Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1919, p. 13

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"Notice t | Church Property For Sale ) | { i 5 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1010 & \ - veww » TTS ve PUY VYYYYY y y ) water heated; electric lights; Phone 68 and 874w. ------------ WG-W.V.A, (Incorporated) Meeting--Mnondays sat 7.00 Rand. practice, Tuesdays, = om. Richardson Chapter. LODE, and 4th Thursdays, Genernt --_ BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER is now booking farm and stock sales in Frontense County. List sales early and secure cholee of dates. 124 QUEEN ST. KIN Phone 1721. | ~| Tenders will be received by the un-| dersigned up to Jam. ist, 1920, for | Brock Street Church, o¢rner Brock and Montreal Streets, Kingston. The highest or any tender not neces- | sarily accepted. T. R. CARNOVBKY, | Secretary of Trustee Board, | 670 Princess Street, Kingston. | ee eT Le | Ls FOR SALE Stone house on Earl Street, near Wellington Street; hot TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY ay » | 2nd { { { | } : GSTON | g 4 ST Co ; seven . 56 Brock Street § = A------. | GEO. A. WRIGHT MACHINIST All kinds of spepial Axles for Automobiles 5% nlekle Res. 1205. Se - Ping and turned out steel, Phone 1264; emit ag, ? WE SELL ON EASY Overalls, Underwear, Suitcases, ete. Tadies' Suits, Men's Suits, Jewelery, N. Morris, 374 King St./4 FURS FURS Have you bought your Xmas, Presents? I have sn exceptional fine assortment of Ladies' Furs, ranging $14.00 up, H., BEDFORD, Auctioneer Phone 1721. 124 Queen St. ll rn rin EV ET Band at Covered Rink To-night. Admission 25¢ I RT TE a --rs Christmas Shopping === Season MIGHT SUGGEST FOR LADIES A Box Xmas. Stationery, a Beautiful | Box Xmas. Chocolates; Perfume, either | Ia fancy boxes or bulk: a famey box of | D'ller King Assorted Tollet Articles. | x FOR MEN | A Gillette, Auto-Strop -or Gem Razor, Clgnrs and many other useful articles. | HOAG'S DRUG STORE OPP, Y.M.CA., KINGSTON, ONT. } N.B.--On and after October 1st, we wil; | close our Store at 8 p.m., Saturdays | excepted. | To The Electors Of The City 0f ) Kingston Being unanimously endorsed by the Veterans Municipa: © itte + and having been requested by many representative citizens in the com- munity, to be a candidate for Mayor for the year 1020, I have consented to do so, My record as an Alderman and a citizen is before you, on this I seek your support. On election day I solicit your votes, and in the interval your influence, HUGH C. NICKLE | AFRICAN ICE ~ CREAM PARLOR Qiick Lunches served at all > hours, Pure Ice Cream Chocolates, Candies Choice Fresh Fruits Your patronage solicited. 354 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1680 We wish to announce tc the public that we have moved to 222 WELLINCTON STREET corner of Queen Street, where We are better equipped to sup- ply your wants in AUTO TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SUDDABY BROS. PHONE 1988 . \ Kingston Co-operative Society, Ltd- . } The store to spend your money and share the profits. Hundreds of thousands on this continent and millions In Europe are do- Ing this, why wot you? J SPECIAL XMAS. NOVELTIES Christmap Cakes und Plum Pudse dings--Chocolates and Candies in || large wariety. . Delivery to ail parts of the city. PHONE 469 -------- T0 THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF FRONTENAC The statement of election expenses of William Spankle, as required un- der Sec. 207 of the O. E. Act is as follows: -- Advertising and printing Hall rents Travelling expenses .. veaess. $150.10 HARRY SHANNON, Returning Officer, It At Pl, WP POM i ih I -------- 4+ 1380.10 19.50 60.60 Cavan English Carvers, Pocket Knives, Razors, Sleighs, Double Runners, Skates W. i. Cockburn & Co. Corner of Princess and Wel- lington Streets. PHONE 216 r-------------- The Reason Why : bea Why Don't the Stars Shine in the Daytime? The stars do shine in the day-time: It you will go down into a deep weil or the open shaft of 'a deep mine and look up at the sky, of which you can 860 a circular patch at the top of the well, you will be able to see the stars in, the day-time. The moon