 2,000 h.p., the City Council 40 See you," ii communicate with the Hydro- 4 electric Power Commission, through | - \ the local Manager, and inquire what SHE KNEW is the Hydro's attitude toward the . BETTER development of further power in this . district, and whether there is any Rb Say 2 the E R J.D. KELLOGG' Yy it, ovoss.a, i Dry Storage For Your Battery The only Proper winter care. Profit by past experience, Send it tow # WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brook 8... |, LESSES, Prop, "Phone 1340 OH BOY i "1 shall hope to catch you under Boys' Naval Brigade, the mistietoe Christmas eve." Two classes of the boys' naval bri- gade met in the armouries on Tues- day evening for instruetion in physi- cal drill and signalling. Sergt.- Major J. Gilbert took the ches in physical drill, and the semaphore class was instructed by Sérgt. Read- ag rough the kindness of Lieut .- i] Col. G, Gillespie, flags were supplied for the signalling class. 3 Last evening the Social Cab met in the large hall in the Army and Navy Veterans' quarters, and for two hours enjoyed themselves with games. Teams were formed for in- door baseball, hockey, spcw-shoeing, and basketball, a programme of very interesting events being planned for the winter months. Next week the club will hold a social and Christ- mas tree, to which the parents of the boys will bé invited. reason wh Power development should net commenced at once from: Ranney's Falls in order to' re- lieve a situation that will become ser- ogg at an'early date. anndy's Falls are below Camp- bellford, with a drop of 48 feet, and a possible development of 1 0,908 horsepower, JAccording to the report of the Commission of Conservation. All that power is now running 'to waste, while factories are begging in vain for locations where there is bower to supply their needs, ; It was Delieveduthat the closing down of the war ifidustries at Tren- ton, using 6,000 h.p., and other plants, would releage an abundance of power for all who applied. But the industrial velopment at Osha- Wa and other pifices all over the area has speedily taken up the released surplus, and nearly all of the added installation at Healey's Falls as well, The City Council declares in resolu. tions that it feels that this district is not receivi Our Milk Is Thoroughly Clarified A 4 Completely pasteurized-- ade * ed--reliably bottl It is clean--it is safe--it is good. 5 The Lepers. It is 14c. per quart. Miss Lila Watt, secretary for Can- fda ot the Mission to Lapers, spoke PHONE 845. Price's Dairy in Cooke's church on Miss Watt told the of the uately cool- wonderful work done by the commit- tee of which she is the secretary, Of the two million lepers in 'the world | PIANO 1 i In Your Home This Xmas? [f You'll get one sooner or later--why not for ~ Christmas? One Price Only--the Lowest for Cash. Terms arranged if desired. "THE PLACE WHERE SANTA CLAUS " BUYSHIS PIANOS" , VERY VALU. ABLE ot # healthy hundred horse-power appetites -- | how they do take a slice of Toye's Bread. i hth iheake] TITTY TT i i ii +4 _settey bts fee! il : ; ! gid aE Bes Hat

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