also shines in the day-time, on some part Of the earth. At certain times dur- ing the month you can notice that the moon Fises before the sun sets, and sometimes in the morning you can still see the moon in the sky after the sun is up." Usually you cannpt ses 'ither the moon or the stars tn the lay-time, tecause thc light from the iub 18 ¢o vright and stroas that the ght of the stars and mv) are Jost « the brightness of the sun's When the moon is visible before the sun Sets or after the sun has risen it is because the light of the sun is not ur close of daylight. tunate enough some time to witness }2 total eclipse of the sun you will be! able to see the stars in daytime withe out having to go down into a deep. well or mine shaft, i in, By The case of Dennis Sheenan Henry A. Fisher, in which the Lift is making claim due on 40 bright and strong at the beginning It you are for-|. THE R A N D HOUSE TO-NIGHT Friday and Saturday : | Big Double Programme | 15----Reels Best Pictures--15 Peggy Hyland'in: - | "MISS ADVENTURE" | | Helen Jerome Eddy in | "The Trembling Hour" i Comedies and Other Reels Superior Vaudeville | Mat. 2.30 | Eve at 7.30 | 10¢. & 15c. 15¢. & 25c. ---- Ernie Marks STOCK CO. wv DEC. 22 SPECIAL MATINEE CHRISTMAS : Opening Play Monday "LITTLE PEGGY O'MOORE" i | } | | | ! | | Four Big Vaudeville Specialties Be i tween Aets Change of Play Nightly PRICES : ~--25-85-50¢. Beats on sale Friday SEEN A % BLY BE ST vi EVERYBODY GoOF WM. S. HART: --T Ne "The Money Corral" Vod-A-Vil Movies Screen Magazine Gaumont News COMING! Mon., Tues., Wed. Mrs. Charlie Chaplin in "For Husbands Only" eyo TO DAY TN ney Thursdy. Friday, Sarda What would you do? If you loved a woman and married her and after a year of ideal happiness you discovers ed you were legally married to an- other, what would you do?" ] ' . SEE "A HOUSE DIVIDED" From the Famous Novel The Substance of His House - -------------------- OPER) ™ a bm ¢ a - DAILY BRITIS iy CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1c & word. Esch' oon- Secutive 'insertivn thereafte®, half- Minimum charge for cent a word insertions, one insertion. 25¢; three Ede: six, $1; one month, $2. When charged they are double. HELP WANTED. WANTED WOMAN FOR CLEANING, Apply Manager, Strand Theaire. EXPERIENCED NURSE MAID FOR child of 4% years. Ring 1808 for appointment. TWO PLASTERERS. APPLY TO H. ¥. Normaa, © Kingston Cement Pro- ducts, Patrick Street. LAD AS JUNIOR IN OFFICE; MUST « have tair education. Apply W. G Craig & Co, Limited. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH general housework, Phone 1862J., or 44 Upper Willlam street. - A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE. work, one who understands plain cooking. Apply 148 University Ave, YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WO. man for general housework; to Sleep at home preferred. Apply 243 Brock street. N EXPERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR- ried man to work on farm; must be Write, apply personally, 'an Luven, Yortsmouth, Ong. STITH 3 An attendant officer for the 3 Kingston PubMe¢ Schools, to do duty under the new Compulsory #% Attendance Aot. Apply to Secre- 3 Aary, Board of Education, Person al application is desirable. este ---------- YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN TO be telégraph operators; day ane evening classes; fees moderate. Ap- lock. 206 Princess street. LIVE MAN WANTED---SPFARE TIM: Or Steadlly--selliug our guarante-. oes and piants. Outfit free. ii. eral commission. Brown MBrothe Company, Nurser: men, Limite Brown Nurseries, P.O. Osatario MALE HELP WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to mak cks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter Experience unnecessary. Distance immaterial. Positively no can. vassing. Yarn supplied. Particu- lars dc. stamp. Dept. ug Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. BIGNS ANXTHING IN LETTERING: SIGNS show cards and posters; com mercial art of Svell. description. Address P. O. Box 199, Kingston, The above 'rates are for cask' only: THE PEOPLE'S $10 A DAY IS BEING BEARNED B our agents right through the Fall selling our high ckiss Personal Greeting Xmas. curds in spare or full timo. Save our customers 30 per cent. No outlay or experience Write Modern Art Co. Toronto. a - r-- itt ----p-- AGENTS~SALARY AND COMMISSION to sell Red Tag stock, Complete stock including exclusive lines, specially hardy, grown only by us. Sold only by ous agents. Elegant, frée samples. Write now to Domin-| ion Nurseries, Montreal | TEACHERS WANTED, QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR §, 8. NO. 8, Bedford. Salary $400. Apply Ed- ward Twmer, Westport, Ont. i A QUALIFIED TEACHER HOLDING normal certificate for 8.. 5. No. 4, I Kennebec. Dutjes to commence on Jan. 5th. Salary $500-per annum. Apply to W, See, R. R. No. 2, Ar-| den, Ont. | L QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR §, 8. No. 9, Township of Kingston; dut- ies to commence January bth, 1820. Apply, stating salary and experi- ence to W. R. Alysworth, Catama-| qui, R. R. Neo. 1. i . | TEACHER FOR S. 8S, NO. 10, ERNEST.' town, professtonal certificate; two years experience. Salary $600. Apply David Aylsworth, Becretary, Bath, Ont. i ------------------------ i TEACHER FOR S. 8. NO. 15, ELGIN.| burg, Protestant; duties to oom-| mence Jan, 5th, 1920. Salary $700 per annum. Apply, stating qualifi- cations, to C. W. Hughson, R. L ly Instructor, third tioor, Windsor | Elginburg. TEACH PROTESTANT QUALIFIED v er for 8. 8B. No. 13, Miller. Duties to commence Jan. 3rd. Salary, $460 per annum. Small school Wm. J. Thompson, secretary, Wil- son, Ont, WANTED FOR §, §. NO. mond, & quaMfied teach tant preferred. Salar les to commence Jan. 5th, ply. stating qualifications, Asselstine, Sec'v-Treas., R. 1, Marlbank, Ont 19, RICH. er, Protes- $500. WANTED FOR 8. 8. "ou 10, housie, a teacher troldidg a thi class limited certificate. $500.00 and upwards, according to experience or other qualifications. Apply to Jas. C. Currie, Lammer- moor, @nt. z EST se -- re, WANTED GENERAL. WASHING AND IRONING, DONE AT home. Apply at Box R-16, Whi Office. © P 8 DAL- rd POSITION AS ractical nurse; Apply Box A WIDOW WANTS 4 housekeeper or cvuntry preferred. W-27, Whig Office. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO for Sas « in t ment of new pianos 0po| C. W. Lind. Say Limited, 131 Princess sireet With first or second class Abeba vey FOUND KINGSTON, ON THURSDAY or Friday, a dark. navy blue te for a silk sweater. Own- er may have same by calling at 2. Colborne street, corner of Sydenham. THE ROAD BETWEEN Kingston and Smith's Falls, an, autoinobile tire, Owner may 'have same by writing Box 381, Smith's Falls, ( BATTERY PIN. IN Hang wood tenac and Albert street Princess. Sunday morning. Owner may have same by calling at 857 Princess st. LADY'S GREY SILK GLOVE, Owner i A have same by calling a hig Office. ON FRIUAY MORNING, PURSE containing small sum of money. Owner éan have. by applying to Mrs. Young, 181 Alfred Street PAIR OF LEATHER GAUNTS lets on Brock street, near Wellington, Owner may have same by calling on ! Charles Andre, King street. Phone 1809. FOUND ARTICLES ADV mR. TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and Wishing to reach the owner. may do #0 by reporting the facts to The: British Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed in this does not In. logt d-gs, eattle, horses These, If lost, may be ad. vertised for in the "Lost" column ° , Lost. SUNDAY, A SMALL CLUSTER TUR- Quoise brooch, safety pin style. Re- ward. Apply 454 Princess street, ip tegen WEDNESDAY, DEC, 17th, 1919, BLURN béaded bag, containing small sum of money. Reward for return to Thos. Robinson, 477 Princess st. TUESDAY MORNING, BETWEEN Randolph Hotel amd Wolfe Island ick, on Bagot or ok street, a black and brown. club bag. Finder plesise leave at Whig Office. SMALL, BLACK POCKET containing a sum of money on Princess, Clergy or Sydenham Streets. Finder please return to Jar wick Bros. and receive re- ward. PURSE, TO-LET. NUMBER 6, BAGUS* COTTAGES, AP. ply 47 Rideau Street, UNFURNISHED ROOMS; GAS; HEAT. ing. Suitable for housekeeping. Apply 202 William Street SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, IMME. mediate possession. Apply J. 8. R. McCann, Brock street. WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING their bleycles to be cleaned .and stored for winter. Skates sharpen! ed and hollow ground; also baby carriage tires put on while you Wait. George Muller, 37% and 373 King st. Phohe 1082w. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN And dry. Apply E. E. Wathen, 143 Neilson street. Phone 13813. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, All mprovements; centrally looat- od. Apply 243 Brock sireet. FORUM ewe | _ FOR SALE. |A SPEED CUTTER. APPLY 3 Frontenac street. i | RADIATOR COVERS. MANE | CAr start easy. Judsom's Auto Topa Brockville. CHILD'S WHITE ENAMELLED SAFE Ly oot; wire reinforced spring. Ap ply 201 Willlam Street. SOLID BRIUK HOUSES, NOS. 330 AND 353, King Street East. Arp F. H, Macnee, 143 King Street West PURE BRED, HOLSTEIN BULL CALW nicely marked; price reasonable Apply L. W. Houper, Glenburnie, FURS--LARGE QUANTITY OF FURS natural and black wolfe: cheap' . Bedford, the Auctioneer, 134 Quees . Street. Phone 1721. ww YOUR HAKD AND SOFT BRIUK FOR SA in large or small ywantities. App E. E Wathen, 1435 Nelson streeh Fhone 13¥id. or Wik 86 QURRN Sissel; STUN newly shipgied; improvements; ho Water, Possession ist May. Thomad Mills, 79 Clarence St ShaLink GHAFHONOLA AND TRY SeleClious, your own choice, $36.04 Terms, §5 cash, 3 Per week. UW Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St No, SKIFFS, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OUT. board motors; hy Camp Supplies, etc. Frank Cooke, 219 Bagot -strest. Phont 436. ere, ------ ------ 3 ---------------- 3 COWS, 1 THREE-YEAR-OLD HEIF "er, just reshewmed; other two wi freshen early $n February; num ber of Geese and McLaughlin Cute ter. Apply 171 Raglan Road. PROVINCE ALBERTA BONDS YIELD« ing 6 1-4%. Amount Hmnited. Also some Victory Loan Bonds; last is sue due 1924-1434; at par and aoe crued interest. Thomas Mills, 73 Clarence Street. Tr ---------------------------------------- WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and wloves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will J. ompson, pay highest prices 5 Phone 1600w, 338 Princess Street. GOULD, GENERAL PURPOSE MARE) sound and kind tn every way, run- about buggy, set of slugle harness; cutter; deuvery w Boi, Riso 8 9 Egg Chatham neubbtor and Brouoder; cheap to quick buyer. Ap~ Ply 401 Division sirest. city. COAL SPHORTAGE -- GOVERNMENT experis predict there will be dan Other ool shoriage this winder, He prepared. Koalsave solution makes $ tons do She work of 4. Easy to make. Copyrignted. - Formule, 25 cents. J. aM. Sproule, Lavant, Ont, VICTORY BONDS, 1017 89& 1918 Issue G. A. BATMAN, 100 Wellington St. * Bearing 3% per cent. Interest ---. If you have any property for sale, wt us list it for you, We have enquiry eyery day for prope erties from $1300 to $5000. : BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY 159 Wellington Street. PERSONAL bd STOOK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street. / a -- New York Stocks. Opédning Close 83% 83 30 1338 Atchison (... .... B.&O .. C.P.R. N.Y.C. Reading So. Raflway Union Pacific .. .. Marine : Marine, ptd. Gdn. Motors 20% 134% | Studebaker . .., Am. Smeilters .. Baldwin Lodo, ... Anaconda ... «Bh Bethlehem, Steel "B' 94 Int Nickel ... . 21 ins. Copper .. 50% Rep. Bteel ... U.S. Steel ... Midvale ... Brazilian , . HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY ER PATHE CANADIAN NEWS 5 / ALL NEXT WEEK Which Played to Capacity Business for 2 Weeks at the Regent Theatre, Can, Cement ... Can, SteamsBip .. Can. Loco. .. .. Dom. Stdel ... ... Steel of Canada .. American Exch. .. 84% ie 8 per cent. .. Baker-Robinson Wedding. The marriage was quietly solemn- ized in Toronto," on 'Tuesday, Dec. "The Miracle Man"! 16th, of Miss Jessie (Billie) Robin. son, daughter of J. R. Robinson and Mrs. Robinson. who served as a V, A. D. in France, to Captain B. A, Baker, M.C., Croix de . Guerre, a graduate of St. Dunstan's School for the Blind, now in charge of educa- tion for the blind department at Ot- tawa. The ceremony aL} ver came out ---- The Late Mrs. A. McCabe, The death occurred at the Hotel Dieu Hospital on Thursday morning of Mrs. Margaret McCabe, widow of the date Arcnibald McCabe. She is survived by one sister, Sister Wise- man, of the Hotel Dieu, James, of Vancouver, and Earl, of this city, and one. daughter, Miss Marion, also of the ¢ity. The funeral takes place from the Hotel Dieu on Saturday morning. M. P. Kéyes will send the remains to Napanee for burial. Where Lawyers Got Their Gowns. Manchester Guardian, ! Barristers appear to have had no official costume until the end of the 17th century. Before then the cos tume worn by students at the Inns of Court and by "Utter Barristers" consisted of a stuff gown, and some- times, in term time, a Tound cap, which was worn in Hall or in church. When the judges adopted wigs the barristers did so too, but while the judge's wig has only one-vertical curl just above the tail of the wig, the barrister's has three rows of horizon- tal curls going all the way round. The silk gown, and black Court dress now worn by King's Counsel are generally held to date from the funeral of Queen Mary, being the mourning dress worn by the wish of King William fot a considerable period after the Queen's death, and adopted as 4 eon- IT FOR_FURNITU A MeCann's eal four rooms, two song, | full-bottdmed wig pow CLEAN 5 Bate Agency, 88 Brock t. Faone 326 or 621. : STORAGE FOR FUNNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms, your owu lock and key. Frost's City Storage. 20) Queen sirest. Phone 536; res. #30. TWO UNFURNISHED, WELL HEAT- ed rooms; all conveniences; suit able for light housekeeping; gas for cooking. Apply 406 Johnson, Phone 1131F T, THREE OR suitable for married and telephone. Ap- § St. Lawrence Avenue, or T1lw, UNFURNISHED FF le: Pot FINAKCLAL | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,218. In addition to which the pelic, iders have for security the unlimited Hability of city froperty. insured at lowest Possible rates. Before renewing old or Siving new business get rates from trange and Sirange, Agents. Phone 335. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. pant Soclety; Jouashorted 1881. esident. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice siden A. Cunningham. §iones issued on eity and farm ropertiss. municipal and Sounly bentures; mortgages purche 3 investment bondyg for als: deposits feceived and interest allowed. C. Cartwright. manager, $7 Clar. ¥ HAIR, "MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH, marks, skin cancers, scars eic, res moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed.' Goltre removed, 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J Lake, Eye, har, Nose, Throat, Skin, 25s Bagot street. gs or CABPEATERING. WHEN YOU WANT THF CAR see James Selby, - Contractor, University Avenuvs. Phone 1888w. MEDICAL. DR. J. BE. KANE WISHES TO AN. nounce that he has opened officeq at 196 Wellington Street, opposite t Office. ftive hours 2-4, p.m. w 748.30 pm. Telephone: office, fits: Tt ey, residence, 1631. UPHOLSTERING (CALL OR DROP A CARD TO w. Gavine, upholster. 1 street. \ » ne HAROLD FUR YOUR © holstering and general repairk Ww. Leave orders at or di a-carg t 104 Clergy street. op aS wv. LEGAL, on M, Solicitor. Law oes 18 Cra "gn AMDROSE SHEA, RA. RBRARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office. corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to Joan. Phone 1999. ence 'strest. Kingston. ARCHITECT tects, Merchants' Bank "hambers FER, SON AND DREYER, ARCH. Corner of k and eliington streets MONEY TO LOAN a LOAN, $1300.00 ON PIner at 7%. Apply to oe, TO Box Neo. venient tunie ever since. The jest of Chief n Pol that "the Bar of England went into mourning at the death of Queen Anne and ne- aga EOes some way! in support of this theory, though it seems to involve a conflict with oth- ér authorities in the matter of the precise Queen wa } was concerned. Hear a Good Labor J. 8. Woodsworth morrow (Friday), Dec. 19 at elght mort . 0-1 3. Whig off, CO TN DENTAL. KNAPP, BA. LDS, Dos, tos 250 Princess Street. Phong - -- DR. GORDON C, DEWAR, DENTI 200 Princess street, near Montr street. Phone 1678. °° DRS, IPARKS AND SPARKS, y tists, 1£: Wellington INE. varnoveky"s. }'none Fan my A

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